BEWARE OF BRAZILIANS~tour groups that is!Just back from AllStar Movies.....

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25 + visits and counting....
Feb 2, 2009
Just back from a 4 nt stay. Weather was nice for 2 days, then chilly.Had a great time!! first time staying at this property-will not stay again . Our ressies were screwed up. They attatched our res to another, and gave that party a KEY TO OUR ROOM!:confused3 Thank god, nothing was taken and we got to keep the 2 adjoing rooms we had. Rooms need refub. Bad. Mold in showers and wallpaper was peeling off. Cute room tho. We were in Toy Story. All requests were met.The food court.....The food/taste and value were good. The orgaization and speed of service was awful. TONS of dance groups.Parks , as always, were clean and beautiful.:) Now about those Brazilians.....Tons of Brazil groups. I almost went nuts after 5 days of the Brazilians. They were RUDE, loud obnoxious. Tried to cut in line in front of my 5 YEAR OLD LITTLE GIRL for pictures with Chip n Dale, and knocked her over on the sidewalk. After I picked her up and the Brizilian brat didnt say sorry OR move, I tapped her on the shoulder(brat was 16-17 and half naked)calmly told her to get to the back of the line NOW and say sorry, she claimed she didnt understand with a smirk and her tour group "leader" with the flag came over and I told her and a WDW cast member what had just happened. The leader apologized and the cast member made the girl get out of line and and warned the tour leader. Wow, the Brizillan Brat understood english then. I swear to you, no one we talked to had a positive thing to say about these parentless, loud, rude tour groups. They were doing some "cheer/song" in Beauty and The Beast B4 the play started and had to be told 3 times by Cast members to be silent so the production can start on time. Truly, Id say 25% of the guests in these parks were from Brazil and Argentina. I wish there was a way to find out when they were there in large numbers again......We are going back early Oct and will be staying at an EPCOT property, at least they wont be at those resorts:cheer2: .
Any questions??:wave2:
The Brazilian tour groups generally descend like locusts(as in plagues!!)in January and July. You should be fine in October.
Sorry you had issues.

We were at WDW from January 9th, to the 18th, and while the parks were positively crawling with Brazilian tour groups, I did not find them overly obnoxious. Their sheer numbers sometimes overwhelmed certain attractions, but we just zigged when they zagged.
I agree with ree123.

The Brazilians tour groups were extremely rude and lacked Adult supervision. We just returned back from the world and I plan to write Disney a letter regarding our experiences with them. The knocked over a lady with a baby and kept waking, and then at Fantasmic, they pushed over a girl in a wheel chair. My family and I helped the father right the chair and blocked anyone from coming near her again. I did push one out of the way and he looked at me funny. A few more seconds of his funny looks would have have cost him a funny black eye. I don't mess around with anyone that causes harm to children or those with disabilities.

But there were no adults with them, and they just rude. I know to mark of any January visits to the world now.
Teenage groups with little supervision are generally bad, regardless of nationality. To generalize this as "beware of Brazilians" is at least unfair.

I am sure most Americans wouldn't want to be grouped with the hordes of American teens that descend upon Brazil, Mexico, and the Caribbean in that time honored tradition that is called "spring break."

Because I guarantee this: nothing any Brazilian tour group has ever gotten away with at Disney ever compares to regular American "spring breaker" behavior.

Do I wish Brazilian tour groups were better supervised and chaperoned? You bet. But that applies to all groups of teenagers, regardless of nationality.
We saw several of the tour groups while we were there several weeks ago as well, but did not witness any of the behavior the OP has indicated. We actually commented on how well behaved they were.

BTW - Brazil is off from school in January and July, which is why you will see more of the tour groups during that time.
We were at WDW Jan 20-25 and the Brazillians were invading the was miserable for our HS day and MK night...the CM and I tried so hard to get them to move so we could get a nice PhotoPass picture but they ignored us...until DH tapped them on shoulder and made shooing motions with his hands to get them out of the way.

They chant, they cheer, they scream and they yell, they clap all the time, they cut lines and ignore you when you call them out on it but the worst is they reek of stinky cologne.
My neighbor used to visit in July. She used to tell us about the Brazillian tour groups. I couldn't believe it. Then I bought the "Unoffical Guide to Disney World". They also mention the Brazilian tour groups...and how it should be avoided if at all possible.
My friend was tired of waiting on lines in the July heat, only to have 100 people suddenly get in front of her. Seems they would have someone with the flag stand on line, and when it got close to time to enter, the rest of the tour group would jump in. She complained to CM and was told there was nothing they could do.
She changed the time of year she visited.
That's horrid behavior -- to knock over wheelchairs, little kids, women with babies (on top of all the crude rowdiness) !!! Never in my life have I read of any accounts like these. These teens are really lucky that no one was hurt. Seriously. Since 3 different people have posted similar stories, there is definitely something to all this. WDW needs to head this off before someone does get hurt. Where's all that undercover security?
Your title caught my attention!

I completely, 150% agree with you about the Brazilians!! We were in WDW January 3rd - 12th and had the same experience you did.

My son was kicked in the head by a boy whose father was lifting him over the rope to join others in the line to meet Sorcerer Mickey at DHS. Not a word of apology or anything. I got hit, hard, in the back of the legs with a wheelchair that a group of Brazilians was pushing through the line to go on the Nemo ride and they laughed about it. I turn around and gave them they look of death and they stopped laughing. I swear it took everything inside we not to scream at them and start a fight! The women in the chair ran to get into the ride vehicle and when they got off someone else got in the chair! Ugghh!!!

DH and I realized that it's summer in brazil and the kids must be off of school so everyone goes on these tour vacations after the holidays! Hmmm, I thinking we're going back to going to WDW in March or October!
Is anyone else offended by the title of this thread? I live in an area with a large Brazilian population. They are generally good hard working people.

I understand you are bothered by the unsupervised teenage tour groups and had a bad experience, but don't condemn everyone of the same nationality because of it.

BTW, we always go in July, and while I have seen these group I haven't had any issues with them.
I'm sorry but I burst out laughing when I saw the title.
When my children were younger, January was our time to take them out of school for 2 weeks and go to Disney. We had numerous encounters with what the older kids have named "rude South Americans". I can only guess that it is a cultural thing because over the years, it has not just been unsupervised teens, but families as well.

My youngest son was 11 months old on his first visit (1994) and hair so blonde that is was almost white. What I didn't know until I got home is that a golden haired baby is a sign of good luck to them. OMG you would never believe the stories I could tell, including them trying to get him out of the stroller to let everyone in the group touch his hair. I'm all for a little good luck, but they would stand in front of the stroller and just reach in....a little unnerving to say the least.

I have been there with the football crowds which included goups of Canadian/American teens and there is no comparing the manners of these kids and the lack of to the others.
Sorry people had trouble...we were there 2 days with Brazilian tour groups in January (and yes, I'm sure they were Brazilian, at least that's what their custom jackets said:goodvibes )

they made quite the crowded appearance at Epcot on our day there, but other than their tour guides clogging up the Soarin' fastpass machines for 20 minutes getting hundreds of fastpasses for the whole group, they didn't affect us at all. Like a PP said, we zigged when they zagged & it worked out fine. I don't think I'd try to follow them on a ride, that's for sure...they flock to those flags, so if we saw a flag-lady, we went the other way. Virtually no waits on the rides if you didn't follow them around.

Didn't see any acts of actual rudeness...we did hear some cheering/chanting going on around the corner at one point, but we didn't investigate because it was behind us. (think they may have been heading for The Seas building, but we were on the other side of the Land heading toward World showcase.

We lucked out on our day at MK - apparently they were at AK or DHS that day, because MK was empty, empty, empty...not a Brasilian jacket in sight.
Are these groups a problem during President's Weekin February?

Good to know about the January/ July schedule.....
I'm sorry but I burst out laughing when I saw the title.
When my children were younger, January was our time to take them out of school for 2 weeks and go to Disney. We had numerous encounters with what the older kids have named "rude South Americans". I can only guess that it is a cultural thing because over the years, it has not just been unsupervised teens, but families as well.

My youngest son was 11 months old on his first visit (1994) and hair so blonde that is was almost white. What I didn't know until I got home is that a golden haired baby is a sign of good luck to them. OMG you would never believe the stories I could tell, including them trying to get him out of the stroller to let everyone in the group touch his hair. I'm all for a little good luck, but they would stand in front of the stroller and just reach in....a little unnerving to say the least.

I have been there with the football crowds which included goups of Canadian/American teens and there is no comparing the manners of these kids and the lack of to the others.

Are you even serious?

Golden haired baby a sign of luck? Lol. You dont get out much, do you? There is no culture in Latin America where touching a blond kid's hair is a sign of good luck. Heck, Germans make a significant amount of the population in Brazil, Chile and Argentina. Its not like they havent seen it before. You probably encountered a weird bunch.

And the whole stereotyping of not only South American teens, but everyone else?

What is this? Xenophobia day at the DIS?

I've lived in both places (Brazil and the US), Ive gone to school in both places, and I've been witness to rudeness by many nationalities.

Spend a day at a beach town anywhere in Latin America during spring break and compare notes. Heck, go to disney during spring break, or pop warner, and compare notes. (Most Latin American nations do not have spring breaks, so it is a safe bet that Americans will overwhelm the place)

Do I avoid Brazilian teen groups while at Disney? Heck, yeah. But do I also avoid pop warner/cheerleader/band groups? Heck yeah, and I can give anyone here countless examples of bad behavior there as well.

I bet most here object to the stereotype of the rude, ignorant American tourist. Why then indulge in such stereotyping others?
Is anyone else offended by the title of this thread? I live in an area with a large Brazilian population. They are generally good hard working people.

I understand you are bothered by the unsupervised teenage tour groups and had a bad experience, but don't condemn everyone of the same nationality because of it.

BTW, we always go in July, and while I have seen these group I haven't had any issues with them.

Well, if you are offended, sorry. But, I gotta tell ya,heres the facts. A/ They were Brazillian. B/ They WERE a rude, obnoxious, ignorant bunch of unsupervised brats that is equal to a nightmare when you have THOUSANDS of them. Thats the truth. And if they were football players-Id have started the thread with "Beware of Football Players" or if they were marching band members , I wouldve started out with "Beware of Maching Bands".I am not the only one here complaining~Its a majority of people who come in contact with these kids.
Well, if you are offended, sorry. But, I gotta tell ya,heres the facts. A/ They were Brazillian. B/ They WERE a rude, obnoxious, ignorant bunch of unsupervised brats that is equal to a nightmare when you have THOUSANDS of them. Thats the truth. And if they were football players-Id have started the thread with "Beware of Football Players" or if they were marching band members , I wouldve started out with "Beware of Maching Bands".I am not the only one here complaining~Its a majority of people who come in contact with these kids.

The problem is that you would not have said "beware of Americans" if they were simply football players. Beware of Brazilian tour groups is probably a more precise description.
The problem is that you would not have said "beware of Americans" if they were simply football players. Beware of Brazilian tour groups is probably a more precise description.[/QUOE]

I changed the title of post to Beware of Brizillians~tour groups. Thats exactly what they were.
I encountered a rude Brazilian tour group in December. Their chanting throughout the park was disruptive and I was disappointed to see their chaperone/leader encouraging it.

The Brazilian tour groups are in direct contrast to the many Brazilian cast members at the parks. The Brazilian cast members whom I have encountered are very friendly, kind, helpful, and professional. They understand the Disney magic and actively contribute to it.
Teenage groups with little supervision are generally bad, regardless of nationality. To generalize this as "beware of Brazilians" is at least unfair.

I am sure most Americans wouldn't want to be grouped with the hordes of American teens that descend upon Brazil, Mexico, and the Caribbean in that time honored tradition that is called "spring break."

Because I guarantee this: nothing any Brazilian tour group has ever gotten away with at Disney ever compares to regular American "spring breaker" behavior.

Do I wish Brazilian tour groups were better supervised and chaperoned? You bet. But that applies to all groups of teenagers, regardless of nationality.

I couldn't have said this better myself. It is unfair to single out a nationality when the behavior could have been from any group of unsupervised teens, regardless of country of origin.
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