Beth's WW Journey. (Comments Welcome)


DIS Veteran
Aug 4, 2007
Hi, my name is Beth. I have been lurking on WISH for a couple of weeks. I have been so inspired by you all, that I have decided to start my own journal.

I am a wife and mom to Kate(7). I am a RN working part-time in an outpatient surgical clinic and full-time chauffeur to dance class.;)

I have always struggled with my weight, but I kept it mostly under control until my second pregnancy in 2005. I lost my baby at 26 weeks, and went into a major depression. With the help of medication and therapy, I am back among the land of the living, but I found myself weighing 262 pounds. I joined WW 13 weeks ago, and I have lost 30.8 pounds. Ultimately, I would like to weigh 162. (BMI 25%) I am doing the flex program, and I finding it pretty easy to follow. I also just started tracking on sparkpeople. I find their tracker awesome, and it has helped me refine my eating habits further. It also has helped with my exercise. I do have periods where I feel overwhelmed by the 100lbs I need to lose, but I am trying to take it a week at a time.

Things I need to work on:
1.) Staying OP. I have a tendency to be all-or-nothing. I need to get right back OP when I slip.

2.) Exercise. Time is a big issue here. We do have a membership at the local Y, but it doesn't open until 530AM, and I need to be on the road at 615 for work. Right now, exercising in the evening works. Once school is in session, I go straight from work to the studio. I also have bad knees, so I have to watch what I do. I have bilateral replacements in the near future.

3.) Water consumption. I just don't like it. My goal is 80oz a day.

4.) Sabotage. This includes my own and my family. I need to stay vigilant about the depression, and get my meds adjusted from time to time. I need to remember to make myself a priority. (A tough one for me.) DH also needs to lose some weight, but isn't ready. He has a tendency to bring home "treats". I have talked to him, but ultimately, I am responsible for what goes in my mouth.

Well, that is me. I look forward to getting to know many of you over the next few weeks. I am slowly making it through some of the journals.

Take care,
You've done so great so far!! How inspirational.

I'll definitely be following along, and joining you at weight watchers in two weeks when the kids FINALLY go back to school!

Keep up the great work.
Thank you for stopping by my journal Beth! :)

It seems to me like you are on an excellent path. You have done an amazing job with WW in the past 13 weeks. And it sounds to me like you have really healthy goals in mind for yourself! I am looking forward to following your journey. I guess my best advice for you would be to not be too hard on yourself if you have a slip up and to make sure you celebrate each victory, big or small, along the way. :hug:
Hi 2Princes and Amy. Thanks for stopping by my journal. I appreciate the feedback Amy.

Last night did not go as planned. We had dinner at my inlaws club. I like my inlaws, really I do. It is just very stressful for me. MIL adores my DD, and she wants more grandchildren. She spent the entire time trying to convince us to try again. I just won't go through another pregnancy. Added to that, when I took Kate to the bathroom, they cleared my plate. All I had eaten was 4 scallops and a few green beans. DH was busy talking to FIl, and didn't notice. MIL just said, I was on a diet, so I shouldn't eat a potato. Ugh. I came home and had ice cream. Oh well, that is what the flex points are for I suppose.

Today is off to a good start. I walked 2 miles with my dog. I need to take Kate to the dentist this afternoon. After that, we will go to the park for a bit. I'll walk the dog again tonight, 2.5 miles. I also have a mountain of laundry looming. :laundy: :scared1: I hate laundry. If you don't do it naked, than there is always more to do.:sad2:

Food today:
B: Banana and latte.
L: WW pita with hummus, red pepper, grilled chicken. 1 cup raspberries.

Water: 48oz so far.
Meds taken.

I will be back this evening to update my food/activity. I also hope to hit some journals.

Have a good one,
I hate laundry. If you don't do it naked, than there is always more to do.:sad2:

Man....where's the tag fairy when you need her??!!! :confused3 :lmao:
Isn't that the truth though??!! Be thankful you don't have to go to the laundromat!!!:eek: (I hated those days!!)

Thanks for checking out my journal Beth! It's always nice to have a new friend on board!!

marie :hippie:
I know how that all or nothing thing goes, I have the same problem! Either I go all out, or I dwindle away and do nothing. The fact that you have lost 30 lbs so far is AWESOME, keep up the good work. I know how hard it is balancing work, life, and dealing with family dynamics. I have one of those "families" you know the ones that aren't so supportive when you are trying to lose weight.

Here is a story, I find it funny. Last Christmas before my cousin went into the Marines we were talking at Christmas dinner about exercise and working out, and I was talking about how I used to run 5-6 miles a day before I went into the Army (about 12 years ago) and asked him how he was doing getting into shape. Well his mother (my aunt who thinks her children are perfect angels and better than anyone else in the world) who is in no kind of shape herself laughs at me and says that I never ran that far in my life. Well how would she know? So the months passed and I was working on getting in shape, and I ran the Boilermaker in July, 9.3 miles in 1 hour and 56 minutes. So we are all at the house for a picnic in July and everyone is there for my uncle's party. We get to talking again (my cousin has since been kicked out of the Marines), and I was talking about running the Boilermaker and my aunt pipes up with "yeah and they had the paving truck behind her filling in all the potholes she made during the run". So I said to her, well you think it's so easy, why don't you run it with me next year? At that point she is forced to make a public retraction and acknowledge that I did something she never could have, and that (gasp) I did a "good job". Pretty impressive to hear that from someone who thinks her life is perfect, yet everyone else watching it knows that it's not. So we all have interesting family dynamics to endure. So enough of my tangent!

Keep up the good work, I look forward to reading about your progress on here, and I look forward to making progress as well!
Welcome to WISH Journaling, Beth!:hug:

That is wonderful that you have lost 30 pounds already! Keep up the good work and you will definitely make your goals!:cheer2:

Thanks for your words of encouragement in my journal.:goodvibes It's always nice to have new friends stop by!:hug:

Hope you have a great Tuesday!:cool1:
I finished up yesterday as planned. Within points and with the 2nd walk. I do need to work on getting more protein into my diet.

Today I woke up at 530. Walked the dog. Folded more laundry. Kate had a doctors appointment to clear her for anesthesia. Apparently, when her two front teeth came in, it compressed 2 of her molars to the point that they cracked. All this in 6 months. She needs to have two teeth extracted and a crown place on another. Poor kid. Poor budget!:confused3 She is cleared, so that appointment is set for 8/22. Now, I just need to get the day off. I've emailed my boss, but no answer. If necessary, I'll call in.

Kate and I are walking to the park to play for a bit. Park is 1 mile away. Then we are baking some banana bread. Another walk tonight. I do need to make it to the Y this week for some strength training, and an intense workout, but Kate is too old for child-watch. The second stage of their childwatch is essentially unsupervised, and there has been issues with bullying. I will see if DH can babysit while I do that tonight.

Water: 80oz already.:drinking1
B: Apple and latte.
L: Turkey sandwich on ww. Mustard,lettuce, tomatoes, onion. Red pepper slices and hummus.
D: Chicken stir-fry with brown rice.
Dessert: Mixed berries.
I have bananas or grapes for a snack this afternoon.

1 walk down (40 min).
Park this pm.
Walk or the Y this evening.

I hope to make it to journals tonight. I work the next 3 days, so I will only get to journal when things are slow at work.

Take care,
Hey Beth!! :goodvibes

I'm so glad you started a journal. Your support on my journal is VERY much appreciated! (and we can totally share stories of our DDs (mine is 8). :cutie:

A big CONGRATS to you on your (over) 30 pound loss so far!! :woohoo: That's AWESOME! You have a great plan in place and you can stick to it, I know it. WW is a great plan to follow and it allows you "cheats" without it ruining your progress.

You're putting in some serious miles! What is the temp where you live? I miss walking at lunch, but it's usually around 100 degrees by then and I just can't do it. :rolleyes:

Keep up the great work, and I look forward to watching you shrink! :goodvibes

Oh, and HUGS :hug: to you for all you've been through.
I forgot to say on my last reply....
CONGRATS on the 30 lb loss!!! That's major!!!
Also good job on the food & exercise!!!
Keep it up girl!!!

Kim and Marie, thanks for stopping by. I am learning so much from you all.

Well, I didn't give up on my journal. I had issues with my laptop. DH just got it running again. Thank God. Everything is going ok. I made it to the Y 3 times this week for strength training and time on the evil elliptical. I only lost 0.2 pounds, but I figure that it is the new wt training. At least that is what I am going with. I am averaging about 100oz of water a day, so that is on track too.

Tomorrow I am headed to Birch Run for some outlet school shopping, so I will get up early to walk the dog. Ok, I need to get munchkin into bed, and then I will catch up with some journals.

Take care,
Welcome to WISH, Beth!! I'm a WW, too!

Your 30 lb loss is FANTASTIC!!!

Hope you're having a good weekend! Keep up the awesome exercise!!!
Today was great fun. I woke up and took puppy for his walk, despite the rain. Huge victory, since I am a fair weather exerciser. Drove to the outlet. Had lunch with future SIL. Soup/salad (9 pts total). Bought EVERYTHING DD needed for school. Found a couple of NON-PLUS sized clothes for me. Had dinner with family and FSIL, BIL. Came in under points. Made a couple of loaves of pumpkin bread for DD breakfasts. Now I am off to bed.

I will catch up with people tomorrow.
Hi Beth!

First of all, thanks for the nice comments in my's appreciated...

Great job with getting to the Y to do your strength trainings, and with keeping under your points. It seems like you are very determined and dedicated to your plan and that is the most important thing.

Don't worry about the weight all the time...I've found that it fluctuates a bunch and if you just take averages over the course of a week or two, you'll see a more accurate picture of what is going on. For me, it seems to go up after a ton of exercise, and go down after I've splurged on fast food (go figure!)...but the weekly/bi-weekly averages seem to be right in line with the real deal.

Hope you have a good week...
Hi Beth, first of all welcome to WISH! Its a great board and you are a great addition to it. That is so awesome you have lost 31 pounds. What a huge accomplishment! Very motivating to me I must say :) . I so hear you about the in laws. I know with my family and dh's even when you love them, sometimes the boundries (or lack thereof) can be a bit daunting to handle! You may just need to tell your mother in law that the subject of more children is off limits and to be thankful for the beautiful granddaughter you have given her. That must be very hard to have to deal with that, and I am so sorry you lost your baby :hug: . Good for you for taking your meds and losing this weight, that is really something to be very proud of! You can do this, heck you are doing it!

Good luck with dd's dental surgery.
Hey Beth, just checking in. Sounds like you're doing GREAT with staying OP and keeping up with your workouts. You're a complete inspiration to me. :thumbsup2
Hi Beth-Im so glad you started your journal! It was one of the best things ive done--i made some good friends and its so nice having somewhere to come and post!

CONGRATS on losing the 30 lbs! you are doing a great job--keep with it!
Well, I never made it back to my journal last night.:confused3

Thankd for stopping by everyone.

It was raining like crazy yesterday. When I went to the Y, it was closed due to power failure. Fortunately, we had power. I walked 4 miles on the treadmill. I did go over my points total by 5, but I hadn't touched my FP yet. I am not stressed about it.

Today we have been busy at work. The sun is starting to peek out, so I will take the puppy on a walk. I really don't have anything else planned for the day. I am hoping for an early night. We'll see.

Take care,


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