#BellLetsTalk Day

Donald - my hero

<font color=blue>Aww yes. The dreaded "mouse hand"
Jun 11, 2006
I know there are many people here who don't use Facebook but I feel very strongly about sharing my post here since there are other ways you can contritubte to this VERY worthwhile cause that I'll include at the end of my post:

I know this initiative is surrounded by controversy every year with people saying that it is a hollow attempt by a company to single out one day as having a significant impact on the mental health of Canadians. I'd like to offer first-hand experience of what happened with $420,000 that was generated from Bell Let's Talk Day to provide life changing treatment for thousands of patients, including myself. I have Type 2 Bipolar Disorder and deal with treatment resistant depression because I suffer from paradoxical reactions to medications and deal with debilitating side effects that have left me with no prescription based options to treat my mental illness. 7 years ago we stumbled across a clinic in Toronto Western Hospital that offered rTMS, safe, non-invasive treatments that use a magnetic field to stimulate nerve cells in the brain that are involved in controlling emotions. My last treatment was on February 14th, 2020 before the clinic was closed due to COVID-19. While searching for options to continue my care I stumbled across a press release from January 27th, 2020, announcing that Bell Let's Talk had donated the money to William Osler Health System to open a rTMS clinic in Brampton Civic Hospital. Although we're out of their catchment area they've agreed to offer me treatments once I feel comfortable that the Covid-19 restrictions that are currently in place will allow me to safely travel in and out of Peel region, a "hot spot" in our province.
Another rTMS clinic was funded in Montreal in 2018, and on January 7th, 2021 they announced funding for another rTMS clinic in Halifax. So while there is merit to some of the complaints that this "single day" offers only lip service, please hear me when i say THANK YOU for all the shares and views of the videos, tweets, texts, calls, TicTok videos, Facebook Frames & snap chat filters that you use because every single nickel those generate really DO add up and create opportunities for concrete mental health care.

#bellletstalk !

Here's how you can help generate funds towards this initiative that's needed more than ever during COVID-19 since they are helping to fund many ways to help Canadians get the mental health support they need right now!

On Bell Let’s Talk Day, let’s make every one of these actions count.

Each time you tweet and retweet using #BellLetsTalk or watch our official video, Bell will donate 5¢ more towards mental health initiatives.

Each time you use the Bell Let’s Talk Facebook frame or watch our official video, Bell will donate 5¢ more towards mental health initiatives.

Each time you watch our official video on Instagram, Bell will donate 5¢ more towards mental health initiatives.

Each time you use the Bell Let’s Talk Snapchat filter or watch our official video, Bell will donate 5¢ more towards mental health initiatives.

Each time you watch our official video on YouTube, Bell will donate 5¢ more towards mental health initiatives.

Each time you upload a video using #BellLetsTalk or watch our official video, Bell will donate 5¢ more towards mental health initiatives.

Each time you watch our official video on Pinterest, Bell will donate 5¢ more towards mental health initiatives.

Text messages
For every text message sent by a Bell wireless customer, Bell will donate 5¢ more towards mental health initiatives.*

*This event excludes iMessages. Regular charges apply.

For every call made by Bell wireless and home phone customers*, Bell will donate 5¢ more to mental health initiatives.

*By a Bell, Bell MTS or Bell Aliant mobile or home phone customer. Regular service charges apply.
I don’t find it lip service from Bell itself but as a former victim of domestic violence by a man who has a very large social media following I find it really hard to swallow his fake mental health tweets today and every bell let’s talk day. I find it’s simply become something to do because every time is doing it and no one thinks much about it tomorrow.
i Tweet and ask people instead of just tweeting to live it, to be aware of others and assist as needed.. to make a difference not just a one day a year tweet .
I remember a time not too long ago where people didn’t even talk openly about mental health concerns, like it was something shameful.
We live in a world where our mental health isn’t considered as important, or part of our overall physical health, and it’s still a challenge. That has to change.
We’ve made huge strides in the last few decades and things like “Bell Let’s Talk” are a part of that. It makes mental health and illness part of the conversation. I think it’s important to always be striving for better, but it’s a worthwhile campaign that brings a difficult topic into the mainstream. That’s a good thing.
This might be " lip service " in some people's eyes...but Bell doing this is giving mental health a platform that more people are slowly starting to feel more comfortable talking about. It is not an uncomfortable topic to breach anymore. People know that it is out there, and more people are starting to voice about mental health issues. I see if more and more everyday in our community.

We live in a VERY blue collar community with the very high number of young hard working people. Mental health is talked about in our community especially given how " blue collar" it is, young population, high suicide rate, high alcohol and drug use - all of these are markers for mental health. I see mental health talked about on community groups on different platforms everyday. It is encouraging to see people talking more about it. The younger generation is learning that it is "OK" to talk about it - THAT is a good thing!

I have openly talked with others about our family history of mental health issues. It needs to be talked about!!!! It is the root of soooooooooooooooooooooooo many issues in society these days.


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