Bambi's hospital report - OFF TOPIC WARNING

Liav is home from hospital and healing nicely. I have no doubt that your generous sprinkling of pixie dust and positive thoughts have helped immensely. It is absolutely amazing what surgeons can do with this type of injury, and they have promised that Liav will be "good as new" in a short time. Meanwhile, she is coping well, and has many visitors to keep her mind on the positive.

We're thinking about Disneyland California in September... and DLP in December!!!

Thank you all so much again - it really meant a lot.

:flower: :) :flower: :) :flower: :) :flower:
Jody that is such great news. Liav, take good care of yourself and your mum and start planning your trips to come - I'm sure that will be medicine in itself!

:sunny: :grouphug:

Jody, so glad that Liav is home. Lots of :grouphug: for you both!!!

Keep dreaming of Disney, that pixiedust must be working!!!
Great news i have been thinking about Liav a lot over the past few days.Hope you are also looking after yourself :flower:
just a note to say im so glad shes getting better more pixie dust and prayers are comming your way
HI again everyone -
So many of you have emailed me asking about Liav that I decided to again risk the off-topic police and post another update. I am just so incredibly grateful - the outpouring of support from all of you has been more than I ever dreamed. Liav truly appreciated it - she has the printout of this entire thread on her bulletin board.

Liav is recovering beautifully. The repaired shattered cheekbone will have a small metal plate for one year, after which they will remove it and assess what (if anything) has to be done surgically to keep her face symetrical - since at this age there can still be a little bit of growth or change to the facial structure. The other fractures should heal up with absolutely no problem. The really good news is that the nerve seems to be coming back into functioning - I had been really afraid she would lose mobility in the left side her mouth (lips), but slowly she is showing a bit of a smile on that side and the doctors assured us that if there is any movement now, it's a sign that it can all come back right to normal. YES!!!! :Pinkbounc :bounce:

Aaaaannnnnd.... she went to school today. I'm at work writing this and I'm a bit nervous about her being out and about with the throngs of kids.. but I'm trying to think positively! :flower:

Again, thank you all SO MUCH! I have to say, people who really "get" Disney are just people who "get" life... they (we) seem to have a sunnier and more positive outlook than "normal", and I truly believe that to embrace Walt Disney's philosophies about life (basically, "DREAMS DO COME TRUE") is to really have it all. Not that bad things won't happen, because as long as we are human, they will... it's what we do with them and make of them that matters, and how we come out on the other side of them. I don't take any credit for this, but Liav is such a great example of this. She amazes me every day in her intuitive grasp of what's important and I have no idea where she got her amazing strength. (Oh, okay, her Dad can have some credit!! :) )

Liav and I have been so blessed with many many wonderful friends - she's been surrounded by love and support at every moment. And how wonderful that we live in an age when people we have never physically met are as real to us as the ones we see every day - and mean so much to us. The love we receive over the internet is every bit as real and as precious as the hugs we get from local friends.

okay, somebody stop me - I do have a way of going on... and on!

:flower: :) :flower: :) :flower: :) :flower:
Hi Jody - the news about Liav is great!!! I'm so glad she has done so well in every way and is set to make a complete recovery. :sunny: You've had a really difficult time but some good has come out of it too - like seeing how much everyone cares and wanted to support you both. :goodvibes It's a great thing, as you say, that Uncle Walt set in motion - how much better life is when people are nice to each other!!
By the way I don't think you need worry about the "off topic police" - I think they're on permanent holiday!!! ;)
Thanks Diana, and by the way, I keep forgetting to tell you - Liav has been asking if you have a close-up of your lanyard! You signature picture shows you wearing, if we are not mistaken... a pin lanyard? And pin-crazy Liav would love to know which ones you have! (just out of curiosity of course!)
Sorry Liav - we aren't into pin collecting I'm afraid! It's just a camera lanyard with Mickey all over it that I bought in WDW.

SOOOOOOOOO glad to hear you're making a great recovery!!! :sunny:
That's wonderful news!! :Pinkbounc

More big hugs for Liav :grouphug: to help that smile along! :)
great news on Liav's recovery and steps to normality in being back at school.

Kids are great with their capacity to see the good in everything and I'm sure Liav's friends will be supportive. :flower:

Lots of Disney love and best wishes :grouphug:

Whoo-hoo! I'm so glad she's recovering well!

On a side note, Liav inspired me to pin-trade on my last trip! I always collected a few on every trip, but this time I looked out for those sets of 4 pins with a lanyard for a price that was a lot less than the price of 4 individual pins, and I used them to trade. :flower: It was great! ::MinnieMo
I just read Liav your post and she is thrilled to have "inspired" you to pin-trade!! She can't wait to get back to do it some more... I'm afraid I'll have to coax her out of the shops and onto the rides! I guess it's poetic justice - it was the other way around when she was younger!! :rotfl:
Hi Jody :flower:
Glad to hear Liav is doing well :sunny:
Have you any plans in the pipeline to return to Dlp for a convelesanse(sp) Trip! :Pinkbounc
Jody, that is such wonderful news.

I can't tell you how delighted I was when I read your post :) :)

Liav, if you're reading this, I would say only one thing. A lady can never have too many pins ;)

:Pinkbounc :wizard:
Jody and Liav, I am so glad you are recovering so well, it must be so great to get back to school to see all your friends, not so great to do lessons!:rotfl:

Lots more :grouphug: and :hug: and :wizard: pixiedust :wizard: coming your way!


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