Ballpark wait time for direct points from SSR

Just thought I would provide an update.

I am still waiting for the call with points. I did switch guides last week and I feel good about my choice.
Just thought I would provide an update.

I am still waiting for the call with points. I did switch guides last week and I feel good about my choice.

Good for you! I've been wondering if you'd heard anything. Keep us posted, and good luck!
Still waiting. I have a feeling I will be waiting until after December when they don’t have to give me 2017 points.

And possibly it's not even malicious. Maybe they ROFRed stripped contracts without current year points. Legally, to sell you a contract they must give you current UY points, so they have to wait for the new UY to start and points to refresh.
Apparently there is enough of a wait list for SSR Dec use year to keep me still here posting “no points yet” updates. There are points at SSR for other use years according to my guide but I want to stick with what I have.

And based on what I have seen it does look like a lot of the ROFR’d contracts posted on a very popular resale seller’s blog were stripped. Come on Disney if you have a waitlist there is a those loaded contracts back. I know they exist because I have seen the listings. There weren’t many but I know I saw at least 4 SSR Dec use year with 2017 points. I need to add a summer time trip. :flower1:
we're on a waitlist for Dec and Feb SSR points. nothing yet. i think we're going to open up the search to BLT and BC also.
we're on a waitlist for Dec and Feb SSR points. nothing yet. i think we're going to open up the search to BLT and BC also.

How long have you been waiting for those points?

I got a call Friday for OKW points but we really want our points to be in one place so we told the guide to pass them to someone else. I can’t imagine we will be waiting too much longer for those SSR points.
We got SSR direct points in about 7 days after calling to add on. That was in July though, during what seemed to be a "buy back frenzy". Maybe they have slowed down the buy backs and don't have the inventory as readily available. We only purchased 80 points so that could also be a reason we got them a little quicker.
I got my 25 point SSR add-on (December 2017) and the wait was less than 24 hours for a March UY contract. I feel like SSR is a different animal direct than older resorts (VGF, BLT, etc.) which usually appears when the UY turns over. SSR is being ROFR'd all the time it seems.
We got SSR direct points in about 7 days after calling to add on. That was in July though, during what seemed to be a "buy back frenzy". Maybe they have slowed down the buy backs and don't have the inventory as readily available. We only purchased 80 points so that could also be a reason we got them a little quicker.
My guide told me that point request total does not affect how she handles the waitlist. If you request 200 points, they won't skip you because they only have 25 points (the official minimum parcel they sell), they'll offer you the 25 points first (keeping you in the queue for the rest of your 75 if you take it), but will give you ROFR before moving down the waitlist.
We just purchased 110 SSR points direct from Disney last Friday (9/14/18). I put in my request on Wednesday - so it took 2 days. That is with an August UY which is fine since we normally go in Sept/Oct. I was very shocked to get a call back so soon. We did receive the 2018 points. My paperwork is coming today!!
We just purchased 110 SSR points direct from Disney last Friday (9/14/18). I put in my request on Wednesday - so it took 2 days. That is with an August UY which is fine since we normally go in Sept/Oct. I was very shocked to get a call back so soon. We did receive the 2018 points. My paperwork is coming today!!
That is awesome that you got them so fast. I think my wait is due to not having the 2017 points available (we want to match your Dec use year). We are about to hit two full months of waiting and I never thought it would take this long to get points for SSR. We want to take a trip in Summer 2019 but will have to borrow from our current contract 2019 points. If we get the added points after I already borrowed I am then stuck with points in a use year that I no longer need them in....or I guess be forced to take a second trip. Hmmm...Okay maybe this isn’t too bad a problem to have lol.
That is awesome that you got them so fast. I think my wait is due to not having the 2017 points available (we want to match your Dec use year). We are about to hit two full months of waiting and I never thought it would take this long to get points for SSR. We want to take a trip in Summer 2019 but will have to borrow from our current contract 2019 points. If we get the added points after I already borrowed I am then stuck with points in a use year that I no longer need them in....or I guess be forced to take a second trip. Hmmm...Okay maybe this isn’t too bad a problem to have lol.

You may have answered this in a previous post but is there anything available on the resale market?
You may have answered this in a previous post but is there anything available on the resale market?
I haven’t looked today. I only looked at two sites yesterday and nothing in our use year. We are looking for direct to get the discount on the APs because eventually we plan to go twice a year and with 5 of us we do see a break even point. I know the benefits may go away at any time.

Our current resale contract took 4 tries before we made it through ROFR (and about 6 months) so I dreaded the thought of another long process but here I am waiting again :/
Called back this morning and told him that we were open to accepting BLT also. He said BC wasn't an option because the wait list was so long for current owners at BC to even add on. So Dec and Feb UY at SSR or BLT. He said there were about 700 rooms at BLT so it should be just as easy for that to open up as SSR. We went on the SSR wait list 9 days ago. Looking for 75 points. He said there was no such thing as a Nov or Jan use year. Is that true?
Called back this morning and told him that we were open to accepting BLT also. He said BC wasn't an option because the wait list was so long for current owners at BC to even add on. So Dec and Feb UY at SSR or BLT. He said there were about 700 rooms at BLT so it should be just as easy for that to open up as SSR. We went on the SSR wait list 9 days ago. Looking for 75 points. He said there was no such thing as a Nov or Jan use year. Is that true?

The Use Year months are: Feb, Mar, Apr, Jun, Aug, Sep, Oct and Dec.

I tried to buy 50 points at SSR December use year and was told they didn't have them. Same story for October use year.
The Use Year months are: Feb, Mar, Apr, Jun, Aug, Sep, Oct and Dec.

I tried to buy 50 points at SSR December use year and was told they didn't have them. Same story for October use year.

I have been waiting for SSR Dec use year points since the beginning of Aug. I usually check in weekly with my guide who said he still does not have any (as of yesterday). Since I did get a call for the OKW Dec use year points I hope it won’t be too much longer for SSR. I started the wait list for both at the same time.
Called back this morning and told him that we were open to accepting BLT also. He said BC wasn't an option because the wait list was so long for current owners at BC to even add on. So Dec and Feb UY at SSR or BLT. He said there were about 700 rooms at BLT so it should be just as easy for that to open up as SSR. We went on the SSR wait list 9 days ago. Looking for 75 points. He said there was no such thing as a Nov or Jan use year. Is that true?

Make no mistake that there are a lot of points that were sold for BLT, but it's not even close to being the same size as SSR, nor close to being 700 rooms.

BLT - 0 Dedicated Studios - 0 Dedicated 1BR villas - 148 Dedicated 2BR villas - 133 Lockoffs - 14 Grand Villas = 295 Villas / 428 Max. Available

SSR - 0 Dedicated Studios - 0 Dedicated 1Bdrm - 360 Dedicated 2Bdrm - 432 Lockoffs - 60 THV - 36 Grand Villas = 888 Villas / 1320 Max. Available

So, if all lock-offs were booked as 2 rooms it's 428 maximum. vs the 1320 at SSR.

My name is still on a waitlist for 50 BLT points - October UY and has been since early January.
yea i tried to tell him that. we previously had 2 - 150 pt contracts at SSR and sold out in 16'. But then i thought better of arguing with the person who has me in Wait-List Hell.
Just got back from our trip. Went in to learn about more Dvc. Decided we wanted 100 points. He let us play around with numbers on this huge screen. We compared resorts prices and fees. I noticed Copper at 75 points was more $$ and more maintenance fees than Ssr at 100 points. Our guide said not all resorts are available. But he called someone. He offered us Ssr with June use month. We took it. No waitlist.
We want to take a trip in Summer 2019 but will have to borrow from our current contract 2019 points. If we get the added points after I already borrowed I am then stuck with points in a use year that I no longer need them in....or I guess be forced to take a second trip. Hmmm...Okay maybe this isn’t too bad a problem to have lol.

For what it's worth, they reallocated the points I had on existing BLT trip I already had on the books using 2017 UY points (that were banked to 2018 UY) when I bought a BLT add on direct in June. I didn't even ask, or think of asking, them to do that. Might be worth an ask when the points come up.

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