One thing to keep in mind when choosing a luau is whether the dinner is a buffet or plated. I found that the plated ones were long on meat. I'm not much of a meat eater, so I prefer a buffet where I can load up on sides. Paradise Cove fit the bill for me.
My only criticism of Paradise Cove was the announcer...hostess...whatever she was called...who introduced the acts and did a lot of talking. She was way over the top on the "love is in the air" thing. She kept having couples stand up, kiss, murmur that they loved each other...over and over. It seemed to me that this would be off-putting to anybody in the audience who was recently widowed or divorced or who had otherwise gone through a painful breakup, and it added nothing to the entertainment.
Otherwise, Paradise Cove was good. There were some fun activities before dinner, the food was good, the dancers were amazing, and it was within easy walking distance of Aulani. It was also less expensive than the Aulani luau.