Are you still “quarantining” or have you resumed most activities?

Yeah my sister and nephew just drove down to NC to visit my newlywed niece. They wore masks in the states in the states they stopped and alot of people scowled at them. They're trying to be respectful passing thru these states by socially distancing and wearing masks but some people would rather them spread their NJ cooties instead?
To be fair, we scowl at tri state folks without a pandemic... lol
We are out and about now. Last night we went out to dinner at one of our usual restaurants. We were outside on the patio. It was very nice and relaxing. Tables were distanced and we had paper menus. We wore masks until seated. I felt like it worked very well. We are making another dining reservation for this coming week. I had my hair cut last week and the dog was groomed last week. My younger DS is letting us play with the kids instead of just watching them play from a distance. Older DS is a bit slower in this area but he is starting to talk about being able to play with the kids this summer. We are looking at going to NH for a few days later in the summer. I need to have a change of scenery. My office has started phase one reopening but most people want to keep working from home. I have been going in one day a week all along so I am continuing that. I want to keep mainly working from home especially since my hours were cut by 40%. I will say it is nice to get back a little bit of normalcy.
We are in NC, phase 2, and things seem to be all over the place. I've mostly ordered online and have loved grocery pick up long before it was necessary. It took me a few times of trying before I did any store shopping. I left the parking lot when it looked too crowded but I finally went in a few stores 2 weeks ago. I wore a mask and most wore them too.

However, I took my son to the dr and we were the only ones masked besides the dr. It felt really weird and since we are new here, I can't read the staff. We went in one restaurant with our neighbors and no masks there at all. It was early in the day with very few diners but doubt we will go anywhere else for some time.

Like another said, we expanded our bubble to include my oldest and her husband. We are going to a cabin for a long weekend.

Next month, we will combine bubbles with my parents and my brother and his family at the beach. My husband and brother go into an office and are either masked or on a skeleton crew. The rest of us are pretty well quarantined.

We will do grocery pick up and a pizza delivery but it will be just us at the house. That beach is pretty easy to keep social distances so we are going as long as everyone seems healthy.

We are just trying to balance between staying in and careful socializing.
We had lunch today at Old Chicago which is the second time we ate in dine-in---they had sent me a belated b-day gift ($17 towards a pizza) since they were closed during that time it would have been good for. We went right when they opened and sat outside. There was another couple that joined us outside sitting way far apart on the other side of the patio we actually joked about "oh we're really social distancing" and they laughed and said "oh we're just looking for shade (their table and ours were the only ones in the shade fully) but then they also said "we're just happy to get out" and we totally understood that.

First time eating at dine-in was also outside and was last Sunday.

We haven't really done much shopping other than grocery and things for a landscape project. Haven't shopped for clothes yet other than in Costco. My husband did get a haircut weeks ago. Mostly we stay home going to the parks every now and then or going to the limited places we've been to.

Next weekend however we will begin resuming close contact (as opposed to at least 6 feet from each other) with our families. It's for Father's Day events and is the first event we'd have celebrated with the close contact as opposed to maintaining distance. We'll be going to mother-in-law's house outside Saturday (not positive if we'll be going inside their home yet) and then Sunday with father-in-law going to Topgolf (which has enacted safety measures that at least on their website sound acceptable to me so we'll find out and only 6 people allowed in each bay at this time anyways). I plan on being quite cautious (so I'm not sure I'll be ready to go spend time inside homes for long) but I feel more prepared to resume being closer than 6ft of each other that than I did in early May. This is the biggest step so far. We knew that we would be eventually merging back in with our families. My husband and I have the more isolation as other members of our family either have people they are caretakers for, had other family members already within their social circle or temporarily moved in with other family.

Handsanitizer and masks basically just stay in the purse aside from refilling the container and washing my masks so I'll just keep up with that.
I am mostly still quarantining aside from walks and trips to the store for groceries/necessities.

I am going to be opening my circle a bit and visiting my parents soon. They will be picking me up, so it's really just adding them in and then doing basically what I do here, only at their house (outdoor walks, errands with mask on, etc.).

I'm a little nervous today because I got delivery for the first time in awhile. The delivery guy called when he arrived and I opened our downstairs door for him and asked him to just leave the food there. When I opened my apartment door to go and get it, he was standing there with no mask on. It was a super short encounter and we barely spoke but it still stressed me out! Especially that he was right in the door to my apartment. Given how many people are out and about with NO masks, it seems dumb to overthink this but it's how my brain works!
Still under an official shut down order but in the next few days we'll get on a commuter train and visit a beach on Long Island to grill and relax on the beach. No gloves but yes to masks and staying as far away as possible from others.
We went to Robert Moses today for the first time this year. It was busier than we expected, for a cool day in the 60s. We played golf on the State course there and were told not to take out the flags. We did not see anyone grilling, not sure if that area was closed or people just weren’t using the area. Out of curiosity, I tried to find out and it seems that the picnic areas on State beaches may not be open yet. Not sure which beach you’re headed to, but double check before you bring your food out there.
We went to lunch at the Nautical Mile in Freeport, which was open to outside dining.

We had our first sit down restaurant meal, albeit al fresco, in over 3 months. My husband had a Long Island Iced Tea and I had a Cosmo and they tasted so darn good!! Servers wore masks, and most people wore masks under their chins, like “I have it if I need to put it on” but not actually wearing it.

We had a couple over last weekend to sit outside on our gazebo for drinks and snacks.

I’ve been working from home and wear a mask when I go shopping (groceries, Home Depot), but not when I go for walks or do other outside activities where I don’t need to be near other people.
Well, some normalcy has returned.

Dd finally got in for yearly well exam, and had her 6 month cleaning at dentist. I went to doctors and the salon this past week.

Non health related, I visited some stores other than the grocery. Dd has had a couple of friends over. Dh has been golfing.

No restaurants yet, they’re opening but just haven’t gone. Hopefully soon. Still can’t go to subdivision pool, they haven’t opened it yet (lots of arguing on Facebook page 🙄). Thinking of zoo visit this week, but need to reserve slot in advance.

Hoping for family visit over the 4th, but still distancing from my Mom as my dh’s job takes him all over the country and he could be exposed more easily. She and I both agree on that.

Still hoping for Disney trip in August, keeping watch and will make a decision as it nears.

Hardest part is nothing for dd. All camps here canceled, and no sports until fall for her. She has been outside when it’s nice, but those hot muggy days are upon us with nothing to do. 😫
We went to Robert Moses today for the first time this year. It was busier than we expected, for a cool day in the 60s. We played golf on the State course there and were told not to take out the flags. We did not see anyone grilling, not sure if that area was closed or people just weren’t using the area. Out of curiosity, I tried to find out and it seems that the picnic areas on State beaches may not be open yet. Not sure which beach you’re headed to, but double check before you bring your food out there.
We went to lunch at the Nautical Mile in Freeport, which was open to outside dining.

We had our first sit down restaurant meal, albeit al fresco, in over 3 months. My husband had a Long Island Iced Tea and I had a Cosmo and they tasted so darn good!! Servers wore masks, and most people wore masks under their chins, like “I have it if I need to put it on” but not actually wearing it.

We had a couple over last weekend to sit outside on our gazebo for drinks and snacks.

I’ve been working from home and wear a mask when I go shopping (groceries, Home Depot), but not when I go for walks or do other outside activities where I don’t need to be near other people.
Good to hear since Moses made our short list:).
We decided to go to Watch Hill near Patchogue since we'll be glamping there in August. The man needs to look over the facilities since he vowed to never go camping again a few years back;). It's part of the National Seashore thus under Fed jurisdiction, has a small campground, and the beach it's on tends to be less crowded than others nearby- water access and no cars allowed.

I still haven't found out if the picnic area has grills (the campsites do) so we'll be taking cold prepared food with us to be on the safe side.
DD returns to school in 6 weeks, so I have now scheduled her well check, routine dental cleaning, vision exam and hair cut. We had planned to have her wisdom teeth out this summer, but I'm not sure if we're up for that. Of course she's in no hurry. LOL. I have rescheduled my well check and am about to schedule with the ortho over some shoulder pain. I'm still not ready to schedule my overdue mammogram. That's just such close quarters.
DD returns to school in 6 weeks, so I have now scheduled her well check, routine dental cleaning, vision exam and hair cut. We had planned to have her wisdom teeth out this summer, but I'm not sure if we're up for that. Of course she's in no hurry. LOL. I have rescheduled my well check and am about to schedule with the ortho over some shoulder pain. I'm still not ready to schedule my overdue mammogram. That's just such close quarters.
Did you make it to Cheesecake Factory yet? I didn't know if the protests changed that plan.
I'm still not ready to schedule my overdue mammogram. That's just such close quarters.
I am supposed to have a followup sonogram and have been putting it off too. The two things they said is "might be" are not emergent so I am not worried. I know I will have to do it at some point but I am okay putting it off for now.
Did you make it to Cheesecake Factory yet? I didn't know if the protests changed that plan.
Twice! Once for a delayed Mother's Day lunch and the other to finish up a gift card I had bought on Black Friday. The first was just before the protests started. The second was a few days after, but it was still closed from the protests, so we went out to the one on your side of town.
I'm in Minnesota, and some things are slowly opening. We are not returning to normal quickly though. DH still works almost exclusively at home. He has to fly for an overnight trip next week that none of us are happy about. All kids summer activities have been cancelled. I go to the grocery store (with a mask) as I have for awhile. Other shopping I order for delivery or curbside pickup. DH and my 2 boys got haircuts. I'm still waiting but scheduled for later in June. Some pools are reopening with limited capacity and reservations - we will do that because we need some activity and sun so we don't all die during the MN winter (which I am already dreading very much). Very limited contact with friends when we can socialize outside. We are all starting to feel a lot of stress from quarantine but are reluctant to venture out.
We have not resumed most activities- only those in whatever phase we are in.

Shopping is food, Lowe's or Home Depot when needed, and Costco.

DH is golfing again. The club houses are not open and the cart girls are not on the courses.

We've both had haircuts.

Pools opened this past week so I can swim again!

We have only done small family get togethers, as in less than 8 people.

We did go to one of the National Parks, but reservations are required and very limited.

We have not gone to a restaurant, which were just re-opened this week with strict guidelines.

While we both run outside and walk the dogs, I have not taken my bike out for any rides. I'm going to wait until public bathrooms are open and places that I can get more water if needed.
Twice! Once for a delayed Mother's Day lunch and the other to finish up a gift card I had bought on Black Friday. The first was just before the protests started. The second was a few days after, but it was still closed from the protests, so we went out to the one on your side of town.
Oh that's great!

I'm craving some good cheesecake and coffee so we might go eat at their patio sometime soon (at night though given this heat that has set in).

I'm glad you were able to go :)
Oh that's great!

I'm craving some good cheesecake and coffee so we might go eat at their patio sometime soon (at night though given this heat that has set in).

I'm glad you were able to go :)
Thanks. We really enjoyed sitting on the patio at the Plaza location (we were there before the heat set in). I'm sure we'll get back there again before she has to go back to school.
I feel that, except for masks and crazy one-way isles at stores, things are pretty good here. Lots of things are open, most stores had people at the door counting people in, but that's gone now. Heck even the most diehard stores have given in. We've been out an about, although our crazy HOA can't get its act together and figure out a fair way to re-open the pool. (clearly this is very difficult!) But we've golfed, gone Jeeping, hiking etc. (although some very popular trails are limited with reservations)
Good to hear since Moses made our short list:).
We decided to go to Watch Hill near Patchogue since we'll be glamping there in August. The man needs to look over the facilities since he vowed to never go camping again a few years back;). It's part of the National Seashore thus under Fed jurisdiction, has a small campground, and the beach it's on tends to be less crowded than others nearby- water access and no cars allowed.

I still haven't found out if the picnic area has grills (the campsites do) so we'll be taking cold prepared food with us to be on the safe side.
Oh, that sounds fun! Mosquitos haven’t been an issue yet, but ticks are plentiful. Bring your Off! Lots of deer around this year too. Have fun and enjoy getting out in the fresh air and sunshine!
I feel that, except for masks and crazy one-way isles at stores, things are pretty good here. Lots of things are open, most stores had people at the door counting people in, but that's gone now. Heck even the most diehard stores have given in. We've been out an about, although our crazy HOA can't get its act together and figure out a fair way to re-open the pool. (clearly this is very difficult!) But we've golfed, gone Jeeping, hiking etc. (although some very popular trails are limited with reservations)

We don't have a pool in our neighborhood. However, my BIL does and he is on the HOA board (he is a weird one!)

The are having a hard time opening their pool as well. They are actually legit problems with the current situation. First, they have to make sure they comply with the guidelines put out by the state. No more than 50 people in the pool, children playing in the pool must be socially distanced from those not within their households, constant cleaning of the deck, chairs, pool ladders, etc.

The biggest problem is the lack of lifeguards. Because there were no lifeguard classes this spring the pool companies that employee the lifeguards have no lifeguards to employ. They can't have classes because of the social distancing. The insurance company will not cover the HOA if something happens if there are no lifeguards or if they can't follow the current state guidelines.

So basically it's the insurance company for the HOA. No lifeguards=no coverage. Not following guidelines=no coverage.

To be fair, many public pools and the local waterparks are running into the same problems.
Our family still has not really gone back to normal yet. My husband and I are both still working remotely and have no set return to the office date. I have absolutely loved working from home and honestly wish it would continue indefinitely. We finally just went and ate dinner at a restaurant today for the first time since early March. Every other table was roped off and condiments were brought in disposable containers on request. I must say it was pretty nice having a fresh restaurant dinner instead of lukewarm takeout.


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