Are you packing less in your suitcase these days?

Kooks and Bay Bay

Mar 12, 2024
Packing for my last couple Disney trips I've started going no frills.

Basic clothes instead of packing outfits that are cute and accessories galore.

I will bring one hat and one park bag. That's it.

I'm even paring down my toiletries.
I'm not a makeup person so that was never something I packed.
But I have always been someone that has a specific shampoo/conditioner/body wash.
For my upcoming trip I've decided to just use the shampoo and body wash provided. I will still bring my conditioner because Disney's does not leave my hair silky.

Its to the point that I could just use a carry on but I'll use my bigger luggage for convenience of not having to tetris my stuff.
Yup, I've been doing carry on only for years and it's worked out well for me. I usually stop by Publix or Target if I need anything that I could not bring as a carry on (ex. sunscreen, shampoo/conditioner, etc.)

At first I did worry about fitting souvenirs but I haven't been buying anything these past few trips due to how bad the merch selection is so it's not an issue.
Our last few trips have been in one bedrooms with washer/dryer, so we've cut back on the amount of clothes.

We bring two medium suitcase (not sure if they would fit in overhead, never tried) a roll bag , a backpack and a tote bag with medical stuff.
Been traveling with primarily a carryon for decades now. Only time I carry more is on a cruise or business trip when I also need a suit bag. I did check a bag last trip but that’s because I carried food that wouldn’t make it through TSA.
Can’t live w/o my accessories but they are so lightweight it doesn’t make much of a difference beyond changing my look around.
Yep. I used to be carry on only, but with the airlines generously threatening to check carry on bags, I’ve gone to personal item only. It’s been great. What do I *really* need? Passport, credit cards, small bills for tipping, phone, charger, glasses, and my prescription medication. Everything else can be easily purchased in Florida.
We bring two medium suitcase (not sure if they would fit in overhead, never tried)
The max. measurements for most domestic airlines is: 22”x 14”x9”. If your bags are that size they’ll fit overhead, generally.
The max. measurements for most domestic airlines is: 22”x 14”x9”. If your bags are that size they’ll fit overhead, generally.
We always checked them because I need to handle the bags. So checking them leaves less for me to handle on and off plane.

But in four months, I'll measure them.
We always checked them because I need to handle the bags. So checking them leaves less for me to handle on and off plane.

But in four months, I'll measure them.
👍🏾 I get you. Due to mobility issues I need to buy a spinner even though I’m perfectly content with my current luggage. However my independence is worth the price.
Thanks to vacation rentals having their own laundry appliances, we have scaled way back on packing clothes. Most of us can easily carry on our vacation wardrobes. We will check one larger suitcase, which is loosely filled with consumables (toilet paper, a box or two of tissues, Kraft peanut butter, larger bottles of shampoo and such to be shared) and usually some footwear that might strain a carry on bag. We don’t set out to shop a lot, but there is inevitably some extra shirts, maybe a hoodie or two, and sneakers. Someone ALWAYS finds new sneakers. I confess a passion for cuddly fleece Disney blankets. That one suitcase is perfect for bringing home new treasures for the whole group, even when one grandson loves to include shoe boxes.
Yes, I try to pack less with every trip and am getting better at it (my mom was a genius at packing less). At DVC, we always have a washer and dryer available, so I have no excuse not to do so.
Not really. When flying, always check my luggage so I don't have to drag it through the airport and avoids issues with TSA regarding what is allowed on the airplane vs. checked baggage. Weather can be hot/cold and you just never know when you might need a sweater or light jacket if the AC is running full blast at some restaurant.
What's the charge now with most airlines for a checked bag? I'm sure it has risen a good bit.
Absolutely not, the carry on only lifestyle is not for me at all. Minimalist packing stresses me out way more than just bringing what I want, “capsule” wardrobes are boring as all get out to me, and hotel toiletries are useless for my hair and skin so I always need to bring my own, in full sizes. Not a single time have I ever wished I didn’t check a bag when I did, but the rare times I’ve tried to carry on only for anything longer than like 2 days I’ve regretted it every single time. I get free checked bags on 2 airlines and use AirTags so I’m not worried about fees or losing anything.
Checked bag fees vary by airline and type of ticker you purchase. Some credit cards also provide free checked bags which makes sense if you travel a lot.
I already answered this, but I was just thinking way back in the day, when traveling with young grandkids, I packed diapers, baby blanket, baby toys, coloring books, crayons, etc. There was a time or two, DD and family stayed at POP or offsite and we stayed at BCV. Much easier to use our room as a eating/resting spot and certainly don't want to go back to POP just for a few baby things.

Kind of pulls at the heart strings how packing has changed over the years.
I drive down from Georgia so can really bring as much as I want but I usually just bring a carry on bag and a larger backpack and a smaller park bag. Everything I need fits in those three bags. I did bring a medium sized bag in Dec. because the weather was going to be all over the place, warm one day, cold the next. I go solo most of the time so have to drag my stuff into the resort myself, a smaller bag is just easier to lift in and out of my car and push/pull down the hallways. Yes, I could use valet or pull up and let them hold my bags and bring them up to the room for me but I'm cheap. I'm also older so looking cute left the building years ago. I don't wear junky clothes but a top for each day and 3 skorts (or legging if it's going to be cold) work fine for me. I can rewear the bottoms since they don't really get dirty any way. I use the shampoo, conditioner, body wash and, if I'm staying moderate or deluxe, the lotion provided. I have short hair so any shampoo works. I do usually bring at least 3 pair of shoes, normally 2 of which are sandals even in winter. I bring a small backpack, either a Loungefly or one a tad larger and a fanny pack and my water bottle holder and that's it for park bags. I only wear my wedding band and bring one pair of ear rings which I wear every day. I don't like having my picture taken so pictures are not an issue.


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