Are you breastfeeding a toddler?

Congratulations to all those breastfeeding mamas. My fourth I fed until 20 months. Wishing you all a long and happy breastfeeding relationship :goodvibes
Yesterday she asked to "erse" and when I said "Oh, do you want to?" because I was surprised, she giggled and said "noo.." and then ran off to play with something.

That is a cute story! It made me laugh.
Thank you, emh1129 - I love that picture too :)

I agree - the kelly website is really good! Lots of great information about nutrition on there!
My 18 month daughter is still receiving nutritional value from the breastmilk. If you think about it this way: most kids drink cow's milk at this age and that is nutritional. Why wouldn't the milk from the child's own mother be nutritional? :)
It depends entirely on what you mean by "for so long."

Personally, I don't think it's likely to be relevant whether you as a healthcare provider have any knowledge about extended breastfeeding. By the time you get to a year, you've already got a pretty good idea of how much more you're up for. No amount of "EBF is great!" propaganda is going to change your mind. And your kid has a pretty good idea of how much more she's up for. No amount of encouragement will get a kid to nurse if they don't want to.

Thank you for taking the time to answer my request. I admire those who continue on, and are sucessful. I have to say though, I have had many long term pediatric patients, that may be with us for months on end. Having some information to pass along to my patients families will definately be of help. I had one mother, who only breastfed, and never pumped, and assumed because she was going to be away from her child, for overnights, and longer, that she would have to give up breastfeeding. I had the lactation consultant come and speak with her, but I couldn't answer her, about why she should continue breastfeed when her dd could get all of her nutrition from table food. I found some good websites, and need to do some research..Thanks a lot for the reply.. Lisa
My baby girl will be 2years old tomorrow, and she has been without her breasty now for 6 weeks!!It was time. A few tears were shed by both parties, but we are doing well now.;)
So for those of you BFing in public- please know- not everyone is thinking 'ew'- some of us are fondly reminded of our babies' younger days.

Oh my - that is so true. I often find myself looking at a BFing mother and am thinking to myself how much I miss that time, and then I quick look away becauseI think I have stared too long and I don't want to offend anyone (or for anyone to see my tears).

It was such a beautiful time and over too fast. Particularly for my youngest DD who seemed to associate BFing with a whap on her head from her sister. (They were barely a year apart and I think the oldest would get jealous sometimes - and that little bugger was so quick - just a quick hit and run):laughing:
DD turned 10 today so my story is several yrs old now but cute none the less....

She self weened not long before her 2nd birthday. She was one fo those kids that really could take or leave nursing. As soon as she could walk she usually perferred something she could carry around on the run. From about her 1st birthday on she only nursed at waking, right before naptime then at bedtime. By 16-18 months the naptime nursing was gone. She never really seemed "attached" to nursing.
I believe it was her 3 (might have been 4th) birthday that she received a my size barbie from my mother. She also received a mermaid babydoll from the grandmother of a friend. One day I walked into the livingroom to find Barbie was nurisng the mermaid babydoll. I remember thinking "well I guess she does remember it fondly after all"
I think it's great that so many were able to successsfully BF their children so well for so long. I BF oldest DD until she was around 18 months, but only occasionally then. I stopped BF mostly around 9 weeks when I had to go back to work FT, and she just seemed to take a bottle better than the breast. With 2nd DD, I was able to BF until about 18 months-20 months. I worked in a fast food restaurant after both girls were born, so it was very difficult finding a place ot time to pump. I do regret that I wasn't able to BF longer. I didn't get alot of support from my family, but alot from my DMIL.

I wish that the nurses and lactation consultant were more honest in the hospital. Both DD's had latching on issues initially, and they helped me greatly, but they did tend to emphasize the good about BF and gloss over the potential problems. By the time I had DD2, I knew that it wasn't necessariy going to be easy because I had issues with my 1st DD. I had issues with 2nd DD, but I did persevere much longer with her than I did my 1st. It was such a wonderful experience. Congratualtions to you all.
Sorry to crash in! What a great thread! I nursed my first until about a year. I was uneducated in the value of what they say is "extended breastfeeding". I now call it, "normal breastfeeding". :)

My second nursed until about 18-19 months. I wished we could've gone longer, but I was newly pregnant with #3 and it hurt to have her nurse. We mutually weaned, I'm pretty sure she was ready since she was only nursing a few minutes once a day.

William is still going strong, and I'm looking forward to nursing him a long time!
:wave2: Another BFing mama popping in to say hello.
My DD is 18 months old and loves her some milkies every chance she gets.
We co-sleep and nurse to sleep, during the night, at morning and nap wake-ups and anytime during the day that she needs a quick milk-up. My goal is to nurse to 2 yrs old, though I think Callie may have other goals. :rotfl: I think her goal may be to figure out how to get me on the school bus with her someday for snacktime milkies. :rolleyes:
We have happily nursed our way all through Disney during the 2 trips we have taken with her so far. I have never had a dirty look or nasty comment either. In fact, I usually get knowing looks from moms and grandmas who can fully appreciate the joys and the pains of nursing a toddler. Although I do love the baby stations in the parks, I really haven't gotten to use them nearly as much as I thought I would. Asking Callie to "wait" for milkies is pretty much a waste of breath, so wherever Her Royal Highness dictates milky time, we find a shady spot and park ourselves. Cast members and guests have always been great about accommodating my DD and I when we need a spot to sit. I just love how family friendly Disney is. :love:
My ds is 2 today!! And still nursing!! Yay for us!

DS1 selfweaned at 21 months when I was 6 months pg (and in Disneyland no less!!). I was really hoping ds2 would nurse until 2. We did it!!:banana:
:goodvibes How did I miss this thread for so long?!!! :goodvibes

:wave2: We breastfeed here, on demand and practice as much as we can of child-led weaning, but I did prod my dd when she turned 4 that the time had come to stop. She was only nursing a few times a week then and for whatever reason she needed it up until then.

I had tandemed nursed both of my kids (but rarely at the same time) for a year, from the time my ds was born 9/2004 til 7/2005---til he was almost a year old. My son is almost three now and continues to nurse. In the morning, at night for bed and maybe 1-2x a day if we are home and I am sitting down. :rotfl: I nurse him all around the World every time we go. :love:
My ds is 2 today!! And still nursing!! Yay for us!

DS1 selfweaned at 21 months when I was 6 months pg (and in Disneyland no less!!). I was really hoping ds2 would nurse until 2. We did it!!:banana:

Congarts and happy birthday. Lily turned 3 last week. I still miss nursing her sometimes, it is just so natural (she self weaned back in Feb).

Welcome applechips!
My ds is 2 today!! And still nursing!! Yay for us!

DS1 selfweaned at 21 months when I was 6 months pg (and in Disneyland no less!!). I was really hoping ds2 would nurse until 2. We did it!!:banana:

Happy Birthday to your ds!! :yay:
Congrats on nursing to 2!
thanks!! :wave2: I should have found this thread much much sooner but I am glad to now get a chance to read it.

Has anyone here ever experienced a negative reaction to extended bf at WDW? I haven't, but was curious. :)
emh1129-- I just saw your signature..I jsut applied to nursing school---gulp...and consider myself AP too. :cloud9:
thanks!! :wave2: I should have found this thread much much sooner but I am glad to now get a chance to read it.

Has anyone here ever experienced a negative reaction to extended bf at WDW? I haven't, but was curious. :)

Like Flaminivan I too have only had positive experiences nursing at WDW. :thumbsup2

Hi everyone. Long time no chat. :goodvibes


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