Are you a good "dieter"?

I could have written this. Same age. Same weight loss. Been on WW about the same amount of time. Only thing is I don't do the treadmill. We do try to walk every day. I do the same on vacation and weekends. I continue to track my intake and also weigh myself everyday just to keep accountability.
It feels good to know I am not alone! Good luck to you! Right now, I am happy to have lost this 25 pounds. I am down one size in tops and pants, so that’s win. Maintaining is the goal for now.
I used to be super disciplined when it came to dieting. But I’ve lost my willpower and motivation. Exercise is still easy and enjoyable. I just eat too much.

I need a jolt/trigger to get started again. Years ago, a neighbour stopped by and said, “Whoah! You’ve gained weight.” Those words were like a slap in the face. I loathed her. But it was the kickstart I needed to lose the weight. Unfortunately, over the years it started to creep back on.

Maybe I’ll stop by her place so she can insult me again. Lol.
You owe her a good slappin' :duck:
I have been on WW for 14 months. I am 72 and have always been a very slower loser. I am down around 25 pounds and am trying to maintain that weight loss. I could use to lose maybe ten more pounds, but it doesn’t seem to be happening. I weigh, measure and track, but, wow, it’s a struggle. I have started walking on a treadmill at Planet Fitness, so maybe that will help a little.

I am trying to make this a lifestyle, rather than a diet. Life is short and I want to enjoy it. I do not diet on vacation. If I go out with a friend on the weekend, I enjoy a cocktail or wine and don’t pay too much attention to what I’m eating. If I can maintain the 25 pound loss living this way, then I can do it.

Losing weight is hard. No doubt about it.
Do you do any weight training? I love it so much and building your muscles at any age is good for you. Congrats on your training so far!
Weight has always been a struggle for me. Back in 2019 I has weight loss surgery but last year I've gained some weight so I'm working to get that off. I started with the Keto diet but I had a lot of trouble following that for portion size and amount. I switched over to Weight Watchers and hoping this will help. I feel that I'm a lot more concious of what I'm eating lately.
I need to find that motivation. I did like a veggie heavy keto, but I also do really like bread and it is always calling me. Good luck with your goals!
See, I am the opposite. I can handle the food side okay, but I absolutely loathe exercise in any form. I wish I didn’t, but I do. So it’s nearly impossible to keep up the motivation to work out when all it does is make me miserable and cranky. I have always been envious of people who say working out fills them with feel good endorphins. That is an experience I have never had, even if I exercise for a while.

I was the kid who sat under a tree with a good book instead of running around the neighborhood. I am still that kid at heart.
I am 51% of either the reading kid or the exercising kid on any given day. I do love both those ways of being.
Agree ...reduce carb/sugar intake and you will lose weight. There are so many good reduced carb options/recipes out there right now -use an "eat this, not that" mentality
Some of my good habits have stuck with me so I don't have to go start at zero again. But I totally agree. If I ever win the lottery I am hiring a chef to cook great food and portion out my life.
I’ve always struggled with weight - my entire life. At one point, when I was 25, I went on a nonfat diet and it messed up my entire system - my gallbladder had to come out and my liver was affected - I was in the hospital for a week. I do think I had a bit of an eating disorder because I was so fixated with losing weight and working out way more than I do now.

See, I am the opposite. I can handle the food side okay, but I absolutely loathe exercise in any form. I wish I didn’t, but I do. So it’s nearly impossible to keep up the motivation to work out when all it does is make me miserable and cranky. I have always been envious of people who say working out fills them with feel good endorphins. That is an experience I have never had, even if I exercise for a while.

I was the kid who sat under a tree with a good book instead of running around the neighborhood. I am still that kid at heart.
I find "just" exercising terribly boring! To get in the habit of using the treadmill we bought, I would pick a show that I was really interested in, and only play it on the iPad while I was walking on the treadmill. It made it something to look forward to, instead of thinking I'd rather be doing something else, and it really made all the difference for me.

I am not.. I swear I am SO annoyed by food tracking and the whole calorie counting torture. I AM a good exerciser. I love weight lifting, hot yoga, walking, biking. I used to love running but my knees are having none of that these days.

My mid life crisis was losing 50 lbs on keto and weight training and getting in amazing shape. Like many others though, some of the weight has crept back on and I find myself searching for motivation again.

How are you doing? Same? Do either food or exercise seem to be a harder problem?
Food is definitely the more difficult side for me. - I simply don't want to have to think about it all the time! So organized "diets" are not really my friend. I used to do fine just taking smaller portions and not keeping too many sweets in the house, but the older I get, the more the pounds just seem to cling a little harder.

One hurdle I really have to work on overcoming is the habit of finishing things that come pre-sized. I need to learn that "a little waste is better than a lot of waist." :laughing:
I’m pretty good about both, but I don’t “diet.”During Covid I got serious about my health and dropped 70 pounds counting calories and moving. No food is off limits. I am a vegetarian. I’ve used MyFitnessPal for ages and I have a Fitbit. I’ve been running (no races) for about 2 years. Knock your formal exercise out early in the day and keep moving. Exercise and logging my food are essential habits just like brushing my teeth.

I’ll be 58 next week and I want to be able to move quickly as I get older.
I love my early workouts! I lose all motivation later in the day! Congratulations on getting healthy! I am going to be 61 this year and I want to be strong and fit for sure.
I have never dieted. I work hard at not talking about weight with my girls. I have always eaten a whole foods diet, no soda, lots of fruit and veggies, everything home cooked. I do like my sweets in moderation. I am allergic to corn and corn syrup so that makes eating healthy much easier. I tell my kids that you should eat healthy and exercise so that you can enjoy life. What ever weight your are is what you are supposed to be. I have fluctuated from a size 12-14. So not small but healthy. I do yoga daily, swim and walk and hike. You either use it or loose it. I want to keep my flexibility, endurance, mobility and health. It does not have anything to do with weight.
I enjoy exercise, but finding the time these days is the challenge. I left the house to drive to the office around 6:30am, I'm heading home midday to finish the workday at home but still logging out early for a choir rehearsal around 4pm, and my younger one has school ball tonight which is bound to go until at least 9pm. I used to wake up around 5am to workout, but it hit a point where it became so draining. Ultimately, it's food and moving around during the workday that get me. I added a standing/walking desk in my home office which helps some, but food is still my nemesis. I've had some successful stints with diet modification, but it's been pretty much impossible to maintain because nobody around me watches what they eat. I know it's on me, but when it comes to family meals, dining out, and provisions during tournament always feels like an uphill battle. I lost a tremendous amount of weight between 2018-2020 between going gluten free, dairy free and amping up my workout routine. It just wasn't sustainable. Now here I am in 2024 and I'm back where I started. I was hoping the walking desk would help, but it's so hard to coordinate typing and walking. I'm not sure who these people are that think it makes them focus more, because it is one big distraction. Standing is decent, but the walking...going to have to just use it to walk while watching tv or listening to music...especially since it gets so hot here. I think we're supposed to be around 90 later on this week.
The ways in which life throws us a I was doing so well and then "my" trainer moved, my gym doubled their fees, I'm not working as much these days. It has just all added up. I don't think I could use a walking desk either..pretty sure I would space out and trip over my feet.
I love my early workouts! I lose all motivation later in the day! Congratulations on getting healthy! I am going to be 61 this year and I want to be strong and fit for sure.
So funny ...I was thinking the exact same thing earlier today. Also 61 this year! I'm fairly active and always went to the gym, but I had an injury last summer that kept me still for a few months and never got back into the routine. Now the good weather is here it's golf and pickleball ...getting ready for retirement 😉
The ways in which life throws us a I was doing so well and then "my" trainer moved, my gym doubled their fees, I'm not working as much these days. It has just all added up. I don't think I could use a walking desk either..pretty sure I would space out and trip over my feet.

I've found that I can't change my gaze much when walking. If I'm typing and researching, I'm good. The minute my phone rings and I look down for my headset...instant vertigo and I have to jump off the belt. I've had several days where I've gotten in over 3 miles while I work. On one hand, it doesn't sound like much since it's less than I'd put in on a nice weekend walk. On the other hand, it's 3 more miles than I would have walked compared to just sitting in my desk chair. We joined a gym in 2022 that fit our budget, but the drive and our schedule kept us from really taking advantage of it. I canceled around this time last year. Everything closer to home is more than we're willing to spend. There's a new place going in that my husband wanted to check out, but it's actually more expensive than the local country club. I have a recumbent bike, vertical climber, squat machine, and various weights in my addition to the walking pad. So, I've got stuff. It's just time and energy.
I can honestly say I’m pretty good about watching what I eat and how much of what I eat. If I feel like I’m getting off track I start using My Fitness Pal again and I quickly get back into my program.

I’m good about working out - I love working out. I exercise approximately 6 hours a week. In fact, I’m leaving soon for the gym.

I’ve always struggled with weight - my entire life. At one point, when I was 25, I went on a nonfat diet and it messed up my entire system - my gallbladder had to come out and my liver was affected - I was in the hospital for a week. I do think I had a bit of an eating disorder because I was so fixated with losing weight and working out way more than I do now.

Still today I’m not as fixated as I was back then, but I still think about food all the time. I read labels and if something has way to many fat and carbs it’s a big ❌ for me. I’m constantly trying to balance my food - if I’m having a slice of birthday cake tonight then I need to eat very little calories for breakfast and lunch. I’m constantly doing this. It’s kind of mentally exhausting.

My DH and DD20 both gain weight easily too, so therefore I buy very little treats for us - you can’t eat it if you don’t buy it. I love ice cream, but I almost never bring it in the house unless it’s DQ Dilly Bars because they are small and not many calories - they are just enough for an ice cream fix.

If I had a magic lamp with a genie, and I could get 3 wishes, one of my wishes would be to eat anything I want, whenever I want, for the rest of my life and never gain weight. Since that will never happen, I just keep on keeping on - LOL!
My daughter sent me an article by Bonnie Goff Ph.D and she was talking about a study in epigenetics that looked at what is called the Dutch Hunger Winter. In the study they were able to study children who's mothers and grandmothers had been part of this Dutch famine.

The study starts by pointing out that the egg that made you was present in the body of your maternal grandmother when she was pregnant with your mother. So, if your grandmother was pregnant with your eventual mother during this famine it has implications for you.

She talks about how this all sounds like random crazy science but that as they study epigenetics they find that the expression of your genes can and will be modified by environmental factors in real time. So, if something happens to your grandmother while she is pregnant with your mother you can be impacted by epigenetic trangenerational inheritance.

Researchers have been able to track these women and their children. they found that in response to the famine the grandmothers lived through both their children and grandchildren exhibited metabolic changes like higher bmi.

I did my 23 and me and in the report it says that I have a high preference for sugar genetically. And I have always loved baked good, lol. But isn't it crazy to think we might have biological drivers inherited from a time when our grandmothers went hungry?
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So funny ...I was thinking the exact same thing earlier today. Also 61 this year! I'm fairly active and always went to the gym, but I had an injury last summer that kept me still for a few months and never got back into the routine. Now the good weather is here it's golf and pickleball ...getting ready for retirement 😉
I was stupid and lifted too heavy,,threw my hip into some kind of drama thing which then affected my knee. It's not that I couldn't lift the weight I lifted, it was that I probably shouldn't have. My trainer would have known if it was a good call and I miss having someone there to guide me. But..I did find Thai Massage to help with the hip..she realigned whatever was wrong in there and I think I am good to get going again.
Problem is fade diets, social etc. There’s two simple rules I follow, treat your “diet” as a lifestyle and don’t call it a diet. And keep moving a little bit is anything. If you’re all Disney nuts you’ll walk 30k steps in a theme park everyday for a week. Do that a few times throughout and week and your just training for next trip. Good Luck.
My daughter sent me an article by Bonnie Goff Ph.D and she was talking about a study in epigenetics that looked at what is called the Dutch Hunger Winter. In the study they were able to study children who's mothers and grandmothers had been part of this Dutch famine.

The study starts by pointing out that the egg that made you was present in the body of your maternal grandmother. So, if your grandmother was pregnant with your eventual mother during this famine it has implications for you.

She talks about how this all sounds like random crazy science but that as they study epigenetics they find that the expression of your genes can and will be modified by environmental factors in real time. So, if something happens to your grandmother while she is pregnant with your mother you can be impacted by epigenetic trangenerational inheritance.

Researchers have been able to track these women and their children. they found that in response to the famine the grandmothers lived through both their children and grandchildren exhibited metabolic changes like higher bmi.

I did my 23 and me and in the report it says that I have a high preference for sugar genetically. And I have always loved baked good, lol. But isn't crazy to think we might have biological drivers inherited from a time when our grandmothers went hungry?
The fascinating part for me is thinking about how in the future they may be able to fix a lot of these hidden biological factors and make staying at a normal weight easier.
The fascinating part for me is thinking about how in the future they may be able to fix a lot of these hidden biological factors and make staying at a normal weight easier.
Go Smart people!! I wish them luck :love:
So funny ...I was thinking the exact same thing earlier today. Also 61 this year! I'm fairly active and always went to the gym, but I had an injury last summer that kept me still for a few months and never got back into the routine. Now the good weather is here it's golf and pickleball ...getting ready for retirement 😉
Two great sports right there. I rebuilt my entire golf swing this winter. As I have aged I have lost some flexibility and distance. It’s getting better though as I am back to hitting my long irons a respectable distance.

We play pickball as a family and my kids love to try and beat up on the old man out there.
Over the years, I have seen WW change their plan over and over, but I think the old plan is still the best one. It is very easy to do -- no calorie counting and no points. I am glad I kept the literature.
I also used this plan, using old info I found on the internet. I lost 60 pounds. I'm no longer actively following it, but I've kept up the healthy eating habits for the most part. This really is an easy and good plan, and you eat really well on it.
I was stupid and lifted too heavy,,threw my hip into some kind of drama thing which then affected my knee. It's not that I couldn't lift the weight I lifted, it was that I probably shouldn't have. My trainer would have known if it was a good call and I miss having someone there to guide me. But..I did find Thai Massage to help with the hip..she realigned whatever was wrong in there and I think I am good to get going again.
At our "advanced" age, for me less weight and more reps is what I go for. Then on the treadmill I go for my version of the 12-3-30 workout.
Two great sports right there. I rebuilt my entire golf swing this winter. As I have aged I have lost some flexibility and distance. It’s getting better though as I am back to hitting my long irons a respectable distance.

We play pickball as a family and my kids love to try and beat up on the old man out there.
Admittedly, my swing could be a lot better but flexibility is the real issue. I just try to play the fairway, moving the ball forward with clubs I know I hit well. Been playing the last couple weeks even though we've been in the 30-40's and managed to scrape low 90's. For me, that's enough to reward myself with a couple beers after 😂 . Pickleball is a whole other story -I love the pace of the game and it's a good workout. We tend to play mixed doubles and fortunately my GF is still a good athlete at 60 and takes the pressure off me!

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