I can honestly say I’m pretty good about watching what I eat and how much of what I eat. If I feel like I’m getting off track I start using My Fitness Pal again and I quickly get back into my program.
I’m good about working out - I love working out. I exercise approximately 6 hours a week. In fact, I’m leaving soon for the gym.
I’ve always struggled with weight - my entire life. At one point, when I was 25, I went on a nonfat diet and it messed up my entire system - my gallbladder had to come out and my liver was affected - I was in the hospital for a week. I do think I had a bit of an eating disorder because I was so fixated with losing weight and working out way more than I do now.
Still today I’m not as fixated as I was back then, but I still think about food all the time. I read labels and if something has way to many fat and carbs it’s a big

for me. I’m constantly trying to balance my food - if I’m having a slice of birthday cake tonight then I need to eat very little calories for breakfast and lunch. I’m constantly doing this. It’s kind of mentally exhausting.
My DH and DD20 both gain weight easily too, so therefore I buy very little treats for us - you can’t eat it if you don’t buy it. I love ice cream, but I almost never bring it in the house unless it’s DQ Dilly Bars because they are small and not many calories - they are just enough for an ice cream fix.
If I had a magic lamp with a genie, and I could get 3 wishes, one of my wishes would be to eat anything I want, whenever I want, for the rest of my life and never gain weight. Since that will never happen, I just keep on keeping on - LOL!