Are we too old to buy?

We purchased in 1993 when I was 49. Looking back now, I do wish I had purchased at a younger age....

Should have bought in 1991 when I was only
If all of us 40'ish people had bought in our 20'ish and 30'ish years, had we all known what we know now, we wouldn't be questioning if 40 is ok, right? There's your answer. No age is too old to be young again!

BTW, We bought in my 30'ish years and I wish we had bought many years prior to. You can only look to the future. You can't take back the years you've already spent. But you sure can make up for it with the future thru DVC.
Wow, I think that the oldest person to buy into DVC that I have read in this thread so far is 49. We just bought into OKW 2 months ago and I am 67 and my wife is 62. Are we the oldest DVC members to buy??? Maybe I'm goofy, but we have never stayed on the property and after a lot of investigating and playing with the numbers I decided that i'm gonna do it! We have 13 grandchildren and have already taken 7 of them to Disney World in groups of 2 or 3. We have 3 more trips left over the next 5 or 6 years and we will probably use our points to go alone after we are finished going through all of the grandkids. We love it!
Originally posted by Dennis the Menace
Wow, I think that the oldest person to buy into DVC that I have read in this thread so far is 49. We just bought into OKW 2 months ago and I am 67 and my wife is 62. Are we the oldest DVC members to buy??? Maybe I'm goofy, but we have never stayed on the property and after a lot of investigating and playing with the numbers I decided that i'm gonna do it! We have 13 grandchildren and have already taken 7 of them to Disney World in groups of 2 or 3. We have 3 more trips left over the next 5 or 6 years and we will probably use our points to go alone after we are finished going through all of the grandkids. We love it!
I just think your decision is awesome. What a great gift for your grandchildren, children and yourselves! As long as you focus on making memories, instead of reliving them, you'll always be young at heart! :)
Originally posted by Dennis the Menace
Wow, I think that the oldest person to buy into DVC that I have read in this thread so far is 49. We just bought into OKW 2 months ago and I am 67 and my wife is 62. Are we the oldest DVC members to buy???

Actually, my Mom was 67 when we purchased together in '92 and she's still going strong at 77, and our next two OKW trips are reserved. I have no children, so this was a "selfish" purchase for the two of us. Enjoy your membership, it'll keep you young!
DH and I just bought into DVC Nov 2001. It was 2 weeks before I turned 44 and DH is 43. Yup this will be taking us into our mid 80s. I figure DS9 can go anywhere he would like for his honeymoon which shouldnt be for another 11 or so years. (Let Mom and Dad play with it first.) We're all going on our first cruise together Nov 30-Dec 7. We're planning on taking our first trip "home" to VWL Oct 2003.
You "kids" in your 40's are making me feel old!:D And we have owned DVC for 5 years!
Guess we're right up there with the "oldest". We purchased last year, I was 67, my DW going on 66!
We're only sorry we waited to long. Figure that we have a place to go when we celebrate our 100th birthdays! :D
We are older parents upper 30's <cough> with two girls ages 2 1/2 and 15 months. We just bought in ourselves! :D
I think DVC offers so much.... right now with the girls being so young we spend a lot of time at the resorts.... and on Dumbo! But as the girls get older we will go to the arks more.... heck even horseback ride! :bounce:
Then comes 'our time' The time when my husband and I go there without the girls..... golf.... swim.... ride ToT and RRC a million times.... Victoria and Alberts Chef's table <grin>
Ooohhh then taking the grand children.... getting to see the spark in their eyes........
We bought this past July and my DH and I will be turning 50 next year! We have a ten yr old daughter and she and I just got back from a weekend trip this past Sunday! My older daughter will be getting engaged (hopefully) soon and I intend to take any grandchildren to WDW in the upcoming years! You are never too old. Frankly, I can't wait till the 10 yr old will let us go to WDW without her!
We bought in Nov 2001, sight unseen and we both just celebrated our 53rd birthdays. Daughters are grown and married. The grandkids are still too little. We're looking forward to some years by ourselves then will take the kids and grandkids.
Buying now is great---college and weddings are behind us and our mortgage is paid.
We are considering buying DVC (prob later on this year) and I am the same age you are. My DH is over 50. I am doing this due to I want to take our adult children with us and if they ever get grandchildren (inwhich i hope it will be years away. If you get my drift.) I want to take them to WDW with us and see the magic in their eyes. Plus I am saving every month for WDW and it takes the stress off of me regarding saving for our trips.
A few weeks ago there was a thread asking how old DVC members were when they purchased. I tallied up the numbers for 211 responses and came up with an average age of 36. The sample is of course biased towards those who participate in these forums and will reveal their age in this non-scientific survey. The youngest was 19 and the oldest was 66. Of those that gave a number 93 % are older than 25, 74 % are older than 30, 56 % are older than 35, 35 % are older than 40, 14 % are older than 45 and 7 % are older than 50.

My wife and I averaged out at 67 when we bought in VWL last July and feel that we will easily pay back our investment in the enjoyable times we spend at WDW. We live in Florida and make many short trips by ourselves but also invite our grown son and daughter and grandchildren to come down for longer stays. The great thing about Disney is that there are things to enjoy no matter what your age. We missed a lot when we were younger as we went commando-style and rushed from attraction to attraction. Now we take our time and savor the great details in the parks and resorts that we had missed before. We are more interested in gardening now and recognize that WDW is a great botanical garden with many exotic specimens of tropical plants. We enjoy trying the restaurants and the theming of the different resorts like the Grand Floridian, the Polynesian, and Dixie Landings (POR) and at the same time we never miss a chance to ride the Teacups or It's a Small World. Our experience says that you will never regret buying into DVC at any age.
Your never too old for Disney. We bought in December 2001. I'm 45 and the husband is 52! We have a 14 year old son, Stepchildren and a granddaughter. Its a wonderful way to get the family together and help these new families have a beautiful vacation. We will probably add on points anticipating retirement. But for the time being its wonderful to be the "cool grandparents" who take everyone to Disney!!
I joined 10 years ago when I was 42. I plan to keep staying at OKW until DVC ends when I am 92! (God willing.)
If not then I have 2 nieces and a nephew who are busy figuring out the best way to use my DVC points when I won't 'need' them. You are never too old to enjoy Disney. And if you feel that way then there are lots of us out here who would be glad to take those points off your hands!
I am 46 and my husband is 47-we joined in 1999. We do have our yearly family vacation.....but.....we love going to Disney by ourselves! Our daughter is 22 and not living at home-son is 16 and has a grandmother who lives locally. So we try to go down a couple of times a year alone. The more I go, the more I want to go back. There is so much to do! And sometimes the fun is not feeling like you have to do anything but enjoy the wonderful resorts. We were there last week, and in October-and down in Dec. with family. We were able to get the $49 airfare from Southwest. If you like Disney-and the resorts-enjoy. We met a lot of people at Epcot in the annual passholder's section for the fireworks-most were older than we were! And still young at heart. So think it through-but if you decide to do it I'm sure you'll enjoy it.
I was 55 when I joined and am not the least bit sorry.
I see it as a gift for we will be able to give our children and hopefully grandchildren if we are not around to enjoy it during those last couple of years.
I was 40 when I bought into DVC. I did buy at Hilton Head because it is closer to my home and I figured I would probably go there more if I make it to my 80's....*L*......I have used 7-month windows to go to WDW several times. I have been to Hilton Head and it will be a good place to spend my birthdays when I reach 70+

Have fun...
I bought my DVC membership as a present for myself for my 45th birthday and it was definitely one of the best purchases I have ever made. I never thought for a minute that I was too old. I have gotten many great trips using my DVC membership and am looking forward to many, many more. I also am looking forward to the days when I can take my grandchildren to WDW and stay in our DVC home, but for now my kids (who are late teens/young adults) and I are enjoying our membership throughly!!!

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