Are the Days of Walking a DVC Reservation Numbered?

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I was an owner back when it was implemented. To make it even more fun, the lottery was open to everyone. Not just owners at the particular resorts. I was able to book BWV as an OKW owner and I loved it. The elimination of the lottery was the reason I bought into BWV because we got hooked on NYE at WDW.

Yes you could enter the BWV lottery from OKW, after the Home Priority period.


Here is ‘The Lottery’ for those interested. Home Priority is not taken away because that would not be legal. Other wording in our contracts explain how Home Priority can be changed but must be 1 month minimum.

I don’t think the lottery would fly any more today than back when they decided the cost/benefit did not work out.
Except I do not see DVC setting a rule that prevents trips more than 7 days…

There are a lot of owners who regularly stay more…the only reason that the plus 7 works now for those owned is that they can extend.

I think that would be a big roadblock.
Ok but large point owners getting an advantage was the initial response I got for why it might not work. And it would not limit trips to 7 days. It only limits checkin day being moved outside 14 days total (+/- 7 days). People could still book 30 day trips, there just wouldn’t be any advantage for large point owners to do so.
Yes you could enter the BWV lottery from OKW, after the Home Priority period.

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Here is ‘The Lottery’ for those interested. Home Priority is not taken away because that would not be legal. Other wording in our contracts explain how Home Priority can be changed but must be 1 month minimum.

I don’t think the lottery would fly any more today than back when they decided the cost/benefit did not work out.

The priority is one month though and not four. Back then, there was no walking and that is what some want them to address

So, this does prevent that and they don’t need to change rules.
Yes you could enter the BWV lottery from OKW, after the Home Priority period.

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Here is ‘The Lottery’ for those interested. Home Priority is not taken away because that would not be legal. Other wording in our contracts explain how Home Priority can be changed but must be 1 month minimum.

I don’t think the lottery would fly any more today than back when they decided the cost/benefit did not work out.

The lottery, booking by checkout day, no change you have to cancel and rebook, cannot extend stays etc... those are all changes that resolve walking but would make our life miserable.
Do you want to resolve walking? Are you willing to suffer the consequences of that? Don't think "what am I willing to give up that doesn't affect me much", that's too easy. Think: "what if they implement something that really changes the way I can use my DVC, am I willing to accept whatever they come up with?".
Beware what you wish for.
The priority is one month though and not four. Back then, there was no walking and that is what some want them to address

So, this does prevent that and they don’t need to change rules.

Yes, that was outlined under H., and why I mentioned:

Here is ‘The Lottery’ for those interested. Home Priority is not taken away because that would not be legal. Other wording in our contracts explain how Home Priority can be changed but must be 1 month minimum.
Ok but large point owners getting an advantage was the initial response I got for why it might not work. And it would not limit trips to 7 days. It only limits checkin day being moved outside 14 days, +/- 7 days.

Just pointing out that this is not a simple change and one that would be confusing to those average owners who don’t live DVC like all of us do.

I still believe that DVC will take the easiest route possible, assuming a change happens.

And I am not convinced that they will…especially since they have the data to make the statement “ it’s not a common practice”.
Just pointing out that this is not a simple change and one that would be confusing to those average owners who don’t live DVC like all of us do.

I still believe that DVC will take the easiest route possible, assuming a change happens.

I’m not championing the lottery and suspect there was good reason DVC has not brought it back in all these years. But IF they did, it would not remove Home Priority. I just wanted to make that point clear because it’s been popping up in these conversations.
I’m not championing the lottery and suspect there was good reason DVC has not brought it back in all these years. But IF they did, it would not remove Home Priority. I just wanted to make that point clear because it’s been popping up in these conversations.

Of course and that is why I mentioned it to because not everyone is reading that fine print!

I actually support the lottery system for those resorts that are at issue IF they are going to do something because to me, it’s better than changing what we enjoy now which is unlimited modifications with no penalty outside of 31 days.

But, the lottery doesn’t impact me. And why I really hope that there is no change and that this problem is considered the least impactful consequence to the membership as a whole.

No booking system will be perfect and right now, unless the room is in high demand, owners seem to be successful in getting what they eventually want via the waitlist and a little extra work.
Of course and that is why I mentioned it to because not everyone is reading that fine print?

I actually support the lottery system for those resorts that are at issue if they are going to do something because to me, it’s better than changing what we enjoy now which is unlimited modifications with no penalty outside of 31 days.

But, the lottery doesn’t impact me either. So, why my hope is that there is no change and that this problem is considered the least impactful con of booking.

I would support the lottery if it was the answer to some of the highest demand rooms. But as an answer to walking, that is more widespread against resorts, rooms and seasons and trying to use the lottery to answer walking would be mayhem. Beside point charts and Tot charts, we’d also need charts for each resort’s lottery rooms and dates. I do appreciate how you remind that it’s best to work from the existing contract structure and try not to make things more complicated than they are already. Keep it as simple as possible.
Except I do not see DVC setting a rule that prevents trips more than 7 days…

There are a lot of owners who regularly stay more…the only reason that the plus 7 works now for those owners is that they can extend.

I think that would be a big roadblock and one I think will be part of any modification limits.

Increase it to 14 days and the net is wide enough to have minimal impact on those owners.

The theme of the statement by the board was impact and IMO, that will be the priority for any actual rule changes.

Keep going back to it but since they have a rule that covers the rooms most impacted by walking, it makes logical sense that is the route that could take…it would probably been seen as the path of least resistance.
14 days with no changes to the checkin day until, say, 10 months is better than the current “unlimited walking” scheme but it gives an advantage to those with large point contracts.

Those with larger contracts can book 14 days and then drop the first 7 at 10 months. It’s still a form of walking but it limits walking to no more than 2 weeks.

But if you, for example, have a 150 point contract, then someone with a 300 point contract has an advantage over you.

This doesn’t seem fairer than what we already have.

But I also don’t want us to reach a time when most Studio rooms (even ones that currently are easier to book at 11 months) get walked. So I see the need for Disney to eventually do something; I’m just not sure what that something is.
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I would support the lottery if it was the answer to some of the highest demand rooms. But as an answer to walking, that is more widespread against resorts, rooms and seasons
How can you say that? Have you any evidence?
I don't see why DVC has any reason to need to enforce equity (n.b. "equity" not "equality") between large point members and small point members. Having more points gives more flexibility, and I don't see a problem with that.

I just imagine the conversation at Disney:
"Uh, people with more points can book more nights."
"Yes, and...?"
"They have an advantage over people with fewer points!"
"So people who pay us more have an advantage over people who pay us less, and this is a problem how?"
How can you say that? Have you any evidence?

I was responding to lotteries at BWV std and AKJ value.

Go look in the RAT and you will see evidence of walking well beyond those 2 categories.

I was responding to lotteries at BWV std and AKJ value.

Go look in the RAT and you will see evidence of walking well beyond those 2 categories.
AKV CL, BW view and standard, BLT standard part of the year, CCV studios at Christmas. What else? If anyone walks anything else they're just wasting their own time.

I was responding to lotteries at BWV std and AKJ value.

Go look in the RAT and you will see evidence of walking well beyond those 2 categories.

Correct but per the statement by the board it’s not a common situation.

So, while walking happens for more than just high demand rooms, it does not impact all rooms and resorts equally…because some rooms are walked and they don’t need to be.

Do we, as owners, want a solution that fits the size of the problem or a solution that makes widespread changes that cause problems that don’t currently exist?

Think about it…why should an SSR owner have to see any changes to thier rules when walking has no real impact…even if it done at all?

The plus of these conversations is that people get to share thoughts and that is always a good thing.
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@zavandor RR standard view studios and 2 bd lock offs, and tower rooms are walked most of the year.
According to DVC Field Guide spreadsheet, those are available in December at 11 months between 96% and 100%. Solid 100% in November. So yes, maybe someone walk them, but they seem mostly available at 11 months. Of course whatever is available disappears quickly, but that's high demand, not walking.
Well, there are people who really want (for example) 10 days. They book their 7 days and then add 3 more days later. Backward from check-out day puts people with longer stays at a disadvantage.

I love the flexibility of being able to change my reservation without calling Member Services.

There are ways for Disney to change the online booking tool to eliminate walking without affecting flexibility but, as Disney has stated, they need to carefully consider the unintended consequences before they make any change.
How is it a disadvantage? You can book part of your stay before your actual check out if you wish.
Of course and that is why I mentioned it to because not everyone is reading that fine print!

I actually support the lottery system for those resorts that are at issue IF they are going to do something because to me, it’s better than changing what we enjoy now which is unlimited modifications with no penalty outside of 31 days.

But, the lottery doesn’t impact me. And why I really hope that there is no change and that this problem is considered the least impactful consequence to the membership as a whole.

No booking system will be perfect and right now, unless the room is in high demand, owners seem to be successful in getting what they eventually want via the waitlist and a little extra work.

The lottery would 100% impact me while walking does not. I have been a walker and when I couldn't walk, I was able to pick up what I wanted after the other walkers passed.
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