April 18 to 24 - Live Trip Report

Oh, and ITS MATCHING SHIRT DAY!!!!! Which is funny because when the shirts arrived at our house DH was like "ain't wearin it". Then Tuesday at MK, after seeing all the families wearing matching shirts he says "You brought our shirts, right?" HAHAHA!
:rotfl2::rotfl::lmao: well at least he's a willing participant now!
It's 10:25am and they just got back from Arcade. They are soaking wet. It's pouring down rain.

DD is in a bad mood from the arcade. They are both very competitive and unfortunately DD takes it very personally when she loses. DH is a bit of a ball-spiker, if you know what I mean. He's getting better about it, but I still haven't found a consistent method for getting my two kids to get along when they play games. They'll just need to figure it out on their own. :cat:

Ponchos and umbrellas are ready. We'll leave in about 30 minutes for MK.
Family Photo
These are always fun aren't they? Since we are wearing our matching shirts I wanted a pic in the morning before we started looking like drowned rats.
We went to the bridge. It took a few tries before we got a decent shot. At least one that I didn't look pissed off in :D
On our way to MK! Hurray!
Husband has never been on the Ferry before.
It's sprinkling and very cloudy and wet. 71 degrees
It's packed but they ate clearing tables much faster now than our last trip. We have a rose this time. We ore ordered ahead and only had to wait a ci up le minutes to be let I to find a table
Just jumped in 20in Q for Buzz. The sun disappeared behind dark clouds. Big rain sure to come!
And here it is!
Love this report! We were just there earlier in the month for 8 days and had no rain at all.....looks like its finding you now. And, don't worry, we have had snow showers the past few days here in the Milwaukee area so you're not missing much:)


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