Any word or any prep work being done for new DVC cabins?

Incase anyone was curious, here are the site plans Ed spoke of. The "New Dining Pavilion" was thought to be the MBBBQ replacement. For reference, this was behind the Setelement Trading Post. Pioneer Hall (Hoop-Dee-Do) is on the far lower left.

View attachment 843322

Ah the good ol' days, Jim, when all these plans were built and then scrubbed.


PS - thank you, sir.
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We were just in the 100 loop for 11 nights (checked out 3/12) and I noticed that there are orange paint 'hash marks' and little orange flags on the ground & pavement around the 2 cabins in the loop. The flags said 'WDW communications' but I suppose that doesn't necessarily mean anything. Sorry, I didn't get any pics.

So looks like they are planning on 'making some changes' to Loop 100.
I'm getting to the age where I am attracted to the idea of a small outlay for not having to mess with a camper to/from Disney.

After our trip this past January which included one token night in a cabin, I realized that while I love that the Cabins get me into Fort Wilderness, the cabin loops feel somewhat isolated. It helped me to learn that what I love was the vibe of the CAMPING loops and not the CABIN loops (although both get me into the Fort).

I'm attracted to the two DVC properties at Wilderness Lodge - the newer Copper Creek or the older Boulder Ridge. Close enough to the Fort to get over there often. And WL is a beautiful property with some nice nooks/crannies to soak up the atmosphere in and some nice food options if I'm not goint to cook up a storm.

But THEN the problem becomes if I did a WL DVC resale option, I'd still have my camper for trips to the beach and trips to the mountains (other destinations). Unless I can some up with moolah for a beach condo (mountains and other vacation spots not as big a priority). I'd need the PowerBall lottery ticket to do that.

And to consider all alternatives, if I didn't want to mess with a camper to/from the Fort, I could RENT a camper and still book my own campsite. I've looked at Meecham's website (the official rental company for Disney) and the cost of site/camper would not eclipse annual dues.

I'm low maintenance and am fine not requiring Deluxe rooms for prepaid stays that commit us for decades. The you-could-always-sell-your-contract PoV is still small variations on a declining asset.

Wish I would but don't think I will right now.


PS - and we love our spring week and fall week on the Alabama Gulf Coast in the camper. It's a real treat for us.

I hear you, especially on the 'getting to the age' thing.

We had a great time, but DH and I both noticed that our 7 day journey (each way) seemed to be a bit harder on us than the last one, 3 years ago. We're not sure but that this may be our last cross country tow.

DVC's out of the question for us due to the cost involved as well as the fact that we wouldn't get the use out of it needed to justify the investment.

So we're now toying with driving our car to FL (much less stressful on nDH than towing) and staying in motels en route and staying onsite when we get there. nDH is still adamant that he will NOT fly. nDH would love to stay in the cabins and the idea of a kitchen is very appealing to me (Celiac). Also thinking about the Meecham's route.

But since our next trip won't likely be for 3 years, time and our ages will tell. Not to mention the rising cost of an onsite stay.

I may have to just consider myself lucky that Disneyland is only 7 hours down the freeway. WDW vacations are less crowded and stressful, though, as well as having more parks and more to do. And much cheaper onsite stay options.

On the subject of cabin vs RV, just for the heck of it I priced a pretty identical stay (using next year's package prices) for driving & staying at a cabin vs this year's tow cross county & a preferred campsite.

To my astonishment, it turned out to be only about $800 more to drive cross country and stay in a cabin for 10 nights with a Disney golf cart for 8 days. There are some corners to cut if I wanted to get down to bare bones.

We drive a Prius that gets 50+ MPG on long 'flat' drives.
It's doing 960 miles per day (2 drivers, ~7 hours each), so just 6 nights on the road R/T.
It doesn't include bringing our dog, so no kennel expenses & pet fees.

It's not something we're thinking of doing any time soon, but I just wondered if it was in the realm of possibility. Who knows what the costs will be 3-4 years down the road and we wouldn't do it until 'in the fullness of time' we no longer have our precious Crash.
I hear you, especially on the 'getting to the age' thing.

We had a great time, but DH and I both noticed that our 7 day journey (each way) seemed to be a bit harder on us than the last one, 3 years ago. We're not sure but that this may be our last cross country tow.

DVC's out of the question for us due to the cost involved as well as the fact that we wouldn't get the use out of it needed to justify the investment.

So we're now toying with driving our car to FL (much less stressful on nDH than towing) and staying in motels en route and staying onsite when we get there. nDH is still adamant that he will NOT fly. nDH would love to stay in the cabins and the idea of a kitchen is very appealing to me (Celiac). Also thinking about the Meecham's route.

But since our next trip won't likely be for 3 years, time and our ages will tell. Not to mention the rising cost of an onsite stay.

I may have to just consider myself lucky that Disneyland is only 7 hours down the freeway. WDW vacations are less crowded and stressful, though, as well as having more parks and more to do. And much cheaper onsite stay options.


Stormy, My husband and I are facing this very same situation. Neither of us grew up camping. The one time we rented a motorhome, we had a s**tshow of an experience. Ten years later we decided to try again and bought an rv. We were off and running to some of the best times of our lives. Twenty years later, our rv was twenty-two years old. In great shape, and well maintained, but we worried about its age. When a local dealership offered us a fair price for it, we sold. No more rv. About three weeks after selling, we took our first non-rv road trip to Universal Studios in Florida. We had a great time, but we learned some things.

#1-being in a car with a partner is NOT the same as being in an rv with a partner. :rotfl: Lesson learned-for most longer trips, we will fly.
#2-flying brings its own set of issues. You can no longer bring the kitchen sink!!
#3-a plus about driving-I can now drive, too. I never drove the rv.

We are currently planning a family, Disney trip for January 2025. Just booked three rooms. I am still wrapping my mind around the non-rv planning I have to do.

Live and learn.
Stormy, My husband and I are facing this very same situation. Neither of us grew up camping. The one time we rented a motorhome, we had a s**tshow of an experience. Ten years later we decided to try again and bought an rv. We were off and running to some of the best times of our lives. Twenty years later, our rv was twenty-two years old. In great shape, and well maintained, but we worried about its age. When a local dealership offered us a fair price for it, we sold. No more rv. About three weeks after selling, we took our first non-rv road trip to Universal Studios in Florida. We had a great time, but we learned some things.

#1-being in a car with a partner is NOT the same as being in an rv with a partner. :rotfl: Lesson learned-for most longer trips, we will fly.
#2-flying brings its own set of issues. You can no longer bring the kitchen sink!!
#3-a plus about driving-I can now drive, too. I never drove the rv.

We are currently planning a family, Disney trip for January 2025. Just booked three rooms. I am still wrapping my mind around the non-rv planning I have to do.

Live and learn.

I'm sure it's a real learning curve! For me I think the hardest will be learning to 'under-pack'! The other thing (at this point) is that I think DH is overestimating my ability to drive long distances over multiple days. I do drive about 450 miles to see my cousin, but that's just one day and I don't do the return trip for 2 weeks or so! But, for now any cross country drive is a good 3-5 years off so we have plenty of time to 'refine' the plans!

#1-being in a car with a partner is NOT the same as being in an rv with a partner. :rotfl: Lesson learned-for most longer trips, we will fly.

We tow so being 'stuck' together in a vehicle is something we're used to. But the lack of room between an F350 crew cab and a Prius will take some getting used to!!

#2-flying brings its own set of issues. You can no longer bring the kitchen sink!!

nDH (non-Disney Husband) flatly refuses to fly. But I think the same applies to driving, we're really going to have to change our packing habits!! One of the great things about RV'ing is the ability to bring too many clothes! But who's going to want to schlep a dozen suitcases in and out of hotel rooms every night we're on the road? I've already decided that when the time comes I'll be investing in some compression cubes vs the 'regular' packing cubes I use now. And, once I've packed I'll be forcing myself to unpack half of it!

#3-a plus about driving-I can now drive, too. I never drove the rv.

Me neither! nDH tried me on towing many years ago on a long stretch of I-40 in Arizona. I managed about 5 miles before I pulled over and had a full blown panic attack w/hysterics. Never again!

I did tell him, though, that if he wanted to pay for a professional towing course for me I'd go, but somehow that never materialized.
I'm sure it's a real learning curve! For me I think the hardest will be learning to 'under-pack'!
Overpacking got in the way of our February trip. We brought a Britta filter and a hot pot. Healthier food for breakfast and dinner. You get the point. I am good with packing minimal clothing, etc, but those other extras tipped us over the top.
Overpacking got in the way of our February trip. We brought a Britta filter and a hot pot. Healthier food for breakfast and dinner. You get the point. I am good with packing minimal clothing, etc, but those other extras tipped us over the top.

I hear you. My 'needed item' is my hair dryer (the hard hood type) & huge rollers, lol. The only way to control my frizzy locks in the FLA humidity. Haven't quite figured out that one yet.

A hot pot (assume you mean an electric kettle?) is a good idea! I'd probably buy a cheapie at Target and leave it behind.

Disboards ought to have a section on 'things other people can have if they come get them'...electric kettles, ice chests, beach mats, etc. I know there's already a 'traveling fire pit' thread somewhere on here. Kinda like a Disney Freecycle, lol.
Here now and Loop 100 is closed and they are installing 2 of the new cabins. I thought that they would be pre-fab but they are built onsite (like a gingerbread house).

Loops 100, 2000, and the (new) cabin loop are all closed. I hope 2000 is getting gravel to replace the sand.
Here now and Loop 100 is closed and they are installing 2 of the new cabins. I thought that they would be pre-fab but they are built onsite (like a gingerbread house).

Loops 100, 2000, and the (new) cabin loop are all closed. I hope 2000 is getting gravel to replace the sand.

Pics, Allie?
Here now and Loop 100 is closed and they are installing 2 of the new cabins. I thought that they would be pre-fab but they are built onsite (like a gingerbread house).

Loops 100, 2000, and the (new) cabin loop are all closed. I hope 2000 is getting gravel to replace the sand.
2000 was just closed in early February when we were there. It looked like the posts for the water and the electrical boxes were all being replaced. A lot of underground work going on.
I wonder if the ones in 100 will be the model cabins.

@bama_ed We are in loop 1500, in one of your favorite sites, I think - 1513. It’s probably the best site we’ve had.
That’s important!

Thanks, that's super helpful. :worship:

It looks like you took those pics from the walking/cart path that goes down to the lake (and not from the 100 loop road?).

Hope you and the family have a wonderful visit this weekend.

Ed and DW

PS - @amcc and her family have been at FW for ??? how many years? Usually at Christmas-New Years week (end/ish) and around Easter weekend. Me and DW met their family on two different trips and it was a treat for us. I'm glad to see a family tradition that is continuing.
I wonder if the ones in 100 will be the model cabins.

@bama_ed We are in loop 1500, in one of your favorite sites, I think - 1513. It’s probably the best site we’ve had.

I speculated early on about that. It makes perfect sense since it's a stone's throw from the boat dock so relatively easy for prospective buyers to come and check out without driving to the Fort.

But there goes my wish for 2 more RV sites in that (our favorite) loop. Sigh.
@bama_ed We are in loop 1500, in one of your favorite sites, I think - 1513. It’s probably the best site we’ve had.

We spent a Thanksgiving at that site back in '09, @amcc. I remember it was the weekend Tiger Wood's wife attacked him with a golf club! I'm glad you got to try out 1500 loop.

I do enjoy those sites (1510, 1511, 1513, 1514) that back up along the canal. I take my folding chair, walk over the rise at the rear of the site, and sit next to the beautiful water view with its peace and quiet back there. It's sunny and open but if you want shade you can move back toward the road to the treeline.

I speculated early on about that. It makes perfect sense since it's a stone's throw from the boat dock so relatively easy for prospective buyers to come and check out without driving to the Fort.

That's true, @amcc and @StormyCA, 100 cabins might be models but I personally think that is a somewhat deceptive practice.

Think of a prospective buyer coming to the Fort (maybe not at all familiar with FW) on the boat to tour a model cabin in 100 loop.

Cute cabin? - :thumbsup2
Great vibe of the Fort? - :thumbsup2
Convenient to Transportation? - :sad2:

Oh the two cabins in 100 loop are convenient, sure 'nuff.

But in the cabin loops you're not near the bus to WL/MK, the big boat to MK, small boat to CR, and the Settlement Depot with 3 ways to get the Outpost or parking lot (Yellow, Orange, Purple - I take the 1st one of the 3 that shows up so never have to wait long at all).

I get that DVC is selling the cabin itself and not location within FW. I also get the new models replace existing legacy cabins in 100 so it's not a NEW sleight-of-hand. So for 2 cabins, very convenient. For the other 363 cabins, not so much.

The cabins to me feel isolated which is why I stopped consideration of buying into CFW.

@amcc, hope you've had good weather during your stay.



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