Any Single Disney Loving Guys Out There?

Angy he is talkin about us!!!!

I agree. Hang out with the gorgeous women at the casino.

Dont worry ... I wont bite... hard

Leave it to you to state the obvious...:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

...and Good Morning Dis peeps :grouphug:
I'm 59 (female) and never been to WDW yet but debating on where to spend 60th...which park? Would love to meet someone that actually enjoys Disney. I've been to Disneyland LOTS and CA Adventure but the people with me just seemed to put up with it because I wanted it. Anyone guys out there in my generation that actually ENJOY IT?
I'm 59 (female) and never been to WDW yet but debating on where to spend 60th...which park? Would love to meet someone that actually enjoys Disney. I've been to Disneyland LOTS and CA Adventure but the people with me just seemed to put up with it because I wanted it. Anyone guys out there in my generation that actually ENJOY IT?

Well, I cant help you in the "male" department....but :welcome: to the Dis and you will love WDW :)
I'm 59 (female) and never been to WDW yet but debating on where to spend 60th...which park? Would love to meet someone that actually enjoys Disney. I've been to Disneyland LOTS and CA Adventure but the people with me just seemed to put up with it because I wanted it. Anyone guys out there in my generation that actually ENJOY IT?

There are males of every age who like disney, from the little guys in short pants to the old guys in golf pants.

I think the key to your having a good time will be finding a guy whose genuine interest is in having fun at Disney (as opposed to anything ulterior) because that'll give you the most to build on. It has the added bonus of being able to see a guy with his guard down, indulging his inner child.

Sadly I don't have the ability to point you at someone in specific, however I do wish you luck, and remind you that Disney is built on magic!
Angy he is talkin about us!!!!

I agree. Hang out with the gorgeous women at the casino.

Dont worry ... I wont bite... hard

That's what she always says. From our meeting last year about this time, my plastic surgeon has finally got the bite marks on my arm to look like freckles. :rotfl: :rotfl:

Yay! A man with some commonsense :):)

Yes there are some of us here where the grey matter is more than that and actually functions. :goodvibes

I do like to think I have always been the sharpest plastic spoon in the drawer......

That's a first for Carrie.......I mean that's the first time that I have heard it worded that way (thought I better put that in to cover my butt and to prevent further future injuries)
Just found this thread, and have enjoyed reading the posts! I was drawn to it because I was wondering if there were any Disney loving guys my age! Ha ha, seems like there are lots of Princesses out there wondering the same thing! Anyway, hope everyone is having a magical day!
That's what she always says. From our meeting last year about this time, my plastic surgeon has finally got the bite marks on my arm to look like freckles. :rotfl: :rotfl:

Yes there are some of us here where the grey matter is more than that and actually functions. :goodvibes

That's a first for Carrie.......I mean that's the first time that I have heard it worded that way (thought I better put that in to cover my butt and to prevent further future injuries)

Steve Steve Steve..

I got nothing
Single, Disney-loving male right over here! I'm 26 and from the state of Alabama... ROLL TIDE!!!

Along with keeping up with Disney (and PIXAR) happenings, I am a HUGE fan of The Office and I cannot wait for Wipeout to return.

Single, Disney-loving male right over here! I'm 26 and from the state of Alabama... ROLL TIDE!!!

Along with keeping up with Disney (and PIXAR) happenings, I am a HUGE fan of The Office and I cannot wait for Wipeout to return.


I :love: The Office.

I so thought last week would be a new episode and was wrong. Bummer.
I :love: The Office.

I so thought last week would be a new episode and was wrong. Bummer.

I agree...Office is the best show ever. I have the DVD's and can watch them over and over and laugh so hard I cry each time. New episode this week!
This week ya? Awesome

And then Lost starts the 21st... Yay

I knew I liked you those are my two favorite shows. Can't wait for Lost to start, I get chills thinking about it.

This is what it is like in my house when Lost is on...

"Everyone SHUT UP...Lost is on!!", phone is turned off, AIM away message is on...LOL (Everyone being my 8-year-old DD if she is with me that night...but she gets mommy :) )
oh and god forbid my DVR screws up the recording...

Let's just say stay away from Amy if that happens...there are tears, anger, "why god why?", etc, etc, gets pretty ugly.
oh and god forbid my DVR screws up the recording...

Let's just say stay away from Amy if that happens...there are tears, anger, "why god why?", etc, etc, gets pretty ugly.

I suggest getting a Tivo- it's WAY better than a DVR

Also love the office, i actually feel uncomfortable sometimes when Micheal does something stupid:rotfl:
I suggest getting a Tivo- it's WAY better than a DVR

Also love the office, i actually feel uncomfortable sometimes when Micheal does something stupid:rotfl:

but that is what makes it so funny :laughing: . Have you seen the original British version? He makes me so much more uncomfortable in that version.


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