Any other DISers trying to concieve? Reread OP for the QOTD!

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Congrats DznyLvr!!!!! That's awesome

Christal and GypsySue - hope the IUIs do the trick this time

It looks like AF is going to show up tomorrow. I'm trying to decide about doing another round of Clomid this month. Brian and I are hardly ever home together this month, so BDing on the right date might be impossible anyways. Ugh....
Congratulations, DznyLvr.

I got AF on Christmas Day. Wow, what a present. The holiday was terrible at the in-laws. The drama got worse. Luckily things sort of got better, but I'm pretty sure that my mother-in-law thinks that I'm supposed to just "get over it." Yeah, you popped out 4 kids, all 2 years apart, and you didn't even plan the last one. I don't want to hear it. You have NO idea what it's like.

Today is day 9, just finished the second course of Femara. I'll start POAS for O maybe tomorrow, the next day? Ugh. I'm very down about the whole thing.

On a good note, I told sis-IL (the one I have issues with) that I wanted to throw her a shower. I'm actually looking forward to it. She's really excited, so I'm happy I volunteered. As of right now, I do not plan to allow the other sis-IL or MIL to help. They're on my list, if you know what I mean. (MIL actually insinuated that I'm not qualified to do my job because I don't have kids-HELLO, I'm doing my best...I'm a school psychologist)

Anyway....Good luck to everyone, welcome DisneyMooner.
Dam that AF and her dog Spot!!!!!!!:furious:

Umm, bartender...another one over here! And leave the bottle!!!!
Hi everyone!

Aurora - good luck this month. And have fun with the shower.

We did decide to take the Clomid again this month. The good part is I'll be at work for most of the week, so DH may not notice how ugly it makes me. We may have to call in sick for O time, but hopefully, this is the month! I'm thinking positive for this month!
Ugh! I'm so frustrated! I ended up getting sick right around prime BD'ing time. I felt too terrible to BD. :mad: I'm so mad at myself. I also stopped doing the OPK while I was sick because I was just too weak/sick to care. So I'm not even sure when O was. We did BD last night (CD17) and normally I O around CD18/19 but I was starting to think the Metformin might push up O. But now I'm not sure because I got sick and all thoughts of TTC went out the window because I felt so bad! I'm so mad at myself for that! I could have at least kept track of O to know if we missed it or not.

On CD13 I still had a negative OPK. We didn't BD on CD 14-16 because I was sick. I'll try to do an OPK today to see what happens. Before Metformin I was getting a postive OPK on CD17/18 so we'll see. Ugh.

And, on top of all of that, we didn't get the semen sample in while DH was on Christmas break. I didn't look at the calendar and thought we'd do it last week, which ended up being prime BD'ing time. So I put it off because the instructions say no BD for 2-3 days before the sample. Now I need to figure out how we're going to do the sample. DH's work schedule (Teacher) and the lab hours do not match up well at all. The lab is closed before DH goes to work and after he gets off of work.

So I think I completely wasted away this cycle. :mad: Today I started the double-dose of Metformin, so I'm sure it'll make me sick. Can you tell I'm having a bad day already?!?

Hopefully LSU will win tonight and I'll have something to smile about!
Sorry about AF, Jen. Sorry you haven't been feeling well, Allison.

Did anyone catch the UNC/Clemson game last night? Go Tar Heels!

So I put it off because the instructions say no BD for 2-3 days before the sample. Now I need to figure out how we're going to do the sample. DH's work schedule (Teacher) and the lab hours do not match up well at all. The lab is closed before DH goes to work and after he gets off of work.

Don't believe that no BD 2-3 days before stuff. On the only IUI that worked for us, we BD every day before, 2x on the IUI day, and then again almost every day after. The truth is, the more you BD the better the sample will be. Also, you can save a sample for a few hours, by keeping it cool.
Good luck anyway. You just never know!!!!!
Don't believe that no BD 2-3 days before stuff. On the only IUI that worked for us, we BD every day before, 2x on the IUI day, and then again almost every day after. The truth is, the more you BD the better the sample will be. Also, you can save a sample for a few hours, by keeping it cool.
Good luck anyway. You just never know!!!!!

See, this is confusing. The instructions I was given said no BD 2-3 days before. And that I had one hour to get the sample to the lab and I had to keep it warm. :confused3
Ugh, skuttle, that stinks. I've been sick, too. I forgot to OPK today. I did it after I got home and it was negative, but I barely had enough for it to take, if you know what I mean. Oh well, we'll bd tonight anyway because we've officially been together for 7 years!! We went out to a great dinner, so it's kind of a nice day. Would be a nice day to conceive, romantically. On our 4th anniversary I bought my wedding dress. It's traditionally been a good day for us, so we'll see, I guess.

skuttle-they freeze that stuff all the time and thaw it out, I don't know why it has to stay warm. Maybe that's just the preference.
Sorry, didn't mean to confuse. Just thought I'd share what actually worked for us.
By keeping it cool, I didn't mean refridge or anything. We kept it in one of those specimin cups in a bag until it was time to go to the dr. office. (room temperature) I know it was more than 1 hr though. And the lab actually commented that time on the quality of the sample, which never happened before. I later learned that the more you BD the better quality the sample. Maybe not qauntity, but only takes one. ;)
I'm about to make a 'pre-conception' appointment with my OB/GYN and I was just wondering what do they usually do at these. I know they draw blood, but would they do a pelvic exam if you've had one in less than a year?
I know this appt is not necessary, I just want to make sure I'm healthy enough before I decide to get pregnant.

D&D, it's not your fault. The whole TTC process is confusing! I think I'll just follow the instructions I was given. They may have a good reason for their instructions based on the equipment they use. I'd rather not mess it up because I know DH isn't looking forward to giving one sample! I can't imagine if I told him I messed it up and he needed to do another. LOL! Now just to find the time.

TrueEeyore, I never had a pre-conception appt so I can't help. I talked to my gyn about TTC at my regular annual. I'm sure others on here have had a special TTC appt. Good luck! I hope your TTC journey is a short one. :goodvibes

Aurora, congratulations on your special day! That's wonderful! Sounds like the perfect day to conceive!
Hi everyone ! I just wanted to check in to see how everyone is doing. It's been awhile since I've been on. The holidays were crazy! I hope everone had a good one.

I go for my ultrasound tomorrow to find out the sex of the baby. YAY! I will post what it is!

Hope everyone is doing well and staying positive!
I'm about to make a 'pre-conception' appointment with my OB/GYN and I was just wondering what do they usually do at these. I know they draw blood, but would they do a pelvic exam if you've had one in less than a year?
I know this appt is not necessary, I just want to make sure I'm healthy enough before I decide to get pregnant.


When I went in for my annual exam last year, my doctor basically told me "Hey, you're getting old. If you want to have kids, you should try soon." :sad2:

So I told her we were going to within the next few months, and she was like "Cool. Stay healthy, take care of yourself."

And that was it. :confused3
I'm about to make a 'pre-conception' appointment with my OB/GYN and I was just wondering what do they usually do at these. I know they draw blood, but would they do a pelvic exam if you've had one in less than a year?
I know this appt is not necessary, I just want to make sure I'm healthy enough before I decide to get pregnant.


I didn't make a specific appointment, but talked about TTC at my regular annual.

I didn't have any blood drawn. When I did get pregnant, they didn't do a pelvic exam, because I had one within a year. So, I would imagine if you already had a yearly exam, they wouldn't do another.

Good luck. :wizard:
I'm about to make a 'pre-conception' appointment with my OB/GYN and I was just wondering what do they usually do at these. I know they draw blood, but would they do a pelvic exam if you've had one in less than a year?
I know this appt is not necessary, I just want to make sure I'm healthy enough before I decide to get pregnant.


I didn't make a specific appointment, but talked about TTC at my regular annual.

I didn't have any blood drawn. When I did get pregnant, they didn't do a pelvic exam, because I had one within a year. So, I would imagine if you already had a yearly exam, they wouldn't do another.

Good luck. :wizard:
Hey everyone! Happy Humpday to all!
I just got back to work today from a long weekend. Some friends of ours just bought a lake house up in Saugatuck, Michigan, and we went up there this weekend to help with some of the "fixing up" stuff that needed to be done. (We put in the sweat hours, and we get to use the house for vacations! :thumbsup2 )
It was fun, and a good distraction for the first half of the 2WW! ;)

Work is crazy today, but I thought I would just pop in and say hi! Hope everyone's hanging in there!

I didn't make a specific appointment, but talked about TTC at my regular annual.

I didn't have any blood drawn. When I did get pregnant, they didn't do a pelvic exam, because I had one within a year. So, I would imagine if you already had a yearly exam, they wouldn't do another.

Good luck. :wizard:

Thank you. I'm going to call and find out for sure, cause you just have to be prepared for that, KWIM? :lmao:

When I went in for my annual exam last year, my doctor basically told me "Hey, you're getting old. If you want to have kids, you should try soon." :sad2:

So I told her we were going to within the next few months, and she was like "Cool. Stay healthy, take care of yourself."

And that was it. :confused3

Well, my doctor asked me to make an appointment first, she wants to make sure everything is working right before it happens. I appreciate her concern, I want to know that nothing is wrong as well.
Thanks for the info :thumbsup2
Thank you. I'm going to call and find out for sure, cause you just have to be prepared for that, KWIM? :lmao:

Well, my doctor asked me to make an appointment first, she wants to make sure everything is working right before it happens. I appreciate her concern, I want to know that nothing is wrong as well.
Thanks for the info :thumbsup2

I also just talked about it at my annual exam last month. I was actually seeing a new doctor, since my previous doctor left the practice.

He basically advised me about vitamins to take, and asked a lot more detailed questions about my and DH's history. He asked if either of us had any birth defects when we were born, if my mom had any problems, family medical history, etc. After we went through all that, he basically said that I seemed to be in good health, and there was nothing specific in our history to require anything else before we started trying.

I'm a little frustrated now. DH and I have planned for over 6 months now to start trying for a baby in May. We are both the oldest in our families, in our late 20s, married, own a house, etc - but our families are great and have never pressured us about when we will be having kids. I haven't told anyone at all that we have this plan - I would prefer to try for a while before we involve anyone else, and I'm just not ready to share that we've reached this point. My 23 year old brother just announced over the holidays that the girl he has been seeing (who is NOW his girlfriend) is pregnant and due in June. Now, all of a sudden, everyone's asking us why we're not having kids yet, and saying that now we'll decide we want one because my brother's having one, and they can be close in age, etc.....

Now I feel like we're going to start trying in May, and hopefully get pregnant in a reasonable amount of time, but everyone's just going to think we decided to have a baby because of my brother! I know this doesn't really mean anything, and in reality I'm not that bothered by it, but it's just such a shock!
I took a test this morning--11 dpo. I could have sworn I saw a second line forming--I got so excited!! I turned around to call DH and when I turned back to the test it was gone. There was nothing but a big ol' white space. So now I think I am hallucinating. This is awful. I just want a baby!
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