any November 15th eastern 7 ngt cruisers out there?


Thanks for making the name tags on such short notice hope the info I gave you was all you needed.

Just got back from the hockey game our team lost 4-2 but the weather is getting nicer though, only about -1C or 30F right now.

We haven't even started packing yet but tomorrow is a holiday so we will get all we have hanging in the office in suitcases and probably finish with no time to spare. We fly out Thurs. just before noon and I will probably just hold off and sleep on the plane can't seem to put too many consecutive hours together these past few nights.

I'm sure the weather will be everything we hoped for from Sat. - Sat. no worries!!

Just 3 more sleeps, take care people!!!:sunny:

Thanks all, I told my daughter that you all said Congrats.

Just rested all night last night and now I am ready to tackle everything that needs to be done. I got so excited this morning when I realized I only have to set the clock 3 more mornings before we leave:Pinkbounc

Kim and family, Have a safe trip down and see you soon:wave2:
Jo-Anne, I will be at work at 2:00 on Thursday, so wave north when you pass Cawthra. I will be thinking about you!

Have a good day everyone!
good morning guys.. :)

well, 3 days for us.. i cannot believe it.. i have beenrunning crazy here.. still not packed, but at least i'm not alone.. stephen is sick.. taking him to the doctors this morning to have him looked at.. hopefully it is just his teeth and not an ear infection.. ugh.. always something..

safe trip kim - see you saturday..

well, we leave friday am.. arrive in orlando around 2:30 i think.. staying the night there, then off to the port saturday..

see you all then.. i'm sure i'll be back 900 more times before then though..

have a great day :)

Ahhhh...I'm going to be so sad as everyone starts leaving me this week. Kim, have a safe trip down and I can't wait to meet you! We're not leaving until Saturday morning. My in-laws are leaving on Friday, so they'll be in FL a day early.

Linda, you are truely a gem! I'm so happy that you re-booked on this cruise. I know last year it didn't feel like a good thing, but you see the bright side and now there's all of US!

Dana, I have PD on the way for Stephen. Let's just hope it's his teeth. My baby niece, Alli, (who's coming along on this trip, also 15 mos. old) is getting tubes in her ears today. They wanted it done last week because of leaving on Saturday, but the doc couldn't get her in. She's had constant ear infections and they finally said enough is enough. The last ear infection was about 2 weeks ago and her family doctor said that there was no way she could have flown like that.

Gord, you're welcome. It was no problem at all. I'm glad the weather is "warming" up a bit for you. That's just too cold.

Just a few more days, everyone!! Can I make it through 2 more days of work??

Michelle, I'm right with you watching everyone leave, but it is easier knowing that I'll be leaving on Saturday. After today, I am really in busy mode so maybe the time will pass quickly, but of course, not quick enough.

Dana, I hope Stephen is all right, at least you're able to take him to the doctors before your vacation.
Sherry, what airport are you flying out of and what airline are you on?

Michelle, we are flying out of Philadelphia on Delta. We have a stopover in Atlanta. We arrive there 7:32 and leave 8:46.
We're flying out of Harrisburg. Looks like you'll be leaving Atlanta when we arrive there. We arrive in Atlanta at 8:41 and leave at 10:19. You must arrive in Orlando very early, then. We don't arrive until 11:45.

Good morning all!

Can you believe it's only 3 more days!!! Still doing some cleaning and polishing but it's almost done. Will save mopping the kitchen floor until Friday morning because DH and kids will have it dirty again if I do it today. LOL

I was checking around last night for extended forecasts for St. Thomas and St. Martin. Some rain now in St. Thomas but forecasts were showing clearing and temps in the 80s. I'll keep checking as it gets a little closer.

Dana, hope Stephen is OK. I know we've been suffering the "sniffles and coughs" around here lately. The ups and downs of the weather temperatures surely haven't helped either.

Well, off to fold some laundry. Talk again later.
Yes, we will be arriving at 10:12. We have rented a car and we are going to drive directly to the ship. At least the weather looks clear for both of us, you never know in November.

Here are good wishes and pixie dust that we all have good flights down

Mary, I'm saving my cleaning for Friday, too. Took the day off work just to get ready for our overnight guests (and to get my nails and toes done!). I really want to clean the bathroom the "day of" their arrival because I'm so fussy about the bathroom. That's one room that just has to be clean.

Sherry, you're so right abut hoping we all have good flights down! There are some in our group that are flying Harrisburg/Cinci/Orlando, so I'm really hoping their flight through Cinci is uneventful! You never know weather-wise for that area.

hello all..

well, stephen does not have an ear infection, but when i say he is miserable.. i mean it.. he is so stuffed up too.. and is not sleeping at night... and he is usually a very good sleeper.. goes to bed around 7:30-8pm and sleeps until 7 am.. now he is getting up every 2-3 hours.. it is horrible.. tony is on his last 24 today, then vaca..

i'm going to really start cleaning tomorrow and finish up thursday, washing the kitchen floor.. :) i hate coming home to a messy house.. i will make sure all the laundry is done too..

for anyone who needs them.. i am packing a few extra whisk tablets.. i will have 4-6 leftover.. i only use one per load, even though they say two.. just let me know..

more later..

dana ;)
Sherry, thank you so much for printing the info for me!!! Congrats to your DD also! That is such an accomplishment to stick with something that takes so much dedication. You must be so proud!

Mary, I stayed up late Thursday night writting out the TY notes for William's party so that he could sign & decorate them to give his friends Friday morning at school. It also irks me when TYs aren't given.

Linda, I am at my SIL's. I should be able to check in a bit while we are here. I am glad to hear that others have problems sleeping as well. I haven't been able to go to sleep before 1 or 2 am lately. Last night I had MAYBE one ounce of wine with sprite & was out by 10pm. I am thinking that I will need to do that again tonight.

The weather cleared up very nicely today & we are all wearing short sleeves .

Kim, I am looking forward to meeting you all possibly Wednesday night. The butterflies have started up in my tummy again since we leave in the morning for WDW!!! I just can't believe that our trip is finally actually here!!!!! Our counter is down to under 14 hours!!!!!!!!

I may have to do some switching with our suitcases Friday night. I have the shoes in one small one & the 2 other bags are crammed pack. We have no room for anything else. :eek:

OK, the rest of my post is messed up & disappeared. This darn keyboard is driving me nuts.
Alex, you are the one that brought us together. It is so sad that you will not be with us. I promise that we will do a toast to you at some point! Thanks so much!

So... guess what... a friend at work now lent me a suit for Cam. He looks so cute! Now he will be in a black suit, Brian will be in a black suit, I will be in a black velvet dress, and Meghan will be in a black velvet dress. I can't wait to see our formal photo!
OK, everyone. Goodnight. I"m going to settle down with a little wine & get a good night's sleep before hitting WDW. I am so excited!!! Sorry if I didn't address everyone but half of my message disappeared when I backspaced. The kids are almost asleep so I don't want to be up until 2 again. Can't wait to meet you all!!!

Kim, we are at the AS Movies under Michael Graves. Hope that we can get together possibly Wednesday night.
Glad to hear from you again. I am glad to hear the weather is better. My mom, dad, sister and neice are down there now (left last Thursday, come home this Thursday). I hope they had okay weather. My sister is now divorced, and doesn't have much money. My parents wanted my neice (almost 9) to see Disney World. So they are paying for her to go (Christmas present) and my sister is paying her way. I hope they have a great time... they deserve it!

I am about to tell Brian that I need another suitcase, as I want to add a couple of things... uh oh... I am in trouble. haha

again I procrastinated tonight on the packing! I'll have no choice but to do it tomorrow. Guess I don't want to pack it all up until I feel I'm free from work and really in vacation mode! Did the leg waxing, pedicure today and facial, manicure tomorrow...had neighbour boy over to give cat-feeding instructions...getting more prepared! Lisa - glad to hear its warming up in FLA. I'm only taking one sweatshirt for warmth - optimistic!? Linda - will wave like mad when we pass Cawthra - funny how I'll travel across another country to meet someone in my own backyard!! Can't wait! Nice of your parents to support your neices trip - its so nice to see that. Your formal outfits sounds like a dream....I have done a very poor job at co-ordinating us! Dave in dark navy suit, me in Black and white, Katie in navy velvet and Michael in navy pants and wine vest with one of those clip on ties! Lisa- have a drink for me - I still have that queezy, excited feeling in my stomach that probably won't disappear until we are on the ship. Pleasant dreams everyone! Jo
So I'm sitting on the floor, staring at all our crap... it looks like we'll be taking NINE pieces on this one-week cruise. I cannot believe it.

Diaper bag
large Backpack
Anton's suitcase
Anton's backpack
Glen's computer bag
Glen's carry-on
checked baby carrier backpack
checked large suitcase
checked hanging bag suitcase

Currently revising clothes inventory to see if this can possibly be reduced. Guess we'll have to take advantage of that laundry across the hall more often!

Anyone else in this situation? Any advice? Arghhhh..



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