Any idea on when dinosaur ride is supposed to close?

Is this question based on the announcements at the D23 event earlier this month? If so, nothing they said about AK is definitely going to happen. If it does, it will be some time from now. So there’s no timeline in place for closure of the Dinosaur ride.

That said, something could be announced tomorrow, so I’d get busy planning my visit if it’s important.
Not soon enough but I agree with @CarolynFH ~ right now this is a "dream" that has been presented for two years in a row with no indication that anything is on paper other than some pretty artwork.

If it is really important - go ASAP, because it could just close because it is in bad shape. At what point do you stop throwing money at it. Our last few trips it has been walk on so folks aren't that interested in the current state.
Absolutely nothing Disney has proposed for a replacement to Dinoland has been officially confirmed to be happening. It was a bunch of "We COULD build this" or "It's POSSIBLE to put X, Y and Z in this space". As of right now, Dinoland is here to stay.
... it could just close because it is in bad shape. At what point do you stop throwing money at it. Our last few trips it has been walk on so folks aren't that interested in the current state.
That's my biggest concern. Since they've announced ambiguous plans to replace it at some point in the future, what little incentive they might have had to repair the non-functional elements of the ride have likely evaporated. Why spend money on fixing it up if we're going to tear the whole thing down in a few years?
That's my biggest concern. Since they've announced ambiguous plans to replace it at some point in the future, what little incentive they might have had to repair the non-functional elements of the ride have likely evaporated. Why spend money on fixing it up if we're going to tear the whole thing down in a few years?
That seems to be the operational/financial decision .... Primevil Whirl, Voyage of the Little Mermaid, Alien/Stitch Encounter. From a business standpoint I get it. From a guest standpoint it is sad to see valuable real estate not providing me value.

In this case there is no incentive to repair it ~ especially since AK attendance seems to be dropping. July they did the AP Magnet giveaway in AK ... really? They were forcing guests to the park. My guess is any money will be held for new additions, not repairing an attraction likely on the chopping block. And even if they shut it down - I don't think anything will happen for awhile, just another dormant building. Luckily it is tucked away.
AK is a really tough park. Yes it has FoP, but that’s really the only “must do” ride there. My daughter likes Everest, but there are better roller coasters on property. Kali River Rapids is a pale immigration of Grizzly River Run in California. We all enjoy the Safari, but if we didn’t get to it I wouldn’t really care. What else is there? Rainforest Cafe (ugh!)? When my kids were little they always liked the Boneyard, but it isn’t worth a trip just for that. My son was crushed that he never managed to make it onto Primeval Whirl before it closed (too short and then under repair). I guess that just leaves Festival of the Lion King, which is also good but I don’t NEED to see it every trip.

They need a new/better draw besides just Pandora, but that’s going to cost a lot of $$ that Disney just doesn’t seem to want to invest in that park.
AK is a really tough park. Yes it has FoP, but that’s really the only “must do” ride there. My daughter likes Everest, but there are better roller coasters on property. Kali River Rapids is a pale immigration of Grizzly River Run in California. We all enjoy the Safari, but if we didn’t get to it I wouldn’t really care. What else is there? Rainforest Cafe (ugh!)? When my kids were little they always liked the Boneyard, but it isn’t worth a trip just for that. My son was crushed that he never managed to make it onto Primeval Whirl before it closed (too short and then under repair). I guess that just leaves Festival of the Lion King, which is also good but I don’t NEED to see it every trip.

They need a new/better draw besides just Pandora, but that’s going to cost a lot of $$ that Disney just doesn’t seem to want to invest in that park.
:eek: I think Everest is one of the best on property - so many coaster elements.

Guardians is top tier, but Everest is a great traditional coaster.

AK is our easy, relaxing day. I don't mind it not being thrill centric but it def needs more "ride" attractions. Sadly they have spent way too much money on LOSERS like Rivers of Light and arena, carnival Dinoland and I get the whole desire for the river raft ride but most folks don't want to get soaking wet - add that it is often closed in winter trips we are there.
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Everest is good, don’t get my wrong. And it’s also nice that we can ride it more than once in a day as the standby lines are short by the afternoon. Personally I wouldn’t make a whole trip to AK just for that ride.

I hated Rivers of Light.

I wish my kids had been more interested in the wilderness explorer program but they just weren’t. Another draw might have been princesses as plenty of princesses like animals, but Pocahontas was the only one there (the year my daughter “outgrew” princesses she was the only one we visited, so it will always hold a special place in my heart).
Dinosaur was a one and done for us. It was jerky and bumpy without actually being a thrill ride. To me it was like riding with a teen learning to drive (or Tomorrowland Speedway lol). Gas - hard brake - gas - hard brake - repeat. I hope it gets completely redone with new vehicles, new track, etc eventually as I would hate to see the space wasted.

Kali River Rapids was also a one and done. We don't like walking around wet. It's the same reason we've skipped Splash Mountain for the last 15 years. Though I get why others enjoy those. They're just not for us. Hopefully AK gets a refresh and some new rides in the future.
Last visit my kids were the perfect age for animal kingdom. The boneyard gave then a place for free play that is so hard to find in the parks and they loved the wilderness explorer. My friend who came with us did NOT enjoy the time we spent there as she is all about the rides, not enjoying just hanging around when there are so many things to do so close (including hopping to another park with more rides).

I feel dinoland is a missed opportunity to do very well considering the popularity of dinosaurs, but am way more excited about a central america/amazon basin area. The opportunities for more animal exhibits, linked in with relevant film rides just makes more sense. I just really hope they keep some kind of playground.
AK is already the park with the least amount of repeat factor IMO. It's an amazing park the first few times but after that it diminishes quickly, It was our second favorite park after our very first visit to WDW, but now is a distant 4th. We try to do it on arrival day now, and that's it for the rest of our 8-10 night stay. AK also has very few rides so taking away Dinosaur is pretty significant.

I am in total agreement that Dinoland needed to go, but why not just take out the "carni" area. The area around Dinosaur attraction itself is really nicely done. The carnival was the only real problem. It just didn't fit (Yeah, I know the backstory of Walt and carnivals and fairs, etc...). The area just felt cheap and didn't fit in with the Imagineering and quality of the rest of the park(s). HAPPY to see that go.
AK is already the park with the least amount of repeat factor IMO. It's an amazing park the first few times but after that it diminishes quickly, It was our second favorite park after our very first visit to WDW, but now is a distant 4th. We try to do it on arrival day now, and that's it for the rest of our 8-10 night stay. AK also has very few rides so taking away Dinosaur is pretty significant.

I am in total agreement that Dinoland needed to go, but why not just take out the "carni" area. The area around Dinosaur attraction itself is really nicely done. The carnival was the only real problem. It just didn't fit (Yeah, I know the backstory of Walt and carnivals and fairs, etc...). The area just felt cheap and didn't fit in with the Imagineering and quality of the rest of the park(s). HAPPY to see that go.
For years the ride has had a noticeable amount of dinosaurs not working. To keep in in that condition for lengths of time tells me the dinos are simply too expensive to keep fixing, or perhaps were built cheaper and have outlived their expectation. It might be just it has to be fully renovated so why not make changes.
For years the ride has had a noticeable amount of dinosaurs not working. To keep in in that condition for lengths of time tells me the dinos are simply too expensive to keep fixing, or perhaps were built cheaper and have outlived their expectation. It might be just it has to be fully renovated so why not make changes.
I don't disagree at all, as long as what replaces Dinosaur is at least as good, thrilling, imaginative.. AK suffers from the lack of thrilling/exciting attractions, which IMO have the most repeat factor. I'm all for progress. :)
I don't disagree at all, as long as what replaces Dinosaur is at least as good, thrilling, imaginative.. AK suffers from the lack of thrilling/exciting attractions, which IMO have the most repeat factor. I'm all for progress. :)
According to what Disney said I would expect it to be Indiana Jones as the one at DL is the same track as our Dinosaur. If it weren't for that I don't think they would be looking at Indiana Jones. Personally I wish it were torn down and something new and fresh built but .... but sounds like they are leaning to a clone.
According to what Disney said I would expect it to be Indiana Jones as the one at DL is the same track as our Dinosaur. If it weren't for that I don't think they would be looking at Indiana Jones. Personally I wish it were torn down and something new and fresh built but .... but sounds like they are leaning to a clone.
I suppose I would be o.k with that since it would be different (never been to Disneyland). However, there sure has been a lot of leveraging existing rides and plopping them in other parks... Remy, Tron, ...

Don't get me wrong, I'll always welcome more attractions for more to do, and better disperse crowds. AK needs more new additional attractions. Hard to believe FOP is already 6+ years old.
Absolutely nothing Disney has proposed for a replacement to Dinoland has been officially confirmed to be happening. It was a bunch of "We COULD build this" or "It's POSSIBLE to put X, Y and Z in this space". As of right now, Dinoland is here to stay.
This exactly. Pretty much everything “announced” for the Florida parks were Blue Sky. Nothing has been funded or green lighted yet. So with their recent track record, it will be years.
Until we see firm details, it's currently all blue sky. I have no doubt that dinoland will be changed as will the Chester and Hester Dino-rama area. But when it will happen and exactly what it will become is still up in the air.


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