And all at once, everything was different. Literally. *WDW NYE 2019 TR* Updated 4/11x2*COMPLETE*

I have become disappointed by the Figment shop. Like the Muppet store, I feel like the merchandise is definitely less. I have several limited edition Figment plushies that are numbered and other more unique merchandise. Now, it seems like everything is more generic: plain little plushies, keychains, a few shirt. I wish they would bring back the original concept of Figment.
I wish I could install Spaceship Earth in my backyard. Like, the ENTIRE RIDE. I just want easy access 24/7. That is how much I love it.
::yes::It just never gets old!

After cruising through the Big Blue World we did something we haven't done in a really long time. Something totally new to us at Epcot, but that we had done previously at California Adventure - Turtle Talk with Crush!!
I love Turtle Talk! It is a must do for me. One of my favourite memories was when Stuart was 6, we were at Turtle Talk and Crush showed the bikini top (wondering what it was). Stuart piped up "that's for girls" and burst out laughing . It was so cute!

And then FINALLY checked in for our lunch. Once again we witnessed a large group becoming irate at not being seated. Again with no reservation.
What is with people not making reservations???

Xavier added the loaded boursin potatoes.
Must have those in my life!
If you had spaceship earth in your backyard I’d be coming to visit often lol. We live in north east Arkansas. Have you heard the rumor of a possible refurb for it lasting 2 years?
Glad to see lunch at Le Cellier turned out pretty good. I'll be eating there for the first time in June and was happy to hear the steaks still lived up to their reputation.

Sorry about the lecture from the MouseGears Cast Member, though.
I have never eaten at Le Cellier but that steak looks SO GOOD! Maybe I will have to put it on the list for next time!

I also love SE. I always want to ride it, it's just so classic!
After this, I decided that I DID in fact need the Spaceship Earth bubblegum wall ears I'd spied at Hollywood Studios, so I went to Mouse Gears to get them, and DH and the kids went to Club Cool.

I didn't bring enough room in January to get these even though they were my second favorite pair of new ears that have come out (after potion purple). These are going to be my #1 purchase for April lol

Well, that's fancy.
I hope everyone is enjoying this Monday so far, especially if you're lucky enough to be home like we are. I love no school Mondays!!

We have finally arrived at the day many of you are looking forward to hearing about, and I hope it isn't a huge disappointment!!

I didn't take very many pictures this day, and a lot of the ones I did take are blurry and just to remind me in what order we did things, so there will be some text heavy sections!!

Without further ado I give you...

Chapter Five: It's a Plaid World

**In case you did not read my pre-trip report, the owner of my husband's company gifted us with a VIP guide for one day during our trip. We originally hoped to have them on NYE, but they were all booked. So, after some anxiety about even HAVING a guide (I had our plans all worked out already!!), I decided to stop being an insane person and quit worrying about what we had planned, and just go with it. We picked New Year's Day, and decided to do all four parks in one day, with VIP viewing for Happily Ever After being a priority. I'd originally booked the dessert party, but cancelled it when we found out about our guide, and added the Frozen Illuminations dessert party on another night instead**

After a late New Year's Eve night, we all did something we've never done before...we slept in!!


Just like this...but without any of the panic!!

Instead we just sort of lounged around, and me, L, and DH decided to put on our swimming suits and go hit the hot tub and pool. X wanted to sleep a little longer, he wasn't feeling all that great **foreshadowing...oooh**

We were going to go to the Lava Pool, but after seeing that the Oasis Pool was empty, we went there instead.

The three of us stayed there for awhile, then went back to the room to just hang out, shower, watch tv, and just...not have to be anywhere!!

DH did eventually go get us some food at Captain Cooks around 10:45 or so. He got Tonga Toast, X got a breakfast burrito, I had a bacon/egg/cheese croissant, and L had...I don't remember. Maybe Tonga Toast, too. DH and I sat out on the balcony together to eat, and I got a few bites of Tonga Toast myself, and ended up giving him part of my croissant. The croissant itself was so greasy it made the inside of my mouth feel like it was coated in oil :crazy2:

While we were out there we counted about ten groups of people sadly rolling their suitcases toward The Great Ceremonial Hall, and I felt bad b/c I knew they were heading home.

We stayed in the room until around 12:30, then decided to go sit in the lobby for awhile. It's pretty in there, and the chairs are comfy. It was fun to just be there in the lobby with the people bustling around on their way to who knows where. We wandered around Boutiki for the hundredth time

and I took some pictures of the beautiful flowers on the Christmas tree

And of course our iconic Polynesian tiki god

Does anyone else just like soaking up every bit of the resort that they can?? I feel like it's a destination all its own, and even though we've stayed in some amazing hotels, nothing compares to a Disney resort for me.

Our guide was due at 1:00, so we went out about ten minutes beforehand...and I switched to taking pictures OUTSIDE the resort. So yeah, here's more pretty Poly pics :rotfl:

We noticed a white SUV pull up and stop just before pulling under the overhang, with a Plaid driving, and we figured it was our guy, but he was a couple minutes early. We kept kind of side-eyeing him, waiting to see what would happen.

At 12:59 he moved the car from where he was waiting and went over to park right outside the valet area, and then walked up and over toward us. We were already standing at this point, figuring he was our guy!

He came right over to us and greeted us each by name, after never having met us before. Do you think they get some kind of cheat sheet on us, with like, Disney's surveillance or something??? I was too afraid to ask him, even after we started becoming more friendly :rotfl::rotfl: I mean, I guess Matt and I are obvious, but he knew which kid was which. There wasn't even any hesitation as he greeted them, like he was afraid he might have the wrong kid, he just knew.

He confirmed with us that we wanted to try all four parks in one day, and ran down the list I had sent Signature Services in advance of our trip. He had that memorized too!! He asked where we wanted to start, and we said Hollywood Studios.

At DHS we originally wanted Tower of Terror and Slinky Dog Dash, but since we had ridden Tower twice the previous day and didn't have a fast pass for Toy Story Midway Mania on another day, we had decided to do TSMM and Slinky Dog instead.

I was ready for some park time!!


We pulled up at Hollywood Studios into a parking lot behind Rock N Rollercoaster and other CMs were there with baskets of snacks and bottles of water. We had just got started, so I declined, figuring we'd have the chance again later, since it was a hot day. X was excited b/c there were whole packages of Starburst in the snack basket. They scanned our bands on little iPod things, and we were good to go.

I hated not being able to take any backstage pictures :sad: This particular area wasn't anything all that special, but still!! We came out onstage right next to the fast pass line for RnR, and started walking over to Toys Story Land.

Our guide was still trying to feel us out, but he seemed kind of boring. DH's boss had specifically requested this guy for us b/c they've been touring with him for years, but I was really trying to figure out what made him so special. He walked slow and he seemed so blah!! He was asking us different questions, and I think just kind of doing some kind of voodoo magic spell or something. Probably he took some kind of personality quiz training :rotfl::rotfl:

I just found your TR (I missed my happy place and you seem fun lol) But this post just brought back some fun memories for me. In August 2015 we got married in WDW and did pics in two parks, MK (Of course) and HS because I'm Tower of Terror OBSESSED and we parked in that same area to take pics around on Sunset Blvd. You're right, it's not very pretty but it's so cool being someplace most people don't get to go that you want to document it but you can't.
I agree with you about SE, I absolutely love this attraction!

The poutine and potatoes look so yummy!

We have never been to LeCellier the steaks and pretzel bread have won me over, to bad Andi is a steak hater, lol!

I love the bubblegum wall/SE ears! Andi talked me out of them, she said I would never wear them, I think I would and may need them!

The meat and sauce on the poutine was VERY rich, but good. The potatoes were insanely delicious. Maybe since Andi doesn't eat steak she would like one of the salads or sides?? They have regular poutine on a secret menu for AP holders I've heard (but haven't asked, so don't know from personal experience). The pretzel bread was really good, and they have the cheddar soup, too.

Maybe they will accidentally jump into your hands and onto the checkout counter on your next visit...they really are some of the prettiest ears I've seen. I just love them!

Thanks!!! I feel like Morgan would really enjoy this! I might have to see if I can get her a one of her friends to try it...

If they decide they're interested, and if you ever have any questions about it, let me know!

OH and also, I am putting Le Celier on our August trip list... I had the sampler of the steak at Food & Wine and it was sooo good. Your pictures helped pushed me to put it on the list.

I was surprisingly pleased by the whole meal, and would definitely go back

I have become disappointed by the Figment shop. Like the Muppet store, I feel like the merchandise is definitely less. I have several limited edition Figment plushies that are numbered and other more unique merchandise. Now, it seems like everything is more generic: plain little plushies, keychains, a few shirt. I wish they would bring back the original concept of Figment.

Ugh, don't get me started on the Muppet store :sad::sad:

I love boursin cheese and that sounds so good :lovestruc

I've always wanted to try their poutines yum

they were the best potatoes!!

i only got a tiny bite of the poutine b/c the kids were not into sharing, but what I had was delicious!!

::yes::It just never gets old!

I love Turtle Talk! It is a must do for me. One of my favourite memories was when Stuart was 6, we were at Turtle Talk and Crush showed the bikini top (wondering what it was). Stuart piped up "that's for girls" and burst out laughing . It was so cute!

What is with people not making reservations???

Must have those in my life!

Aww, that's adorable!! Turtle Talk is just so much fun, I have promised myself that I will visit it more often!

I don't know! It seemed like everywhere we went there were large groups with no reservations who just did not understand why they couldn't be seated. I mean, look around people! There are a gazillion others here, why are you shocked there's no room for you?? :rotfl::rotfl:

they were SO GOOD!

If you had spaceship earth in your backyard I’d be coming to visit often lol. We live in north east Arkansas. Have you heard the rumor of a possible refurb for it lasting 2 years?

Haha!! If I had it in my yard I'd say slide on over to my side of the state!! I have heard the rumor, in fact I did ask our VIP guide and he said that yes, they've heard a refurb is coming at some point, but they haven't heard anything about a start date, an end date, or length of time.

Glad to see lunch at Le Cellier turned out pretty good. I'll be eating there for the first time in June and was happy to hear the steaks still lived up to their reputation.

Sorry about the lecture from the MouseGears Cast Member, though.

We felt it was a great meal, and I"ll be honest, I was trying to keep my expectations low just in case. I hope you have a similarly good experience!!

It was frustrating...I just felt like a simple "no, sorry" would have worked a whole lot better than a lecture and then giving me the discount anyway.

I have never eaten at Le Cellier but that steak looks SO GOOD! Maybe I will have to put it on the list for next time!

I also love SE. I always want to ride it, it's just so classic!

I think it's definitely worth trying!!

Definitely a classic. It isn't a complete visit without at least one ride

I didn't bring enough room in January to get these even though they were my second favorite pair of new ears that have come out (after potion purple). These are going to be my #1 purchase for April lol

Well, that's fancy.

My purple potions were my favorite until I got the bubblegum wall ones!

I wish i remember what it was called, i know it was raspberry something but i can't find it on the online menu. If I go back, it's what I will order, it was really good!

I just found your TR (I missed my happy place and you seem fun lol) But this post just brought back some fun memories for me. In August 2015 we got married in WDW and did pics in two parks, MK (Of course) and HS because I'm Tower of Terror OBSESSED and we parked in that same area to take pics around on Sunset Blvd. You're right, it's not very pretty but it's so cool being someplace most people don't get to go that you want to document it but you can't.

Yay, welcome!!

Ugh, yes!! Not taking pictures backstage was so hard, especially at Epcot!!
I finally got back long enough to mostly catch up!

I love this. <3 Such a beautiful photo. The morning light....I can almost feel what those kinds of mornings in Florida on vacation feel like in your soul! :lovestruc

I also saw this sign near the DVC kiosk, and it hit me right in the heart:

:lovestruc Well sign me up then, cuz I totally belong! Oh...right...we can't afford it yet. Whoops!

And of course Gertie: The queen, the goddess, my inspiration

The one and only. What a beauty!

So I'm not sure if our dates and resort are set in stone or not, but we are now planning a June visit!!

Yay! So exciting! An August visit would be better, just sayin', but still I'm pumped for you guys!

Fozzie Bear is my favorite!!!

Oh my goodness!! Adorable! Any time I hear anything about Fozzie I immediately think of you.

Amazing ears. I'm so glad you got them later!

**In case you did not read my pre-trip report, the owner of my husband's company gifted us with a VIP guide for one day during our trip. We originally hoped to have them on NYE, but they were all booked. So, after some anxiety about even HAVING a guide (I had our plans all worked out already!!), I decided to stop being an insane person and quit worrying about what we had planned, and just go with it. We picked New Year's Day, and decided to do all four parks in one day, with VIP viewing for Happily Ever After being a priority. I'd originally booked the dessert party, but cancelled it when we found out about our guide, and added the Frozen Illuminations dessert party on another night instead**

This is so amazing, I still can't believe it! But part of me totally gets the anxiety about changing plans.

We were going to go to the Lava Pool, but after seeing that the Oasis Pool was empty, we went there instead.

This is beautiful! We only ever went to the lava pool when we were there, but it was crowded and loud, so we definitely should have tried here instead!

Does anyone else just like soaking up every bit of the resort that they can?? I feel like it's a destination all its own, and even though we've stayed in some amazing hotels, nothing compares to a Disney resort for me.

Totally. :lovestruc

He confirmed with us that we wanted to try all four parks in one day, and ran down the list I had sent Signature Services in advance of our trip. He had that memorized too!! He asked where we wanted to start, and we said Hollywood Studios.

Oh my gosh, amazing! That's some serious customer service right there, going the extra mile!

While we walked through the FP line, I tried to take as many pictures as I could. I loved these Christmas lights held up with thumbtacks:

Ooh, I've never noticed this, how cool! I'll have to look next time.

It says "Not for use in water"...but,'s a BATH toy!!



But the best thing? He truly loved being on these rides and having these experiences, even though he did them almost every day. That's when I really started feeling a strong appreciation for him, when I realized he genuinely had a passion for his job, and that it was special to him.

Wow. Magic... :goodvibes I imagine that's exactly how I'd feel, or most of us here on the Dis would feel, if we got to do his job.

THEN on my solo trip in May 2017, I rode it like four times and became obsessed. I have no idea why, but now I hate the thought of missing it, it makes me so happy!!

I have become similarly obsessed with Soarin'! The best!

And we learned that C was a huge Star Wars fan (that's an understatement, but I won't share all his comments, LOL), and had got to guide Warwick Davis before.

Oh my gosh! Nathan would be so jealous!

I did mention that this was our first entrance to MK of the trip, and he asked if I was ok coming in at the side, or if I wanted the "walking down Main Street" experience, which I thought was sweet. I told him I was fine coming in at the side.

That's so thoughtful :)


Another bonus was we got to skip the crushing part of the line, and went behind all that and the CM let us through a little chained entrance and directly onto the moving walkway to our Doombuggie. This definitely felt pretty VIP!!

Wow. This would make the experience almost worth it for me right there! I hate that horrible moment in the HM queue (or lack thereof.)


Jordan Fisher however, is a treasure and we should all just be happy he exists.


Sorry, no time for a good chapter title. I know, I know. I'm slipping.


Pretty good, apparently, b/c while on the monorail I scored a PPO Garden Grill breakfast!!


If you dislike pictures of Spaceship Earth this might not be the post for you, because there's going to be a lot more!! Park icons are park icons for a reason...they never get old, and I still feel the need to take 9,000 pictures of them every single visit. Guess what I'm going to be doing in June and September?? Taking 9,000 more each time!!

Dislike pictures of Spaceship Earth!? Blasphemy! Of course you feel the need. It's what's done!

Has anyone ever actually had GOOD eggs at a Disney breakfast, or are we all just in agreement that they're kind of wet and blah??

Totally. Wet and blah.

The "potato barrels" (Quit trying to make Fetch happen, Disney. They're tater tots.) were awesome, crispy and salty and beautiful.

Yes!! Such delicious "potato barrels" when we were there, too!

This meet was awesome!! We had so much fun with Ralph, and he had a great handler and photopass photographer there that got in on the action.

:goodvibes Yay! We got Vanellope and not Ralph on our visit, so now you and I need to swap character experiences!

Scentsy's Palo Santo smells just like Rome Burning

Oooh, good to know! We're big fans of the Rome Burning smell.
I read through your entire trip reportand have been enjoying it! Your flight troubles sounded exhausting; the pool time was a great idea to recover.

Your NYE day sounds like it went better than expected. I'll have to watch the fireworks from the Poly pool sometime; looks amazing. Also, the VIP experience with the plaid sounds so cool!
Joining in a little late!

I am always debating two things wdw right after Christmas 26-1 and a VIP tour. Neither of which I have been able to pull the trigger on.

I worry the crowds would kill me Christmas week (ok more like DH would kill me after I made him go). Then tour I had booked for a March trip when I was prego and at the last minute (3 weeks out, which is last minute for Disney) I canceled because I could justify the cost no matter how hard I tried!

Moral of all that rambeling is I love reading your report it gives me an idea of what I’m missing onboth fronts and can’t wait to hear more!
We booked a trip for just me and DH last night. I was checking out AP discounts for summer and found a too good to be true rate at Yacht Club.
I know we have had conversations about our June trips but I wanted to say that I specifically noticed how great the AP rates are in June! We are staying DVC for that trip but I took notice of that awesome Yacht Club rate!

we saw the time and realized the March of the First Order was getting ready to start. The kids had never seen it, so we rushed across and got a spot on the edge of the sidewalk to watch for a second.
We are huge SW fans but we’ve yet to see this!

I love my children.

Remind me of that in case I forget, ok??
All us mommas have to remind each other!

There was so much laughing while we were riding, it was a blast.
So far I haven’t talked my family on this but I’m hoping I can for June.
Since we couldn't cuddle some chipmunks, we decided to admire a pig fountain instead:
Ok maybe I’m remembering wrong but the last couple trips the fountain hasn’t been running and it’s been grass there! Good to see it working again!

I also ordered the Mushroom Flatbread:Roasted Cremini and Button Mushrooms with a Roasted Vidalia Onion Spread topped with a Fontina and Asiago Cheese finished with Balsamic Reduction and fresh Herbs
This will sound funny but this sounds yummy...except for the mushrooms! I’m not a mushroom fan but everything else is right up my alley!

Both boys ended up with the charred strip steak:Four-Cheese Macaroni with Pancetta, Aged Balsamic-Shallot Butter, and Chianti Wine Reduction
Yum! This looks wonderful. I haven’t eaten at MM in a really long time and it gets a bad rap...but maybe I should try it again at some point.
I know people are concerned about these not having a/c, but over the summer we went to this place called Trees of Mystery in northern California, where you ride in a similar type of container (container?? LOL! What else do you call it? Gondola, I guess :rotfl2: ) - it was a cold, rainy day and there was no heat in them, but the temperature inside was very neutral. The Disney ones have to travel pretty far...I feel like surely they won't actually be boiling hot inside, there's probably some way to regulate the temperature.
We definitely plan to try it before we judge!

grabbed some kaki gori
If you can believe it, in 43 years and 19+ trips I’ve never had a kaki gori. I do plan to remedy that. I know they have an alcoholic version so I may try that but I’m not certain yet.

DH had strawberry, L had melon, and I had the best one - Tangerine. We all opted for the sweet milk topping, which is really what makes it so yummy anyway!!
All these sound yummy.

It was a great view
Similar to the TotWL view though not exactly bc it is one building over and a tad higher up.

They were comically tiny :rotfl::rotfl: I felt guilty for eating one, so I just took a bite and let L have them
I don’t think I’ve ever seen crab cakes so small! I plan to get some at Ale & Compass in about 2 weeks. I hope they are bigger!

Someday I hope to try the breakfast, as it seems pretty universally enjoyed by most people, from reports I've read.
I would like to, as well.

were just as surprised as we were that it was so uncrowded on New Year's Eve!!
Me too! Another “never done at Disney” that I need to rectify.

It was really pretty the way the fireworks reflected on the pool water!! It was such a calm and relaxing spot to watch from: no crowds!! The whole evening was so relaxed and calm, such a major departure from the previous year, and it was the perfect way to say goodbye to 2018 and welcome 2019. If you're going to start the year off right, I can think of no better way!!
You guys definitely did it right. We are going for Independence Day but we booked the dessert party. Hopefully that will help somewhat.
The croissant itself was so greasy it made the inside of my mouth feel like it was coated in oil :crazy2:
Completely off topic but this is how McDonald’s French fries make me feel.

And of course our iconic Polynesian tiki god
I so want to stay here! Fortunately with DVC I think we can though it isn’t our home resort. I want to do Beach Club or Boardwalk in June 2020 so maybe the Poly will be on the list for 2021.

All four of us were now huge fans of Slinky Dog Dash.
DH and I loved it! Unfortunately my kids are not thrill rides fans so unless we have someone with us (we did in Octiber) we have to do rider swap and ride alone. Which just isn’t as much fun.
(Got pretty far behind)
A few people had managed to get ahead of us b/c of our reunification, but we were like the third group to meet Ralph I think. Yep, sadly just Ralph. Vanellope was unavailable that morning, and I was really disappointed. They said she'd be there later, but later the line was long :sad: If they're still meeting in June I'm dragging DH back so I can meet her. She's bucket list for me, I love her so much.
Now they have the more-permanent M&G at the Imagination Pavilion! On distwitter they showed the character entrance and it looks like Ralph and Vanelloppe come through the internet portal! It seems awesome!

I realized as I was checking out in Mouse Gears that DH had my AP and ID. I showed the CM at the register my MDE with the annual pass listed, and said I know they usually need to see the card and ID, and she basically lectured me about bringing it with me, and I said, look, I'm not here to argue with you, I don't care if you give me the discount or not, but hey, I had to at least try. I will happily pay full price, but can you just ring me up and stop yelling at me. But I said it in a nicer way than that. She ended up rolling her eyes and saying, "no, no, I will give you the discount!"
I wish they would start verifying AP with a magicband! I know they can, because everytime I scan at a restaurant I can see at the top of the mobile device it pops up "passholder". You'd think they could have something similar for merchandise purchases! And if they could do fingerprint verification, that'd be even better so I wouldn't need ID either!

Everyone wanted steak, but we also didn't want to eat Shula's right before going to the Frozen Dessert Party.
Sounded like a good plan - we ate at Shulas and were STUFFED! We couldn't even walk back from Dolphin to Beach Club, so took a boat!
Oops!! It's been almost an entire month since I've updated!! If you can't guess, that means it's been a very busy month over here.

Since I last posted, we've had a spring carnival at school ("spring" being relative, it does not feel any kind of spring-like!), L got a parakeet, and yesterday my Odyssey of the Mind competed at regionals and won first place!!

@Raeven also started her PTR so the cat's out of the bag...the two of us are going on a Universal/Disney adventure in September!!

I have some time today, so I will try to get a couple of updates posted and catch up a little.

We're ready to finish up our Epcot day, so here is...

Chapter Six Part Four

In the previous update we had spent the morning at Epcot, and had just left to go back to the Polynesian for a swim break. At some point during our time in the World Showcase before our Le Cellier lunch we stopped to take this:

Anyway, after another lazy afternoon by the pool, we headed back to Epcot for the evening - at that point we thought it might be our last time to see Illuminations, so we had reservations for the Frozen Dessert Party!

The light was just perfect on Spaceship Earth as we walked through the gates

I look less than excited here, a kid probably made a comment about me being either old or short

And then I forced everyone to pose for these awkward gems:

The sunset was being extra cooperative, though!!

Everyone was more than over my picture taking, and we were all ready to head toward our first destination - Mexico!

In my previous reports I always say Mexico is one of my favorite pavilions, and nothing about that has changed. I LOVE it! The last time we were there, more Coco things were beginning to be added, and I knew even more was there now, so I was eager to check things out!

The ofrenda display was so dreamy and beautiful

We took some time at the photo kiosk to make our own skeletons

The final results??

X -

L -

And me!

Mexico was decorated for the holidays!

Our primary destination was the Gran Fiesta Tour, one of our very favorite rides. It is always a must do!!

Up next was a quick visit to Norway. I knew L would be excited to see the Norse Gods exhibit in the Stave Church (he is very much into all kinds of mythology, and lord help the person who gets any of it wrong, because he will launch into a detailed explanation of what is correct), and so was I! That Frozen stuff has been in there FOR-EV-ER and I was ready for a change!!

And no visit to Norway is complete without annoyed kids posing with a giant troll:

They weren't even really annoyed, so I'm not sure what was up with those faces!!

After Norway was a quick visit to Karamell Kuche in Germany

where we all picked up a caramelicious treat for later. We weren't eating them now because it was time to go to our dessert party!!

Because of picture amounts, I'm going to finish this up in the next post - Coming up as fast as I can type it!
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Chapter Six Part Five

I took a picture across the lagoon, and then we started over to the party location

The check in for the Frozen Dessert Party is the open area by the water before you get to Mexico, so we had to backtrack through the World Showcase. This meant we weren't spending as much time there as we wanted, which led to some of our plans changing around for other days of our trip. That'll come up in a later update!

We got our glittery blue wristbands and found our table. We weren't right by the water, but we had a good view!

So, I'm going to just disappoint everyone right off the bat - my pictures for this party are terrible!! I managed to only get one of the food. This is the fruit/bread/cheese fondue buffet. The best buffet area of the night, honestly!

Fruit, melon, crisp bread slices, pita, soft bread, broccoli, and DELICIOUS cheese fondue. I liked it best on the soft bread!!

There was also a few different dessert stations: ice cream sundae, baked goods like cupcakes and cookies, and the warm cakes (also with ice cream).

Lighting makes photos difficult, which is part of the reason why I don't have many (another reason was b/c I was eating!)

My plates: On the right is bread covered in cheese (yum!) along with some melon and fruit. On the left is a little eclair/macaron combo thing (it was eclair shaped, but macaron in substance), some kind of mystery blob I don't remember, and two small key lime tarts

I broke a Disney rule, and felt so guilty doing it, but I used flash to get a picture of the glittery tops of the key lime tarts (but why are they ORANGE??)

I felt so guilty about using flash at all that I held it way down to the side so I wouldn't make a huge blinding light toward anyone, lol

The tables were pretty, with Elsa lights on all of them and filmy blue table cloths with glitter swirls, reminiscent of Elsa's blue gown

We were all given 3D glasses that turned the lights to's a poor attempt at showing off that feature:

If you've ever done or read about the Jingle Bell Jingle Bam fireworks party, you've seen similar before. The effect is actually pretty cool, but I hate wearing those cardboard glasses, so they never last long on my face.

Before long, the show began and we all sat back and enjoyed

It was beautiful as always, and a great way to end the night. But wait, there's more!! The fireworks didn't signal the end of our night, because we still had a voyage through Arendale to complete!!

The party hosts had chosen two little girls to be our guides over to Norway (dressed as Elsa, of course!). We were all asked to line up

Once the exiting park guests had died down a little, we all began walking toward Frozen Ever After. Don't think you can saunter along, they move fast!

We got to an empty Frozen line (although Norway itself wasn't totally empty, there were still people finishing dinner at Akershus - I just don't think I could do a full dinner that late!)

Don't worry, I didn't forget to add the required blurry nightmare photo from inside the ride:

Here's our ride photo :rotfl::rotfl:

Too bad the other family didn't tell us to play along!!

Once we finished our ride through the icy wonderland, we slowly made our way out of the park and toward the monorail. Spaceship Earth gave us a beautiful send off

And that concludes our busy Epcot day!! Next up will be Animal Kingdom...I might try to get that up today, but no guarantees. Enjoy your Sunday and see ya real soon!!

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