An Invasion of a "STRANGER" Kind.... NEW THREAD IS UP!! Go Thee NOW!

I prefer Patti O'Tater, but the other way round is pretty good as well! :thumbsup2

Maggi sauce is similar to soy sauce: brown and salty. It tastes a bit like cheap stock cube. But I think there isn't any soy or meat in it... Nasty stuff, but I love it on cucumbers. :goodvibes
So, at the top of the list for Soldier #1, as far as things to be on the hunt for, are accessories for our dear friend Potato Head- who, by they way, is still looking to make a name for himself in the "World". Well, actually, he is hoping that all of his DISFriends can come up with a good name for him/her. Remember, it needs to be a unisex name, as s/he sometimes struggles with his identity. Please submit your suggestions, and I will post his answer soon.

Now, on with the show.

Another piece of Victory Loot are the rare and valuable coins with fabulous designs squashed into them. Well, ok, they aren't very rare, nor very valuable, except in sentimental ways. A collector's item, so to speak, wrought with personal affection and regard.

Last time, our kids researched the various sets available and even listed out where to find them. The older girls were especially excited about finding each coin to fill in the set, choosing the Villians and Snow White and the 7 Dwarfs sets as those to seek out. Here is the website that provided most of our reconnaissance.

They list out all the pressed coins at WDW, and where you can find them. The seach feature is great, and will list out ALL the motifs of a particular character and the various resorts or parks they can be found.

As nice as the pennies can be however, collecting them CAN become quite a challenge Take a look at this:

Snow White- Sir Mickeys
Dopey- Coronado Springs Arcade
Happy- Fort Wilderness Trading Post
Sneezy- Poly Great Ceremonial House
Grumpy- Port Orleans Lobby or All St. Sp Arcade
Sleepy- POR Food Mill
Doc- Yacht and Beach Club Arcade
Bashful- YBC Arcade

You can see that gathering them all might entail quite a bit of running around. Luckily, we will have ADRs at a lot of these places or will already be there. So, while do-able, it will take extra effort. The trick will be to remember this quest, and take appropriate action. (ie. GET them while there!)

Another set that we started, and actually got more than halfway finished assembling, was the coins from around the World Showcase. I'm pretty excited about finishing this set of 11, and will probably at some point get them framed. Here are the ones that I do have. I like that the US one is oriented landscape. It will make a nice arrangement in a frame.

Ooooo--oo-oo~~~ I just had an idea.... What if I somehow incorporated all mask charms from all the kidcot stations into this collage as well. The ideas of overwhelming me- even as I type!!!

So there you have it. 13 more coins (at least) for a grand total of $6.63!! Not a bad price, by any military standards. ;)

Click Here for A Soldier's Perks- Pt. 3, Mexican Treasures
I'm going with French or Frenchie. It's a play on the whole potato thing and it's not for a girl or a guy. Wasn't the guy on 3rd Rock from the Sun's name French?
I've got my hourse all turned around, I'm thinking you need to be going to bed instead of me! :rotfl: Silly me.
I'm going with French or Frenchie. It's a play on the whole potato thing and it's not for a girl or a guy. Wasn't the guy on 3rd Rock from the Sun's name French?
I've got my hourse all turned around, I'm thinking you need to be going to bed instead of me! :rotfl: Silly me.

As in French fries??!! No idea?? Never seen that one. :confused3 Dinner time here... leftover beef stroganoff. :cloud9:
The pressed pennies are something that I've known about for our last two trips, but I think we've only done one or two of them. Thanks for showing some of your collection. :thumbsup2
Never done the pressed pennies. I'm sure it's fun, but somehow we collect (more than) enough clutter!
The pressed pennies are something that I've known about for our last two trips, but I think we've only done one or two of them. Thanks for showing some of your collection. :thumbsup2

Good morning, Carissa! They are pretty fun, for the little ones and for moms and dads. Especially the handcrank ones! :thumbsup2 I wouldn't want just any that I came across, good to focus and work on a set.

Never done the pressed pennies. I'm sure it's fun, but somehow we collect (more than) enough clutter!

They are fun, especially if you make it a goal to get a set. We certainly have our fair share of crapola too; it'll be fun in 3 or 4 months when I need to start mucking out and getting rid of everything but 10 or so boxes. :sad2:
What do you do with the pressed pennies once you get them home? I guess you will be saving them. But where do you put them?:confused3

Juliana already has us saving everything that comes into this house. IE McDonald's toys (we have the first one she has ever got... thank goodness we have only been there about 4 times in her life :thumbsup2), any paper she has doodled on, stickers that don't stick, balloons that don't float, etc...

EDIT:: I read her your note and she loved it. She was surprised that someone wrote her on the computer.:)
Pressed pennies are fun. We did a few, and I glued them into our scrapbook of the trip.

Didn't Pat on SNL also have a friend named Terry? How about Terry Tater?
What do you do with the pressed pennies once you get them home? I guess you will be saving them. But where do you put them?:confused3

Juliana already has us saving everything that comes into this house. IE McDonald's toys (we have the first one she has ever got... thank goodness we have only been there about 4 times in her life :thumbsup2), any paper she has doodled on, stickers that don't stick, balloons that don't float, etc...

EDIT:: I read her your note and she loved it. She was surprised that someone wrote her on the computer.:)

There are a few things I have done/will do with the pennies. Some I used in scrapbooking from our last trip. They were perfect for embellishements. But my hope really is to get a whole set or 2 and get them framed in a nice shadow box something. I only have the 5 left for WS, and that should be easy; the Villians set and the Snow White set might be tougher to get in one trip since the pieces are so spread out over the property.

We are definitely NOT savers of anything. Much to my children's consternation, I'm pretty brutal about throwing stuff out. "Art work" has about a 2 week life span, then it gets circular filed. I just don't have the space or the "clutter tolerance" for it all.

My son especially is a junk collector- EVERYTHING like pieces of old broken glass, bolts, and other junk regularly find their ways into the house. About a week later I toss it, and they are rather mystified where they've "misplaced" that "thing". Funny thing is, I never hear about that "thing" that was once so precious- which gives you an idea of just how important it was to begin with. :rotfl2:;)

So glad Jul liked her letter. She sure is a special girl!
Pressed pennies are fun. We did a few, and I glued them into our scrapbook of the trip.

Didn't Pat on SNL also have a friend named Terry? How about Terry Tater?

Whoops, you snuck in there on me. :rotfl:

That's exactly what I did. They are perfect for scrapbooking. :thumbsup2 I think a whole bunch of crafty like things could be made with them too. What about hotgluing them to a thin dowel and using as a plant stick on a window sill? Or around a picture frame with your favorite photopass pic?? The ideas are endless!

I'm going to have to Google it, it's been 25 years since I've watched SNL. :eek:
I think glueing a magnet to the back and using them as fridge magnets might be a good idea, too!

I really love getting magnets from every trip I take and was rather dissappointed by the choices I had at WDW this time. I loved so many pin designs and one day my sister and I came up with the idea of removing the pin from the back and replacing it with a magnet... If I would know someone who could do that for me, I would be really tempted to get more of those pins... :goodvibes But the pressed pennie might be a good alternative for next trip!! :thumbsup2
When CDPH feels a bit "fried" he/she/it could always go by the name Pommes Frite.

Ok, clearly I've not had enough coffee yet!

The pressed pennies are fun!
I think glueing a magnet to the back and using them as fridge magnets might be a good idea, too!

I really love getting magnets from every trip I take and was rather dissappointed by the choices I had at WDW this time. I loved so many pin designs and one day my sister and I came up with the idea of removing the pin from the back and replacing it with a magnet... If I would know someone who could do that for me, I would be really tempted to get more of those pins... :goodvibes But the pressed pennie might be a good alternative for next trip!! :thumbsup2

That is an EXCELLENT idea!! I'm all over that!! Especially for the ones you really like, but are sort of random and without belonging to a set, so to speak. I have a lone penny from World of Disney that my 5 year old (at the time) HAD to have, but it's "random". I could easily see that being turned into a magnet, to remind me of the fun we had in there. Coming up in this series of Souvie picks, will be shopping around the World as well, and I'll need all hands on deck for that!!
Ahh the pressed pennies! Fiance got into them a few trips back. It was fun finding new ones everywhere we went.

Speaking of pressed pennies, I was at a store the other day and paying-while digging through my coin part for change, I found my Tinkerbell pressed penny! :rotfl:
Ahh the pressed pennies! Fiance got into them a few trips back. It was fun finding new ones everywhere we went.

Speaking of pressed pennies, I was at a store the other day and paying-while digging through my coin part for change, I found my Tinkerbell pressed penny! :rotfl:

You found Tink!! Hooray!! :woohoo: Now you should do something really fun with it!

Fridge magnet
Plant stick
Tape her to your desktop monitor

The possibilities are endless!!

One bonus is that they are a TON cheaper than the pins! Not as colorful, but fun to find.
When CDPH feels a bit "fried" he/she/it could always go by the name Pommes Frite.

Ok, clearly I've not had enough coffee yet!

The pressed pennies are fun!

That reminds me of a German "joke" (the apostrophes are not because Germans don't joke, contrary to common believe, Germans do have humor, but because it is more of a pun than a joke...). We call french fries by their French name: Pommes Frittes. But pronounce it a little less French, more like pomm fritts, so it sounds like Fritz, a German name. And btw, Fritzi (pronounced frittsee) can be a nickname for Friedrich as well as Friederike, so it can be male or female! :thumbsup2
So, let me get this straight. We could call him/her/it "Fritzie" and it would be in line with German humor. Right??

1/2 Fries, 1/2 German name. And it's gender neutral you say??
So, let me get this straight. We could call him/her/it "Fritzie" and it would be in line with German humor. Right??

1/2 Fries, 1/2 German name. And it's gender neutral you say??

Yes, and I wouldn't even be offended!! :goodvibes


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