An idiots outburst at Magic Kingdom

OP--glad the idiots did not appear to ruin the other guests' day. I hope the idiots' day was ruined by being thrown out of the park.

:hug:I am so sorry you have been put through this and have to live with the emotional scars yet.

I'm still amazed at how angry some people get. Sure, times have changed and things are so much better then they were 5, 10, 15 years ago, but still. The amount of hatred that some people can give off just astounds me.

The only time I wasn't as freaked out to show affection was when my partner and I made a commitment to one another by Sleeping Beauty's wishing well and exchanged rings. I for some reason, just didn't care at that point.
I'm still amazed at how angry some people get. Sure, times have changed and things are so much better then they were 5, 10, 15 years ago, but still. The amount of hatred that some people can give off just astounds me.

The only time I wasn't as freaked out to show affection was when my partner and I made a commitment to one another by Sleeping Beauty's wishing well and exchanged rings. I for some reason, just didn't care at that point.

I am GLAD to know you have managed to get away from that awful feeling for a magical and loving moment:goodvibes I think sometimes love does conquer:love:

I don't understand the terrible, violent, cruel, angry hatred that pops up from time to time either. I really just don't get hatred at that level directed at anyone/anything who is not directly harming you are someone else right then and there. I sincerely hope you do not ever run into it again.
I agree...that guy was a real idiot and not setting a good example for his children.

Zeitzuge, I'm sorry you experienced that. :hug: Hopefully you'll be able to overcome your fear. When I was in HS I was hanging out with a couple friends and we were just walking along the streets of his complex and ran in to a couple guys. I don't even remember what all was said but next thing I know the one guy kicked me in the gut and almost in the jewels. It wasn't a gay bashing, nothing at all like that was said. It was just a couple guys wanting to be jerks. Even to this date that experience still sits in the back of my mind and I get uneasy when walking down a street at night and someone is walking towards me. So I can only imagine how hard your experience must be.

I've always wondered how I'd be with PDAs. I don't know how comfortable I'd be with it. I definitely think the younger generation is more comfortable about it, and it's good to see that.
I was in the hot tub saturday night at YBC. Well two girls got into the tub and we're talking about how they were walking past a family and the little girl whispered to her mom "is she one of them??".

It's funny how we're considered different...
what a fool that person is. I can never understand why people just don't myob. have fun, you are on vacation. get a life already.

and to zeitzuge :hug::hug::hug:
The only time I wasn't as freaked out to show affection was when my partner and I made a commitment to one another by Sleeping Beauty's wishing well and exchanged rings. I for some reason, just didn't care at that point.
It sickens me that you, or anyone else, has to feel this way about making a natural expression of affection in public. That's the sort of thing that should be long gone in this country. :grouphug: to you...your story reminded me of one told to me by a friend. She had a gay friend who was walking in Chicago's Lincoln Park with his partner many years back and was beaten so badly that he is permanently brain damaged. I'm a doctor of psychology, yet I'm still at a loss to explain such irrational hatred that would drive people to those disgusting actions. I'm sure it's some personal insecurity that leads them to look for an "acceptable" outlet, and sadly gay-bashing is still all too acceptable in our society. :mad:
I was in the hot tub saturday night at YBC. Well two girls got into the tub and we're talking about how they were walking past a family and the little girl whispered to her mom "is she one of them??".

Yikes, I can't wait to exlpain to my kids...Yup Mommy is one of those ;)
I'm still amazed at how angry some people get. Sure, times have changed and things are so much better then they were 5, 10, 15 years ago, but still. The amount of hatred that some people can give off just astounds me.

The only time I wasn't as freaked out to show affection was when my partner and I made a commitment to one another by Sleeping Beauty's wishing well and exchanged rings. I for some reason, just didn't care at that point.

I see from your pics that you two are also pin traders/collectors. If you make it to WDW (it looks like from your pics & signature that you've only gone to DL?), I'd love to pin-trade with you guys.

PS - Sorry about the jerks.
It bothers me so much that people are so ignorant and are teaching their children to be intolerant of others. I am straight and hav know several gay people in my lifetime. My husband and I have made sure that we have raised our son to be tolerant of others and that people who are gay are no different than we are.

A few years ago he came home from school and asked me what gay meant. He then said , I don't mean the happy gay. I was open with him and made a point to tell him that people develop differently when they are growing in their mommies tummies and just like some people have brown eyes and some have green. That what matters is if someone is a good person and everyone should be treated equally. Then I told him that he knew gay people and didn't even know it. He couldn't believe it when I said that. I then told him that our neighbors accross the street were gay. He said they are. I the told him yes and they are perfectly nice people and you should not change how you feel about them. From that point on we have had open discussions about issues like this. He is now 14 and is a firm believer that everyone should be treated as equal.

Have a great day
Hi Everyone,

I am a first time poster in this section of the boards. I pop in from time to time but today I was just compelled to post. After reading a thread yesterday about Gay Days at MK it getting really nasty and this one it just doesn't make any sense to me. I am a straight woman. I was brought up by non-practicing catholic parents. I just don't get what makes people so angry and so uncomfortable with homosexuals. I mean I understand it has to do with ignorance and bigotry but it just seems so silly. Like there's a roving band of gays driving around corrupting America, come on now. It makes me sad some of the incidents I read about on these boards. I just hope one day this isn't something we have to talk about anymore.
Two years ago my brother was walking home alone at night when a car pulled up, three guys jumped out and beat him up leaving him bleeding and unconscious on the side of the road. Thankfully he is okay today.

I type this with tears in my eyes. When I hear or random acts of violence and hate against innocent people who are minding their own business it forms a knot in my stomach. Zeitzuege, sorry for your pain and lasting scars. OP, sorry you had to witness such hate, and hopefully those targeted were not too badly affected by that moron. What is wrong with people? :sad1:
Scares me too. We'll be in DW this August, and sadly, we won't be holding hands. I sorta fly "Under the radar" but my DP where's the label well! ;) Even though she's in law enforcement, the last thing she wants on her record, is getting in a fight! There are very few places we go, where we're able to be affectionate. :sad2:
I am sorry for all that has happened to everyone. I have similar stories but for me it pushed me in the total opposite direction. I simply can not let anyone interfear in my relationship. I think the more some one says i can't do something the more I want to do it (that is my nature). However I do fully understand why someone would pull back and I would never dream of forcing someone to do something they did not want to (except ride it's a small world, My girl hates it and I make her ride every year!). I guess it took me years to become comfortable in my own skin and i will not let any one take that away from me.
Me too. I think I just need to drink more tequilla when I go out in public. It loosens me up. :)

I'm just glad that the 4 kids were able to continue and enjoy their time at the parks. I know for me, it would have probably ruined the entire morning at least. I really need to go during Gay Days to experience what it's like.

Nice to see someone from Dallas on the Gay Community Board!!!!
Awwwww Zeit (and others here who have found themselves in this situation too...)

That's AWFUL!!!! :mad::sad1::mad: I am so sorry this horrible crap happened to you.

This is bringing back some bad memories-- my hands are balling up into fists as I think about it. It's been a very very VERY long time but I have been in a couple unprovoked physical altercations. FWIW -- Fighting back HARD worked for me. (One time, I was wearing my steel-toed boots; my hands have now relaxed and I'm grinning a very nasty grin to myself now) In both cases, my attackers were pitiful, hateful, weak, inadequate cowards and were completely shocked that somebody that they had pigeon-holed as powerless would fight back.

You have every right to live your lives free from fear. Turning the other cheek is all very good in theory but reading your stories makes this old lady want to go out and seriously kick some (appropriate) knuckle-dragger butt.
I totally get your reluctance to display pda, zeitzeuge. The only place where my wife and I are comfortable holding hands and sharing other mild forms of pda is at WDW. That's our own "happy place" and we feel safe there. But in general, we're cautious. I heard a true story about a guy who shot at two women who were hiking because he thought they were lesbians-- he shot one of them fatally, and her partner had to leave her to find help. She died before her partner got back with help, and her partner never got to say good-bye. That story haunts me, and I can see only too well how it could happen to any of us. I work with some pretty hateful people ... hateful towards anyone unlike themselves. They've opened my previously innocent eyes to the hate concealed behind a "normal" face, and I simply don't trust people. Period. I don't live my life in fear, and I live it as I please.... but do I exercise caution about pda when I'm in a rural area with my wife? Hell, yeah. Ignorance is alive and well in the USA, and I live in the south. :eek: LOL I'm a southern girl, born and bred, but i have no illusions about the Bible belt and its "progressive attitudes." :sad2:

HUGS :hug: zeitzeuge. I'm glad your past didn't interfere with the beauty of your commitment to your man. :lovestruc Don't live in fear, but be cautious -- it's just smart, imo. We don't live in a perfect world. Yet. :angel:
Ok, so i am playing catch up from Gay Days with my posting... Didn't see the dad having a melt down. It would have been entertaining to watch, cause it looked like security was already ready.

Over all, I didn't see much other than typical tourist stuff... the rudest thing I spotted all day was a lady rushing to get a table at lunch time, and a different lady cutting line in front of us to get cheese sauce at pecos bills.

My BF thought it was funny that we held hands more when we were there on a regular day, than we did on gay day. The couple few folks that asked what the red shirts were about in the morning on the ferry across the lake, didn't care when we told them.

Country bear jamboree and Splash mountain are a lot more suggestive on gay day, mostly cause ya notice.

If you wanna hold hands with your BF come walk with us... bearded bears. We might get looks, but we don't get called names... do you really wanna yell things at the bubba in camo shorts and camo hat?
do you really wanna yell things at the bubba in camo shorts and camo hat?

I am inclined to say yes too :eek:

That is my neighbor. One who had friends over the other day ( a 1st in the 8 years we have lived there). They all joined in a conversation about Pride (which we just had) and how gay people shoud not be allowed to do that or even live amonst others ( no kidding). They went on about how we should be shot or worse. One lady continued a story about how her son saw his aunt kissing another women and how he should have beat her until she died. She agreed!!! I have great neighbors. They made sure that we heard everyword. That night we actually had 4 fgriends over so they also listened. The best part is one who participated with my neighbors is a customer of mine. I think he has no idea who se house he was next to. I can't wait till he comes in, so I can show him the door!


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