An Aussie on a Wine & Dine 2019 Mission - Comments Very Welcome

8 JUL - 14 JUL

This update is going to be a pretty boring affair with no photos but it's been a good training week.

Over the past two months I've been struggling with tight calf muscles. It's been such a frustrating time and I've been working with a physiotherapist who's a running specialist. At first my regular GP thought the pain was shin splints or a stress fracture but after consulting my physiotherapist it turns out it was weak calfs. For the past fortnight I've been back to regular 5km - 6.5km runs every second day and although there's been pain, it's been manageable and this week I'll actually be attending a special clinic which will look at my running form and see where improvements can be made to minimise further injury.

On top of that I've confirmed this week everyone's worst case scenario. 2.5 months ago I went and invested $250 in a new pair of Mizuno Wave Sky 2's. I started getting this pain in my calf's after these new shoes came into the mix. For the past 2 weeks I've gone back to my old shoes and although there's still some calf tightness I've been recovering better and not getting any of the Plantar Fasciitis pain in my right heel. So I had my physio look at both pairs of my shoes and my worst fears were confirmed. The so called running specialist at the shoe store who fitted my new shoes fitted me in shoes that were too narrow, half a size too small and put insoles in those undersized, narrow shoes that didn't have enough arch support. So essentially for the past 2 months I've been rolling onto my arches when running and squashing my feet all around. Am so angry. It's a lot of money to just end up with shoes that I basically have to bin. So I'm back on the hunt for a new pair of shoes. My old ones still have a lot of miles in them but I like to have a second pair so that I don't reach a crisis point with shoes wearing out. Please tell me I'm not alone with my frustration when it comes to shoes!!

At the moment I'm spending some considerable time looking at different Neutral shoes in a D width and so far my top options are Brooks Glycerin, Mizuno Wave Sky 2 in a D width in the right size!, Mizuno Wave Riders and Asics Gel Kayanos.

The medals for Wine & Dine were released yesterday as well and I'm in love with the Half Marathon and Two Course Challenge medals. I'll admit I wasn't thrilled with the themes when they first came out but now that I've seen the medals I'm pretty excited. I may even like the Frozen 10km medal. Am I the only one out there that thinks that Frozen is an OK movie but that it's completely over hyped? The absolute mania around it has really put me off the movie and merchandise. Still, it's a cute medal and I'll be happy to add it to my collection in 16 short weeks!

9 July = 4.02Km Run
11 Jul = 5.07Km Run
13 Jul = 6.5Km Run

JUL MONTHLY TOTAL = 37.2Km (23.12 Miles)
ANNUAL TOTAL = 372.10Km (231.21 Miles)
15 JUL - 21 JUL

Ahhhhhhhh where do I start?

My whole running journey these past couple of months has really felt like 2 steps forward 10 steps back. Just as I thought I was overcoming this niggling right leg/calf issue I woke up really sore and with increasing shin pain on Sunday and Monday after my Saturday run. I rested Sunday and Monday but when my Tuesday morning run came around it was just too painful to further stress the muscle so I skipped Tuesday's run. The pain started to settle finally on Wednesday and on Wednesday night I gave the muscles a massage before going to bed and this is what I woke up to on Thursday!

Untitled by Jennie G, on Flickr

All those little bruises all up and down the inside of my leg are just from one self massage with pressure and I didn't even press hard or use any kind of moisturiser! But I pushed on, pulled on my tights and hit the road. The run itself was good and although I didn't have any pain during the run, the moment I stopped I knew I was in trouble. While stretching it actually felt like my right leg was going to give way underneath me! The pain was so much worse than it's been for weeks. Luckily that night I was booked on to see my physiotherapist in his regular city clinic where he has a gym setup. He started by explaining to me that I'm pushing too hard and that I just need to throw the Run Disney Challenge Training Plan out the window or I'm never going to improve. For the time being I'm only allowed to run 1km and then walk for 1min and keep it to 3-4 cycles three times a week while the strength of the muscle improves. When I got on the treadmill though it all became a lot clearer.

The left side of my body is firing perfectly but my right side is all over the place. My right glute isn't turning on or strong enough so as my foot is striking I'm dropping my left hip and transferring all the shock into my calf :) I'm also over striding and heel striking. And as if that's not bad enough as my right foot carries through the stride it's collapsing inward onto my arch :(

At this point I was verging on tears and just ready to give up and admit defeat. I mean Run Disney are pretty generous so I was resigning myself to just walking the races if I had to. Definitely not what I had envisaged and at this point it was the final straw in what has been an incredibly frustrating couple of months. I mean it's running!! How hard can it be?? This year I've struggled with all the usual motivation issues but these past 8 weeks I've blown hundreds of dollars on shoes that were useless thanks to a teenage kid in a shoe store who stuffed up my measurements, struggled with recurring injury and become incredibly frustrated with my raging 40 year old body.

But my physiotherapist was able to make some immediate improvements which helped improve the alignment issues in my stride, stop the heel striking and get my foot back under my hip and striking mid foot. He gave me some queues to concentrate on when running:

Under Knee
Stand Tall
Kick up the feet

As soon as we made the changes you could see an instant improvement in all the issues when we played back the video! I was blown away. The first real test of it all though was my Saturday run and I'm happy to report that I did 4 cycles of the run 1km, walk 1min plan. I did get pain at around 3.5kms but I recovered quickly post run and haven't had any of the lingering shin or muscle pain 36 hours post run. I did notice though that new muscles have become sore, in a good way. The mechanical changes have turned on all those slack muscles that have been letting me down and the pain tells me I've followed the physiotherapist's advice and moved correctly. I have a follow up appointment in 2 weeks to take another look at my form and make any further corrections that might be needed.

18 July = 4.34Km Run
18 Jul = 2.7Km Walk
20 Jul = 4.45Km Run

JUL MONTHLY TOTAL = 48.7Km (30.26 Miles)
ANNUAL TOTAL = 383.6Km (238.36 Miles)
22 JUL - 28 JUL

Gee can I just say that I can't wait for spring to arrive. Melbourne winters are cold cold cold and miserable. it makes getting out of bed in the morning to run so much more difficult. It's dark, it's cold and there's been a lot of training runs where I've been running in fog, rain or frost. We have such unpredictable weather patterns here. You can literally have fog or frost in the mornings here, sunshine at lunchtime, rain by 5pm and hail by 6pm. Everyone here carries a coat, sunglasses and an umbrella at all times

We've actually had some really nice weather the last couple of weekends and it feels like spring might be around the corner. I've also noticed that it's getting lighter and lighter each morning. Does anyone else out there in the running world count down the days until the count down to a new season??

Training using the new run queues from my physiotherapist (feet under knees, stand tall and kick up the heels) is really helping. I'm noticing muscle soreness in new muscles so it almost feels like I've turned on and activated a whole other set of muscles. The pain/weakness in my right calf isn't nearly as bad and the after run pain that I do get feels more like your normal post run muscle soreness than injury pain. I did pull up a little sore from my Thursday run though so I took an extra rest day and pushed my Saturday run to Monday and it was totally a good decision. It was a really hard week at work this week and sometimes you just need to lock yourself up for a whole weekend and plan your next Disney trip. Only 3 weeks until our 60 day Fast Pass window opens!!!

23 July = 5.01Km Run
25 Jul = 4.22Km Run

JUL MONTHLY TOTAL = 62.1Km (38.59 Miles)
ANNUAL TOTAL = 397.1Km (184.61 Miles)
Last edited:
29 JUL - 11 AUG

Oops, sorry for the late update but sometimes life (AKA WORK STRESS!!) gets in the way of all the best plans. My work the past 2-3 weeks has been insanely busy and put a lot of stress on me mentally and physically. It's also derailed my training the past week as I've just desperately needed a break from life.

So I'm happy to report that I've had the first relatively pain free fortnight of running since May when I ran the Great Ocean Road Half Marathon. It's a relief as it looks like I'm finally back on the band wagon with training and able to start increasing my distance - GRADUALLY!!

So what's new??


Untitled by Jennie G, on Flickr

Now I know I had a pair of these earlier in the year which I ended up returning but after doing quite a bit of research and consulting a podiatrist it turns out that it wasn't the Brooks Glycerins causing the blister on the arch of my foot, it was the stupid inner sole that the sale person at the store upsold me!!! I've already done a couple of 5km runs in these and I'm happy to report that there's no stupid $50 insole in them and no blister on the arch of my foot WINNING!!

On a fun and completely non running note I also bowled my highest 10 pin score EVER this past week - 182!!!

Untitled by Jennie G, on Flickr

As childless 40 year olds my hubby and I find it really hard to meet other people so we decided about 4 months ago to join a social bowling league. Both hubby and I used to league bowl in our mid 20's but haven't regularly bowled for a lot of years. It's something we've always enjoyed though so we got back into it and are having a great time :)

Hubby and I also went up to the Yarra Valley to a Hot Chocolate Tasting Festival!

Untitled by Jennie G, on Flickr

Untitled by Jennie G, on Flickr

Yes that is the most delicious Nutella doughnut EVER!!

And these are the cutest polar bear/teddy bear marshmallows EVER!!!

Untitled by Jennie G, on Flickr

It was such a fun way to spend a Sunday and I was so glad I went running that morning to offset all the calories and sugar I consumed.

So back to the running!

Last week I started doing speed intervals.

Untitled by Jennie G, on Flickr

They completely kicked my backside!! I learnt last week that I've been too relaxed in my training and not pushing myself enough. My physiotherapist has put me on a training plan designed to improve my performance and strength/recovery. Although I've taken a week off it's really only 2 runs I've missed and sometimes you just need to give yourself a break to refocus, regroup and find your groove again.

The big news in Wine & Dine trip planning this week is that I'm 90% of the way there with my race costumes AND we managed to secure reservations for Oga's Cantina and the Droid Depot during our trip. Hubby is a HUGE Star Wars fan, so getting these were a big deal. We've also now fully paid all our accomodation and we're only 75 days away from checking in!! WOOOO!!!

29 JUL = 4.25Km Run
31 JUL = 3.3Km Run
4 AUG = 5.0Km Run
6 AUG = 3.97Km Run (Intervals)

JUL MONTHLY TOTAL = 65.4Km (40.64 Miles)
AUG MONTHLY TOTAL = 9.0Km (5.6 Miles)
ANNUAL TOTAL = 409.3Km (254.33 Miles)
I've been running in the Brooks Glycerin for 9 months now (on my 2nd pair) and I love them!! Also, a hot chocolate tasting festival sounds like a great time!!
12 AUG - 18 AUG

This week I had a huge revelation! This time in 11 weeks time I'll be running a Disney Half Marathon!!

Holly cow batman!! This just got SO real.

And not a moment too soon it seems my stupid repetitive calf strain has resolved itself and I'm slowly increasing distance for the first time since MAY!! The weather has been terrible though so I've been spending a lot of time inside with these crazy fur children!!

Untitled by Jennie G, on Flickr
Untitled by Jennie G, on Flickr

But I did manage to get a couple of really good runs in this week and on my journey I found the first little glimpses of spring!!

Untitled by Jennie G, on Flickr
Untitled by Jennie G, on Flickr

It's my second favourite time of year behind Christmas. The flowers at this time of year are just stunning!! In the driveway of my house right now we also have daffodils and jonquils blooming. The winter chill is subsiding, morning temperatures are getting more comfortable and by mid run most mornings the sun is coming up and I'm not running in the dark the whole time!

So I've been working hard and am back on the training bandwagon!

Untitled by Jennie G, on Flickr
Untitled by Jennie G, on Flickr

And on my long run Saturday this week I actually pushed out a comfortable 7km run. That's my longest run in one stretch since I first strained my calf back in May after the Great Ocean Road Half Marathon. I had some pain at around the 2 km mark but ran through it and stretched out well. There was some tightness this morning (Sunday) but nothing too bad and nothing beyond normal post run aches.

Untitled by Jennie G, on Flickr
Untitled by Jennie G, on Flickr

So now the next thing I need to figure out is if I should add a fourth run to my training schedule? Maybe a shorter 2-3km on a Saturday and move my long run to the Sunday so that I can get used to pushing out a long run on tired legs? Or maybe I just need to calm my farm and not do too much too soon after such a long bout of recovery LOL!! Oh and Disney if you ever see this WHERE ARE MY RUNNING SHORTS MEDALS!!???!!! I seriously must be the only person left on the planet who paid in May and still doesn't have their series medals. NOT HAPPY JAN!!

14 AUG = 5.05 Km Run
17 AUG = 7 Km Run
18 AUG = 1 Hr Yoga

AUG MONTHLY TOTAL = 21 Km (13.05 Miles)
ANNUAL TOTAL = 421.4 Km (261.85 Miles)

19 AUG - 25 AUG


Untitled by Jennie G, on Flickr
Untitled by Jennie G, on Flickr

I really love the change of seasons from Winter to Spring. Not only does it give me something beautiful to look at on my long runs but it also signals early morning runs in daylight and warmer temperatures. Winter weather is the pits :(

So we're almost at the 60 day mark and ready to book fast passes!! It's the last big planning milestone and we're so excited. I've got most of our FP choices mapped out and I think I'm ready. I've even worked out what time 7am Eastern is here in Australia so that I can be online as soon as our FP window opens. We're lucky to have the luxury of time on this trip, so if we don't get FP's we're not going to freak out.

It's been a great running week. I finally feel like I'm back on the right track and I'm seeing improvement in my times and each run is feeling a little more enjoyable and easier than the last. With only 10 weeks till Wine & Dine, it couldn't come a moment too soon. I even went on a rare after work run this week. OMG PEOPLE! How much harder is a 5km run at the end of the day VS first thing in the morning? Am I the only one out there that struggles with running in the afternoon? But I was committed to getting the km's in and I got them done.

Untitled by Jennie G, on Flickr
Untitled by Jennie G, on Flickr

My long run this weekend was fantastic!! I felt strong and the run itself felt so much easier than any of my runs for the last 3 or 4 months. It was one of those runs that reminds you why we do so many km's! When I got home my 2 favourite boys were pretty excited to see me and helped me celebrate a great run :)

Untitled by Jennie G, on Flickr
Untitled by Jennie G, on Flickr
Untitled by Jennie G, on Flickr
Untitled by Jennie G, on Flickr
Untitled by Jennie G, on Flickr

The other big decision I need to make this coming week was if I should enter the Melbourne Half Marathon on 13 October. I'm not sure if I should or not and I need help and advice. My way of thinking is that I'll be running 17-18km's by then as part of my Wine & Dine training anyways, so why not enter the race, see the big landmarks around Melbourne and earn a medal?? BUT I'm worried that I could be tempting fate and inviting an injury. What do you all think?? What's your advice?? Run the Melbourne Half because I'm going to run almost that distance anyway or save myself for the Wine & Dine Half on 3 Nov and limit any chance of injury??

20 AUG = 5.0 Km Run
22 AUG = 5.0 Km Run
23 AUG = 2.65 Km Walk
24 AUG = 8.3 Km Run
25 AUG = 1 Hr Yoga

AUG MONTHLY TOTAL = 42 Km (26.1 Miles)
ANNUAL TOTAL = 442.4 Km (274.9 Miles)
My way of thinking is that I'll be running 17-18km's by then as part of my Wine & Dine training anyways, so why not enter the race, see the big landmarks around Melbourne and earn a medal?? BUT I'm worried that I could be tempting fate and inviting an injury. What do you all think?? What's your advice?? Run the Melbourne Half because I'm going to run almost that distance anyway or save myself for the Wine & Dine Half on 3 Nov and limit any chance of injury??

Can you hold back in a race scenario or are you going to want to "race" the long run?
Can you hold back in a race scenario or are you going to want to "race" the long run?
I say go ahead Melbourne too, but take it very easy.

Thanks guys & gals. I think we're all looking at the Melbourne Half Marathon race in the same light. Participate, use it as my long training run BUT DON'T RACE!! If I can cross the line in 2:45 or slightly better it'll be a great long training run achieving about an 8min km, which is about a minute slower than my current long run pace. It'll be great to show you all those great Melbourne landmarks after the race :)

Oh and I've slipped in a cheeky 5.3km race on 21 September through a local wine region. Really it's just an excuse to drink wine, eat good food and listen to live music after the race and the medal is a bottle opener. How could I say no??
26 AUG - 1 SEP

Thanks to all of those who responded to my dilemma of wether or not to enter the Melbourne Half Marathon on 13th October. I had a checkup appointment with my Physiotherapist (I think you call the Physical Therapists in the US) this week and asked what he thought. Although he's really happy with my progress he's still not sold on the idea and is erring on the side of caution. I have another appointment with him about 2 weeks before the race and if I haven't gone backwards and haven't aggravated my strain he's going to approve me to run.

Well today, 1 September, I can officially tell people I'm going to Disneyworld next month!! It's so exciting :) we made all of our Fast Pass reservations this past week and we get reservations for everything we'd hoped. With 18 days onsite we didn't really have to stress too much if we missed out on anything. It's nice to have the luxury of time.

Another good strong week of training this week with 2 x 5km runs plus my Saturday log run. I'm gradually adding distance to my long run and it's feeling good. The last 2 weeks have been a lot more comfortable on my long runs which is a nice change from all the struggle I've had to go through for the past 3 months.

Untitled by Jennie G, on Flickr

Untitled by Jennie G, on Flickr

The weather has turned really nice the last 2 weeks as well so my long runs have gone from being pretty bleak to being pretty enjoyable with some nice temperatures and beautiful scenery.

Untitled by Jennie G, on Flickr
Untitled by Jennie G, on Flickr
Untitled by Jennie G, on Flickr
Untitled by Jennie G, on Flickr

Next week I'll be adding another km and breaking 10km's which will be a good feeling.

27 AUG = 5.0 Km Run
29 AUG = 5.0 Km Run
31 AUG = 9.4 Km Run

AUG MONTHLY TOTAL = 61.4 Km (38.15 Miles)
ANNUAL TOTAL = 461.8 Km (286.95 Miles)
2 SEP - 8 SEP

It's been a bloody long week with not a whole lot of progress on my training. Early in the week I was struck down with some kind of stomach bug which was quickly followed by a huge migraine. It resulted in having Monday and Tuesday off work and putting a dent in my training plans. I typically do maintenance runs on Tuesday's and Thursday's but of course those didn't happen this week. There's so many people at my work right now who have the flu and are sick that I didn't want to push my body too hard. A stomach bug is relatively quick to recover from but a bad cold or flu can take weeks to get over. So I rested and dropped my Tuesday and Thursday 5km runs and just did the one long Saturday run.

Of course the weather turned bad on Saturday so I was forced into the gym and onto the treadmill for my 10m's. OMG I HATE THE TREADMILL!!
Can someone explain to me why 10km's on the treadmill feels like 15km's on the road??? It's so boring and tedious and feels so much harder than being out on the road. next Saturday I'm going to try for 12km's so I'm hoping and praying for good weather!

My work is getting so crazy busy at the moment and I'm so close to achieving a pay bonus so I'm working long hours and putting in everything I can to try reach it before we leave for Orlando on the 26th Oct. I've promised myself that if I reach my target I'm going to invest some of my bonus in a Disney Dooney & Bourke bag!! I didn't buy one on our first Disneyworld trip in 2016 and it was something I really regretted. I know they normally do a RunDisney or Wine & Dine themed bag that you can get at the expo so I'm hoping it's a nice design because it'd be a great souvenir to mark my first onsite RunDisney race weekend with :)

Speaking of the RunDisney race expo, I've scheduled to attend the expo on the Friday afternoon from around 1pm. We're spending the morning in Hollywood Studios and are going to take advantage of the Extra Extra Morning Magic Hours at HS's that day and will be exploring SWGE before having lunch at 50's Prime Time and then heading to the expo but what's the best way to get there from HS??

I've done a lot of reading and have seen a lot of people talk about the free events at the expo as well as all the product stalls you can browse. I've allowed 3-4 hours but is that too much time?? I figured we'd spend a good amount of time enjoying the expo, picking up our race packs and then browning the booths before heading to Disney Springs for a Polite Pig dinner. Have I planned it out well? Or have I allowed to much time?

Hubby and I have also changed up some of our race costumes. I'm not sure if I've really mentioned our costume choices before but originally we were going to go with the Jungle Book theme for the 5km. Last weekend we found some really cool Star Wars costumes though and because my husband's fav Disney character is Darth Vader, we switched our race costumes to a Star Wars theme for the 5km. We're doing the 10km race as the Toy Story Aliens and the Pizza Planet Delivery Boy and then I'm running the Half Marathon in normal workout gear.

The whole trip is getting so close now. It's only 7 weeks until we leave Australia and 8 weeks till race weekend. We're very closely watching the USD - AUD exchange rate and have started making pile in our spare room or items to pack. It's been 3 years between trips for us and we can't wait to head back home :)

7 SEP = 10.0 Km Run

SEP MONTHLY TOTAL = 10 Km (6.2 Miles)
ANNUAL TOTAL = 471.8 Km (293.2 Miles)
Can someone explain to me why 10km's on the treadmill feels like 15km's on the road??? It's so boring and tedious and feels so much harder than being out on the road. next Saturday I'm going to try for 12km's so I'm hoping and praying for good weather!

Because it's boring and tedious. If you're disinterested in doing a run or have little to no distractions it makes time seem like it takes so much longer. And that change in attitude influences your perception of effort.

We're spending the morning in Hollywood Studios and are going to take advantage of the Extra Extra Morning Magic Hours at HS's that day and will be exploring SWGE before having lunch at 50's Prime Time and then heading to the expo but what's the best way to get there from HS??

I'd take an uber/Minnie van if your time is important to you. Otherwise, walk over to Swan/Dolphin/Boardwalk and take the expo bus from there. Last option would be to take the new Skyway to one of the resorts on the line and taking the expo bus from that hotel.

I've done a lot of reading and have seen a lot of people talk about the free events at the expo as well as all the product stalls you can browse. I've allowed 3-4 hours but is that too much time?? I figured we'd spend a good amount of time enjoying the expo, picking up our race packs and then browning the booths before heading to Disney Springs for a Polite Pig dinner. Have I planned it out well? Or have I allowed to much time?

Friday is the second day of the expo, so 3-4 hours is plenty of time since the lines shouldn't be crazy long.
Oops you're right! Silly mistake on my part. I actually meant that I've scheduled Thursday afternoon to be at the expo :)

No worries. Since you're not heading to the expo right when it opens the lines should still be shorter. Maybe not short, but shorter. So 3-4 hours seems completely reasonable with some buffer time. Sometimes it takes a good bit of time just to get to the expo from a different destination because of traffic. So if it were me and time was precious, I'd probably spring for the uber/Minnie Van from DHS.
9 SEP - 15 SEP

OMG!! Only 7 weeks till go time and I'm kind of starting to freak out! I'm incessantly reading over everything I can find on attending the expo, packet pickup, preparing for the race, nutrition, park touring between races HELP!!

I've seen so much conflicting information on what I should do prior to and during the race weekend. I've scheduled park touring from 11am - 6pm on the days in between but some sites are saying that's a mistake and I should be wrapped up in cotton wool and resting?? Have I made a mistake planning on touring? I don't anticipate any issue running the 5km as that's a normal twice weekly maintenance run for me and I know the 5km isn't timed. And I'm not really concerned about the 10km either because again it's a 16min mile pace and I'm confident I can keep under that. What I'm really worried about is putting all the races back to back, especially the 10km and the Half. Should I be dropping my plans to tour?

Disney just keeps cropping up everywhere in my life right now. Last weekend I went to a Polymer Clay crafting class and magically my donut charm turned into a mickey donut charm :)

Untitled by Jennie G, on Flickr

I also got my last set of custom mickey ears for our trip to match a dress I purchased for the parks.

Untitled by Jennie G, on Flickr
Untitled by Jennie G, on Flickr

I haven't given you all an update on my medal wall for a while. It hasn't grown a great deal but I have added 2 new medals which may actually be my favourite medals of the year so far!

Untitled by Jennie G, on Flickr
Untitled by Jennie G, on Flickr
Untitled by Jennie G, on Flickr
Untitled by Jennie G, on Flickr

We had the most spectacular spring weather yesterday and I took full advantage of it on my weekly long run. Training right now is so much easier. I'm not running in the dark anymore at 6am and the coldest weather has passed so I'm normally setting out in a reasonable 7 degrees. There's no more frost on the ground and the fog has passed. This week I broke 12km's and actually set a new PB over 10km's with a time of 1:09.32! I've been trying to break the 1:10:00 mark over 10km's all year. I came close in a race in January when I ran 1:10:19 and was so disappointed. Now I want to break 1:05:00 but that might take a while :)

Untitled by Jennie G, on Flickr
Untitled by Jennie G, on Flickr
Untitled by Jennie G, on Flickr

Oh and I realised after my long run that I'm less than 5km's away from my 2019 total of 500km's!!

9 SEP = 4.7 Km Stationary Bike Ride & Weights
10 SEP = 5.13 Km Run
12 SEP = 3.68 Km Run
14 SEP = 12.26 Km Run

SEP MONTHLY TOTAL = 35.8 Km (22.2 Miles)
ANNUAL TOTAL = 497.5 Km (309.1 Miles)
Don't cancel your touring plans! You should be fine as long as you don't have a goal to PR, and even then, it's still possible. I ran all 3 races during Star Wars Weekend and I park hopped with the family every day, all day, all week, and felt fine. In the next few weeks, you could practice by being on your feet for most of the day, especially after long runs.


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