AmyM's Quest for a Better Bikini Body!

I am trying to change my focus so it's not all about what to eat, what not to eat, etc. I shouldn't feel overwhelming guilt when I miss a workout and I shouldn't be reduced to tears when I eat a piece of cheesecake. I am still going to track that stuff, but I'm not going to let it rule my day. It probably sounds stupid for someone that doesn't have obsessive-compulsive tendencies like I do, but it's going to be harder than you think! But that is my goal. It won't happen overnight, but by golly, it'll happen! And the first step is getting rid of the scale obsession. I didn't weigh today and I will not weigh until Friday morning. I CAN DO IT!!!!!!!!!

Thats what i'm trying to do too Amy, & i must admit i feel alot happier, the scale hasnt gone down but it hasnt gone up either!
It certainly doesnt sound silly :grouphug:
I'm glad your feeling more positive & your doing an awesome job with your exercise, i really cant understand why you havnt lost more! It maybe a good idea to get things checked out with a food sensitivity test.
Well done for resisting temptation :)
Hope DS trip to the dentist goes ok, let us know how he gets on.

Totals: 1274cal, 38g fat, 120g carbs, 121g protein, 15g fiber (gotta get that back up!)

I managed to stay off the scale until this morning and my weigh-in was 139!!! :cool1: :banana: :yay: :woohoo: :dance3: :cheer2: :thumbsup2 I was SO excited, I must have jumped on and off the scale 5x to make sure I wasn't hallucinating. Of course I am still going to try to stay off the scale ALL WEEK and not weigh in until next Friday, because I want to start caring less about what it says. But I'm still tickled to death, I hope the 140's are gone for good!!

I resisted the birthday cake yesterday and also DH's offer to take us out to dinner. Instead I made my new recipe of the week, Au Gratin Casserole (w/ham, potatoes, broccoli). I thought it was wonderful, the kids did not. :confused3 I'll make it again in the future, just not for a while...

We are having a Superbowl party this weekend, I plan on mapping everything out on FitDay and actually sticking to it. I am going to have a veggie tray and focus on that. Actually, I am going to focus on watching the game (or should I say commercials ;) ) and staying away from the kitchen! And keeping the cocktails to a minimum, which shouldn't be too hard since the kids will be there and it's on a work night...
Tracey, I don't know why I can't lose weight, but I'm sick of worrying about it. All I can do is continue to do what I've been doing, but put it in the background. It's gotta come off eventually!!!
Congratulatons on your weigh in! Thats just the good news you need and deserve. That recipe sounds delish but my kids wouldn't like it either unfortunately! Good for you mapping out your food for your party, that preplanning is going to serve you well. I hope you have a super weekend and keep up the good work!
Congrats on the loss!!

You have a good plan for the SuperBowl party, good luck with that, and enjoy the weekend. :goodvibes
WORKOUT: Treadmill (45min @ 4.5mph)

TOTALS: 1316cal, 39g fat, 121g carb, 132g protein, 28g fiber

We went out to eat last night (DH as been wanting to do that all week!). We went to a Mexican place and I was shocked at how well I behaved! :thumbsup2 I didn't have a single chip and no margarita either (stuck with water). And for dinner I bypassed my favorite machaca dish and had the asada salad, which was diced chicken marinated/cooked in pico de gallo, a little bit of cheese, and I had sour cream on the side and used about 1tbsp at the most. I didn't touch the fried tortilla shell. And I was very high in the quantities I put on FitDay, I am really happy that the totals were still reasonable! :cool1:

Nothing planned for today, I am off to Muscle class in about an hour, then will probably run some errands. Things are crazy at work, I will either be going to Germany 3x or not at all. :confused3 I'd much rather be home, so it doesn't matter one way or the other to me, I just wish I knew for sure! I already have reservations for the trip at the end of this month, so we'll see how it goes...
Amy, I didn't weigh myself today! I am determined to make it all week this time. I know once I do it one time, it won't be a big deal anymore. It's the first week that's so hard! I need to plan out what we are having at the party so I can get that put into FitDay today. Then I am going to print it out and check things off as I go, just in case I'm tempted to stray..

Kate, thanks! I'm pretty motivated to stay out of the 140's, so that will be my incentive to behave at the party tomorrow!
Way to go on weigh in, Amy!:thumbsup2 Keep up the good work!:cheer2:

You did a great job at dinner last night too. At our favorite Mexican restaurant, they give us free chips and salsa before ordering. Way to go resisting them!:goodvibes

Have a great weekend!
Amy, you are really on target, keep it up! And I am seriously impressed that you behaved at a Mexican restaurant, thats not easy to do! I hope you have a great weekend and can stay off the scale! Just say no to the scale! And good luck with your superbowl party, it sounds like you have a sound plan so I think you will do great. :thumbsup2
Wow! Behaving that well at a Mexican restaurant is INCREDIBLE!! I don't think I could do it!

Hope you're having a good weekend. Have fun with the SB party!
WORKOUT: Muscle class (60min)

Totals: 1511cal, 54g fat, 155g carbs, 115g protein, 31g fiber

I did awesome until about 4pm. That's when we made cookies, from scratch! I actually didn't go overboard with the cookies. I had planned on celery w/1 tbsp peanut butter and that turned into 2 tbsp peanut butter. I did have 1 tiny cookie (maybe 1.5" in diameter) and a couple scrapings out of the bowl. I counted it at 1 Chips Ahoy on FitDay. The main problem was at dinner. I made Bisquick's BBQ Chicken Bake and DD only ate 1/2 her crust and DS didn't eat any of his. So stupid me finished BOTH crusts! I put that I had 2 servings, which is probably too high, but I would rather over-estimate than underestimate! I was pretty bloated from the carb fest, so that means I REALLY have to behave today!!! I just printed out my FitDay plan (which includes 3 glasses of wine :) ) and even with the wine it is around 1200 calories. I WILL stick to it!!!

No planned workout today, there is just too much to do to prep for the party tonight. Besides, I am actually SORE from Muscle class yesterday. We did 100 squats, 100 plies, 50 pushups and more... :eek: I have a new strategy for working out. I will do 45min of cardio MWF, Muscle class on Sat and Total Body Conditioning on Sun. I think that is plenty, don't you?
Tracy, I love the homemade chips-n-salsa at the place we went to, but I love not being in the 140's even more!!!!! ;)

Amy, I didn't get on the scale this morning and I don't even have the desire anymore. I know I can make it to Friday this week! As you can see, I went a little off plan yesterday, which gives me even more of an incentive to behave today. I don't want to see 140 anything on Friday!

Julie, thanks. Sometimes I can resist the chips, sometimes I can't... This was one of the good days! :thumbsup2
Hi Amy,

How did your Super Bowl party go?

Your workout schedule for the week looks good! Keep up the good work!:thumbsup2

Hope you have a great week ahead!:goodvibes
I will just start out by saying that I stuck to my plan - until my friend showed up with her buffalo chicken cheese dip... :confused3 I must have eaten 2 cups of it, with 2 servings of Tostitos scoops. Then while I was at it, I had 4 glasses of wine, which led to about a cup of trail mix and 4 cookies! :eek:

But boy did I pay for it! I was in pain for at least an hour before I went to bed. It's almost like I could feel my stomach stretching out. And I woke up at midnight, all sweaty, with a throbbing headache and stomach ache. :headache: :sick: I am one of those people who falls asleep as soon as I hit the pillow and doesn't wake up until the alarm goes off, so waking in the middle of the night is bad news. I was up for almost an hour and a half... :sad2:

So needless to say, this morning I was still stuffed to the gills and had no interest in breakfast. I couldn't even fathom packing a lunch either, so I grabbed a Balance Bar, a string cheese and an apple, just in case things change later. I plan on drinking lots of lemon water and green tea, to flush out all the junk I ate.

The good news is that this junk binge will last me a while - I can't even remember the last time I felt so awful from overeating and I really don't want to feel like that again! I was a little disappointed that I didn't stick to my plan, but I'm over it. I will probably eat very little today (which is a feat in itself, usually I am hungry all day!) and get back to my regular routine tomorrow. And if the scale shows a gain on Friday, at least I will know what caused it! :laughing:
Tracy, as you can see, the Superbowl party was not kind to me. But it's over and done with and I'm moving on!
Hi Amy
The party sounded fun :)
At least you got the binge out of the way :thumbsup2

The muscle class sounds tough :scared1:
At least it will have helped some of those calories melt away :)
Have a great week
Well you were not the only person who woke up with a tummy ache in the night, superbowl parties are not usually diet friendly! You had fun and as you say its done and you don't have to weigh until Friday. Plenty of time for good behavior to take hold and win over evil buffalo chicken dip (omg that sounds good). You are doing great, really keeping track of your food and working out. Great job, this will be a great week and no 140 anything to be found in your future!
WORKOUT: Elliptical (45min)

Totals: ???

I'll count yesterday as my "transition" day to get back on track... :rolleyes1 I barely ate anything all day, then got the munchies after dinner. I probably didn't do too bad if I were to put everything on FitDay, but I could have done without the bran muffin and 2tbsp of peanut butter at 8pm... :rolleyes: But at least I got to the gym! :thumbsup2

Today is a new day, I have my healthy lunch and snack packed and am good to go. We got some awesome news last night. DS10 had his baseball tryouts a couple weekends ago (all 9-12 year olds have to try out, this is an extremely competitive Little League!). There are 3 divisions at this age - Minors B, Minors A and Majors. Last year his tryout stunk and he was put in Minor B. Then of course he dominated the team because he was way better than his tryout showed. This year he did great at tryouts and he got drafted by a MAJORS team!!! :cheer2: We are very proud of him and he is pretty proud of himself too. It'll be way more challenging for him, which will be great to watch. DH is taking him to the team Meet-n-Greet tonight, so I'll have to take DD to tap (which is good because it keeps me out of the kitchen!)
Tracey, the Muscle class is pretty tough, the instructor is my idol. I swear she only has 10% body fat, she looks amazing! And I am definitely going to behave with my food these next couple days, I don't want to feel that crappy again anytime soon!

Amy, I hope you are right. I will not be disappointed if I do see a gain this week, because at least it was deserved! I can't take the other gains when I have done everything right, but I can deal with this one. That dip was so good, I already told my friend that she is banned from bringing it to my house ever again!
:banana: way to go for your DS :woohoo:

I love your attititude Amy, you looked for the positives on your 'transition' day ;)
you start a new day positive & your rearing to go :cool1:
Sending lots more positive vibes your way :wizard: :hug:
Congrats go out to your DS!:cheer2: :yay: :woohoo:

Great job getting back OP after your transition day!:thumbsup2

Have a wonderful Wednesday!:goodvibes
That is great news about your ds and his baseball! You must be very proud of him. How did his dental procedure go? Or maybe that is tomorrow? In any case I am hoping it goes well, I remember well having teeth pulled as a kid. Not a lot of fun :eek: ! I think you did well to eat only a bran muffin and some pb if you were really hungry. It beats late night grazing on crap which is what most people do! Great job with the working out too, you are doing awesome, keep it up!!

Totals: 1312cal, 38g fat, 123g carbs, 134g protein, 27g fiber

I did snack on some Soy crisps when I got home, but I realized what I was doing and put them away after eating 10. I also had some Cool Whip Free on my SF Jello. I'm sick of seeing that half gone tub in my freezer! I scooped out 2tbsp and put the rest back in the fridge! :banana: That is a mjor accomplishment for me, a bonafide Cool Whip addict. There is actually only enough for 1 more serving of Jello, then I have a half tub (or less) of Cool Whip Light that I will get rid of next. Then I won't buy it anymore (and I'll have more room in my freezer!

The Germany trip is on, I leave the 20th and get back the 24th of this month. There is another woman going with me, which will be nice. However, I can't see her being the type to go chuck it up at the pubs with those crazy, partying Brits (who we are meeting there), so it'll be interesting to see how that works out! I also have to go at the end of May for a week. Since it is right after the kids get out of school I am going to try to use my FF miles to fly them and DH out. I know I'll have enough for at least 2 free tickets and I'm pretty sure there is a trip to the UK before then and it looks like I might get to go to the Netherlands at the end of March. These overseas trips really rack up the miles! :thumbsup2

Today will be tough since I'm at home, I already printed out my FitDay plan so I really have no excuse not to behave. I need to leave in about 45 minutes to take DS to the dentist. I'm sure all will be fine, I lived through getting 4 baby teeth AND 4 permanent teeth pulled (plus 4 impacted wisdom teeth!). He's got the same dilemma as me - big teeth, small mouth... :confused3
Tracey, some days I can be positive, some days I can't seem to focus on anything but the negative. It really is all in the mind, so I try to talk myself into a happy mood when I feel down.

Tracy, thanks! I am getting much better at bouncing back from a bad food day. I used to take a couple days to get back on track!

Amy, DS's coach is TOUGH! He already gave them a whole sheet of exercises he has to do every day (he needs to choose 3 out of the 6, which include 25 push-ups, 25 situps, 30yd sprints, etc). I think DS's long, skinny arms will snap in half the first time he does a push-up! Being the engineer I am, I am going to make him a spreadsheet to keep track. :rolleyes: I am trying to be consistent with my workouts, it might be tough to get to the gym today, but I can always do one of my workout DVDs!
I can't see her being the type to go chuck it up at the pubs with those crazy, partying Brits (who we are meeting there), so it'll be interesting to see how that works out!

Hey what are you saying about us Brits :rolleyes1

Hope DS visit to the dentist went ok :wizard:
Hey what are you saying about us Brits :rolleyes1

I'm saying you guys really know how to party! And you must have strong livers, I really have a hard time keeping up with all the cocktails!!! :goodvibes

Just an update, DS is still sleeping off the sedation. I couldn't believe the size of the roots on 2 of the teeth. Very long! :eek: And now he has holes the size of the Grand Canyon in his bottom jaw. :sad2: He won't drink anything yet, I need to try to get him awake long enough to get some water in him. It was rather amusing because when they hooked the monitor up to him, his heartrate was only 56, which kept setting off the alarm on the machine. Like mother like son, my resting heartrate is anywhere from 48-55. The ND was always amazed at that and made me feel like I was a walking dead person or something!


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