Amber's Prep for a Healthy Pregnancy Journal


DIS Veteran
Jul 6, 2005
It is a new year so I figured it was time to start a new journal! :hippie:

I had a very good first three quarters of last year, but I slipped up pretty bad in the last quarter. This year will be different! I want to lose at least 20 more pounds before we begin the process of trying to conceive. Our plan has been to wait until at least March when I will have been at my job for a year. I am thinking we will most likely wait until more like April to start trying. That will give me more time at work and more time to get healthier.

Part of me does want to loose the weight for vain reasons, but mostly I want to be healthier before having children so that I can keep up with them once they start crawling, etc. :thumbsup2

I have lots of little mini goals that I want to work on as part of the get healthy/lose weight thing. I am going to list them and I think I will make myself a little template to help me make faster posts. Hopefully that will help me to post more often. I need to get back in the habit of at least every other day, because putting it out there for all of you to see is REALLY motivational. Ok, so here goes:

Goal 1: exercise 5 days a week - mostly walking, but I want to try some yoga for my mental health and relaxation. I may also try another class at the gym.
Goal 2: take a multivitamin EVERYDAY! (this is hard for me for some reason!)
Goal 3: try to get at least 25 grams of fiber daily
Goal 4: Go to the doctor for a full checkup by February 15th! ( I couldn't tell you the last time I went to the doctor :sad2: )
Goal 5: try to eat at least 2 servings of fruit and 3 servings of veggies daily
Goal 6: eat out MUCH less than in the past. We have set ourselves a budget for eating out of $60 for the month and then $10 each for work lunch eating out. :eek: I am a bit nervous about this one.
Goal 7: post my food, exercise, and general progress here at least every other day
Goal 8: Drink alcohol two or fewer days per week :scared: I need to find other ways to deal with my stress and plus it is a LOT of calories!

I am not planning to try to count calories right now. I am going to focus on getting in my fiber, fruits and veggies. I am hoping that if I am eating the right amounts of those that I will be in a good calorie zone without obsessing over counting them. I may go back to counting if need be.

Ok so 8 goals sounds like a lot but really it isn't that much. I just wanted to put them down here and try to push myself to do the best I can at reaching them. I will post my starting weight for the year tomorrow after I go to the gym.

Our plan was for me to come home and cook today, go to the gym, then come home and eat. BUT... I thought we had some ground turkey and alas we did not. We did not have anything that I could cook quickly or easily. DH came home and we ended up deciding to go grocery shopping and pick up some healthy essentials and just skip the gym tonight. We made chili and will have it again tomorrow night. We ABSOLUTELY are going to the gym tomorrow!!

Food today was average to bad
B - multi grain cheerios w/ milk
S - mini bag of M&Ms, mini milky way bar(the smallest) - I was stressing at work and asked a coworker for the chocolate w/out even thinking :headache: that shows how out of tune I have gotten w/ the whole diet plan
L- two slices of leftover pizza w/ garlic sauce for the crusts :rolleyes1
S - 1 piece of chewing gum so that I wouldn't go ask for more chocolates ;)
D - bowl of chili w/ oyster crackers, sweet tea, orange/banana/strawberry juice

I will begin counting the fiber tomorrow - I just decided on that tonight.

On the work front... I was seriously dreading having to go back to work today but it was not too bad. We did end up getting the help they have been promising us. We were able to get three people! :cool1: I went from having 40 cases to 15 cases in one day!! :woohoo: :cheer2: It still took it awhile to sink in and I'm not 100% sure that I believe it. Send some PD that nothing crazy happens causing me to get any of those cases back! I am very hopeful that this will be a very good month and I can prepare for my transfer w/out being stressed out in the process! :)

Well enough for one post and one night. Gonna try to get a decent nights sleep tonight (might shoulda made that a goal too :laughing: )

Have a great week!!
Wow great goals Amber! Good Luck with all of them.

I have an idea for the vitamins...try Viactiv multivitamins, there chocolate! Thats what I take every night! A tiny piece of guiltless chocolate!

All the extra help means you definitely get to transfer right? And your stress level will go down, and you'll have more time to relax, get your exercise and get moved into your new house! Yay!

Hey, Linda! I might have to try those vitamins that sounds good! I mostly want to make sure I'm getting enough Folic Acid and Iron in preparing my body for pregnancy. I think Viactiv is for women right? So it probably has what I need.

Work was good again today and it sounds like we are keeping all three extra workers in our department! YAY! :woohoo: The way I understand it I definitely get to transfer at the end of January. The weird thing is that the extra helpers are "loans" from other counties and they will go back at the end of January also :confused3 So it helps for one month, but I'm not real sure what they will do come February. BUT... NOT MY PROBLEM!! :dance3:

So goals:

1 - did exercise today - walking for about 25 minutes. We went to our gym, but when we got there we realized that they have SHUT DOWN!! :eek: Actually I kind of expected it sooner than this. I knew back in Sept or Oct that they were having money problems and they even sent out letters to all the members asking us to pay an extra monthly fee to help them out.. NO! I didn't get them into this mess, they did by having poor management skills.
Anyway, so for now I guess we will walk outside and do videos. I planned to do at least 30 minutes but my shin started hurting pretty bad for some reason and I called it quits at 25. Not too bad... I'm just warming back up ;)

2 - Took my vitamin this morning. The ones I have are Weight Smart and you have to take them with food. That is why remembering has been so hard for me. IF I remember it is usually not when I have food on my stomach. I took it right before breakfast this morning and I ate slow. I started to feel really quesy (sp?) about midway through breakfast, but I ate quicker and felt better. That is the bad thing about those vitamins - they make me Really nauseated if I don't eat enough with them. I think I will get some regular multies or those Viactiv and use them as a back up if I don't remember to take the Weight Smart w/ my meal.

3- fiber - so far so good. I haven't had dinner yet, but I am on track so far. I will come back and post my total for the day once I figure it up.

4 - no doctor yet.... I will work on that

5 - 2 servings of fruit down !! Veggies - 0 so far I am having chili for dinner so I think that might add up to about 2 servings (beans count as veggies right?) but I'm not sure I'm gonna end up w/ the 3rd serving.

6 - no meals out today :)

7 - Posting :cool1:

8 - no alcohol since New Years.... but might have something tonight... haven't decided yet

B- Kashi Go lean, milk
L- whole wheat turkey sandwich w/ swiss (no lettuce-it was Yucky), apple
S- 1/4 cup of Fruit Bits mixed w/ 1/4 cup of mixed nuts. Yummy
D- will be Chili from last night.

K, that's it for now. GOOD NIGHT!
What FANTASTIC goals you have there! Your future little one will benefit in so many ways from all of your efforts. :hug: Your new year is off to a flying start. I was going to get going on this baby thing myself, but I'm still a little chicken! Hopefully I'll be able to follow your lead and get healthy. Keep up the great job!! :goodvibes
Hey, Amber! The viactiv has the folic acid but not the iron. Its the iron that makes you feel sick probably. I couldnt take the prenatal vitamins that the Dr. gave me, they have TONS of iron, made me totally sick. Guess what they had me take instead? Flintstones plus Iron! I kid you not. You might want to check that out and see how many you would need if the others keep making you sick. If I remember correctly I had to take several thru the day, but it didnt matter if I had food or not.

Hi Amber! I am also trying to lose weight before trying to conceive. We are also planning on March! I want to lose 15 pounds by then, but we'll see how that goes... You sound like you are on the track to success! I'd love to read more updates, so keep posting!
Hi, Penguin! :wave2: You, CJK, and I will take the journey together! I am getting so excited as it gets closer to the time we had set. I am nervous that I won’t be able to lose much before then, but with the help of everyone here I’m sure I can.

Linda – I have to go to the grocery store today so I will definitely look at getting some vitamins that won’t make me sick!

Ok, I have to admit that I am REALLY struggling to get started! :scared: It didn’t help that the gym was closed and then it was raining the last few days. But those are excuses! I am planning to get it back into gear for real this weekend and then try to keep that momentum. I was also having a really hard time sleeping this week which really wore me out. I hope to gain some energy from my exercise though and kick into gear. :cool1:

DH and I sat down last night and picked out recipes to make in the coming week. We picked out 5 different meals to cook which will translate into 10 to 15 actual meals because there are just the two of us and most recipes make at least 4 servings. I got a Rachel Ray 365 No Repeats cookbook for Christmas. I had wanted to just work my way through it, BUT she doesn’t put any nutritional info and most of her stuff is about being quick. That doesn’t always translate into being particularly healthy. We also bought the Grit cookbook from my favorite Athens restaurant, which is all vegetarian.:lovestruc DH (my Major carnivore) is really stoked about cooking from it! So we picked from those two and another vegetarian cookbook that I have had for awhile – Vegetable Heaven. We made a list of ingredients that we need and we will go shopping today and stock up. I am scared of that grocery bill, as we just spent $120 on groceries Tuesday.:eek: I take solace in the fact that our eating out bill won’t be $300 + this month! I can’t believe we ate out that much! :scared1: Oh, yeah, Linda, I saw how you busted me on your journal! What can I say, I’m lazy! :confused3

So the plan for today is to have leftover chili for lunch. Then we are going to a “starving artist’s art show” at a local hotel. Just to look. If the weather stays nice we are also going to go walking at the Riverwalk that they built a couple of years ago. DH and I have talked about going walking down there, but never get around to it. Then at some point we have to grocery shop. Then we are going to cook. Dinner will be Butternut Poblano Soup and Tofu Bacon Avocado Sandwiches. Sounds yummy! Both are from The Grit and I have not had anything from them that I didn’t like. And anyone who knows me knows that I am Picky! I am trying to get better and expand my horizons, but it is hard.

I am also considering using the extra mileage money that I am getting this month from work to put towards a nice treadmill for our new house. We have been wanting one, but keep putting it off. Well, we may still put it off for another month or so since the house isn’t finished. But I want to get one asap once the house is done.

Tomorrow I am determined to get some good exercise also and we will cook something yummy for dinner. Then during the week we will alternate eating leftovers and cooking depending on how work goes that day.

Oh, yeah, I have Jury Duty Tuesday. This is like my 3rd time! I don’t mind though. I just consider it a day off of work! :woohoo:

So here are my foods and goals for the past couple of days. I made a little template and I think it will help me on days that I don’t have much time. So here goes:

Wednesday’s Fiber count = 29! :woohoo: Yeah! I thought this would be really hard, but it isn’t so bad…. The hardest part is taking time to calculate the homemade stuff. But that is ok.

B - kashi w/ milk – F = 10
L – whole wheat turkey sandwich w/ lettuce, fruit & nut snack mix (my apple was bad) F= 6
D – tortilla chips, salsa, chicken & cheese quesadilla, guacamole salad – F= 8 (I was overly hungry this evening since I didn’t have a snack, then I got home late. DH had a bad day. SO we decided on eating out)
S – 2 vanilla vodka and cokes

Goal 1: exercise – none
Goal 2: vitamin – yes, did better today, no nausea
Goal 3: fiber – 24 so not quite, but pretty good considering we ate out!
Goal 4: doctor – no
Goal 5: 2 fruits & 3 veggies – 1 fruit, 2 veggies – maybe 3 cause I had salsa, guacamole, and lettuce ?
Goal 6: less eating out – ate out $20 from our total ( I forgot DH said we could do $70 to give us some wiggle room) so $50 left
Goal 7: posting – no
Goal 8: less alcohol – 1 night so far

B - kashi w/ milk – F= 10
S – coffee w/ cream & sugar, 3 mini chocolate rice cakes ( I was really hungry right after getting to work for some reason)
S – 4 club crackers ( it was getting near lunch and a co-worker was munching…. Sometimes I have NO will power!):rolleyes1
L – HC cheesy chicken and rice, apple, 4 or 5 mini chocolate rice cakes ( I managed to turn down Real milk chocolate and just eat my rice cakes! ) – F= 7 (WOW! :cool1: I didn’t realize that a medium apple has 3 grams of fiber!! I am only going to count 2 cause I don’t eat it down to the core) (I was also impressed that my HC had 5 grams of fiber!)
S – fruit & nut mix – F= 4
D – Broccoli, rice, chicken, cheese mix ( modified to add cauliflower & carrots plus brown rice… this time I did add a little cheese whiz – usually it doesn’t actually have any cheese just cream of whatever soup) F= 4
S – ½ bag of popped 94% ff popcorn F= 5 !!

Goal 1: exercise – none
Goal 2: vitamin – forgot
Goal 3: fiber – 30 !!
Goal 4: doctor – no
Goal 5: 2 fruits & 3 veggies – 2 fruits & 2.5 veggies – those veggies are HARD
Goal 6: less eating out – still have $50 in the pot
Goal 7: posting – no
Goal 8: less alcohol – none!

Ok, I will try to post tomorrow about my weekend. Hope everybody is having a GREAT one!! :goodvibes
Is that a plan, or is that a plan!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Your recipes look fantastic and I think it's wonderful how your dh is on board to help with the planning.

All your healthy lifestyle changes will do wonders for your future child. I remember reading that just losing 10lbs reduces your health risks for many diseases. Sounds like you're well on your way and your attitude is fantastic!! Hopefully your enthusiasm will rub off on me and I can get going on this baby journey too! :goodvibes

Have a terrific weekend!
Thanks, CJK! DH is a HUGE help to me and SUPER supportive of anything that I want to do. I am looking forward to being more healthy for the future baby, but a bit worried about gaining back anything I lose now. I am trying not to focus on that now though and just think about going into the pregnancy with as little extra weight as possible.

Linda, Ok, I did look at vitamins at the grocery store, but alas I got swept up by the Prenatal vitamins. Then I got so excited about taking them to get a jumpstart on the healthy pregnancy idea that I lost my good sense (if I had any:confused3 ). SO, I bought what seemed like the best prenatal vitamins. Nevermind that you are supposed to take 4 a day w/ food! :scared1: Now, I am not sure what I was thinking considering that I can't remember to take 1 a day w/ food, but that is what I bought. I am not going to take those right away though. I am going to give the weight smart another week or two and HOPE that they actually help me to jump start my weight loss.

Ok, so here is what my weekend looked like:
L – leftover chili – F=9.5
S – different fruit & nut mix – F=3
D – smoky turkey shepard’s pie recipe from Rachel Ray – F= 8
S – sliced apple w/ peanut butter – F= 3

Well, the day did not go as planned.:rolleyes: DH had forgotten that his brother’s birthday was the 3rd and his mother’s is the 10th, so we had to go buy their gifts and then go visit them and take their gifts. So, we grocery shopped, gift shopped, then visited. By dinner time we wanted something quicker than the soup we had planned for. So we went with one of the other recipes we had chosen. It was Really good!

Goal 1: exercise – none unless I count walking around doing the shopping
Goal 2: vitamin – forgot
Goal 3: fiber – 23, just a little bit short
Goal 4: doctor – no
Goal 5: 2 fruits & 3 veggies – 1.5 fruit, 3 veggies
Goal 6: less eating out – none!
Goal 7: posting – posted early in the day
Goal 8: less alcohol - none

L – pork roast, potatoes, potato salad, crunchy coleslaw, biscuit, black eyed peas – F=9
S – coffee
D – Butternut squash poblano soup & tofu bacon avocado sandwiches. – F=14
Ok, so this meal didn’t turn out too well. I think I put a tad too much cinnamon in the soup and it was just SUPER rich anyway. The “tofu bacon” was EXTREMELY salty! The sandwich was just the tofu and sliced avocado on bread. Anyway the combination of the Super salty tofu and the Super rich soup was just too much. I ate a little over half of my dinner and was like Ok that is all I can eat.

Well, within half an hour my stomach Revolted! I had a Very upset stomach for the rest of the night! :sick: I did sleep some, but woke up this morning and my stomach was still “talking” to me. It was literally making weird noises. DH woke up and heard it and said, “is that your stomach?”. :scared: Anyway, needless to say, I opted not to go into work today for fear of further issues. I have been really tired, pretty hungry, and my stomach has not felt right all day, but I have managed to stay out of the bathroom at least! I think that it is something about really rich creamy food items. :confused3 I have been having this problem over the last year or so where the really rich foods set my stomach off.

Goal 1: exercise – Walked for 35 minutes with DH before lunch, Walked for 30 minutes with mom about 4:30. It was a beautiful day and I was determined to take advantage of it!:cool1:
Goal 2: vitamin – took with lunch.
Goal 3: fiber – 23, So close… yet so far.
Goal 4: doctor – no
Goal 5: 2 fruits & 3 veggies – no fruit, but pretty sure I got at least three veggies
Goal 6: less eating out – none
Goal 7: posting – none
Goal 8: less alcohol - none

B - kashi w/ milk – F=10
S – oatmeal w/ peanut butter, sugar, pat of butter, and dash of syrup ( I used my grandma’s quick cook, but it is just SO flavorless) had a little milk w/ that too –F=5
L – whole wheat turkey sandwich – F=4
S – fruit & nut mix – F=4
D – not sure yet if I will cook or we will have leftovers

Goal 1: exercise – about 10 minutes walk w/ my grandma at a Very slow pace
Goal 2: vitamin – No way, I was afraid to risk irritating my stomach
Goal 3: fiber – almost there and haven’t had dinner yet:yay:
Goal 4: doctor – no
Goal 5: 2 fruits & 3 veggies – 1 fruit so far
Goal 6: less eating out – not today
Goal 7: posting – yes!
Goal 8: less alcohol – no way

Oh, yeah, I weighed in on my parent’s scale yesterday evening while mom and I were walking. :sad2: I am not happy at all with the weight, but I guess I have to start somewhere. So, my start weight for the year is 192. I am so disappointed!!:sad1: I had gotten to like 182 at one point last year. I could really kick myself for letting the stress get to me and allowing myself to regain 10 pounds!

Oh, well… hope I have a GREAT week this week and maybe I can post a 4 or 5 pound loss like Marie & Linda! :cheer2: Hope we all have an excellent week! :wizard:
ok, quickie question... I finally updated my signature and that got me to thinking.

My start weight last year was 205. I had made a good bit of progress as I stated earlier, but I have gained back. Now I am starting 2007 at 192. So at this point from starting weight to now I have only lost 13 pounds.

So my question is do I go back to the 10 pounds WISH flag or do I just leave my 15 pound flag and push to get back to a 15 pound loss ASAP?

All opinions are welcome. Thanks!
here goes:

B - kashi w/ milk
L – whole wheat turkey sandwich, guacamole salad
S – fruit & nut mix
D – Scramblewiches (Rachel Ray) & zucchini (sauted & then broiled w/ parmesan on top)
S – 1 Ferrer Roche chocolate
Goal 1: exercise – 1 hour walking = 3.25 miles
Goal 2: vitamin – forgot
Goal 3: fiber – 18 that I’m sure of, but not sure about dinner?
Goal 4: doctor – no
Goal 5: 2 fruits & 3 veggies – 1 fruit, 3 veggies
Goal 6: less eating out – none!
Goal 7: posting – no
Goal 8: less alcohol – none!

B - kashi w/ milk
S – fruit & nut mix
L – whole wheat turkey sandwich, apple
D – Scramblewich, 1 potato in gravy (leftover from Sun.), English peas
Goal 1: exercise – none
Goal 2: vitamin – yes
Goal 3: fiber – 20 before dinner ( not in the mood to figure dinner)
Goal 4: doctor – no
Goal 5: 2 fruits & 3 veggies – 2 fruits, 2 veggies
Goal 6: less eating out – none!
Goal 7: posting – yes
Goal 8: less alcohol – not sure yet.

So, I had Jury Duty yesterday, but ended up not having to serve. Spent the rest of the day doing some work from home and goofing off. Today I suffered for having been out two days in a row. I managed to get it together, but the morning was rough!

The scramblewiches from Rachel Ray were REALLY tasty and Very filling! I am sure they are not the healthiest, but shouldn’t be too bad. It was basically scrambled eggs w/ turkey scrambled in – put into a ¼ of a French loaf (hollowed out) then covered with a slice of cheese and broiled. Anyway, we will definitely make that again!

Tonight I got home late and DH & I just decided to eat and take it easy. I would have pushed to exercise if it weren’t so Cold out there! I really need to come up with some good indoor exercise!

Have a good night!
Ok, haven't been here since Wednesday... so here are Thursday and Friday's notes... sort of backwards. I will post today's stuff tomorrow probably.
I am STRUGGLING on my food will power! I need help!!:eek:


On Thursday I did not go out with the girls at work because I had lunch intake (which means I have to stay in the office). Well, Friday they said they were going to Applebee’s. I wanted to go out, didn’t Really want Applebee’s, but went anyway. Well, Applebee’s would be good cause they have the WW menu. BUT the Bruschetta Burger caught my eye and it looked SO good. So I decided to splurge and get it. :sad2: Well, it was AWESOME. :cloud9: Probably really unhealthy, but Yummy. The fries that come with it have a garlic sauce drizzled on them. They were delish too! Needless to say I ate and Savored all of it! THEN, my coworker got the black tie brownie and wanted to share with the other 4 of us. Well, one other girl got her own desert and the other two girls decided that they didn’t want any. Well, you know I can’t turn down chocolate so I said I would take Some. It came with 2 brownies and 2 scoops of Ice Cream!! So she gave me a whole slice and a whole scoop! :sad2: I know I should have shown some constraint and not eaten the whole thing, but I didn’t. I ate the WHOLE brownie and some of the Ice Cream. It was SO good too!! I was FULL the rest of the afternoon!

When I got home DH wanted to go out to dinner cause he had a bad day at work. I was still pretty satisfied from lunch and didn’t really want to waste one of my dinner’s out. But I didn’t want to make him eat in just because I splurged on lunch. We compromised. He got Krystals (which he was craving) and counted it against his lunch allotment for the month (he almost never eats lunch out). I had leftovers. I got a small portion cause I was getting a little hungry but not starving. :cool1: I was proud of myself for at least not splurging twice in one day :confused3 Baby steps right?

B - kashi w/ milk - F=10
S – fruit & nut mix - F= 4
L – bruschetta burger, garlic fries, Giant slice of Brownie, half a scoop of ice cream - F=?
D – small serving of chicken, broccoli, rice dish - f=3
S – 2 vanilla vodka and cokes
Goal 1: exercise – none
Goal 2: vitamin – yes
Goal 3: fiber – not enough!
Goal 4: doctor – no
Goal 5: 2 fruits & 3 veggies – 1 fruit, maybe 2.5 veggies
Goal 6: less eating out – did my lunch for the month…spent $13, was allotted $10
Goal 7: posting – no
Goal 8: less alcohol – second day this week – ended up drinking some on Wednesday evening also.

Was an average day. Didn’t feel like doing a whole lot but we did at least walk some.

B - kashi w/ milk - F=10
S – fruit & nut mix - F= 4
L – HC pizza - F= 6!
D – turkey shepard’s pie leftovers - F= 8

Goal 1: exercise – 1 mile – 20 minutes
Goal 2: vitamin – yes
Goal 3: fiber – 28! Yeah! :cheer2:
Goal 4: doctor – no
Goal 5: 2 fruits & 3 veggies – 1 fruit, 1.5 veggies
Goal 6: less eating out – none!
Goal 7: posting – no
Goal 8: less alcohol – none, considered it, but didn’t!

Side Note on the House:
They gave us an estimate on the plumbing for the house, which has been our hold up for awhile now. We will have to pay about $3000 extra because of the distance & the terrain where they have to cut the sewer line through. Not a problem… we just want to get it over with! There was a guy hired by the city to uncover the sewer lines that they are supposed to maintain regularly. It has probably been 20 or 30 years since they groomed the land where the sewer runs through my grandparent’s property! So the builder was having to wait for the city to figure out where the sewer line actually was before they could tie into it!

Anyway, my dad talked to the guy clearing the land and asked him how much he would charge to get rid of this little patch of pines in our front yard. It was something that we thought the builder would do, but they only cut a few of them. Anyway the guy has this really cool machine that is like a bulldozer but with teeth. It goes up to the trees and just “eats” them to bits and basically mulches anything in it’s path. I haven’t seen it in action but I have seen the aftermath. It is pretty cool! So the guy looked at the trees and said he would do it for $75 if it took longer than 30 minutes. It took 30 minutes and he told my dad not to pay him for it! That was pretty cool. My dad talks to everyone and gets some nice perks for being so friendly sometimes! Now we have a much more open front yard!

Friday, the builder sent over some more gravel for the driveway, only they didn’t lay any of it cause the guy got his dumptruck stuck in the rut where they ran the underground cable/ power lines! Today they were out there pulling him out and then putting the gravel out. It is Crazy! DH & the builder seem to think they will finish up in about 2 weeks, but I think they underestimate how WET our ground stays when it rains. I’m keeping my fingers crossed though. At least they are steady working on things now!

Ok, I am SO long winded! Sorry bout that... had a lot to say!
Have an AB FAB weekend!! :hippie:
L – whole wheat turkey sandwich, banana
S – fruit & nut mix
S – small caramel macchiato from Starbucks w/ 2% milk
D – large bowl of Super hot chili:crazy2: , tortilla chips (we ran out of crackers for the chili)

Goal 1: exercise – 2miles – 36 minutes + walked to my house and back 3 different times… gotta count for something right? Probably just over .25 mile total + walked around the mall shopping w/ mom for 2.5-3 hours :yay:
Goal 2: vitamin – no
Goal 3: fiber – not enough :guilty:
Goal 4: doctor – no
Goal 5: 2 fruits & 3 veggies – 2 fruits, 1 or 2 veggies (lots of beans)
Goal 6: less eating out – none!
Goal 7: posting – yes
Goal 8: less alcohol – none!

L – 1.5 slices of rotisserie chicken, green beans, potato in gravy, small yeast roll
S – fruit & nut mix
D – Mac & Chedder w/ broccoli from RR (I’m sure it wasn’t very low fat, but it was quick, easy, & delicious! … plus we were SO close to going out and grabbing a pizza, but had this instead, so in comparison it was probably fairly healthy) I think we could add twice as much broccoli next time and it would still be delicious!

Goal 1: exercise – 45 minutes= 2 miles w/ some jogging mixed in, then stretching for the rest of the time :yay:
Goal 2: vitamin – yes, took it just now w/ dinner
Goal 3: fiber – Not Nearly enough :sad2: (this is So much harder on weekends :confused3 )
Goal 4: doctor – no
Goal 5: 2 fruits & 3 veggies – 1 fruit, 2.5 veggies
Goal 6: less eating out – none!
Goal 7: posting – yes
Goal 8: less alcohol – hmm… have been considering drinking all day…. DH said he might…. So I probably will.

We went and looked at treadmills today. I REALLY want one Now! I’m sure that we will wait until we move into the house though. I am thinking really hard about trying to jog/run again. I am not going to try to train for a half or full marathon or anything because I want to try to get pregnant too soon to have time for that. What I am thinking is that I want to be an average jogger/runner, before getting pregnant so that afterward I can bounce back into jogging better. Then maybe post baby I can consider the Half!:yay: I think that would be an awesome thing to work on post baby!

Anyway, I am going to incorporate jogging into my walking more often and try to push myself harder than I did last year. I think the thing for me is that I am Very afraid of injury and therefore I don’t push myself to go further just to stay in the safe zone. Well time to step out of the safe zone and challenge myself and my body. :cheer2:

I am going to work on coming up with some good XT to do on opposite days too so that I can tone and keep the workouts interesting.

Well, I’m off tomorrow for the holiday. I am not sure exactly what I will do. I will try to get over here and checkout some journals and make sure I’m up to date before the week starts. See ya later! :wave2:
ok, I've been kinda slack this week. I have not been sick, but just having the Blahs this week.

Monday I made Black Bean stoup & Monte Cristos from RR for dinner. It was pretty yummy and pretty healthy. No exercise. Drank even though earlier in the day I swore it off :confused3

Tuesday - leftover chili from the weekend. no exercise. I was hurting in my side and it was cold, so I just curled up on the couch for the evening and went to bed early.

Wednesday - leftover mac, cheese, & broccoli dish. Walked w/ two co-workers after work. We did 2 miles, but pretty slow. Mostly was slow cause we had to keep stopping for the one girl's daughter. It took us about 45 minutes :sad2: I guess slow exercise is better than no exercise.

We agreed last night to meet up again tonight, but they can't meet until 6pm. After we walk it will still take me another 45 minutes to get home which would make it like at least 7:15 before I would get home and that's only if we book it! DH wants to exercise tonight and will not if he has to wait for me to get home. I think I am going to not go w/ them tonight, but try to set it up earlier next week.

House News:
As of yesterday the carpet and vinyl is in!! The gutters are on also!! All that is left is the plumbing, attic insulation, and minor fixes!! It is getting exciting now!!

Check this out.... We are walking through looking at the carpet and vinyl when we notice that the vinyl is the same in the kitchen as it is in the bathroom and foyer. We were supposed to have a different kind in the kitchen. Well a few months ago they called and said they were out of stock for one of the vinyl styles we had picked. I swear it was the bathroom. So I picked a new one. Well the new one that I picked is what already was gonna be put in the bathroom :confused3 So apparently I picked the same vinyl for the Kitchen as I had picked for the bathroom previously? :confused3 I don't know.... If you feel like that didn't make any sense it is because it didn't! :confused3 Anyway, so I am torn about what to do. The vinyl is pretty, but I was looking forward to having two different kinds. I am not that upset to want it to be taken back up, especially if I am partly to blame. What I think happened is that I was picking new vinyl for the kitchen, but was thinking it was for the bathroom. Anyway, I am planning to call and chat w/ the lady at the builder's office and see if we can figure out what we did. I most likely won't ask for it to be changed, but I just can't figure out what we did?

ok, enough rambling.

Oh, Yeah, I made my doctor's appointment today!! I asked my chiropractor for a suggestion and he suggested a doctor. I will go for a physical on February 15th at 9 am. I feel better just knowing it is set now.

See ya'll later!
Hey Amber! I have been really lax in keeping up with stuff, so I hope all is going well. So glad to hear the house is getting close. We need pics! As far as the vinyl floor goes, I wouldnt worry about it at all. The truth is, you are gonna hate it in a couple of years and want to rip it out no matter what you choose. This is my experience anyway!

I just wanted to show you this thread thats on the CB. I know you are a Harry Potter fan (well I think so anyway with your cats names and all)

Anyway, some interesting discussions going on over there if you have time to read any of it.

Hey, Linda! :wave2: I did go to the thread you posted. It looks cool and I think I would enjoy discussing HP (I am a BIG fan!) BUT I’m Terrified of a Spoiler for the upcoming book. :scared1: I saw where they were discussing the Horcuxes, Snape (which side is he on?), etc. I Love the surprise of reading the story for the first time and not knowing what is going to happen. I was SERIOSLY disappointed when I heard the big leak from the last book and found it to be true.:sad1: SO…. I think I’m gonna have to pass on that discussion for now. Thanks for thinking of me though! It is right up my alley!:thumbsup2

I am not gonna do my goal list today for the last 4 days. I have been feeling pretty Blah today and lately in general I guess. :upsidedow Work is going much better and I am only 8 work days away from my transfer, so that is good.:goodvibes I think that February will be a better month for me. :wizard: I will have my new position and HOPEFULLY will be moving into my new house. I think both moves are going to be REALLY good for me. :woohoo:

I have been doing ok on my foods and not so great on the exercise front. I weighed myself on my grandma’s scale yesterday. I don’t really trust it but it said I was 2 lbs down from the last time I weighed on my parent’s scale.:yay: I will try to get over there this week to get a real measurement.

We went out Friday night and had Mexican. I ate too many chips, but I ordered well. I had chicken and rice soup w/ grilled chicken tacos. The tacos were grilled chicken wrapped in a soft corn tortilla w/ NOTHING else on it. No lettuce, salsa, cheese, sauce, Nada.:confused3 It was a little lame. I added some salsa and it was better. I just ate one of the tacos. The soup was tasty. It was basic chicken & rice soup w/ pico & avocado on top. I think it was the healthiest meal that I have EVER had at a Mexican resteraunt!:cool1: We spent $20 more of our eating out budget so only $30 left. Not too bad!

We hung out w/ DH’s best friend and his family yesterday at their house. Their kids got a trampoline for Christmas and DH had to help put it together. I got to jump some! :jumping2: I Love Trampolines! We had one when I was growing up. They are SO much fun and Great exercise! I am now trying to convince DH to buy us one! They grilled hamburgers and hotdogs. They also had chips and dip, crab salad, pasta salad, and brownies. I am ashamed to say that I ate some of everything and Way more than I should have. :sad2: We had a very good time though. (this is a couple that I sometimes don’t enjoy spending time with, but it went well this time) Well, we left their house a little after 7pm and came home to find the power out on our whole block! :confused3 My grandma said it had been out since 5:30. SO we called them up and went back over to their house. DH & his best friend played card games and the wife & I watched Elizabethtown. It was nice. We came home around midnight and the power came back on about 12:30. So it turned out pretty well.

Today I didn’t eat SO healthy at lunch, but dinner was EXCELLENT. DH made a curry dish. This time he decided to do a cauliflower & chickpea curry w/ no meat. We had it over couscous. It was delicious. The very filling meal was about 390 calories. Fiber was about 13 grams! And protein was about 17 grams! Pretty good! :cool1:

We walked yesterday 1.75 miles. Today, no real exercise, but I did jog most of the way to and from the new house.

Oh, BTW, we figured the Vinyl flooring thing out. I did not mess up! :thumbsup2 The lady that orders the flooring did, so they will replace the floor in the kitchen. To be honest it didn’t matter too much to us, but it will be nice to have it right. They should put it in next week.

We hit another snag on the plumbing/sewer issue though! The city now says that we can’t have city sewer w/out city water after they told us in the beginning that we could. :furious: It is not too bad though. What it boils down to is that they are going to rip us off and charge us for all the water meter stuff even though we won’t have city water. It will be at least another $1000 and maybe closer to $2000. Not what we wanted to hear, but we’ve got to have toilets! We could attempt to do a septic tank, but I REALLY don’t think this land will perk (or whatever they call it). We have a lot of clay and granite in the ground here. Whatever… I’m just READY for it to be DONE!!! I took some pics today and it is just a matter of convincing DH to take the time to put them online.

K, I’m gonna try to get motivated this week and do better! :cheer2: See ya’ll later!
Hi Amber. I dont blame you for not wanting any spoilers. I think I ned to read the last book again anyway becuase I usually dont know what they are talking about. Geez they remember every little thing ever said! I am not that committed!

Did you like Elizabethtown? I am only asking because it was filmed here. In louisville, in oldham co (where I live) and in Elizabethtown (which we call E-town here. I know it was a weird movie. It really should have starred John Cusack He is much better at that dark comedy thing. But I really liked seeing all the places from here. The Brown Hotel, all the roads, which of course were no where near where they made you think he was. What I really loved about that movie though was the "road trip package" I would sooooo love to do something like that, maps to little places on the road and music to go with it! Anyway, I know most people didnt really like it, but I did.:goodvibes

Hope you get all the house stuff taken care advice....whatever it costs, go sewer, not septic. I have septic and so much can go wrong with it. Ugh...go sewer.

Anyway...good luck...did I mention we need some PICTURES?:lmao:

Amber Amber Amber! ONE MORE WEEK! I noticed on your ticker thats how long til you can transfer. YAY!:banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana:

So much to look forward to! New job, new house , maybe baby soon! I doesnt get much better!

Hello! It has been a long week and I just haven't gotten over here to post. The first part of the week I did pretty good. I started out counting calories even. Mon. was like 1400, Tuesday about 1100. Then Wednesday we went to Olive Garden. Bad very bad. Thursday - had leftover Olive Garden for lunch, but was pretty good at dinner. Friday and Saturday were both REALLy bad for the diet. Saturday I went with my mom and sis to N. GA to visit mom's uncle who is on hospice and not expected to live much longer. We had a good visit, but ate out lunch and dinner. Exercised some on Monday and Tuesday, but none since then :confused3 .

Today is a new day. I walked with DH for about twenty minutes outside, then came in and did another twenty on the treadmill while he showered. So I'm trying to get some exercise in.

I have to change my Ticker in my Sig again! I got a call on Wednesday from our Regional Office. They said that they wanted to ask me to stay for another month in my current county. They said they were asking me, but then said that my new county director and the regional director have already discussed it and think it is what they want to have happen. They did end up offering me my travel time. So I agreed to stay one more month, but have made it clear to all involved that I WILL NOT be staying in March. My deputy director even said to me that if they do ask me to stay again I need to say no. I feel that I have given them enough time w/ this extra month that if they do ask me I again I will Absolutely have the right to say NO. They are paying my mileage from my new county office to my current county office, plus I get to count the travel time as work time. Then they also got us a 5% supplement for our pay that I will get for Jan & Feb. So it is not going to work out too bad. I was really disappointed at first though simply because I have gotten it so built up in my head that I was leaving.

The housing situation hasn't been too much better either. We are still stuck on the water/sewer issue. We called the MWA and explained the situation. They said that we should be able to put a meter on the well and tie into the sewer, but they have to get some further approval for it. The guy will be back on Monday and we should know something then. They said that we will have to put a special meter on though and it will be about $250.... but that is better than $1000. Keeping our fingers crossed. The vinyl was replaced this week. I like it alot! :woohoo:

So, February will be a mixed bag it looks like. I am still very hopeful that the house issues will be resolved soon and maybe we can be moving in mid-february. What a Wonderful Valentine's gift that would be! :love: Work has been better this month and so hopefully will continue to be tolerable next month. Then I will be getting the bonus money which will help with all the extra expenses from moving into the house. I will also be getting home about 5pm now which HOPEFULLY will help me get into a better exercise groove!!

I have not been on task lately with my goals or my journalling. I promise to do better!! I have decided that I need to watch my calories more closely since I haven't really been losing. I am going to aim for 1200 a day, but the occasional 1400 day will be acceptable. Maybe once a week. I am going to start logging in Fitday again. I hope that will help me some.

OH, Yeah... I go to the doctor in Feb. also. That should be interesting:scared:

Well, that is enough rambling for now. See ya later!


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