Amazing August - W.I.S.H. Goals

This has been bad food wise for me. I have just been eating a ton of junk. Bright side I did have a salad for dinner yesterday but other then that it has been junk. I need to get back on track or that pound I gained on the cruise is going to turn into a few more. I can finally get more steps in as my leg is getting better but know my afternoons are full this week. I told DH last night that starting Monday we will be getting back into walking in the morning. My leg feels back to normal but the burn is still there but healing very nicely. Little things will still bother it, like hot water from a shower but nothing compared to where I was this time last week.
All these "excuse" posts are really good, guys!
And @Oneanne all your appts/therapies seem so wonderful!! I'm a bit jealous, ngl

I must admit that my excuses usually revolve around housework. I usually use the "i have to workout" excuse to rationalize my procrastination. Tbh I usually let everything pile up then when I get the urge to clean, I just do it all over the course of the day. But that has kinda led to never getting to deep-clean. I just spot-clean and call it good. It's honestly embarrassing but my excuse is usually "it's just gonna get dirty again anyway". Ew.
My other excuse issue is my drinking. Yup, it just got real. I drink almost on a daily basis. I always have an excuse, whether it's bc we have friends over or if I'm in pain or sad. Or happy & celebratory. I esp know it's not good bc alcoholism runs in my family. But "I'm not a bad drunk like my mom. I'm not mean when I'm drunk" :sad2:Excuses excuses.
And double ew.
Another one is something like an addiction. When my disorder brain takes over I make every excuse to not eat. Even healthy food isn't safe. Then ofc I have to eat. If I feel even remotely full I binge. Bad. Like to the point where it hurts. My excuse is "well, you messed up by eating so you may as well make it worth it with junk" ?? This is something that only happens when I'm super depressed tho & my bf helps stop me usually.... jeez I got some issues lol

I think you are already on a good path because you can see your excuses for what they are. Awareness is already the first step. On the drinking: Maybe try to eliminate just one or two of your common excuses. As you say, you find so many reasons to drink. Look at them and try to figure out which one you will drop in the future. We had a close family friend who was battling with alcoholism and depression and therefore my parents seemed to have adopted the rule: don't drink when you are sad, or especially don't drink because you are sad. I always found that a good rule to live by.

I can do excuses with the best of them-our small town only has WW meetings once a week, so I could find plenty of reasons not be able to go that day! I probably did this from March to July. Finally went July 10!

Yay for going back to WW!
I am woohooing that DD turns 11 today. It is a busy day for us but she was awake before I left for work so i was able to tell her Happy Birthday.

SO my boss just asked if I wanted to go to a conference in New Mexico in October. I would be going by myself. I haven't given an answer yet. This is a ball of emotions for me. I am excited as this would be a good opportunity, nervous and scared as I will be on my own in a new place. I need to give him an answer in the next couple of days too. There are not many times in my life that I wanted to be more like my sister but this is one of those time. She does everything on her own. Movies, restaurants, concerts and even travels on her own. I can't even go to a restaurant on my own. Sometimes Anxiety really sucks. Last night I had a great night with anxiety as it started to rain on my drive home. Like can't see the car in front of me rain. Normally I would be in tears and in a panic. Last night I stayed calm and did some of DD's exercises for her anxiety. I changed my thought process and it worked. Today, this just feels like it put me in a tailspin and I haven't even said yes yet.
... the office is going to the baseball game this afternoon, so it's a half work day. I'm planning on walking from the office to the ballpark, a mile and a half, as long as it doesn't get too hot. The smoke is supposed to clear up a little bit today, but I did break down and get a mask... more and more people are wearing them.

.... the baseball stadium has a food concession that serves gluten-free, so I will be able to find something to eat... I hear they even serve gluten free hot dogs, and what is a baseball game without a hot dog?
... I got in 13,000 steps Monday. I've been doing 10,000 during the week, to make sure I'm on track for my monthly goal, but I'm in a FitBit Challenge this week, and in the evening I was right in the middle of the pack, so I kept going to get a head a bit. My daily average needed to hit 100 miles is now down to 7333, so I'm pretty sure I'll make it.
I am woohooing that DD turns 11 today. It is a busy day for us but she was awake before I left for work so i was able to tell her Happy Birthday.

SO my boss just asked if I wanted to go to a conference in New Mexico in October. I would be going by myself. I haven't given an answer yet. This is a ball of emotions for me. I am excited as this would be a good opportunity, nervous and scared as I will be on my own in a new place. I need to give him an answer in the next couple of days too. There are not many times in my life that I wanted to be more like my sister but this is one of those time. She does everything on her own. Movies, restaurants, concerts and even travels on her own. I can't even go to a restaurant on my own. Sometimes Anxiety really sucks. Last night I had a great night with anxiety as it started to rain on my drive home. Like can't see the car in front of me rain. Normally I would be in tears and in a panic. Last night I stayed calm and did some of DD's exercises for her anxiety. I changed my thought process and it worked. Today, this just feels like it put me in a tailspin and I haven't even said yes yet.
:bday: to your DD!!
I feel you on the anxiety ... ik how paralyzing it can be and I'm sorry you have to experience it. Good job on fighting it, tho! How long is this conference? Traveling alone would be quite the adventure.. it may even help you with anxieties in the future :)
... the office is going to the baseball game this afternoon, so it's a half work day. I'm planning on walking from the office to the ballpark, a mile and a half, as long as it doesn't get too hot. The smoke is supposed to clear up a little bit today, but I did break down and get a mask... more and more people are wearing them.

.... the baseball stadium has a food concession that serves gluten-free, so I will be able to find something to eat... I hear they even serve gluten free hot dogs, and what is a baseball game without a hot dog?
... I got in 13,000 steps Monday. I've been doing 10,000 during the week, to make sure I'm on track for my monthly goal, but I'm in a FitBit Challenge this week, and in the evening I was right in the middle of the pack, so I kept going to get a head a bit. My daily average needed to hit 100 miles is now down to 7333, so I'm pretty sure I'll make it.
nice!! Your step count is impressive :)
....Also, there's gluten in hot dogs?!
nice!! Your step count is impressive :)
....Also, there's gluten in hot dogs?!
There can be wheat/gluten in the hot dog, as it's so often used as a thickener/stabilizer... and of course there's always the bun. I put down 'gluten free' for a meal at Liberty Tavern in MK one time and was shocked at how many meats that eliminated.
There can be wheat/gluten in the hot dog, as it's so often used as a thickener/stabilizer... and of course there's always the bun. I put down 'gluten free' for a meal at Liberty Tavern in MK one time and was shocked at how many meats that eliminated.
oh yeah, I forget most people eat theirs in bun. I'm a weirdo and never have, even as a kid.

But that's crazy it's added to meats, I never knew that..
Woohoo Wednesday
I weigh myself every Wednesday and I'm down 3 lbs!
I also have been keeping my calories where I want and not overeating.
Hard work = payoff
Also, my rottie has been having consecutive good days <3
How long is this conference

I will leave on a Tuesday. The conference starts Wednesday morning and then runs through noon on Friday. I will be back home Friday night. The days will be busy. It will go from 8am to 5 pm Wednesday and Thursday and then 8-noon on Friday. So not that long. I told my boss yes so I am just waiting for the confirmation now. My co-workers know me well and helped talk me into it. Same with DH. Though he was skeptical at first since he thought it was in Mexico and not New Mexico.
I will leave on a Tuesday. The conference starts Wednesday morning and then runs through noon on Friday. I will be back home Friday night. The days will be busy. It will go from 8am to 5 pm Wednesday and Thursday and then 8-noon on Friday. So not that long. I told my boss yes so I am just waiting for the confirmation now. My co-workers know me well and helped talk me into it. Same with DH. Though he was skeptical at first since he thought it was in Mexico and not New Mexico.
Woohoo! A conference is actually a good way to test out being on your own, particularly with the days being so full... and if you need to spend the evenings holed up in your room having some quiet time, so be it!

Wahoo! My co-worker got a chance today to tell me all about the conference she went to on Monday. It sounded so good (I knew it would be!).Wahoo I think I'm pretty caught up at work and ready for the school year to begin. Pretty sure there's stuff I can do to help my co-worker since I think she's a bit behind schedule. I'm hoping I haven't forgotten anything major. Teachers come back next week so I'll be swamped then!!

Wahoo the smoke is supposed to kinda clear out and the temperature will not be blazing hot!
I will leave on a Tuesday. The conference starts Wednesday morning and then runs through noon on Friday. I will be back home Friday night. The days will be busy. It will go from 8am to 5 pm Wednesday and Thursday and then 8-noon on Friday. So not that long. I told my boss yes so I am just waiting for the confirmation now. My co-workers know me well and helped talk me into it. Same with DH. Though he was skeptical at first since he thought it was in Mexico and not New Mexico.

That's great!! I think you will have a good time. As @Oneanne said, conferences are a great way of starting to travel on your own. It gives you a purpose and a structure. And it gives you the ability to socialize if you want to, but you are under no obligation to spend time with the others.

As to meals: I am sometimes a bit shy about eating out on my own as well, so one thing that I have often done is to just grab some stuff to eat back in the room. I love having a picknick in my hotel room.

I know it is a big step for you, so don't feel like you are a failure if you don't go all out and organize the bar mingle with other attendees. Just do what you are comfortable with.

@Oneanne and @glss1/2fll I hope the smoke clears out soon! I am complaining about our heat here, but at least the air is clear and I can breath. Also, while the fires are not near enough to threaten you, the smoke is a horrible reminder about how much damage is being done by the fires.
Topic Thursday!

I came across an article this morning that I thoug was very apt for our Topic Thursday!

There appears to be even more evidence as to how important sleep is for weight loss.

So: Are you getting enough sleep? Are you taking care of creating good sleeping habits (regular bedtime, no computer time before bed etc.)?

@Flossbolna Thank you for the tips. These are all big steps for me but I am getting really excited. This may change as we get closer though. Right now I am worried about the flight. I have only flown twice. Once to Hawaii with my marching band in high school and to Tampa for my honeymoon. I was fine both times but I was also fine on boats in the past. I am so afraid I will be sick. I am looking at flights that will break up the time in the air. it would be about 2 hours on each flight.

Question of the day -- I am getting much better about my sleep. DH and I started last year, maybe around Christmas, going to bed at 10. After we get in bed he reads for a little bit and I watch TV. I have to have the tv on to sleep. I need the noise. I do put the sleep timer on so it is not on all night but if I wake up in the middle of the night the TV comes back on.

This has been rough. We have not followed our 10 pm bed time rule at all. I have paid for it this week too. I have been eating horribly. Next week should be better as we will all be back on schedule with kids being back in school.


The kids started school this morning. DS is in 7th and DD is in 6th. All went well but the one kid I thought would be fine was not and the one I was expecting to have a melt down did not. It was odd. DS is very worried about not knowing where is classes will be at. This would because he decided to run around with his friends at his open house then to walk his schedule. DD had a lot of anxiety yesterday at her open house. We had to walk her schedule like 10 times. She knows where everything is. SO this morning DD was very calm though she got up before me and wanted to be at the bus stop way to early. I am hoping for a great day. I can't wait to see them this afternoon. It is weird that DD has not sent me a message this morning. She has sent me one all summer. Usually all day too. This will be something to get used to now since she will not have her tablet with her at school.
This article makes so much sense! The statistics on shift workers was worrisome, wasn’t it? And think how hard it is for new mothers to lose weight! No wonder! (This from a mother that didn’t lose the “baby weight” until the baby was in high school! :rotfl:)
Being retired, I have to admit this is no longer an issue for me. I get plenty of sleep. I do have nights where I will go upstairs to read or watch tv because otherwise I will snack even though I’m not really hungry.
Piglet, I just want to chime in say I am so glad you decided to go to the conference! Flying by yourself might seem intimidating but I find the airline employees are always very nice and helpful. Just give yourself plenty of time. I’d rather sit with a book for an hour and read than rush to be at my gate. And alone time in a nice hotel? Bliss!
In general I'm a good sleeper, I keep a regular sleep schedule and don't have any electronics in the bedroom. About a year or so ago I did go thru a period of time where I wasn't getting restful sleep and my doctor suggested doing a sleep study, but there were a couple adjustments I wanted to make first and they worked, so I never did it. I do take 5HTP to help with sleep quality, else my brain will just loop, processing stuff all night. Now that I'm eating well, and not having caffeine, I'm sleeping very soundly but the days have already shortened enough that I'm getting up in the dark - which is tough.

Hallelujah! This morning it's overcast and there's a light misty drizzle that's cleaning the air. I'm hoping the cleaner air will help me perk up, as I've been dragging a bit the past few days.

Today should be a fairly calm work day, no meetings I have to prepare for or present at, and no appointments after work so the evening is open.
It's true, sleep has a major impact on your metabolism. I find it esp difficult to sleep when I'm too hungry.
My normal bedtime routine consists of yoga & lots of herbal tea. And some intimate time to uh... exert some energy lol
If I still can't manage to sleep I will either read or workout til I pass out. If that doesn't work, I just stay up (usually get on forums, watch YouTube) and try to get a nap in during the day. I don't have an exact bedtime nor do I wake up at a certain time either. Perks of not having a job.


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