Amanda's Menu Planning Spectacular!

Amanda, what a difficult decision! Cheat free or not cheat free? It's a tough call. You did so well in avoiding so many temptations and you exercised (extra points for exercising in such COLD weather outside!!). On the other hand, a hot dog bun AND multiple little croissants AND chex mix???? Not the best choices....but I'd also be wondering how many total carbs you had today. How close were you to 55 carbs?

I'm afraid you'll have to make this decision, because it's too close for me to call! I can see both sides of this one - yeah, you didn't make great choices, but on the other hand you didn't really go off the deep end either. I'm leaning toward keeping the cheat free clippie unless you feel like you were binge-eating all those carbs.

You probably ate healthier than you would have at the same party last year, right? If you were not mindlessly chowing down on everything in sight, then I think you should keep your bear!

Make sure you drink lots of water and get right back to plan tomorrow, OK? You did good today!
Well after sleeping on it and journaling a lot I've decided to not count yesterday as cheat free. I had the hotdog on the bun because I thought I could avoid the chex mix and I knew deep down inside I shouldn't have had that AND the croissants so the day was definately not cheat free.

I have decided to keep my little bear in my signature because I did go 9 days cheat free until yesterday and that is a big accomplishment to me. Plus in reality yesterday could have been a lot worse and the old me would have eaten brownies, drank alcohol, and had 2 or 3 hotdogs. Plus 9 days ago I would have said well what does it matter that I binge on Sunday to, I'll just start again on Monday. Well not this time! I'm starting back up today. 30 carbs or less, walk/run outside, and lots of water to flush out everything from yesterday. I will continue to add days to my bear, I just won't count yesterday....if that is okay with everyone else. Otherwise I'll start a new bear all together. :)

Plan today:
B: water, eggs, and cheese - 2 carbs
L: Vegetable Beef Soup - 6 carbs
S: Chocolate Mouse - 4.5 carbs
D: Not sure yet. DH might do his chili so I might be on my own. Or I may make a new recipe I have for chicken stuffed with broccoli.

Doe thanks for answering me back last night and for being honest. I appreciate it and took what you said into consideration while making my decision.

YES!!! Well my scale has been going nuts and I haven't really seen a change in my weight so today I took a 5lb weight and placed in on the scale and then adjusted the scale so that it was accurate for the weight. I then stepped on it and gues what it said 156lbs! That is almost a 10 lb loss in the last 9 days! I'm thrilled (as you can imagine) I'm gonna go grab a 5lb clippie!


Followed everything today except for the Mouse - haven't really had any yet. Dinner was a frozen breaded chicken breast - 12 carbs and a salad - 3 carbs. If I'm hungry I'll have some of my mousse during "Alias" this evening.

Well I am signed up for the half marathon at Disney for 2005 and guess hubby signed up as well. After talking to the neighbor about it he decided that he wanted to join me. I am so excited because this gets him more involved in my weightloss which means be may become more supportive. We are planning on going down for just the weekend of the race. Can't do another big long trip to soon.

Amanda, you are just full of good news!!

:jumping3: 5 POUND CLIPPIE!! :jumping3:

Look at that beautiful new clippie you're wearing, girlfriend!! Congratulations! It sounds like that 10 pound clippie won't be far behind!

:cool1: :cool1: You AND DH doing the half!! :cool1: :cool1:

It's great to have a partner to train with! It will also be great to have DH sharing this goal with you and being supportive!

I bet you'll be walking on air today, Amanda! Make it a great one!
Hi, Amanda! Wow! So much has been happening to you! Congratulations on signing up for the half marathon and for putting a new clippie into your wardrobe! You're really leading the healthy life!

Make today a great one!
Thanks Erin and Doreen I am feeling better today regarding everything! I am back to being cheat free as of today (there was a minor slip up yesterday)

B: 2 egg muffins - 3 carbs
L: Vegetable Beef Soup - 6 carbs
D: ??? I'll decide when I go home for lunch today what I feel like cooking.
Exercise: I think I'll do 15 minutes pilates on the tummy area.

Thanks Erin and Doreen I am feeling better today regarding everything! I am back to being cheat free as of today (there was a minor slip up yesterday)

B: 2 egg muffins - 3 carbs
L: Vegetable Beef Soup - 6 carbs
D: ??? I'll decide when I go home for lunch today what I feel like cooking.
Exercise: I think I'll do 15 minutes pilates on the tummy area.

It has been a great day! Stuck to my plan although I added 3 slices of Salami and 1 slice of cheese to my lunch for an extra 2 carbs.

Dinner was a low carb wrap from Subway - just can't get enough of those. 9 carbs (extra carb for green peppers and DH forgot to put cheese on it :rolleyes: )

I had 6 Skittles today and a small sip of regular soda (To sweet!) so I will not be consuming any more food tonight unless it is a zero carb food like celery.

DH and I went for our first walk together training for the marathon. We did 30 minutes of walking. We are going to try to do this every other day if the weather holds up.::yes::

Realy was a great day and I am glad to be back to the same old grind. It helps me stay on track more. Tomorrow night we are going to a friend's house to watch "24" in High Def :D we are dorks. He is going to order Pizza - I'm gonna ask if we can get a salad too so that I won't chow down on pizza. :) I'll also eat low on the carb end and eat a protein bar before we go over there.


Good Morning!:Pinkbounc

I'm feeling great today although my muscles are telling me that we need to take a break from walking tonight. I have been sleeping really really well the last two nights. I don't know if it is all the exercise or if it is the fact that my home is a little cooler at night now.

Plan for today.
b: Egg Muffin - (2 carbs)
L: Cajun Grilled Fish and Cauliflower with cheese (4 carbs)
D: We are going to a friends house and ordering pizza. I asked him last night if we culd also order a salad so that is my plan. Lots of salad and 1 or 2 small slices of pizza. Drinking water during the evening.

I am keeping the carbs low during the day today because of the situation tonight. I do have a protein bar at my desk should I end up being hungry during the day.

No exercise tongiht - I'm giving myself the night off. Tomorrow they are saying we should reach the 50's so DH and I will be doing another 30 minute walk.


Wow I'm really hungry today. Had a sugar free Hot chocolate after breakfast - 8 carbs so I only ate half the amount of greenbeans - 2 carbs, and then needed the protein bar about 4pm for 4 carbs. I'm at 16 carbs at the moment. Still plenty of room for salad and a little bit of pizza. :D

Thank goodness I am not working out tonight because I really do think my body needs a break. Yesterday made 3 days in a row walking/running. :hyper:
Well I made it through tonight. Stuck to diet soda or water, ate a salad and stuck to two slices of pizza. Our friend ordered thick crust pizza, and the place we ordered it from only carried garden salad so there was no meat on my salad at all. So after eating it all I was still starving since it really had very little protein, so I decided to eat two of the smaller slices of pizza and to avoid eating the outside crust. I did pretty good! I may have gone over slightly in carbs but since I stuck to my plan I am giving myself a cheat free day.

Good Morning everyone. Oh how I wish the :sunny: would come up and brighten my world today. It was another hard day of getting up and getting motivated. Plan is the same as usual today:

B: Egg Muffin - 2 carbs
L: Vegetable Beef Soup - 6 carbs
D: Grilled Chicken Breast, with Grilled Veggies, or may cut up the chicken and make a salad. I haven't really decided yet.

We have a lot of things to do tonight and both DH and I are working late. here is our to do:

Walk 30 minutes
Make Dinner
Make up breakfast items for the rest of the week
Make Sugar Free Jello
Finish Laundry

Doesn't look like much but with both of us not getting home until 6 or 6:30 it is going to be a full evening.

Anyone got any breakfast ideas - I'm getting kinda tired of egg muffins. I think I might just make some meat roll ups or something like that.

Amanda, I've been known to eat tuna salad for breakfast - YUM! Breakfast is definitely my toughest meal of the day, since I am not a big fan of eggs. :rolleyes: I rely on protein bars way too much so I should be looking for other breakfast ideas myself!

You've been doing well. However, I'd double-check the carbs on that thick crust pizza. We always order thin crust - it makes a big difference. On Fitday, the same slice of pizza (1/8 of a 12 inch cheese pizza) is 19 carbs for thin crust and 28 carbs for thick crust. I don't know how much to subtract if you don't eat the end. :confused: I'm impressed with how you knew it would be a difficult eating situation, you made your plan and you stuck to it! You may want to take some legal snacks with you next time, like nuts or sunflower seeds, that you can share and that will give you the extra protein and fat to help you feel full.

You're doing great with your walking too, and I'm glad that you took a rest day. Your body NEEDS them, so don't be afraid to schedule them.

Onward and downward, Amanda! Have a fantastic day! :sunny:
Hiya Doe! Yes I realize I went over the 30 carb limit yesterday because of those 2 slices of pizza - however I am still giving myself the cheat free day because I stuck to my plan. The only difference is that usually the salad I order has lots of meat and cheese in it and if I had that pizza I would have been fine with skipping the thick crust pizza. But since it was only greens I knew if that was all I ate that I would be hungry again in an hour and by the time I got home I would be eating everything in site. In the past I would have eaten 3 large slices of pizza, regular coke, and not have thought twice about it. So I've come a long way :D

I am actually thinking of making egg salad for breakfast for the rest of the week. Sounds good and will be full of protein and low in carbs.

I'm sorry Amanda! I didn't mean to say that you didn't deserve to count yesterday as cheat-free! You did great in making a plan, hanging in there and doing the best you could, given a tough situation! I know you had no control over what your friend ordered and you did great! I'd call that cheat-free, for sure!!

I just wanted you to realize how many carbs are in that thick crust pizza. I was really surprised to find out how many extra carbs are in the thick crust, as opposed to the thin crust - so I thought you might be surprised too. It amazes me that a little extra crust can add so many carbs. Now DH and I only order thin crust - even our kids like it better!

Didn't mean to seem critical - I'm so sorry if it came out that way. Sometimes it's tough to convey an idea and the feelings behind it.

hi amanda.........i thought i saw that you were doing the marathon too?.........sorry if i got this wrong as i dont see a clippie on your profile.........when i get back from florida, let's challenge each other again..........sometimes being accountable to someone keeps the motivation going.........keep up the good work even thru tough situations........proud of you!
Hey Deb! Yes I'm going to be down for the marathon in 2005 I haven't put the clip art in yet because when I have to many it takes forever for my pages to download...and I'm not a patient person.

I didn't do to bad today:
B: Eggs - 2 carbs
S: Sugar Free Hot Chocolate - 8 carbs
L: Veggie and Beef Soup - 6 carbs
S: 1 Hersheys Kiss - 3 carbs
D: Chicken Breast with Cauliflower, Broccoli and Cheese - 4 carbs
S: Cinnamon and Splenda roasted Almonds - 8 carbs 1/2 cup low carb icecream - 4

35 carbs for the day. The Chocolate and sweet cravings are really hitting me today. Probably because of the extra carbs from yesterday. I'm not going to count the day as cheat free because of this. Although I really did make healthy choices - so I am not beating myself up over it. I'm just not giving myself the cheat free day because I didn't stick to my plan.

Good Morning Everyone! I am feeling FANTASTIC today! I weighed myself again this morning and I am holding stead at 156 lbs - from prior dieting experiences I know that I typically hit a plateau at 155lbs so I am going to be really watching my carbs over the next week and doing my walking/running and will hopefully bust right through that plateau.

I am wearing one of the smallest outfits I own. I thought to myself this morning if you keep wearing your baggy clothes you are going to lose focus. So I went into the back of my closet and got out a pair of pants that 2 months ago I couldn't sit down in and keep the button closed. Today no problem. They are still a little tight but not so uncomfortable that I can't wear them. And I have on a semi-tight red sweater that I love that was also in the back of my closet. I feel like a million bucks today. My goal is to get these pants baggy on my as well.

Plan for today:
I need to avoid the Hot Chocolate it is eating up 8 carbs whick is almost 1/3 or my daily intake. No more Hershey's Kisses.

B: Egg Salad - 4 carbs (and really yummy)
L: Leftovers from last night. Chicken Breast and Cauliflower/broccoli with cheese - 4 carbs
D: Debating on either Broccoli stuffed Chicken, or a mushroom and chicken dish I have the recipe for as well. Or we might make it simple and do burgers.
Exercise: It is really cold here again so I am going to go home and do my Walk Away the Pounds tape before DH gets home. That at least is walking 2 miles in place :D

*****BIG NEWS! ****
Last night I was going to have a half a cup on Low Carb ice cream cause DH was going to pick some up for me at the store. I even journaled it here. Well he couldn't find any - he bought regular ice cream. I thought to myself well I had already decided to not count today as cheat free so what does it matter if it is full carb... but then I resisted. So I can count yesterday as cheat free now! :D

Good Morning Everyone! I am feeling FANTASTIC today! I weighed myself again this morning and I am holding stead at 156 lbs - from prior dieting experiences I know that I typically hit a plateau at 155lbs so I am going to be really watching my carbs over the next week and doing my walking/running and will hopefully bust right through that plateau.

I am wearing one of the smallest outfits I own. I thought to myself this morning if you keep wearing your baggy clothes you are going to lose focus. So I went into the back of my closet and got out a pair of pants that 2 months ago I couldn't sit down in and keep the button closed. Today no problem. They are still a little tight but not so uncomfortable that I can't wear them. And I have on a semi-tight red sweater that I love that was also in the back of my closet. I feel like a million bucks today. My goal is to get these pants baggy on my as well.

Plan for today:
I need to avoid the Hot Chocolate it is eating up 8 carbs whick is almost 1/3 or my daily intake. No more Hershey's Kisses.

B: Egg Salad - 4 carbs (and really yummy)
L: Leftovers from last night. Chicken Breast and Cauliflower/broccoli with cheese - 4 carbs
D: Debating on either Broccoli stuffed Chicken, or a mushroom and chicken dish I have the recipe for as well. Or we might make it simple and do burgers.
Exercise: It is really cold here again so I am going to go home and do my Walk Away the Pounds tape before DH gets home. That at least is walking 2 miles in place :D

*****BIG NEWS! ****
Last night I was going to have a half a cup on Low Carb ice cream cause DH was going to pick some up for me at the store. I even journaled it here. Well he couldn't find any - he bought regular ice cream. I thought to myself well I had already decided to not count today as cheat free so what does it matter if it is full carb... but then I resisted. So I can count yesterday as cheat free now! :D

:jumping3: CHEAT FREE DAY!! :jumping3:

Good for you, Amanda!! You should be very proud of you for resisting that evil carby ice cream!

:Pinkbounc SMALLER CLOTHES :Pinkbounc

Doesn't it feel great?? I bet you are glowing today, walking on air, in that beautiful outfit! ENJOY!! ::yes::

Keep it up, Amanda! Your healthy habits will get you through! :sunny:
Well I can't count today as cheat free and the reason is stupid stupid stupid.:rolleyes:

Stuck to my plan but this afternoon decided I wanted to get some coffee because it was really cool in our building. I checked online and saw that an Espresso was on 1 carb - I figured I could actd one or two splenda packets for 3 carbs. Got to the counter and ordered a Latte - why because for some reason that is what I thought I was suppose to order. Added only one splenda packet and it was really good. Went back online to check something out and do you know what I see. One Latte, non-fat milk - 18 carbs. :mad: #%&$! :mad: Dinner was a Double Thick burger at Hardees - net 3 carbs. So today I had. 42 carbs today because I also snacked on some honey roasted peanuts at lunch ( 6 carbs). Augh. I'm not mad about "cheating" I'm mad that I was so forgetful. So anyway - I'm not going to beat myself up over this it was a mistake and I now know better in the future.

Good morning, Amanda! :sunny:

The great part about today's a new day! A new beginning, a new chance to eat healthy! Our cute little bears both say 12 at this point. Mine is gonna get changed to 13 later this evening - wanna join me?? :happy1: We can do it! ::yes::


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