Amanda's Heading to the Beach Journal! Feedback Welcomed!

:rotfl: I like the way sarahsmom thinks!!! Let's bash 'em both!! :badpc: :badpc: It'll help relieve your work frustrations!! :cloud9:

Amanda, I am proud of you!! You could have used your missed lunch to sabotage your plan but you stayed strong!! :Pinkbounc WOO HOO!! I'm thankful for your coworker (who loaned you the change) and for the vending machine guy (who put those peanuts there).

Best wishes for a wonderful day with lots of $$ at work but which still allows you a leisurely break for lunch! :hug:
What a day yesterday was! Whew! I'm glad it is over! Of course now we have to deal with today, Happy Thursday Everybody! My plan is to be on auto pilot :moped: most of the day.

B: Protein Shake - 2 carbs (1 low carb product for the day) :p
L: Tequilla Lime Chicken w/Cauliflower (this was suppose to be my lunch yesterday) - 5 carbs :p
S: 4 baby carrots and 1 mini twix bar - 14 carbs
D: Chicken Ranch Salad - estimated - 4 carbs
Nibbled on some fries and half a mossarella stick - no binging. (10 carbs)
Exercise: Will do 30 minutes worth of ab work and stretching. :p
Water: 8 - 10 glasses. - 11 glasses :p
Vitamins: Already Taken - :p


edit 12:30p.m.
things are going good and I just packed up my snack for later today. I am going to have a busy afternoon so please forgive me if I don't make it to anyone else's journal today. I think my job is trying to push to see how far I can bend at the moment ;)

edit 5:30p.m.
We are getting ready to go out to dinner. Instead of doing Curves after dinner I've decided to do 30 minutes of ab work along with stretching. I will still be going to Curves Saturday morning which is when I will weigh in.

edit 7:45p.m.
Well I did my exercise work and had a good workout - my heard definately got elevated during it and that is all that matters. I used my 5 lb weights and did some squats and some tricep curls since I don't really think Curves hits those muscles much. Plus I did 50 upper ab, 50 lower ab, and 50 on each oblique for a total of 200 crunches. Plus some leg lifts and outer leg lifts. Then I stretched everything out and am feeling fabulous.

I munched a little to much on carby foods at dinner tonight so I'm letting that eat up what is left of my carb total. I don't think I ate enough to use up all 10 carbs but I should do better and not eat that stuff anyway. The chicken salad was very yummy though.

Just stopping by for the afternoon cheer: :cheer2: GO, AMANDA! :cheer2: Did you eat your chicken for lunch? You're staying on track and making good choices!

Have fun at Curves tonight--do a circuit for me while you're at it. :flower:

:wave2: Amanda,

I'm sorry that work is a pain right now. I am so proud of the way you handled yesterday. No excuses from you. Have a great time at Curves tonight.
I am proud of you!!! Keep moving forward!!! You are doing great!!! :flower:

TGIF!!!! :banana: :flower: :flower:
Amanda, you're doing GREAT!! :cheer2: You have let NOTHING get in your way this week!! I'm impressed that you got your workout in at home instead of Curves - I know that working out at home isn't always easy for you. You got in an AWESOME workout and you did it on your own!! :Pinkbounc :Pinkbounc :Pinkbounc :Pinkbounc (there's a bounce for each set of 50 crunches - WOW!!!).

Now, do I have to come smack your fingers over a couple fries???? If you truly can eat a couple fries and let it go, then fine. However, if it sets you up for more carb cravings down the road, then you need to stand firm. I'm not sure if fries are a trigger for you like they are for me - but I can't have ANY right now. I'll get out of my Tough Love mode now. :p I just really really want you to be successful. :hug:

Today is Friday!! We're gonna make it to the weekend! WOO HOO!! Do you have a favorite Friday party song for your journal today?? Strike up the band!
:sunny: :sunny: :sunny:
:rockband: Got my first realy 6-string,
bought at the 5 and dime.
Played until my fingers bled.
Was the summer of '69. :dancer:

It is summer like weather here in St. Louis which makes me feel like rolling down the windows and going for a long drive.

Doe - fries are not a trigger food for me. At least not like pizza or ice cream is. Usually I can ignore frieds - but it is harder when they are covered in creamy cheese and bacon! I didn't have a single craving the entire evening.

Last night DH and I went to bed at 9:45!!! It had been a rough day but I woke up this morning feeling refreshed and very :banana: <----love this guy!

Plan for today:
B: egg, sausage patty, and cheese - 3 carbs
L: Low Carb Spaghetti - 12 carbs
S: ?? Not sure
D: We are going to a happy hour after work (I'll be sticking with water) and then running to the grocery store. Dinner will probably be a fend for yourself sort of thing tonight.
Water - 8 to 10 glasses
Vitamins - taken
Exercise - Rest day.

Oh, Amanda, that's why we're friends: we both don't do tires! :flower: :flower:

You're just rocking the healthy living world, honey! Now this I hate to confess, but I feel I must. . .to be true to our friendship and all:

I don't do crunches either.

BUT YOU DO!!!! YOU ARE DA BOMB!!!! :banana: :banana: (I love him, too!)

Have a great weekend and uh, well, continue to enjoy your new bed. :rolleyes:

Send that summer like weather this way!!! We are FREEZING!!! :cold: :cold: :cold:
Gosh I love Curves!

So I went in this morning to workout and did my measurements and weight so that I would have a better idea of where I need to be by April 1st.

Bust - 0 inches lost/gained
Waist -1 inch
Abdomen: +.25"
Hips - 0 inches lost/gained
Thighs: +1"
Caleves: +.50"
Arms: +1.5"
Weight: 2.80lbs
Body fat % -2.00%

Body Fat Pounds -4.26 lbs

Losing Body Fat is really the focus so that is awesome!!! And my Body Fat% went from 36.10 to 34.10!! The lady looked and me and said what have you been doing besides this? She also said to not worry about the gain in inches in my arms and legs because that is muscle. Of course I'm not happy with the gain in my abs! And it might explain why my jeans are fitting funny on me. Lost an inch in my waist but gained in the lower abs - not good!

Yesterday for the most part was a success. I had one cosmopolitan at happy hour and drank diet soda the rest of the time. I feel bad because there is a small group of people who are always inviting us to do things with them but they are just so irresponsible. Like last night the one girl was teasing me because I was drinking a diet soda. Why should she care that I'm not drinking alcohol? She is young, and still acts like drinking is the end all be all to everything. I like to have a good time but I would never ever tease someone for not drinking.

However my DH did drink a little to much so we made a Hardees run afterwards. I had a low carb burger but then finished half of his regular burger. I was starving for some reason. So I wasn't perfect with food - but there was no binging and I made the best decisions that I could so that is all that matters.

DAY 6!!!!
B: Not sure - might have to just do some cheese and turkey.
L: ?? Again not sure
D: Low carb Parmesean Chicken
S: ??
Water: 8 to 10 glasses - 2 already down.
Vitamins: I forgot my bottle at work :(
Exercise: Curves - Done! :p

I'm going grocery shopping as soon as I'm done with journals so I'll have more choices for meals today.

I have now exercised 5 days for this week which was part of my boot camp!!!

Congrats on your Curves measurements! That's great! I get measured again in a week, and am actually looking forward to it. My jeans are also starting to fit differently, but I'm waiting for the change of seasons before I start shopping for anything else.

Have a great weekend!
Hey, Amanda, you are doing great! :banana: I'm telling ya, you've gotta be in the next Curves ad campaign as a huge success story!

Hope you find a good oatmeal option. It's great for these last few cold mornings :cold: of winter.

Enjoy your weekend!
Great job Amanda!!!!! :cool1: :cool1: You are doing such an awesome job! :cheer2:
I didn't do great yesterday. I did manage to get in 7 or 8 glasses of water, I lost count after awhile. But I was certainly not low carb - especially when you consider I had TWO pieces of Dairy Queen Ice cream cake! YIKES! :sad2:

The good news is that I tried on my Tankini yesterday and the top fits almost perfect. Another month and I think it will be just right. The bottoms are a whole other story. :)

Today DH and I spent about an hour or two doing yard work. Time to clear the dead leaves out of the flower beds and put fertilizer on the lawn. He is out washing the car right now and I'm in the house playing around. The neighbors might be going for a walk later, but I think I am going to skip it this time and spend the time relaxing around the house. Plus I need to do the bills :teacher:

Plan for today:
B: 2 eggs, green peppers, 1 1/2 slice cheese - 3.5 carbs
L: ??? Haven't decided yet - might be the leftover Chicken Paremesan and some salad.
D: Grilled Steaks, Salad, and maybe some grilled green peppers as well. YUMMY
S: No sugar added Jello.
Exercise: rest day
Water: 8 to 10 glasses
Vitamins; Bottle is still at work :(

Great job on the tankini!!!! :cool1: You are doing great! We all jave slip ups just remember to look forward.. Not back!!!! :flower:
:cheer2: Amanda's gonna be the Curves poster girl in that good-lookin', fittin' just right tankini!! :cheer2:

You are doing a great job!! I know you slipped a bit this weekend, but today is the start of a new week and we're going to be back on track! ::yes:: Why, you ask??? Because it WORKS!! Just look at those numbers from Curvers!! :banana: Another great week like last week will mean even better numbers the next time! :cloud9:

Have a wonderful Monday, dear Amanda!! :sunny:
septbride2002 said:
Today DH and I spent about an hour or two doing yard work. Time to clear the dead leaves out of the flower beds and put fertilizer on the lawn. He is out washing the car right now and I'm in the house playing around. The neighbors might be going for a walk later, but I think I am going to skip it this time and spend the time relaxing around the house. Plus I need to do the bills :teacher:

Yard work!?! You're making me (and my yard) look bad...not to mention all of the calories you burned (that I did not)...ho-hum...

Oh, BTW, that tankini is going to be the BOMB!! You go, girl!!
Well yesterday was another day of struggle. I think it was because I had to much free time and therefore to much time to think about food. I did earn my :) for water though.

DAY 7 of Boot Camp
B: 1 cup of strawberries - 6.6 carbs
L: Italian Salad - ?
S: ??
D: Leftover Chicken Parmesean
Curves: After work!
Water: 8 to 10 glasses
Vitamins: Just took them :)

Time to get back to the grind and refocus. I let myself slip this weekend and that is not going to make that tankini fit any better.
Yard work is a postive!!! Keep on the positives!!!! :flower: You are doing great!
Amanda, you're going to do this today! You're going to live a healthy lifestyle because it's the right thing for YOU! Go for it and make it happen! :cheer2:



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