All You Need is Love: an offsite, non-Disney PTR (counting down to May 2018)

Yipee, you are back! Love your reports. I have not had time this past year to be on the boards as much as in the past, but I will make sure to find time to read yours. Congrats on the family addition. :yay:


One of the few things I’m stressing over about this trip are our flights. Partly because I don’t like change :o. For this vacation, we’re doing things a little differently where our air travel is concerned.

As most of you know, we are big fans of Jetblue….so much so that we’ve flown Jetblue almost exclusively over our 14 trips. The assigned seating, the TV’s on each seat, and the availability of extra legroom seating have made them the perfect airline to fit our needs. Until we moved to Michigan, that is :rolleyes2.

One of Steve’s non-negotiables is that our flights must be non-stop (and for the record, I wholeheartedly agree). The wasted time during a layover, coupled by the added layer of stress (will we make our connection? What happens if our initial flight is late or delayed?), and the increased chance for lost luggage makes us both determined to avoid any flights which connect through large, unfamiliar airports. We want to get on the plane in Detroit home and off the plane in Orlando, with a nice little 2.5 hour siesta in between :faint:.

Unfortunately for us, Jetblue does not fly non-stop from Detroit to Orlando. They do fly non-stop to Fort Lauderdale (with some pretty decent rates too), so for both of our vacations in 2017, we opted to fly DTW to FLL and make the 3 hour drive to the resort upon landing (and back again at the conclusion of our week). We didn’t think it would be that bad…..but honestly, we hated it :sad2:. While we regularly drove from our old hometown in Ontario to Buffalo, New York in order to catch a well-priced Jetblue flight to Orlando (and didn’t mind doing so), one of the benefits to living near a major international airport here in MI was that it was supposed to be more convenient when we wanted to head south. By flying into FLL, we still ended up doing a ridiculous amount of driving on already long travel days, just at a different point in the trip. On the way home from our October vacation, we looked at each other and said…..we have to find a better solution.

By "we", I knew that meant ME. So, I began my search for options.

Our choices out of Detroit (or even Flint) for non-stops are limited, so we really only had two options: Delta or Frontier (before anyone suggests it, Southwest no longer flies nonstop from either airport… me, I looked ::yes::). After much research and discussion, we ended up booking with Frontier. The cost with Frontier was very reasonable, the flight times weren’t horrible, and they have “stretch seating” available that offered more width and a better pitch than anything fare category with Delta except for first class. With the upgrade to their “Works” package (which included stretch seating, a checked bag, a carry on, refundability, and priority boarding for both of us on both flights) and trip cancellation, interruption and baggage insurance, we came in at a very reasonable $644 return ($322 each). There were lots of poor review about Frontier, but honestly most seemed to center around being nickled and dimed for each little component. With the Works package, that’s all paid for in advance and we’ll have no additional costs come travel time. We will have to bring our own snacks on board (not a biggie) and we’ll have no onboard entertainment (a Sudoku book for Steve and Oprah magazine for me should hopefully help to fill the time) but hopefully it will be a safe, and reasonably comfortable, option which won’t leave us with too many regrets.

Of course, I fret about it just the same. I’m kind of just wired that way, though :blush:.

Adding to my flying anxieties is a rather scary air travel experience from our October vacation that has left me more than a little uneasy. While I’m not fond of air travel at the best of times [as we taxi onto the runway, visions of the news coverage of every major plane crash from the past 10 years tends to flash across my eyes], our most recent arrival experience in Fort Lauderdale was not something I ever care to repeat :crazy2:.

To make a long story short, our plane (and old bird that had visibly seen better days) apparently suffered a malfunction of the landing gear while still in the air. The captain ended up turning away from the Fort Lauderdale airport so he could dump fuel prior to landing. After two separate tours of the cabin by one of the pilots (who walked up and down the aisles, stopping to look and listen at different points within the plane), the cockpit made an announcement telling passengers that there was no reason to panic (never a good sign :rolleyes1), and alerted us that emergency fire and rescue would be waiting on the runway for our touchdown “as a precautionary measure”. True to his promise, multiple fire trucks and ambulance vehicles were ready and waiting, lights a-blazing, as we landed in FLL with the most horrible smell of jet fuel permeating the cabin. We had the swiftest deplaning that we’ve ever experienced, partly because we all wanted to get out of that wretched stench :sick: and partly because the Jetblue inflight crew was wasting no time in ushering us out the plane door.

Folks, that’s as close a call as I ever want to experience on a plane. I assume the landing gear at least partially engaged, as we didn’t land with a thump, bang or major scrape that we could hear or feel (though it was a less than smooth arrival :scared:). I am pretty sure that the aircraft was taken out of commission for repairs as the landing affected the luggage compartment doors, and we had a lengthy wait at the terminal until they could free our suitcases from the underbelly of the plane.

Flying has always made me nervous, but now I’m a little extra so. At least until that recent experience has a chance to fade from memory a tiny bit.

And now we’re adding a new airline into the mix :headache:. Focusing on the positives…..

We’re flying into Orlando :thumbsup2. 30 minutes from rental car pick up to the Welcome Center at SVR.

We’ve got stretch seating :thumbsup2. Even if we’re not “comfortable”, per se, we can console ourselves with the fact that we’ll be among the most comfortable folks on the plane.

And as Steve reminded me as we prepared for that scary landing in FLL, “if we go down in a ball of flames, the good news is, we won’t feel a thing”. I kid you not :rolleyes:. That was the most comforting thing he could come up with, apparently :rolleyes2.

Days to departure: 122! :hourglass
What wonderful news! Congratulations to Jake and Brittney!

Thank you! I don't think either of them has stopped smiling since last week :p.

Oh my! A fiancé in the family now, it seems like an epic trip in the making. It would be so good if your best friend could join you and hopefully enjoy all the Florida delights.

We are tentatively planning a December Christmas trip but the pound is still low against the dollar and a few places where we have stayed before are already booked or seem to have increased prices quite dramatically :( so until flights come out it's still up in the air.

I will keep my fingers crossed for you that your December plans work out. There is nothing like the Christmas season in Orlando!! :santa:

A fiancé ??? Congrats but that was not at all the plan because I don't see a ring on my daughters finger. I suppose it's all for the best because the snow is about 4 feet deep on the path to the shed.

I'm a little bummed myself. You would have made a rather entertaining mother-in-law :teeth:. I was already planning to guilt you into inviting me to Christmas and Thanksgiving dinners.....since Jake is an only child, and all ;).

Congrats to your family!!
Jake and Brittney are an adorable couple:love:

Thank you! :goodvibes Their young love is definitely cute to watch. So sweet!

Sounds like you're gearing up for a great trip, and oh your kitties are gorgeous :lovestruc

And congratulations too!

Aw, thank you!! :cutie: Those babies bring me so much joy. When I grow up, I want to be a Crazy Cat Lady :cat:. Oh wait...maybe I'm there already.....:scratchin.

Glad to see you're back on the DIS!
Congrats to Jake!

Thank you! :goodvibes And welcome aboard! So glad to have you back, joining in once again! :cheer2:

Yipee, you are back! Love your reports. I have not had time this past year to be on the boards as much as in the past, but I will make sure to find time to read yours. Congrats on the family addition. :yay:
Thank you! And a big :welcome: to the thread! I'm always touched when people take time out of their busy days to join in the chatter on my threads. You guys make these reports so much more fun.
YEA! :yay: Contrats to Jake and Brittany! Glad you are back!

Thank you! And glad to see ya here ;). I don't get to enjoy nearly enough of your company!!

I'm a little bummed myself. You would have made a rather entertaining mother-in-law :teeth:. I was already planning to guilt you into inviting me to Christmas and Thanksgiving dinners.....since Jake is an only child, and all ;).

I would be very happy to have you all regardless. We no longer have family holiday meals because one person doesn't like and can't get along with the others. I very much miss the old days when we all did have Christmas etc. together. We are such a huge family(sarcasm) with a grand total of 9 so the holidays no longer feel like anything special when it's just the 4 of us for dinner. I'm going to try very hard to work out a Christmas vacay for 2018 just to avoid the drama and BS.....want to join us?

Maybe we could convince Jake to get into the sister wife thing??? That would solve the problem.
Steve's comments made me laugh, I'm sure you was totally reassured by your big man :rolleyes:

The direct flights you've found sound great, so fingers crossed there are no malfunctions this time. I would love a short flight to get to our happy place as like you I don't enjoy the flight and it's all a bit stressful until we land in Orlando and pick up the car.
YAY! another report!! Congrats on the engagement. My BIL got engaged on NYE (finally). So we'll have a new family member also (no date set yet). I'm hoping it doesn't effect our vacation plans for the year.

We will be in Orlando in May (also in February and September) but not arriving until the 13th. :( Can't go any earlier because Madeline has her ballet recital on the 6th.

You could skip flying and just drive like we do. I really want to try Jet Blue sometime but they don't fly out of Chicago or Milwaukee at all.

We'll be doing Disney this time. Should be interesting to see if Duncan will go on all the rides or not. ;) Madeline has already asked to go to Sea World though but I don't think it's in the cards this year. :(
I'm so glad you are back on the DIS. Not that internet strangers have the right to know about your life, I still wondered how you were doing and hoping all was well. So happy that your family is growing!
I’m here! While I was not tagged to join in, I think I lost my regular reader status when I kept popping in and out last year .. totally my fault. I will attempt to be a more regular contributer this time. I must warn you though.. that will lead to me planning another trip and I swore no Orlando this year. Your trip reports are expensive for me:rotfl2:.

Congrats to Jake!! And Congrats to you because welcoming an awesome new person to the family is wonderful for all of you!:grouphug:

There’s already so much to comment on, but what stands out most is my agreement with you on the FLL airport thing. First off.. If anyone has given it a chance I have.. but it’s chaotic, disorganized and I thought I was going to die there.. so there’s that. Aside from the drama.. that drive (from FLL to Orlando) has to be the most boring drive ever. Like .. just miles and miles of NOTHING. I wanted to leap from the car to break the boredom:rotfl2:.

Ok.. going to give a better read to the first few entires. Welcome Back!
ohhhh my gawd! I have been tagged in a post! I feel so special!!! :dancer: Seriously. So happy to have found your trip reports a few years ago.

But you do not know how these posts have warmed my heart to hear about Jake and how you get along with his fiancee. I am so happy for the Bo-Bina family right now!!!!! and I am very happy to see a new trip report. I don't have any plans to be in FL in May, but my DD7 "discovered" Disney Cruise line a-la HGTV so now that may be on the horizon in 2019 (2018 will hopefully be the year of a finished basement). Since I would only be open to committing to a 4 day cruise, I will be paying particular attention to your Sea World adventures. Because, flying to FL for a 4 day vacation is just crazy talk! I love Flamingos and when I saw your pictures of that flamingo walk from a previous trip, I knew I had to get Sea World back on some agenda. Now to just get DH on board, oh and start learning about cruises to see if we really want to do this.

We flew through Detroit in Sept on American Airlines to MCO (we have no hope of a direct flight from our local airport). Was that not an option? We used American because DH flys them often for work so we had miles to use. Since we were escaping Irma on our return flight, we got to take a 747 that was retiring at the end of the year. Your last landing into Ft Lauderdale does sound a little hairy for anyone's liking.

Glad to see you back and happy in life. Can't wait for more. :hug:
Hey MOG ... Mother of the Groom! I was MOB last year and it is such a wonderful time. Enjoy all the planning.

I think my husband would have said something very similar if we thought the plane was going to crash. One would hope to hear something more sentimental - thanks for sharing your life with me-or somesuch lol, but my husband is more the practical type. Wouldn't trade him for anyone!
Here's to a wonderful 2018!

Lots to look forward to it seems! It's so nice to see you back on the Dis!
I'm here - a bit late, but here! Spent all of December hoping for a new report, and you waited until I was away. :furious: <jk>

Congratulations on soon to be gaining a daughter! She and Jake must be very happy, I'm sure! What a great holiday surprise.

:welcome:Back to DIS too! I could always use some help, and fresh opinions, on the SVR thread when you have a free moment (I swear I keep giving the same advice over and over and over again). Keep the updates coming.

Just got back yesterday from visiting the rest of the famdamily in TO after hosting a crowd over the holidays at home. Was thinking of you last Friday when we stopped at Swiss Chalet in Belleville for a quick road dinner; bet you were all huddled around a TV somewhere watching the Juniors. After dinner we drove into the most hellacious snow around Port Hope - nothing like that lake effect snow sometimes. It was swirling so badly that despite going 80 (km, not miles) it felt at times like the car was moving backwards.

It was an expensive holiday for us - our Moo developed an ulceration on her cornea on Christmas Eve - just after our regular vet closed up for the day. Off to the kitty emergency vet instead - a good course of antibiotics, and another followup visit and all is well with her. Then I got a $95 parking ticket in front of my house due to guests in the driveway; they never ticket on my sleepy suburban street, except on Christmas Eve apparently (bah humbug). Then my battery died in the brutal cold we've been having. Add all that to the regular Christmas bills, and our March break trip is likely to be pretty meager spending indeed! Maybe we can beg Karma to let my streak stand in for your regular pre-trip surprise expense this time.

We've decided to take A+'s sporty little car down to FL instead of my lux-o-truck for the gas savings (that and my AC broke in the fall - waiting for summer before paying for that repair). Of course since we started driving instead of flying, I don't worry about any of those booking/flying issues any more!:drive:

Hmmm, mega DIS meetup sounds very tempting. However, we have already made our bookings for opening week at our favorite Adirondacks campground around then. Work might start getting upset if I stop coming in.

And oh yeah, I wish you all and everyone here a very Happy New Year filled with pixiedust:
I am sure someone has pointed out that this post is not on the Trip Report Forum, but the Orlando Hotels and Attractions.
I am sure someone has pointed out that this post is not on the Trip Report Forum, but the Orlando Hotels and Attractions.
Yes, Gina's reports sometimes get moved over to the Disney or Universal TR forums, but since she often doesn't do either of those locations, they (the mods) usually let them stay here on the Orlando Forum as that is where these little gems truly belong. Read along and join the fun; Gina writes a darn good TR and weaves some marvelous yarns about all the things to do and see in Central Florida!
I would be very happy to have you all regardless. We no longer have family holiday meals because one person doesn't like and can't get along with the others. I very much miss the old days when we all did have Christmas etc. together. We are such a huge family(sarcasm) with a grand total of 9 so the holidays no longer feel like anything special when it's just the 4 of us for dinner. I'm going to try very hard to work out a Christmas vacay for 2018 just to avoid the drama and BS.....want to join us?

Maybe we could convince Jake to get into the sister wife thing??? That would solve the problem.

Careful what you offer, or I may just end up in all of your holiday photos next Christmas :santa:. Or better yet, I could host y'all here! How do you feel about Christmas in Michigan? ;)

I was actually going to make a sister wife comment in my original reply back to you, and then though.....oh, I better not. Great minds think alike, maybe? :scratchin (or, as my mom used to tell me .... "fools seldom differ" :rolleyes:)

Gina! You're back! Happy New Year!

I am!! Glad you found me! I was thinking of you earlier today, and was going to tag you in a post so you'd see this thread. I don't suppose you'd be able to make it down to Orlando for a quick hello in May? Would you and the kids be up for a little road trip?

Steve's comments made me laugh, I'm sure you was totally reassured by your big man :rolleyes:

The direct flights you've found sound great, so fingers crossed there are no malfunctions this time. I would love a short flight to get to our happy place as like you I don't enjoy the flight and it's all a bit stressful until we land in Orlando and pick up the car.

I'm hoping all my worrying will be for naught. The first time trying something new always comes with a bit of least, for me. You are so right that its not a long flight, so as long as its a smooth one, I guess we can put up and shut up about any minor inconveniences. I must admit, I do like the fact that our flight is not at an ungodly early hour of the will be nice not to be out the door at 4:30 am for a change!

YAY! another report!! Congrats on the engagement. My BIL got engaged on NYE (finally). So we'll have a new family member also (no date set yet). I'm hoping it doesn't effect our vacation plans for the year.

We will be in Orlando in May (also in February and September) but not arriving until the 13th. :( Can't go any earlier because Madeline has her ballet recital on the 6th.

You could skip flying and just drive like we do. I really want to try Jet Blue sometime but they don't fly out of Chicago or Milwaukee at all.

We'll be doing Disney this time. Should be interesting to see if Duncan will go on all the rides or not. ;) Madeline has already asked to go to Sea World though but I don't think it's in the cards this year. :(

Wedding bells ringing all over the place!! How fun! Congrats to your brother and his bride to be princess:. The world needs more love!! :love:

You were actually another person who I was thinking I needed to tag in this thread! (or drop a note to on so nice to keep up on my disfriends there). I'm a little jealous of your three trips this year!! :worship: We've got a few "life" things going on in the background, and I'm just wondering if we will be able to make our annual autumn trip work in the midst of it all.

Much as I'd love to save the $$$$ and drive, we're honestly not road trip people. We get our fill of driving when we make the 7 hour trek (or almost 10, if its snowing :mad: ) home to visit family in Ontario. Of course, if we ever win the lottery, I'm recanting that statement: at that time, we'll be buying a fancy-schmancy RV and starting our state-by-state tour of the USA [with my two furbabies in tow :cat::cat:]. If we have nothing but time at our disposal, I'm happy to drive to the ends of the earth!

I'm so glad you are back on the DIS. Not that internet strangers have the right to know about your life, I still wondered how you were doing and hoping all was well. So happy that your family is growing!

Aw, thank you! :goodvibes I am so glad you've come back and joined in again!

I know what you mean, I have missed everyone here, too. Quite honestly, you guys are all nicer to me (and more interested in my crazy life) than most of my blood relatives :rotfl:. This has been a good new year's resolution :). And one I intend to keep! (my diet, on the other hand........:rolleyes1)

I’m here! While I was not tagged to join in, I think I lost my regular reader status when I kept popping in and out last year .. totally my fault. I will attempt to be a more regular contributer this time. I must warn you though.. that will lead to me planning another trip and I swore no Orlando this year. Your trip reports are expensive for me:rotfl2:.

Congrats to Jake!! And Congrats to you because welcoming an awesome new person to the family is wonderful for all of you!:grouphug:

There’s already so much to comment on, but what stands out most is my agreement with you on the FLL airport thing. First off.. If anyone has given it a chance I have.. but it’s chaotic, disorganized and I thought I was going to die there.. so there’s that. Aside from the drama.. that drive (from FLL to Orlando) has to be the most boring drive ever. Like .. just miles and miles of NOTHING. I wanted to leap from the car to break the boredom:rotfl2:.

Ok.. going to give a better read to the first few entires. Welcome Back!

PIGLETTO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You're back!! :banana::banana::banana::banana::banana::banana:

I kinda wondered if I said something along the way that made you want to avoid my reports :o. I was hoping that wasn't the case, but when you stopped coming around as often, I couldn't help but fret a little. Of course, I disappeared for the most part to, so......I totally "get" it. It is so good to have you joining in on this thread!

I am SO happy that someone else found that FLL to Orlando drive to be like the endless journey. It's a painful kind of boring, for sure :faint:. And I know this might not go over well with some people (and I mean no offence at all)......but I wasn't impressed with Fort Lauderdale or its beach, either. Does that make me weird? Maybe I'm just an Orlando junkie :blush:.
ohhhh my gawd! I have been tagged in a post! I feel so special!!! :dancer: Seriously. So happy to have found your trip reports a few years ago.

But you do not know how these posts have warmed my heart to hear about Jake and how you get along with his fiancee. I am so happy for the Bo-Bina family right now!!!!! and I am very happy to see a new trip report. I don't have any plans to be in FL in May, but my DD7 "discovered" Disney Cruise line a-la HGTV so now that may be on the horizon in 2019 (2018 will hopefully be the year of a finished basement). Since I would only be open to committing to a 4 day cruise, I will be paying particular attention to your Sea World adventures. Because, flying to FL for a 4 day vacation is just crazy talk! I love Flamingos and when I saw your pictures of that flamingo walk from a previous trip, I knew I had to get Sea World back on some agenda. Now to just get DH on board, oh and start learning about cruises to see if we really want to do this.

We flew through Detroit in Sept on American Airlines to MCO (we have no hope of a direct flight from our local airport). Was that not an option? We used American because DH flys them often for work so we had miles to use. Since we were escaping Irma on our return flight, we got to take a 747 that was retiring at the end of the year. Your last landing into Ft Lauderdale does sound a little hairy for anyone's liking.

Glad to see you back and happy in life. Can't wait for more. :hug:

I have always told Jake that I would love any young woman who unconditionally loves my boy, and I am so blessed that Brittney cherishes him as much as I do. I think that's one of the biggest and best gifts you can give your child: to accept, wholeheartedly, who they are and who they love. To give credit where credit is due, Jake chose well: Britt is a gentle, sweet, kind, hardworking, and beautiful girl. God's plan meant I didn't have a daughter of my own, but she's the next best thing for this momma :goodvibes.

Definitely try and incorporate the SeaWorld parks into your trip if you simply will not regret it! I absolutely agree that flying for a 4 day trip is just a waste......nothing under a week justifies the high cost of airfare. You can easily fill those extra days!!

Oddly enough, American never even popped up during any of my searches. Would you happen to know if they have extra legroom seating options on their planes? I'll have to do a little more research and see what I can learn about their flights from DTW!

Hey MOG ... Mother of the Groom! I was MOB last year and it is such a wonderful time. Enjoy all the planning.

I think my husband would have said something very similar if we thought the plane was going to crash. One would hope to hear something more sentimental - thanks for sharing your life with me-or somesuch lol, but my husband is more the practical type. Wouldn't trade him for anyone!

Congrats to your DD!! A newlywed! :cloud9: I may end up picking your brain once the wedding planning begins in earnest. Feel free to share any lessons learned or great ideas.....weddings have changed a lot since we tied the knot 25 years ago!

Sigh, yes.......when the going gets tough, sentimentality goes right down the tubes, apparently :rotfl2:. I suppose he realized I was panicked enough for both of us. He did hold my hand across the aisle, though :goodvibes. Sometimes that says more than any words ever could.

Here's to a wonderful 2018!

Lots to look forward to it seems! It's so nice to see you back on the Dis!

Thank you!! Welcome aboard! :goodvibes:goodvibes

I'm here - a bit late, but here! Spent all of December hoping for a new report, and you waited until I was away. :furious: <jk>

Congratulations on soon to be gaining a daughter! She and Jake must be very happy, I'm sure! What a great holiday surprise.

:welcome:Back to DIS too! I could always use some help, and fresh opinions, on the SVR thread when you have a free moment (I swear I keep giving the same advice over and over and over again). Keep the updates coming.

Just got back yesterday from visiting the rest of the famdamily in TO after hosting a crowd over the holidays at home. Was thinking of you last Friday when we stopped at Swiss Chalet in Belleville for a quick road dinner; bet you were all huddled around a TV somewhere watching the Juniors. After dinner we drove into the most hellacious snow around Port Hope - nothing like that lake effect snow sometimes. It was swirling so badly that despite going 80 (km, not miles) it felt at times like the car was moving backwards.

It was an expensive holiday for us - our Moo developed an ulceration on her cornea on Christmas Eve - just after our regular vet closed up for the day. Off to the kitty emergency vet instead - a good course of antibiotics, and another followup visit and all is well with her. Then I got a $95 parking ticket in front of my house due to guests in the driveway; they never ticket on my sleepy suburban street, except on Christmas Eve apparently (bah humbug). Then my battery died in the brutal cold we've been having. Add all that to the regular Christmas bills, and our March break trip is likely to be pretty meager spending indeed! Maybe we can beg Karma to let my streak stand in for your regular pre-trip surprise expense this time.

We've decided to take A+'s sporty little car down to FL instead of my lux-o-truck for the gas savings (that and my AC broke in the fall - waiting for summer before paying for that repair). Of course since we started driving instead of flying, I don't worry about any of those booking/flying issues any more!:drive:

Hmmm, mega DIS meetup sounds very tempting. However, we have already made our bookings for opening week at our favorite Adirondacks campground around then. Work might start getting upset if I stop coming in.

And oh yeah, I wish you all and everyone here a very Happy New Year filled with pixiedust:

Ah, now the group is starting to feel a little more complete ;). Welcome back, my friend. And oh yes, this too.....

a6dd6fc2582c16df9930214991245c34--happy-birthday-cats-happy-birthday-quotes.jpg mom is calling.......back in a bit for more. Hold that thought!
I'm here - a bit late, but here! Spent all of December hoping for a new report, and you waited until I was away. :furious: <jk>

Congratulations on soon to be gaining a daughter! She and Jake must be very happy, I'm sure! What a great holiday surprise.

:welcome:Back to DIS too! I could always use some help, and fresh opinions, on the SVR thread when you have a free moment (I swear I keep giving the same advice over and over and over again). Keep the updates coming.

Just got back yesterday from visiting the rest of the famdamily in TO after hosting a crowd over the holidays at home. Was thinking of you last Friday when we stopped at Swiss Chalet in Belleville for a quick road dinner; bet you were all huddled around a TV somewhere watching the Juniors. After dinner we drove into the most hellacious snow around Port Hope - nothing like that lake effect snow sometimes. It was swirling so badly that despite going 80 (km, not miles) it felt at times like the car was moving backwards.

It was an expensive holiday for us - our Moo developed an ulceration on her cornea on Christmas Eve - just after our regular vet closed up for the day. Off to the kitty emergency vet instead - a good course of antibiotics, and another followup visit and all is well with her. Then I got a $95 parking ticket in front of my house due to guests in the driveway; they never ticket on my sleepy suburban street, except on Christmas Eve apparently (bah humbug). Then my battery died in the brutal cold we've been having. Add all that to the regular Christmas bills, and our March break trip is likely to be pretty meager spending indeed! Maybe we can beg Karma to let my streak stand in for your regular pre-trip surprise expense this time.

We've decided to take A+'s sporty little car down to FL instead of my lux-o-truck for the gas savings (that and my AC broke in the fall - waiting for summer before paying for that repair). Of course since we started driving instead of flying, I don't worry about any of those booking/flying issues any more!:drive:

Hmmm, mega DIS meetup sounds very tempting. However, we have already made our bookings for opening week at our favorite Adirondacks campground around then. Work might start getting upset if I stop coming in.

And oh yeah, I wish you all and everyone here a very Happy New Year filled with pixiedust:

Okay, I'm back! Sorry for the phone interruption, but I don't get to chat with my mom much anymore since she moved in with my sister :sad2:, so when she calls, I try to make sure I make myself available.

I am so sorry to hear about your kitty's medical woes. Why do those things ALWAYS happen at the worst possible times??? (this girl ran an injured kitten all around town on Good Friday this past spring after he fell from our loft stairwell and broke off one of his canine teeth). I was so glad to read that she seems to have recovered with no ill effects.

But....a parking ticket on Christmas Eve? That's a special level of Grinchy-ness, right there :sad1:. Sounds like someone was a little sour about having to work on the holiday. I bet Santa left a big ol' lump of coal in their stocking.

I will definitely try to get back on the SVR thread a little more regularly. I know I have to repost my photos now that the Photobucket pictures have disappeared. You deserve a special place in heaven for keeping that thread are a wealth of information and so helpful to all the people that seek information there. I've been a terrible assistant this past year, but I will do my best to remedy that in 2018!

You made me laugh when you mentioned the pre-vacation emergency expense.....we were literally just musing about that very thing the other day. Is it bad that we take bets on whose vehicle will suffer some sort of unexpected breakdown in the weeks prior to our travel date? :rolleyes2

I hope you managed to finagle the day off in celebration of your birthday today. A very happy 29th from all of here on this thread! :goodvibes

Yes, Gina's reports sometimes get moved over to the Disney or Universal TR forums, but since she often doesn't do either of those locations, they (the mods) usually let them stay here on the Orlando Forum as that is where these little gems truly belong. Read along and join the fun; Gina writes a darn good TR and weaves some marvelous yarns about all the things to do and see in Central Florida!

:hug: Thank you. One of those moments when you wish the Dis had a "love" button.
Gina--I agree that the drive from FLL is a DRAG. Just brutal sometimes. What about flying into Tampa? Spirit (who I do NOT recommend), Delta and Southwest all appear to have non-stops from DTW to TPA? The drive over from TPA isn't bad at all. I think we've flown into 7 or 8 different FL airports for various trips to Orlando, WDW and SW Florida to visit my folks. TPA is super easy to get around as well.
Gina- I hope you win the lottery. I'd love to win but you have to play to win. lol Madeline's dream is to buy an RV and I wouldn't mind either. I'm hoping we find out some wedding details soon, like a date or even just if it will happen this year. It's hard being on the groom's side of the family especially when the groom is so much younger than us. If it were my sister I'd know all the details by now. ;)


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