All right: Someone here has to have connections to Club 33!!


Addicted to the DIS!
Oct 13, 2000
I am absolutely dying to get into this restaurant!! Please help!!! lol- But seriously, I would really like to eat here, as this is first time I'll be in DL and probably the last for several years, I'd like to make it special, and I know eating there would make it special! So if you can help me, post or PM me!!

Thanks a lot!! :D
<font color=navy>Sorry, AFgirl. Membership is rare - I believe current membership is 450, and then getting someone you know to get you a meal there is hard, too. I would recommend asking Disney if any specials are coming up that include a meal at Club 33. Recently, there was a Ryman-Carroll Event that included breakfast there. Tink33 and I went, and it was an awesome experience! It just takes skimming the different DL sites on the Internet, and keeping an eye out for such events.

Good luck. :)
I remember when I was a kid that my dad filled out an application for Club 33. It was an incredible amount of money at the time, as I know it is now, to join and for the yearly dues. When dad turned in his app they told him there was approx. a three year waiting list.
His reasoning for filling out an application was this, he wanted to push himself for the next three years so he could afford the dues when they finally called him. It was kind of like a seventies version of self motivation. (sans Anthony Robbins :-) Well, almost four years went by and if dad HAD hit it big...he sure hid it well from all of us...he received his official invitation to join Club 33. I believe they wanted $3,500 to start and some other unGodly amount for yearly dues. My dad, always thinking, called them and said, "I'm not sure if I still want to join....but I'd like to come try it out before I do." The employee whole-heartedly agreed and setup a time for us all to come and "check it out ." I had never seen anything like it before or since. Club 33 is amazing. You are treated like royalty. I remember the matches had our names on them. They called me Sir and my mom Lady. There was a guy just to make sure that our water glass was always full. I also remember that dad maxed out his Visa paying for dinner. The bill was about $270 for the 5 of us. Remember, this was 1976 and none of us had any alcoholic drinks. I'll tell you what though, every now and then I consider getting a membership....then my wife reminds me that the mortgage is due again!

Roy :-)
Thanks for the info! Hmm... $3, 500 for membership.... 3 year waiting list.... only 450 members there now? Hmm... I think the Blue Bayou will suffice.... :D

Thanks again! :D


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