Alison the Accountant's Accountability Journal (Feedback Welcome)

Yesterday I ate pretty well, but I was hungry a lot. I think some of my choices spiked my blood sugar or something. The zone is all about keeping your insulin and blood sugar stable because if they aren't stable you'll grab something to eat.

10:00 AM - Egg White scramble with spinach, mushrooms, tomatoes, coffee/milk, and a bowl of McCann's instant oatmeal (I think it was the oatmeal that spiked my sugar)

1:30 PM - Chicken, veggies, orange, pistachios diet coke

4:00 PM - Turkey breast, chips ahoy 100 calorie snack pack (ding ding, all sugar!)

7:00PM - 3 oz steak, salad, 1 glass red wine, 2 wasa crackers (the crackers were after dinner since I was still hungry)

10:00 Pm - 1 glass of 1% milk

So over all it was OK, but I know if I was that hungry at work I would really make some bad choices.

Workout- Ran for 45 minutes in AM. I probably should have had a small snack before my workout because I think that also affected my hunger.

Today my scale said 136 so I think it's definitely moving in the downward direction. I will definitely keep this up!
The way you are eating is similar to the Body for Life eating plan (every 3-4 hours, with a protein and healthy carb). I don't feel hungry when I eat that way and I can see it becoming a way of life. Great news on the downward movement of the scale! :banana: :cool1:

What movie did you see?
Today was pretty good, but I didn't get my nighttime snack in. I was just too tired, wasn't hungry, and wanted to go to bed.

6:30 - Egg Whites/Egg, Orange, WW Toast/PB, Coffee/milk
12:00 - Chicken, veggies, steamed rice, diet coke
3:00 - Carrot Cake*
7:00 - 3 oz turkey, salsa, avacado, 1 WW tortilla, part of an apple, and a 100 calorie snack pack.

*It was birthday day at work, and somebody brought in HOMEMADE carrot cake. I couldn't say no, so I had a small piece, AND threw away half of it. It made me not hungry for my 5:00 snack so I didn't have it. On Friday I'm definitely going to say no to bagels/pastries!

Workout - Firm Aerobic Sculpting (>60Min) - whew, this wiped me out. These are good workouts, but I find the choreography kind of odd. Still working on getting used to them.

Amy - We saw Chronicles of Narnia, it was really good. I want to see Brokeback Mountain next, but I may have to go with my sister.
Oh, I love homemade carrot cake! Great job throwing the rest of it out! It is hard to get that pm snack in sometimes, isn't it?

I still haven't seen Narnia (my ex took my kids to see it). Brokeback Mountain was very depressing, but I can see why it will win a bunch of awards. The acting was pretty impressive.

Congrats on getting that hard workout in!
Well, I didn't get to work out yesterday because work is really busy, but my eating was really good.

B-Egg Whites/Egg, Toast/Pb, Orange, Coffee/milk (breakfast of champions ;>)
L-3 oz turkey, avacado, salsa, salad, carrots, diet coke
S-1 oz cheese, 2 wasa crackers (can't wait until strawberries are back in season!)
D-Crockpot meal of turkey meat and garbanzo beans
S-1 glass milk

I love this way of eating, I don't have any temptations!

Plus somebody told me I looked like I lost weight. Yay!
I have yet to receive a compliment like that, lucky you!! All that hard work is paying off. I agree, this way of eating is so nice! No cravings and it is easy to stick to.

Keep it up! :cool1:
Today was OK, but DH and I went out to dinner. I was going to get a salad with chicken, but by the time we got to dinner I was starving, so I had something bad. But I didn't keep the leftovers so it will be a one time thing.

B-Egg whites/egg, orange, WW toast/pb, coffee/milk
L-Leftover turkey and garbanzo beans (small portion), diet coke
S-1 oz cheese, 2 wasa crackers
D-1 beer, 3 pieces from small pizza (basically 1/2 an individual-sized restaurant pizza)

Workout - The Firm Calorie Blaster. At first I was not impressed, it was just like one of my step classes, but at the end I was SOAKED with sweat, so it must be a good one. I'll keep it in the rotation.

Work has been very stressful lately, which is why DH and I went out to eat. It was definitely nice to go out, but really not good for us. This weekend I'll be better. My sister and I are going to Disneyland plus my family is getting together at Claim Jumpers so that might be tough!
Ooh, Claim Jumper is tough! They have the biggest portions I've ever seen there! And all the martinis look so good... I'm sure you will be able to make some good choices when you go - just think, you will have leftovers for about 3 days! :rotfl2:

The pizza wasn't that bad! There are a lot worse things like fettucine alfredo and stuff like that. You'll make up for it by eating extra good today, I'm sure!
Well today was interesting. I was hungry, but it didn't lead to bad snacking.

7:15ish - Egg white/veggie scramble, bowl oatmeal, coffee/milk
12:ish - 1 piece whole wheat bread, avacado, turkey, orange, diet coke
4:00 - 1 oz cheese, 2 wasa crackers
7:00 - Chicken with veggies and tomatoes, whole wheat pasta
10:00 - 1 cup lowfat milk

I didn't get to workout because when I left work I was starving. So I just went home and made dinner. :confused3 I'm sure I didn't have enough turkey at lunch. It was like deli turkey, so I guess I should increase my portion next time.

Today I wanted to workout, but I slept in this morning! Hopefully I'll get to do my grocery shopping at lunch and I can workout after work. I also am planning on avoiding the bagels and pastries today. That will be hard especially if people notice I'm not having any. We'll see how it goes.
Hi Allison-

Hope you are doing well. I like reading about your food choices, they look good and like something I could manage. It's great that you have found something that works for you.
How did you manage avoiding all the breakfast goodies yesterday? I'm sure you will get back into a workout routine soon. I bet you are starting to miss it!
Well, I did OK avoiding the breakfast goodies, but in the afternoon I had a few munchies :confused: . I need to make sure I have enough protein for next week so this doesn't happen. Then DH and I went out again. We closed on the property finally! So we went over last night to introduce ourselves to the tenants and give them our information. It's scary, but exciting at the same time.

B-Eggs, egg whites/Orange/Toast/PB/Coffee/Milk (same old, same old)
L- Chicken, veggies, tomatoes, whole wheat pasta, pistachios
Bad Snackies - 2 pieces licorice, 1 small cookie thing
S-1 oz string cheese, 2 wasa crackers
D-1/2 cheese burger, salad, beer

No workout :sad1: . Next week we'll be better since I'll have much more time.
Congratulations on closing! I hope work eases up for you soon.
This weekend was relatively OK. I did have some treats, but thought I kept it to a minimum. This morning I was a solid 135. Which is progress, since I haven't woken up to 135 since I've gotten the digital scale. I have seen 135 after a run, but not first thing in the morning. So I guess this is progress, and certainly gives me incentive to keep it up. If I can break that 135 level that will be good!

Saturday -
B-Eggs/Egg whites, Oatmeal
L-Roast Chicken salad (no bleu cheese) with dressing on the side from Corner Bakery, diet coke
S-Soft pretzel at basketball game
D-1/2 cheeseburger from Friday, Orange

Sunday -
B- Cafe Latte with Non-fat milk (no sugar added!), and a croissant (and a couple of bites of my sister's pastry) - this was at Disneyland and I don't recommend a breakfast like this at Disneyland because by lunch I was starving!
L - 1 roll from the bread basket and 1 'mini' cornbread muffin, fish tacos with guacamole (This was also at Disneyland in one of the hotel restaurants, and I don't know if it was the fish or just eating so much that I wasn't used to it, but I got really sick after this), Diet Coke
D-Claimjumper, I wasn't feeling well still at dinner, so I ordered Salmon with double veggies. I didn't even want bread. I ate half of it, and will have the rest today at lunch. I did have part of a root beer, and a couple of bites of the icecream dessert we all shared.

Workout - None official, but lots of walking.

This week I will work on my lunches so I am not so hungry in the afternoon. Plus I will work out more. ::yes::
You didn't do too bad considering you were at Disneyland! Claimjumper is tough - maybe it was a good thing you weren't feeling that great?? At least that way you didn't overindulge...

Great news on the 135! You will be in the 120's soon! :banana:
Today was good -

B-Egg/egg whites, WW toast/PB, Orange, Coffee/milk
S-1 oz cheese, 2 Wasa crackers (for my lunch workout)
L-Salmon, veggies, apple, pistachios diet coke
S-100 calorie pack (so I wouldn't get starving while I ran errands)
D- Salad with turkey, red peppers, avacados, red onions (it was a new recipe from Bon Appetit, yummy!), part of a beer
S-1 glass milk

Workout - 30 minutes on an elliptical, I'm easing back into it

Keep on going! :earsboy:
OK, I have to ask - what are wasa crackers? I see you eat them quite a bit. I think I know what you are talking about (about the size of a graham cracker and very crisp?). You are like me - same breakfast everyday. I guess we are all creatures of habit!

Great job getting back into your workouts! :cool1:
I think they're from Sweeden or Norway. They're not terribly tasty or salty, so then I won't eat the whole box if I got hungry (like triscuits!). They have fiber, so the net carbs aren't too high. It's a nice balance with the cheese.

Yeah, and I really don't get tired of the breakfast!
Well today I had a slight snacking problem :scared1: !

7:15-Typical breakfast (egg, egg whites, etc...)
11:30 - 1/2 zone bar
1:30 - Leftover turkey salad, apple, diet coke
5:00 - 1/2 zone bar
6:00 - uncontrollable snacking! carrots, crackers, handfuls of cereal :sad1:
7:00 - steak, salad, red wine

Some people's trigger foods are things like ice cream and cookies, but mine are wholesome crackers! I wonder if my body is craving carbs. Maybe I'll try adding more bread type items into my diet and see how that goes. I probably had like 300 calories at 6:00. But it was like my body wanted it. Things to think about.

Oh, I also had a very small piece of a brownie. At 3:00 people brought around brownies at work (I swear, you'd think I work at a bakery), but I only cut off the corner and through the rest away. I probably didn't need any at all (and maybe that was what triggered my 'binge'), but sometimes you need a treat. And I know the old me would have just scarfed the whole brownie, so that's progress.

Workout- Did the bodysculpting class at lunch and it felt great! I'm not sure if I should do the Firm today since I'm a little sore, but we'll see how I feel after work.
Congrats on only eating a piece of a brownie! I always feel bad if I waste food, which is why I've resorted to having a bite of something that the kids or DH are eating. It's much less traumatic that way...

I'm glad to see I am not the only one who eats handfuls of cereal! Glad to see you finally got out of your snacking frenzy. You can work it off!! :goodvibes


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