Alice in Wonderland Movie

I'll be taking the kids to see it (11 and 6) . They have been dying to see it since they first seen previews months ago. And of course they knew mama would take them since Johnny Depp is in it. ;)
We rarely see movies opening weekend but DD10 simply canNOT wait to see this so we may break our own rule. LOL She has been Tim Burton's #1 fan for at least 3 years now.....I'm not so much worried about scary as content. My BFF is going to see it with her Mom tonight, she's going to report on the content part of it. :)
I saw it today at the 10:45 show in the AMC Pleasure Island 24. They have recently modified their largest auditorium to what they call "EXT" where the screen is floor to ceiling, they have 11 sound channels and over 50,000 watss in sound. And the projection system uses 8 MP which is four times more than HDTV. And 3D, of course.

There was a $4.00 upcharge for the 3D/EXT.

I found the film very interesting. It is rated PG and it could be too intense for some younger children, especially if they scare easily. I noticed several double entrendres which adults can pick up on but would go over the heads of most children.

But it did keep my attention throughout.
I enjoyed it, but am glad I caught it while DD7 was in school. I could see how it'd be a bit overwhelming for the under 8 kids, especially if they're the sensitive type. There were a couple of scenes where Alice was being chased/fighting and with the 3D it was fairly intense. Nothing really bloody or graphic just dark and menacing. I didn't check the time at all during the film and that's usually a fairly good indicator of how engrossing I find the movie. :goodvibes
we are going tonight. My girls are 5 and 7. Will report back after seeing it, we are all excited. We saw 3-d preivews at Gforce (I think or maybe the xmas carol) looked fabulous.

And really, people think from the television previews the queen is that scary that a 10 year old couldn't see it? I guess if they have never seen anything remotely scary, but they just look like zany characters to me.

change of plans....came home with a headache and I know how loud they play, so we are going to the 7pm tomorrow.
:dance3:I never go to opening weekends and rarely pay for full price movies, but...I bought my tickets this past Tuesday! I'm taking my 12 and 8 year old sons to the 11AM 3D showing!!!! I am sooooo excited! :banana:
we are going tonight. My girls are 5 and 7. Will report back after seeing it, we are all excited. We saw 3-d preivews at Gforce (I think or maybe the xmas carol) looked fabulous.

And really, people think from the television previews the queen is that scary that a 10 year old couldn't see it? I guess if they have never seen anything remotely scary, but they just look like zany characters to me.

Let me know how it was when you do go. My 5 YO wants to go really badly, but she cried during the cahse scen in "UP" when the dogs were chasing Kevin and gang.
Get your tickets ahead of time! Luckily I got ours yesterday, 3 shows tonight at our theater were already sold out when we arrived about 30 minutes before the show! Great Movie! I would say for ages 8 and up. Anyone younger probably wont understand it, and may get frightened! There are alot of dark scenes in this movie.
I wasn't sure where to post this so I'm trying here. I just got home from the movie, I saw it in 3D on the IMAX theater. It was very good! I have never been to an imax theater, it was so cool and the 3D effects were good!

Just wanted to share!


Thanks for sharing!!!!

I'm going Sat. and was really wanted to see in Imax 3D, and you just sold me!!!! My first time watching an actual movie too!!! :3dglasses Can't wait!!!!! :banana:
I'd love to see it this weekend but we'll be sailing on the Wonder soon and it has a 3D theater so why pay a local theater? I can't wait!!!! :hourglass
I wouldn't take my boys to see it (they are 5 and 3)...but I haven't let them watch the Terminator movies either and I know some other 5 yr olds have seen that. I'm not a good judge of ages but definitely (IMO) not a 3 year old. As for if the movie was good or not, I had a good time. I am not a movie critic and I haven't really been to the movies in ages. I liked the 3D effects on the IMAX theater..I didn't get bored or check my phone or watch.
I hope that you all enjoy the movie and definitely let me know what you think! :)

IMHO that's not a fair comparison. The Terminator is rated R. Alice is PG. :confused:
Alice in Wonderland in 2d was ok,,, Im sorry the story was a little slow in parts and it wasnt all that funny,,, It was on the dark side, which made it unfunny.. My 6 year old girl was fine with it. She leaned over to tell me the moster was mean... Mad hatter was more scary then the queen she was just a jerk... would have love to see it in 3d but they sold out so will have to wait next time,,, and listen to my hubby about waiting but dont tell him.:lmao:
I took my DD4 last night. (No flames about her age, I would not have taken my oldest 2 kids when they were her age, but my 3rd child is very mature for her age.)
She does not scare easily and she enjoyed it.
Now for the critic in me... Although I am glad I went, it's not in my top 10 favorite movies. I felt like the characters should have been developed a bit more. I also think that when you have THE Johnny Depp in a movie, you should allow him to shine more. If I would have seen the movie without all the "hype" that has been surrounding it, I would have said- cute movie. I think I expected too much and came away a little disappointed.

If you are a Disney or Alice fan- see it.
My DS6 and I saw the movie after school yesterday-IMAX 3D.
Matinee prices: Adult $14.00 Child $10.00
Popcorn and 2 drinks: $8.00
Ice Cream at Baskin Robbins after: $6.00
Total for a Friday night out with my favorite person: priceless!
I really enjoyed the movie/ My DS loved it. I would definately recommend it.
we just came back and NO WAY would i take a child under 10 or so. It is very dark and intense and there are scary moments.

I liked it but definitely think it's for OLDER children.
I took my DD4 last night. (No flames about her age, I would not have taken my oldest 2 kids when they were her age, but my 3rd child is very mature for her age.)
She does not scare easily and she enjoyed it.
Now for the critic in me... Although I am glad I went, it's not in my top 10 favorite movies. I felt like the characters should have been developed a bit more. I also think that when you have THE Johnny Depp in a movie, you should allow him to shine more. If I would have seen the movie without all the "hype" that has been surrounding it, I would have said- cute movie. I think I expected too much and came away a little disappointed.

If you are a Disney or Alice fan- see it.

Couldnt agree with you more. We took DS3 with no hesitation. He loves Nightmare Before Christmas and Corpse Bride. Some kids handle it differently than others, respectively. ;)

I too thought it was good, but overall I was disappointed. Maybe my expectations were a little too high with all the buzz? Who knows.

I expected the Cheshire Cat and Caterpillar to be more extraveggant than what they actually were...if that makes sense.

Johnny Depp was...meh.

Overall it was okay. Im a huge Tim Burton fan and enjoy his work, I think he did an amazing job with the creativity, effects and overall Tim Burton touch that only he can provide. Just wasnt a fan of this particular storyline I suppose.
Couldnt agree with you more. We took DS3 with no hesitation. He loves Nightmare Before Christmas and Corpse Bride. Some kids handle it differently than others, respectively. ;).

I totally agree with this, my DS was watching Lord of the Rings with my DH and I at age 4. He was totally into the film making concept, the makeup, the special effects, etc. He totally got that it was all fake and was interested in the "how did they do that" more than anything else.

I'm hoping to take my kids to see it on Tuesday night. We have Cablevision and they offer 2 free movie tickets on Tuesdays. So, it will only cost $5 for the 3 of us to see the movie.
I saw it in 3D yesterday (first showing) and had been waiting for it to come out for what seemed like FOREVER!!!

That said, I did not like the movie. I do like most of Tim Burton's movies, but feel this one was a strike-out :guilty:

The acting by the actress who played Alice was HORRIBLE:headache: it actually made me cringe more than once how dry, drab and bad it really was.

Johnny Depp's character was amusing looking, but nothing else really made him shine like I was expecting. I did LOOVE the red queen, and she, quite frankly was the only thing about the movie I liked.

Sorry, but it was a big let down for me. Hope others like it better than we did :3dglasses
we just came back and NO WAY would i take a child under 10 or so. It is very dark and intense and there are scary moments.

I liked it but definitely think it's for OLDER children.

Well we took all 4 of our kids (including the 5 and 7 year old) and they were fine. In fact - they loved it. Of course I may be hearing OFF WITH THEIR HEADS for a long time to come. :rotfl2:
I LOVED it. Everything about it. (But I love Through the Looking Glass and Johnny Depp so it's no wonder I loved it)

Oh and yes it was expensive $78 for all 6 of us to see it.


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