Airmiles Armchair Chatter

Good Morning
I found a great Hairdresser yesterday and she is just a quick drive away.:dogdance::dogdance:
You know you are getting older when your Hairdresser tells you to buy purple shampoo. LOL
View attachment 871701

Off to Dollarama after I water the garden.:car:
Have a great day!


just a thought ,,, take the receipt into the Pet shop and ask for a refund then re buy the product.
I know a lot of work for 100 Airmiles.
Hugs Hon
I bought my first purple shampoo a few years back when my hair started being dingy-probably because the water softener wasn't working. I loved it! And the coordinating conditioner.
For the dollarama offer, it's twice in one month, but can it be twice in a day? I see "single transaction" but I am not sure if I could do two on Sunday at different times to both count in June. It's only an extra 40 AM so not the end of the world, but I don't want to risk it I guess.

I was thinking of getting Disney GC's in $25 amounts with something else to get to the $30, I may go back next year. But then maybe I should get a different GC.
For the dollarama offer, it's twice in one month, but can it be twice in a day? I see "single transaction" but I am not sure if I could do two on Sunday at different times to both count in June. It's only an extra 40 AM so not the end of the world, but I don't want to risk it I guess.

I was thinking of getting Disney GC's in $25 amounts with something else to get to the $30, I may go back next year. But then maybe I should get a different GC.
NO, for the Dollarama offer to count it can only be ONCE per day. If you are using a BMO Mastercard you will be getting 50 bonus miles, plus the 2 lonely base miles AND this weekend ONLY you will get a bonus 100 miles as well.

I picked up 2 Amazon gift cards earlier in the month for birthday gifts for our grandbabies and today I snagged a $30 Disney card for our Sept/Oct trip.
WOW....people are feral in the grocery store today. It's an absolute miracle that I'm not in jail right now.
Picture this.....
The store is packed, nearly Christmas status. People casually strolling down the MIDDLE of the aisles, blocking both sides to pass on. Someone rammed their cart into the back of me not one time, not two times but THREE times.....and totally oblivious to the fact that they had done it. The third one I pushed the cart back to get it off of my leg and the woman glared at me. While I'm packing my groceries the guy behind me totally takes over the belt so that I can not advance it to reach my stuff....ok, I could have just pushed the button anyway to be a jerk and probably should have. Then as I'm struggling to reach my things he flings his bags further along in my direction. Like WTH....
I mobile ordered from Timmies when I got in line to cash out my groceries (Timmies is in the grocery store) so that it would be ready after I pack up my stuff. Nope....they didn't bother to read the screen and were standing doing nothing. Then 3 people walk up to the counter so they all got served first.
Last but not least....I get home and there is a delivery truck blocking my driveway. I motion to them that 'that's my driveway'. The two guys stand and have a discussion which I have to think is about moving the truck or making me wait. They chose to live another day and moved the truck.

Oh...I did pop into Dollarama, bought a gift card, cashed out (remembered to pay with the MC) and tried to leave but was blocked by a loud group of very young teen girls that were yelling back and forth to each other out the door about buying or not buying chips. For whatever reason they thought it was hilarious that I said excuse me to get through the door. Classic example of teens that make them all look bad.

So how was your day?
Good Morning
I found a great Hairdresser yesterday and she is just a quick drive away.:dogdance::dogdance:
You know you are getting older when your Hairdresser tells you to buy purple shampoo. LOL


just a thought ,,, take the receipt into the Pet shop and ask for a refund then re buy the product.
I know a lot of work for 100 Airmiles.
Hugs Ho
LOL...the purple shampoo has absolutely nothing to do with age. The current trend in lightening is low and slow bleach and tone. In some cases the toner is strictly the purple shampoo. In other cases it is used to maintain the toner as toners have very little holding qualities and they wash out. Be careful how you use the shampoo. It is not meant to be used daily and don't let it sit in your hair for more than a minute or two. If you over use, you can turn your hair purple. Also, it's for blonde or natural white. If you are silver grey it will do nothing for you.
If it's like that out there everywhere today I won't be heading out this evening to do my 3rd grocery store shop. I'll go first thing the in morning. So sorry that happened.
Yup busy for me today as well.
I came across all the kids today at both Dollarama and Starbucks and they were the same kids. Just noisy and a few of them together and trying to get everyone's orders in.
The staff member at Dollarama apologized because of my wait and I said guess there are lots of kids today because school is out now. And he looked horrified that school was out. Yup welcome to summer vacation.
NO, for the Dollarama offer to count it can only be ONCE per day. If you are using a BMO Mastercard you will be getting 50 bonus miles, plus the 2 lonely base miles AND this weekend ONLY you will get a bonus 100 miles as well.

I picked up 2 Amazon gift cards earlier in the month for birthday gifts for our grandbabies and today I snagged a $30 Disney card for our Sept/Oct trip.

Nowhere in the terms does it say that the 2 purchases in a month have to be on separate days in order to get the 10 + 40 AM's. I did 2 separate purchases with my wife's BMO card earlier this month one after the other, which should be sufficient to trigger the bonus. It does say "separate transactions" in the terms.
Nowhere in the terms does it say that the 2 purchases in a month have to be on separate days in order to get the 10 + 40 AM's. I did 2 separate purchases with my wife's BMO card earlier this month one after the other, which should be sufficient to trigger the bonus. It does say "separate transactions" in the terms.
I'm just going on the basis of the terms for the regular linked offer which states one per day. I don't want to risk leaving 50 miles on the table, we have 6 dollarama stores within a 20 minute drive from our house so it's easy for me to make a quick stop when I'm running errands.
I hope it works for you, i didn't catch that wording until i read it carefully again right now.
I'm just going on the basis of the terms for the regular linked offer which states one per day. I don't want to risk leaving 50 miles on the table, we have 6 dollarama stores within a 20 minute drive from our house so it's easy for me to make a quick stop when I'm running errands.
I hope it works for you, i didn't catch that wording until i read it carefully again right now.

I did the 3-day offer yesterday, so even if they deny the 2 purchases on the one day, I have another purchase of $30 for the month of June, so I should be safe. Next month I'll just make sure and not do 2 on one day just in case.
So I have the option to transfer between cash and dream miles now too! I had 8 cash miles in my account that I was able move over to dream miles. DH's account has it too.
Woohoo the conversion worked for me this morning. Had 23 silly cash miles I’d rather have as dream so I can get the Ninja blender I need :)

Also - is it no longer allowed for 2 spouses to each have their own AM card? Or is merging optional? Thanks
WOW....people are feral in the grocery store today. It's an absolute miracle that I'm not in jail right now.
Picture this.....
The store is packed, nearly Christmas status. People casually strolling down the MIDDLE of the aisles, blocking both sides to pass on. Someone rammed their cart into the back of me not one time, not two times but THREE times.....and totally oblivious to the fact that they had done it. The third one I pushed the cart back to get it off of my leg and the woman glared at me. While I'm packing my groceries the guy behind me totally takes over the belt so that I can not advance it to reach my stuff....ok, I could have just pushed the button anyway to be a jerk and probably should have. Then as I'm struggling to reach my things he flings his bags further along in my direction. Like WTH....
I mobile ordered from Timmies when I got in line to cash out my groceries (Timmies is in the grocery store) so that it would be ready after I pack up my stuff. Nope....they didn't bother to read the screen and were standing doing nothing. Then 3 people walk up to the counter so they all got served first.
Last but not least....I get home and there is a delivery truck blocking my driveway. I motion to them that 'that's my driveway'. The two guys stand and have a discussion which I have to think is about moving the truck or making me wait. They chose to live another day and moved the truck.

Oh...I did pop into Dollarama, bought a gift card, cashed out (remembered to pay with the MC) and tried to leave but was blocked by a loud group of very young teen girls that were yelling back and forth to each other out the door about buying or not buying chips. For whatever reason they thought it was hilarious that I said excuse me to get through the door. Classic example of teens that make them all look bad.

So how was your day?
Should have topped off the day with a trip to the LCBO
Also - is it no longer allowed for 2 spouses to each have their own AM card? Or is merging optional? Thanks
DH and I each have our own accounts and it could happily stay that way. I just want to merge them so that I can transfer more miles from Dream to Cash than his status will allow. I also have more perks for using Dream miles for travel than he does so one bucket will work better for us.
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So I'm planning a trip to Japan for next Christmas with the family. We're going to see all the sights including the Disney Parks, USJ, TeamLabs, museums and more.

Had hoped to use my Air Miles for accommodations, but I just have to say that it really sucks compared to Scene+.

I did some testing on dummy dates and there are NO hotels showing in Osaka or Kyoto. For Tokyo lots of properties are super strict with cancellation and non-refundable.

Then it's exactly the opposite on Scene+. Super easy to use interface, lots of refundable properties, tons of availability showing in all the cities where we're going.

I may just transfer my Air Miles from Dream to Cash and cash out...
I have found that also which is why I cash out my AM and put them aside to use as I see fit. It takes a bit of discipline to not spend it on other things but "travel my way" paid with AM earned is worth it.
I have found that also which is why I cash out my AM and put them aside to use as I see fit. It takes a bit of discipline to not spend it on other things but "travel my way" paid with AM earned is worth it.
Yes, I was thinking of maybe cashing out with Disney giftcards at Metro. We still have 4 trips left for the Year of Disney so they will for sure get used! Only thing is I have just a few days to make it happen before Metro leaves the program...
Hi ElCray
I am kind of in the same boat with Airmiles Vs Scene+
I really hoped with BMO coming on board that things would improve with Airmiles but it has just suddenly flatlined.

I love the people here on the Airmiles thread but the miles are just not producing much for me.
I will have enough earned enough Scene+ points in the next two months to pay for my DVC dues for next year (2025). Then I'll start working on a trip /extra hotel stay in Florida.UO
I don't want to give up on Airmiles just yet but
in checking for the last 5- months I am averaging 500-1000 Airmiles a month.= around $50-100$....
just not enough for a reward program for me.

I do love the availability and process to book accommodations 0n Scene+.
Best wishes planning your special trip to Japan!🗾

Hugs Mel
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