Adulting is Hard, So I'm Running Away! ~ An Oct 2016 PTR ~ Update 10/19: Peace Out, Yo!

I don't see the African Rum Runner on the Dawa Bar menu, but I bet they'd make one up for us. The Lost on Safari - Captain Morgan Original Spiced Rum, Pink Pigeon Mauritian Rum, and our refreshing Pangani Punch, looks like a winner.
Oh my goodness. Yes please! GET IN MY BELLY. :cutie:

Yeah, I really won't have any excuse for not going there since I'll have a rental car in November and in February. I just kind of liked the idea of saving some experiences for when I stay at AKL.
AKL is the one and only Deluxe I've ever stayed at (so far), and that was in 2006. I'm not at all embarrassed to admit that one of the reasons I chose it was the ease of access to Boma. :laughing:
I'm relatively new here and just found your post. With your love of food and day drinking and sense of humor, I think we may be long lost besties. I'm looking forward to following along as you plan your trip! It sounds like it is going to be epic!
AKL is the one and only Deluxe I've ever stayed at (so far), and that was in 2006. I'm not at all embarrassed to admit that one of the reasons I chose it was the ease of access to Boma. :laughing:

LOL. If it's that good I certainly don't blame you. AKL has so many good places it seems. Boma, Jiko, Sanaa. Plus The Mara for counter service. Waiting til 2019 will be tough!
I'm relatively new here and just found your post. With your love of food and day drinking and sense of humor, I think we may be long lost besties. I'm looking forward to following along as you plan your trip! It sounds like it is going to be epic!
:welcome: Hi, new bestie!!! :wave2: It's great to meet you, and thanks for following along! Welcome to the DIS, also!

LOL. If it's that good I certainly don't blame you. AKL has so many good places it seems. Boma, Jiko, Sanaa. Plus The Mara for counter service. Waiting til 2019 will be tough!
Yeah, you won't be go hungry at AKL. :laughing: Victoria Falls is also real nice for a night cap. Rum, anybody? :faint:
Victoria Falls is also real nice for a night cap. Rum, anybody? :faint:

I didn't see any Victoria Falls-specific rum drinks on the menu at OH WELL. This one looked good though:

Victoria Falls Mist
A light, cool, and refreshing fusion of Van der Hum Tangerine Liqueur, Melon and Banana Liqueurs, Sweet-and-Sour, and Sprite

Victoria-Falls-Mist1 (302x640).jpg
I didn't see any Victoria Falls-specific rum drinks on the menu at OH WELL. This one looked good though:

Victoria Falls Mist
A light, cool, and refreshing fusion of Van der Hum Tangerine Liqueur, Melon and Banana Liqueurs, Sweet-and-Sour, and Sprite

View attachment 123018
Oooooooooh... I'll have what you're having! YUM! :bitelip:
But when I got there, I was shocked to discover that I actually enjoyed being there solo MORE than I do with companions!!! I live alone and have for years now, and was raised as an Only Child. My social issues have been life-long, and while I had a few friends growing up, I always struggled. I'm extremely accustomed to being in my own company, and coming & going and doing as I please. Now there I was, in the middle of my most favorite place in the universe, with nobody's happiness or comfort to consider but my own. I could rush through things or take my time. I could get up early or sleep late. I could change my mind and my plans on a whim if I liked, without worry about anybody else's thoughts on the matter. It felt incredibly liberating, and that in and of itself gave me a kind of renewed confidence that went MILES in helping me deal with my social anxieties during the trip.

So this is basically the exact opposite of me.
I grew up with a sister and we often did everything together. I never really learned to do things on my own. When I went to a hockey fan by myself last year, it was a huge deal for me. But that was an hour. For it to be worth it for me to go to Florida it would have to be 3-4 days. And while the ability to do things on my own schedule would be nice, I'm afraid I'd be too indecisive to figure out what to do.
I think that if I was to do a solo trip, it might be easier for me to do DL first. Just because things are so much closer together and I don't have to decide where I'm going until I get to the park entrance (well, almost) and I can hop a lot more easily if I'm unhappy with my decision. And if I feel overwhelmed and want to go back to the hotel, the hotel is much closer.

If you ever do decide to take that step and book yourself a solo trip, do not ever hesitate to talk to me about any of your fears or concerns! I'll even give you my phone number, and while you're at Disney, you can text or call me if you need a pep talk! :hug:

Thanks. :hug:

I love this idea! Love love love! :eek: Why have I never thought of this?! I'm not even solo on my next trip, but we are doing lots of character meets, so I'M TOTALLY GONNA DO THIS!!! :hyper:

I kinda stole this idea from my therapist ... when I was working in direct patient care (for all of 2 weeks shortly before the demise of my healthcare career) I used to always forget what questions I wanted to ask the patients on the initial visit. So my therapist had me write down a few of the basic background questions I had to ask, and I looked at them before going into a patient's room and it jogged my memory pretty well. I figured that if it worked for patients, it would work for princesses too!

What if I just take lots of pictures of it, and you can imagine eating it? Which normally I would think this is cruel, but given your particular situation, it's the best I can probably offer, and with the best of intentions! :cutie:

I suppose that'll have to do. But make sure the pictures make it look yummy!
Just a quick fly by and then I get to come back to this thread and salivate over all the food pics! Wanted to say I totally get the social anxiety part, even though I have to talk to clients all day I am a pretty shy person myself! I'd most likely plan a Dismeet around cocktails or a " hey let's meet up and ride Space Mountain together" kinda thing! I'd be SOOOO nervous sitting down to have lunch or dinner with someone I hadn't met face to face yet! The thought of someone I don't really know yet watching me eat scares the bageezus out of me! :scared1: So I'm just sayin' if the stars ever align and we meet up sometime I'll have a nice buzz and we can watch Wishes together when it's dark. :rotfl:
I think that if I was to do a solo trip, it might be easier for me to do DL first. Just because things are so much closer together and I don't have to decide where I'm going until I get to the park entrance (well, almost) and I can hop a lot more easily if I'm unhappy with my decision. And if I feel overwhelmed and want to go back to the hotel, the hotel is much closer.
I think this sounds like a GREAT idea, Sarah! The perfect way to dip your toes into the solo water, so to speak! :cutie:

I figured that if it worked for patients, it would work for princesses too!
It's brilliant! I'll probably do a whole update just about this! I'm gonna need help! :rotfl:

I suppose that'll have to do. But make sure the pictures make it look yummy!
Yes, ma'am! I'll do my bestest! :thumbsup2

Just a quick fly by and then I get to come back to this thread and salivate over all the food pics!
Yeah you will, girl! :laughing:

Wanted to say I totally get the social anxiety part, even though I have to talk to clients all day I am a pretty shy person myself!
Yes, exactly! If you saw me interacting with a client, you'd never know about my social anxiety or shyness, unless you watched close enough to notice me subtly avoiding or faking eye contact (I don't do it on purpose, it's just instinctual, and when I catch myself doing it, I stop). With clients I put on the customer service and sales persona because it's my job, and I'm good at it, but inside I'm struggling. :scared: I'm super introverted, and that's why a day at the office typically wears me out, and why I love living alone so much. After 8 hours of pretending to be an extrovert, the only thing I want to do is go home to the quiet and solitude of my kitties and my apartment! :cloud9:

I'd most likely plan a Dismeet around cocktails or a " hey let's meet up and ride Space Mountain together" kinda thing! I'd be SOOOO nervous sitting down to have lunch or dinner with someone I hadn't met face to face yet! The thought of someone I don't really know yet watching me eat scares the bageezus out of me! :scared1:
I find food to be the great equalizer. Everybody loves food. Everybody can talk about food. At least I can. :rotfl: Standing in-line for a ride or waiting for a show, I feel much more nervous and pressured to think of things to talk about. And strangely, people watching me eat doesn't bother me. I think it's because I'm so big. Obviously, I eat food. A lot of food. No reason to hide it. :laughing:

So I'm just sayin' if the stars ever align and we meet up sometime I'll have a nice buzz and we can watch Wishes together when it's dark. :rotfl:
Well, if you're buzzed, that's a different story. EVERYBODY is chatty and laid-back when they are buzzed, even me! Maybe post-F&W Illuminations would be a good date for us? :thumbsup2

Thoughts and ponderings:

Solo is the way to go. But mixed with a portion of well-paired, like-minded, soulmate types who "get it". They have to be the kind that can comfortably say, I think I"m going to... and we'll meet back up for lunch in a while. Or not. I LOVE solo because I can have the freedom to do as little or as much as I want, but I still want someone tagging along to share the trip with too. Really, the best of both worlds.

Of all the yummy food you posted, the ravioli would be something I could fill a bathtub up with and swim in nightly. My hips would be screaming for mercy which I would not show them. YUM! All the drinks look great too- overpriced fruity things that would (and taste) fabulous by a pool on a hot day as well, I might add.
Yes, exactly! If you saw me interacting with a client, you'd never know about my social anxiety or shyness, unless you watched close enough to notice me subtly avoiding or faking eye contact (I don't do it on purpose, it's just instinctual, and when I catch myself doing it, I stop). With clients I put on the customer service and sales persona because it's my job, and I'm good at it, but inside I'm struggling. :scared: I'm super introverted, and that's why a day at the office typically wears me out, and why I love living alone so much. After 8 hours of pretending to be an extrovert, the only thing I want to do is go home to the quiet and solitude of my kitties and my apartment! :cloud9:

GET OUT OF MY BRAIN!!! I seriously could have written that. :hug:
So this is basically the exact opposite of me.
I grew up with a sister and we often did everything together. I never really learned to do things on my own. When I went to a hockey fan by myself last year, it was a huge deal for me. But that was an hour. For it to be worth it for me to go to Florida it would have to be 3-4 days. And while the ability to do things on my own schedule would be nice, I'm afraid I'd be too indecisive to figure out what to do.
I think that if I was to do a solo trip, it might be easier for me to do DL first. Just because things are so much closer together and I don't have to decide where I'm going until I get to the park entrance (well, almost) and I can hop a lot more easily if I'm unhappy with my decision. And if I feel overwhelmed and want to go back to the hotel, the hotel is much closer.

Thanks. :hug:!

I definitely think starting off with DLR would be easier for you. The parks are smaller and the hotels are very close.

When I was younger I wasn't one to do things by myself. Growing up in a close knit family with a large extended family that I saw on a regular basis left me with a need to be around other people even if we weren't interacting all the time. Kinda like using the TV as white noise.

DL is one of the best places to dip your toe into solo traveling because there is so much to see and do that distracts you from being alone. Also, single rider is pretty awesome!


Thoughts and ponderings:

Solo is the way to go. But mixed with a portion of well-paired, like-minded, soulmate types who "get it". They have to be the kind that can comfortably say, I think I"m going to... and we'll meet back up for lunch in a while. Or not. I LOVE solo because I can have the freedom to do as little or as much as I want, but I still want someone tagging along to share the trip with too. Really, the best of both worlds.

Of all the yummy food you posted, the ravioli would be something I could fill a bathtub up with and swim in nightly. My hips would be screaming for mercy which I would not show them. YUM! All the drinks look great too- overpriced fruity things that would (and taste) fabulous by a pool on a hot day as well, I might add.

I like this idea, Leisa but I lean more toward touring with one or two companions.
That is how I tour DLR usually with two of my very good friends. We are DLR pros so we don't feel the need to rush and do anything but if given the opportunity, we WILL take advantage of early morning entries!
Yes, exactly! If you saw me interacting with a client, you'd never know about my social anxiety or shyness, unless you watched close enough to notice me subtly avoiding or faking eye contact (I don't do it on purpose, it's just instinctual, and when I catch myself doing it, I stop). With clients I put on the customer service and sales persona because it's my job, and I'm good at it, but inside I'm struggling. :scared: I'm super introverted, and that's why a day at the office typically wears me out, and why I love living alone so much. After 8 hours of pretending to be an extrovert, the only thing I want to do is go home to the quiet and solitude of my kitties and my apartment! :cloud9:

I still don't know what I am: extrovert or introvert.
I'm not a life of the party kind of person but I like to be around people. BUT when I'm done, I'm DONE and need my alone time.

I used to live on my own (stuck at home now, ugh money) and I loved being able to come to an empty apartment and just UNWIND.
Prosecco, and Peach Puree

(Photo from

I'll have 3 please


Pasta!!!!! Yes!

Mascarpone, Espresso, Savoiardi biscuits, chocolate.

Giiiirrrrllll. You have no idea! You had me at tiramisu

Menu Here:

I would start with a cocktail, of course. Because... Day Drinking. (And because I'm a huge sucker for a glow cube.)

X-Fusion Organic Mango and Passion Fruit Liqueur, Parrot Bay Coconut Rum, Pineapple Juice, and a souvenir Multicolored Glow Cube.

I think we can be best friends now

I've changed my vote, Billie and Kelly Dismeet must involve food! And of course cocktails and illuminations! :thumbsup2

On a Parker House roll, with Black Diamond Cheddar, Pero Farms Giardiniera, and Locally-sourced Arugula. (Except I would be ordering mine without the giardiniera, because I absolutely hate the stuff.)

Except what the heck is giardiniera?? Sounds like some kind of illness you contract in South America
Mmm everything on the part 2 looks so yummy. I'm especially eyeing that ravioli at Tutto Italia and the breakfast at Cape May. Guess there are more restaurants on my must-try list now. Hahaha.

Thoughts and ponderings:
Bring it!

Solo is the way to go. But mixed with a portion of well-paired, like-minded, soulmate types who "get it". They have to be the kind that can comfortably say, I think I"m going to... and we'll meet back up for lunch in a while. Or not. I LOVE solo because I can have the freedom to do as little or as much as I want, but I still want someone tagging along to share the trip with too. Really, the best of both worlds.
I think I could travel with people like that. Usually I end up going with people who need me to play tour guide 24/7. :laughing: I'm hoping to steal a little solo time on my upcoming non-solo December trip. It'll be on our non-park day, but that's fine. I think my aunt & uncle still want to go play a couple rounds of mini-golf at Winter Summerland that day, so I'll send them on their way to do that, while I spend my afternoon day-drinking my way around the monorail resorts, right up until time for me to head to Downtown Disney to meet up with them for dinner (and more cocktails) at T-Rex. :thumbsup2

I'm slightly concerned that by the end of that trip, they're going to think I have an alcohol problem that I've been hiding from the family all these years. :rotfl: I really do only drink on vacation though, I swear!!!

Of all the yummy food you posted, the ravioli would be something I could fill a bathtub up with and swim in nightly. My hips would be screaming for mercy which I would not show them. YUM
I hope that bathtub is big enough for two, lady. Because I'mma be right there in it with you. :lmao:

All the drinks look great too- overpriced fruity things that would (and taste) fabulous by a pool on a hot day as well, I might add.
Overpriced fruity things are the BEST OF THINGS! ::yes::

GET OUT OF MY BRAIN!!! I seriously could have written that. :hug:
This is why we're friends. :hug:

I still don't know what I am: extrovert or introvert.
I'm not a life of the party kind of person but I like to be around people. BUT when I'm done, I'm DONE and need my alone time.
You sound like perhaps a bit of an introvert to me. Introverts aren't necessarily anti-social, but they definitely need their alone time to recharge. I'm a blast when I travel with friends or family to Disney, and I have a do good time... But I won't share a room with them, no matter how much money it would save me. After a full day and night of being social, I'm DONE as you said. I need that alone time, too. ::yes::

I used to live on my own (stuck at home now, ugh money) and I loved being able to come to an empty apartment and just UNWIND.
It's the BEST! My quiet little home is my sanctuary. :cloud9:

I'll have 3 please
Okay, me too! Waiter! 6 bellinis, please! Yes, for just the two of us... Don't judge me!!! :laughing:

Pasta!!!!! Yes!
I loooooooooooove me some pasta in a creme sauce. Red sauce, no. White sauce, yes yes yes! :bitelip:

Giiiirrrrllll. You have no idea! You had me at tiramisu
OM NOM NOMMY! I wish I was eating it RIGHT NOW! (I'm so hungry...) :rotfl:

I think we can be best friends now
Yay, finally! #besties :hug:

I've changed my vote, Billie and Kelly Dismeet must involve food! And of course cocktails and illuminations! :thumbsup2

Except what the heck is giardiniera?? Sounds like some kind of illness you contract in South America
I think you're thinking of Giardia, which is an intestinal parasite. :rotfl: Not this stuff...


Giardiniera is an Italian condiment, made of vegetables (often cucumbers, bell peppers, celery, carrots, and cauliflower) pickled in vinegar. And it's freakin' GROSS. :crazy2:

Mmm everything on the part 2 looks so yummy. I'm especially eyeing that ravioli at Tutto Italia and the breakfast at Cape May. Guess there are more restaurants on my must-try list now. Hahaha.
Happy to help expand your Disney food bucketlist! :goodvibes Doesn't that pasta at Tutto Italia look incredible? I want it right now! :cutie:
I think my aunt & uncle still want to go play a couple rounds of mini-golf at Winter Summerland that day, so I'll send them on their way to do that, while I spend my afternoon day-drinking my way around the monorail resorts, right up until time for me to head to Downtown Disney to meet up with them for dinner (and more cocktails) at T-Rex. :thumbsup2

Did you say the magic words, 'monorail crawl'? *ears perk up*

I'm slightly concerned that by the end of that trip, they're going to think I have an alcohol problem that I've been hiding from the family all these years. :rotfl: I really do only drink on vacation though, I swear!!!

Vacation Lushes unite!!!

This is why we're friends. :hug:



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