Additional Pool Hopping Blackouts


<font color=green>The two most important items for
Aug 18, 1999
I just noticed these additional dates when pool hopping has been suspended.

Hotel pools may become unavailable from time to time due to capacity limitations. Due to the high occupancy that is expected, Disney Vacation Club Members may not "pool hop" March 24 - April 1, 2002, May 24 - 28, 2002 and June 28 - July 5, 2002. If you are using the pool at a resort other than the one where you are staying, you may be asked to leave in order to accommodate guests of that resort.
I always wonder how they enforce that policy. Do they go around to each person sitting at the pool and ask to see their resort ID?
Some pools, such as SAB, have limited access points, allowing cast members to check ID as guests enter the pool area.
Thanks. I seldom go to the pool during our stay, but was always curious about it.
Sometimes they also do "spot checks" where they do ask to see IDs from folks sitting around the pool.
I can see limiting the DVC pool hopping benefit on peak days at those pools where capacity could really be an issue -- even though there were no limits listed in the pool hopping section of the Member Guide back when we bought.

But it's disappointing to see blanket restrictions on all DVC pool hopping during all holiday periods, at all WDW pools, regardless of pool capacity or pool demand. For example, they made a similar announcement for the Christmas holidays. Now, I wouldn't want to go swimming when it's 37<SUP>o</SUP> F -- as it was around Christmas of 2000 and 2001. And neither did many other people. The WDW pools that I saw weren't very busy. But if there are hearty DVC members who want to freeze going up the steps to the water slide at SAB or want to take time off from the crowds at the MK for a dip at the Polynesian, why shouldn't they enjoy this benefit that their salesperson told them about as one of the reasons to buy into DVC?

From the wording of the announcement, I can't tell whether pool hopping is forbidden just because a day falls with the holiday date range, or whether you can pool hop but face embarassment that you and you family will be kicked out of the pool, or whether you can easily determine before you head to another pool that you'll be welcome there, based on how busy they expect that pool to be that day.

I've suggested this before, and I'll suggest it again: DVC members should be able to call a Pool Hopping Status recording from their in-room phones. And all efforts should be made to maintain the DVC pool hopping benefit, while eliminating the real pool trespasssers who are neither guests at that resort nor DVC members staying on points at a DVC resort.

Those on this board who write about their expectation of the demise of the DVC pool hopping benefit or who are quick to defend all restrictions on pool hopping (whether reasonable or not) seem to be people who never use this benefit.
We were at BWV for Thanksgiving during a blackout period. First off they fenced off the entire pool area except for 2 manned entrances. Then yes, they went around checking everyone's ID.
Pluto, did you notice a difference at the BMV pool when they were carding people?
During several years of BWV vacations we've NEVER been prevented from using the SAB pool. Of course, we have not been there during so-called high volume vacation weeks. In fact, many times the pool has been quite EMPTY. I would be surprised if Disney would prevent pool-hopping there with the upcoming addition of BCV.................. but only the SHADOW knows for sure;) ;) ;) ;)
I thought that the wording was much stronger last time. I'm not sure if this is an improvement or not :). On one hand they say we "may not pool-hop" and on the other hand they say if you do you "may be asked to leave". {{shrug}} I guess if I were going during these times and I wanted to pool hop, I'd call over anyway and see what the front desk says. Even if they said it was OK, I'd also be aware that I might get kicked out.

FWIW, I am a pool hopper ... I've been to BWV, SAB and the Poly pool while "hopping". I see no problem with the resorts limiting pool hopping when their own guests might have problems getting a pool chair. However, I it should be done on a day by day basis (like with a pool-hopping hotline) and not with a blanket statement. The blanket statement is easier for them, I guess.
Originally posted by Olaf
Pluto, did you notice a difference at the BMV pool when they were carding people?

Are you referring to crowd control? It was crowded leading into the blackout time. Hotel occupancy, I believe, was 96%. I didn't notice anyone getting booted out and the pool was big enough for all. The only short supple I fell at Luna Park is lounges in the sun with visabilty of kids in the pool. Not that a lot of people watch their kids though. Oops - that would be another thread :D
I've always wondered. If you call the front desk for permission and are told it is ok, and are admitted at the gate, can you then be asked to leave later if the p[ool reaches capacity?

This would be embarassing and very unfair. If I follow the rules and still get asked to leave I think I would raise a fuss.
Originally posted by WDWMom
I've always wondered. If you call the front desk for permission and are told it is ok, and are admitted at the gate, can you then be asked to leave later if the p[ool reaches capacity?

This would be embarassing and very unfair. If I follow the rules and still get asked to leave I think I would raise a fuss.
It has happened and is within the "rules". The first problem is you can get a person that doesn't know and it's not a binding answer. The second problem is that the decision as to capacity is a fluid one that can be made and changed on a moments notice. So you could call and get the ok and then be turned away at the gate or asked to leave later. There were a few ugly scenes reported here in the earlier stages of the bans.

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