?? about discounts and Dining Plan


<font color=magenta>We can sleep at home!<br><font
Nov 11, 2004
Can you purchase the dining plan if you are using an Annual pass Discounted room? or AAA? We used the dining plan last jan and loved it. We are planning on going next Jan but are going to get APs.Thanks for any info.
No, you cannot get the dining plan if you are purchasing a discounted room with an annual pass. The dining plan is considered a package and you have to buy tickets (unless you are renting through DVC).

Want you can do with your dining package, as you have to buy tickets, is buy a 1 day base ticket per person in your party. You can then upgrade these tickets towards the purchase of your annual pass.

The only other option is through DVC. If you are staying with points you can purchase the dining plan without buying tickets (DVC has a annual pass discount perk).
If you are going to be booking a room with a discount, but buying an AP, you may want to look into the DDE. It may work out better for you to save the $$$ on the room and 20% on meals and drinks than paying full price for the room and buying the DP. It really depends on your families eating habits.


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