A trip of 1sts for this Disneyland noob! *Oct 2014 PTR & TR*COMPLETED!!

Seeing as I have over 6 months till my trip i still have loads of stuff to figure out. Planning this trip is SO very different from planning a WDW trip. I would have everything decided 110% by now for WDW because ADR's are serious business in the world!! I am getting accustomed to this more laid back method of planning and I kind of like it :)

My List of things I still need to do/decide, in no particular order of importance lol:
  1. decide on and then make ADR's DONE
  2. pick costumes DONE
  3. make/order costumes
  4. pick Happiest Haunts tour date and book DONE
  5. pick MHP dates & order DONE
  6. review oc beach tour and decide to book or not to book DONE
  7. look into food orders from Vons
  8. order photopass+ DONE
  9. load my roam mobility sim
  10. itinerary DONE
  11. design matching shirts DONE
  12. make the shirts DONE
  13. book Fantasmic desert party
  14. pick and book transportation to/from LAX DONE
  15. make 6pm.com order to be delivered to hotel :)

hmm my mind has gone blank. Will have to revisit this as more comes back to me. What am i missing???? I know it is a lot lol
Following! My sister (zombie doofus) and I are soo excited to go to disneyland again! I don't know how you can keep it a secret! We talk/text about disney every single day!! I think we drive others around us crazy with it!

I tried to surprise my kids the first time but I couldn't keep it a secret! Haha
Following! My sister (zombie doofus) and I are soo excited to go to disneyland again! I don't know how you can keep it a secret! We talk/text about disney every single day!! I think we drive others around us crazy with it!

I tried to surprise my kids the first time but I couldn't keep it a secret! Haha

Thanks for following :) I think that's why i could no longer wait for someone to make an Oct group here. I know seeing as there's not even a sept group that oct should wait but i was in NEED of my Disney Crazed peeps!!! Believe me it is soooooo hard not to say anything because we had so much fun planning or WDW trip together. The ONLY thing that is motivating me to keep my big fat mouth shut is how badly she desires the surprise. Its on her bucket list hahaha. As i sit here on my laptop at our kitchen table and DD is on her laptop across from me it is hard to not ask her opinion or want to show her something cool but my goodness just picture her face that morning!!! So worth this torture. :)
Hi Denarox!:)

I love your excitement and enthusiasm!

I'll be following along, because we'll be there in October as well---a bit earlier(5th--11th), than you and your darling daughter!

Thanks for starting the October thread!:thumbsup2
Thanks for following :) I think that's why i could no longer wait for someone to make an Oct group here. I know seeing as there's not even a sept group that oct should wait but i was in NEED of my Disney Crazed peeps!!! Believe me it is soooooo hard not to say anything because we had so much fun planning or WDW trip together. The ONLY thing that is motivating me to keep my big fat mouth shut is how badly she desires the surprise. Its on her bucket list hahaha. As i sit here on my laptop at our kitchen table and DD is on her laptop across from me it is hard to not ask her opinion or want to show her something cool but my goodness just picture her face that morning!!! So worth this torture. :)

Hi there! :wave:

I just wanted to pop in and address the October thread issue, and why it is likely that no one had started it.

As you know (because I think you linked it in your October thread), I have a long-running Halloween at DLR Superthread (Cheshirecatty knows this too!), which is usually the general hub of year-round discussion about Halloween Time-related details, planning chat, questions, photo-sharing, breaking news, tips, experiences, etc. I've put a lot of time into it and into its predecessor. However, because I was having major computer issues until this past week, I was delaying getting the Superthread updated. Or, more specifically, I was delaying moving us into a fresh, new and improved, better organized thread (more along the lines of my extensive DLR at Christmas/Holiday Season Superthread), but I said in the Halloween Superthread that I was working on it and that it would be done eventually. It has not been forgotten -- but the Christmas Superthread by nature is a bigger overall task, so I have tried to get that done first so I could kind of use it as my template for my new and improved Halloween Superthread.

I was trying to keep the Superthread quiet and low key until I got a new PC and could put together my new thread. I didn't want anyone popping into the older thread and thinking that there was breaking news for this year's season. So I have a feeling that people were just not starting an October Check-In thread because they were waiting to see if the Halloween Superthread was going to become active.

When the Halloween Superthread is active, there also tends to be a lot of confusion and too many extra threads about Halloween Time. The board gets cluttered. Last year people who should have been posting in the October Check-In thread to give their dates and hotels were posting in the Mickey's Halloween Party Check-In thread, or in my Superthread. People who should have been posting in the Party Check-In thread were posting in the October Check-In thread. And then there were those who should have been posting in the Superthread who were posting in the October Check-In thread. Others were just starting random superfluous threads with questions that were already covered in several other threads!:rotfl2::rotfl2: It got to be too much and too confusing. That's another reason why some may have silently held off on starting an October thread (or a September thread).

Anyway, that is the scoop on that! It's not that Halloween Time hasn't been on the minds of avid, Disney-crazed planners -- it's just that technical issues got in the way of keeping my Superthread updated and now I have to play catch up and get it (as well as the Christmas Superthread) finished!

I hope all of that makes sense!:rotfl2:
Hi Denarox!:)

I love your excitement and enthusiasm!

I'll be following along, because we'll be there in October as well---a bit earlier(5th--11th), than you and your darling daughter!

Thanks for starting the October thread!:thumbsup2

Thank you for following. It is truly appreciated.
Hi there! :wave:

I just wanted to pop in and address the October thread issue, and why it is likely that no one had started it.

As you know (because I think you linked it in your October thread), I have a long-running Halloween at DLR Superthread (Cheshirecatty knows this too!), which is usually the general hub of year-round discussion about Halloween Time-related details, planning chat, questions, photo-sharing, breaking news, tips, experiences, etc. I've put a lot of time into it and into its predecessor. However, because I was having major computer issues until this past week, I was delaying getting the Superthread updated. Or, more specifically, I was delaying moving us into a fresh, new and improved, better organized thread (more along the lines of my extensive DLR at Christmas/Holiday Season Superthread), but I said in the Halloween Superthread that I was working on it and that it would be done eventually. It has not been forgotten -- but the Christmas Superthread by nature is a bigger overall task, so I have tried to get that done first so I could kind of use it as my template for my new and improved Halloween Superthread.

I was trying to keep the Superthread quiet and low key until I got a new PC and could put together my new thread. I didn't want anyone popping into the older thread and thinking that there was breaking news for this year's season. So I have a feeling that people were just not starting an October Check-In thread because they were waiting to see if the Halloween Superthread was going to become active.

When the Halloween Superthread is active, there also tends to be a lot of confusion and too many extra threads about Halloween Time. The board gets cluttered. Last year people who should have been posting in the October Check-In thread to give their dates and hotels were posting in the Mickey's Halloween Party Check-In thread, or in my Superthread. People who should have been posting in the Party Check-In thread were posting in the October Check-In thread. And then there were those who should have been posting in the Superthread who were posting in the October Check-In thread. Others were just starting random superfluous threads with questions that were already covered in several other threads!:rotfl2::rotfl2: It got to be too much and too confusing. That's another reason why some may have silently held off on starting an October thread (or a September thread).

Anyway, that is the scoop on that! It's not that Halloween Time hasn't been on the minds of avid, Disney-crazed planners -- it's just that technical issues got in the way of keeping my Superthread updated and now I have to play catch up and get it (as well as the Christmas Superthread) finished!

I hope all of that makes sense!:rotfl2:

I am so very sorry. I was not intending on stepping on anyone's toes. I truly did not realise that October (or even september) planning threads were not used because of the Halloween superthread. I will admit that i didn't really go through the super thread other than the first page or so, so i didn't realise people asked their hotel/dining/transportation etc questions in the Halloween Superthread. I guess it makes sense, the thread really is SUPER huge. In no way do i want to cause any confusion or bad feelings or trouble so please, as a moderator, delete the October thread i started so everyone can use the superthread. I look forward to meeting everyone over there and have learned to take a chill pill because maybe too much enthusiasm is a bad thing :rotfl2: lol. Thanks bunches for explaining it all to me
I am so very sorry. I was not intending on stepping on anyone's toes. I truly did not realise that October (or even september) planning threads were not used because of the Halloween superthread. I will admit that i didn't really go through the super thread other than the first page or so, so i didn't realise people asked their hotel/dining/transportation etc questions in the Halloween Superthread. I guess it makes sense, the thread really is SUPER huge. In no way do i want to cause any confusion or bad feelings or trouble so please, as a moderator, delete the October thread i started so everyone can use the superthread. I look forward to meeting everyone over there and have learned to take a chill pill because maybe too much enthusiasm is a bad thing :rotfl2: lol. Thanks bunches for explaining it all to me

Oh no no no! I probably wasn't clear in what I was trying to say. I don't want to delete your October thread! There's no bad feelings at all.:goodvibes. I was just kind of pondering aloud what may have prevented the September and October check-in threads from being started by anyone yet, and that may have been it (especially when I consider the confusion of last year). (For example, I know of someone who is going to post some photos in the new Superthread when I start it, and is waiting until that time.)

There definitely should be a 'what are your trip dates and where are you staying' check-in type of thread for all months, including September and October. I don't do a check-in/'who's going' list in the Superthreads, so those are needed.

In fact, for the last couple of years I have been secretly hoping that someone would decide to do both the October check-in thread and the Mickey's Halloween Party check-in thread in one thread -- keeping both lists of who is going, each in a separate post on page 1 -- just to avoid the confusion of people posting in the wrong threads. So far, no one has volunteered to take on maintaining both lists!:rotfl2:

But just as far as general Halloween Time discussion, we'll discuss various happenings and seasonal details in the Superthread. And I'm sure there will still be 50 new threads that pop up between now and September, asking questions that should be covered in other threads!:lmao:

When I get the new thread started, it will have sections for Treats, Seasonal Activities, Merchandise, general information, etc. Page 1 of the new Halloween Superthread should/will ultimately look similar to page 1 of this thread - http://www.disboards.com/showthread.php?t=3215593 -- except not quite as involved or extensive, and there will probably not be as many information posts on page 1. Same basic outline, though, more or less. The same sorts of things that are in my Christmas Superthread.

In the meantime, please carry on with keeping the October list in order -- we are lucky to have someone willing to maintain the list of who is going, where they're staying, etc.!
Oh no no no! I probably wasn't clear in what I was trying to say. I don't want to delete your October thread! There's no bad feelings at all.:goodvibes. I was just kind of pondering aloud what may have prevented the September and October check-in threads from being started by anyone yet, and that may have been it (especially when I consider the confusion of last year). (For example, I know of someone who is going to post some photos in the new Superthread when I start it, and is waiting until that time.)

There definitely should be a 'what are your trip dates and where are you staying' check-in type of thread for all months, including September and October. I don't do a check-in/'who's going' list in the Superthreads, so those are needed.

In fact, for the last couple of years I have been secretly hoping that someone would decide to do both the October check-in thread and the Mickey's Halloween Party check-in thread in one thread -- keeping both lists of who is going, each in a separate post on page 1 -- just to avoid the confusion of people posting in the wrong threads. So far, no one has volunteered to take on maintaining both lists!:rotfl2:

But just as far as general Halloween Time discussion, we'll discuss various happenings and seasonal details in the Superthread. And I'm sure there will still be 50 new threads that pop up between now and September, asking questions that should be covered in other threads!:lmao:

When I get the new thread started, it will have sections for Treats, Seasonal Activities, Merchandise, general information, etc. The same sorts of things that are in my Christmas Superthread. In the meantime, please carry on with keeping the October list in order -- we are lucky to have someone willing to maintain the list of who is going, where they're staying, etc.!

lol as much as i love online chatting it is sometimes so easy to misunderstand what a person means to type. I believe i am understanding you now lol. :cool1: I can also happily add a check in kind of area for the MHP if you think it would help I was already figuring how to add it in by colour coding the party dates.
lol as much as i love online chatting it is sometimes so easy to misunderstand what a person means to type. I believe i am understanding you now lol. :cool1: I can also happily add a check in kind of area for the MHP if you think it would help I was already figuring how to add it in by colour coding the party dates.

:rotfl2:I think I was just editing my last post while you were typing up yours!:rotfl2: I added in the link to my Christmas Superthread so you could see what page 1 of the new Halloween Superthread will (basically) look like when it is all done, with the different categories. I won't wait to get it totally finished before starting it, but that is what page 1 will eventually look like.

Yes, I know what you mean -- it's so easy to misunderstand things online. And sometimes I am thinking one thing but not typing it, so what I type comes out the wrong way!:rotfl2: I should know better than to not be totally clear.

I definitely think it would help -- I can't see how it would hurt -- to combine/consolidate the list of October visitors/hotels and the list of Mickey's Halloween Party attendees in one thread, one post for each list. I keep trying to think about any ways in which that scenario could go horribly wrong, but I don't see it. I can't see a reason why there needs to be 2 threads to cover October travelers and MHP guests, especially when it seems to cause so much confusion as a rule -- with people not knowing where to post.

As soon as the Party dates come out (which could be any time from early May to late June), I think that as long as everyone knows they can give their October dates and their party dates in one thread it should be fine.

Some people will go to DLR in October and not do the MHP but that should be fairly easy for you to track...I think.:scared: As I said, I don't see how it could go wrong, and it should spare some confusion.
Have you looked into the Disneyland express for transportation? I looked today and it says that up to 3 kids ride free for each paying adult. That would work really well for you and your daughter. So, it would be $30 from LAX or $20 from SNA. I looked into it for us, but the times didn't work well for our flights.

:rotfl2:I think I was just editing my last post while you were typing up yours!:rotfl2: I added in the link to my Christmas Superthread so you could see what page 1 of the new Halloween Superthread will (basically) look like when it is all done, with the different categories. I won't wait to get it totally finished before starting it, but that is what page 1 will eventually look like.

Yes, I know what you mean -- it's so easy to misunderstand things online. And sometimes I am thinking one thing but not typing it, so what I type comes out the wrong way!:rotfl2: I should know better than to not be totally clear.

I definitely think it would help -- I can't see how it would hurt -- to combine/consolidate the list of October visitors/hotels and the list of Mickey's Halloween Party attendees in one thread, one post for each list. I keep trying to think about any ways in which that scenario could go horribly wrong, but I don't see it. I can't see a reason why there needs to be 2 threads to cover October travelers and MHP guests, especially when it seems to cause so much confusion as a rule -- with people not knowing where to post.

As soon as the Party dates come out (which could be any time from early May to late June), I think that as long as everyone knows they can give their October dates and their party dates in one thread it should be fine.

Some people will go to DLR in October and not do the MHP but that should be fairly easy for you to track...I think.:scared: As I said, I don't see how it could go wrong, and it should spare some confusion.

Checked out your link. WOW!! That is Snazzy!! Looks real good! Very detailed and informative but not overwhelming. Very easy to read, can't wait to see all your hard work on both superthreads! :)

Have you looked into the Disneyland express for transportation? I looked today and it says that up to 3 kids ride free for each paying adult. That would work really well for you and your daughter. So, it would be $30 from LAX or $20 from SNA. I looked into it for us, but the times didn't work well for our flights.


thank you for thinking of me :) I did look way back when i first started tinkering with the idea of a DL trip and want to say that i remember it saying kids is up to and including 11yrs and DD will be 12 when we go. Will definitely double check because if it works that would be awesome!!! . Sure miss Disney Express though lol

edit to add - :( sadly DD will be too old by october.
They consider a child to be 11yrs and under though... Not sure how strict they are with this rule or whether your 12 yr old would pass as an 11 yr old.
They consider a child to be 11yrs and under though... Not sure how strict they are with this rule or whether your 12 yr old would pass as an 11 yr old.

not sure either but would imagine strict because it's all about the money lol and i wouldn't be willing to try because DD looks way older than she is.

*** side note, that little fact will turn my head completely grey soon enough i have already realized!!***​

The 5 day park hopper tickets I ordered with my AirMiles are here. They are sooooo cute. I didn't get these cute, fragile little paper copy tickets when we went to WDW. We stayed on site so we all got keys to the world plastic cards so these are a real treat.

Now that I have the tickets in my hand I want to be there so bad but I am also filled with questions.
  1. Do they have similar plastic cards for on site guests at Disneyland or is that just a world thing?
  2. Do we keep and reuse these paper tickets for the whole 5 days?
  3. What happens if a ticket gets damaged??? Thank goodness I have an awesome lanyard from photopass+ already to keep them safe if needed.
  4. do we get to keep the tickets or will Disney take them once used up? They are adorable souvenirs that DD and I would both love to use in our smash books I am sure.

:earboy2: yay for being full of Disney happiness on a icky Monday morning. :earboy2:
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I know I kept mine and scrapbooked them after my last trip!

SWEET!! That is exactly what I wanted to hear!!

I am not the scrap booking type of gal. I want to be, I really wish I was, but I'm not. I am however the digital scrap booking type. I am a computer person so being creative on the computer is second nature to me. It is so much easier to whip together a digital page than take the time, effort and supplies to make an actual, hard copy page which is why I envy those who can. I also love the look of a bunch of photo books on a bookshelf :)

Another thing I can do is Smash Book. I actually love Smash booking, and lovingly call it scrap booking for the lazy and unimaginative lol. It isn't as easy as digi scrapping but it isn't as detailed and precise and time consuming as regular scrap booking. To me, the best part is that I am a keeper. I keep every little memento for a souvenir and smash booking is a perfect way for me to use all my little trinkets and keepsakes.

Anyways, I am still working on my WDW trip from last year so I figured I should share a few pages of both style of memory keeping :) The files are all shrunk and resized to not overcome the forum so if it looks crappy, sorry!​

1st up.. Digital Scrapbooking. I have files full of all kinds of digital scrapbooking tools to use. Papers, embelishments, fonts, buttons, brads... it goes on and on and the best part, it's just a folder on my computer not a room in my house lol. I also use Paint shop pro. I do have photoshop but i learned years ago on my jasc paint shop pro 7 (think 2002) so it is what i tend to use most often.

The 1st page of our photo book, the travelling page. Hindsight i would have made the font bigger. Also our Random page of the resort, AllStar Music. I really loved the value resorts they are sooooo full of Disney joy!!

Next some random Disney smash book pages.


I am already starting to plan my Disneyland books and all the possible goodies i can collect while there. :)
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Answered you in red

Now that I have the tickets in my hand I want to be there so bad but I am also filled with questions.
  1. Do they have similar plastic cards for on site guests at Disneyland or is that just a world thing?
    onsite guests get a plastic room key with name and dates of stay, but tickets are separate from room keys. I think if you order a package from Costco you get a plastic "souvineer ticket".
  2. Do we keep and reuse these paper tickets for the whole 5 days?
    yes and they will ask you to print your name on the back with a special pen.
  3. What happens if a ticket gets damaged??? Thank goodness I have an awesome lanyard from photopass+ already to keep them safe if needed.
    don't know, but they could probably replace it at the ticket booth.
  4. do we get to keep the tickets or will Disney take them once used up? They are adorable souvenirs that DD and I would both love to use in our smash books I am sure.
    You keep it unless you use them to upgrade to APs.

We got our airmiles park hoppers today too! We got Mickey, Goofy and Woody.
Thanks Rubygoose, I am very happy to know the tickets will make wonderful souvenirs. YAY that you received yours too. Makes it more real!!
I have seen a lot of really cute and creative autograph books lately. I thought i would share the Autograph book my DD and I made for her to use during our WDW trip. It still has loads of pages but I am unsure if I will make her a new one strictly for DL or use it for both parks. Decisions, decisions, decisions lol.

I bought a few Disney themed photo albums from the local Dollarama. DD chose a tinkerbell one for her Autograph book.
I also bought a package of coloured cardstock which i cut into 4x6 size to fit into each picture slot. All autograph cards were taken from one side f the book, leaving the opposite page empty for the matching photo (which i printed out with one of the awesome nearly free deals from shutterfly. (example - right now is the 72 hr 101 free prints deal where you only pay shipping by using code LOVE101). Anyway, not to seem like a shutterfly rep lol, here's a pic of the inside of her book.

So now to decide,
make this book a WDW only book and make a new one for DL?? Gives us yet another reason to ensure a lot more trips to both places lol
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