A Sensible Dinner - Pearlieq's Journal

$4 for 10 stinking pieces of asparagus is really bad. Sorry to hear that your dinner was not so great. Isn't it nice to have looser clothing and more energy?

Keep up the good work and soon your hot dates with DH will be steamy! ;) What a great way to loose. ::MickeyMo ::MickeyMo
I love that Curves helps me keep track of everything. It took me a while to loose pounds when I started, but 2 1/2 months later it seems to be coming off slowly. And, my clothes are fitting better too. Mainly, I love having that extra energy.

Have a good Friday! :)
pearlieq said:
If not, my clothes definitely feel looser, which is nice. I also feel more energetic, heathier, and generally in better spirits.

Keep this thought close at all times!!!! When you are feeling the 'blahs" and don't want to go, you'll need this reminder of why its soooooo worth it! You are doing great! :cheer2:

4/2/05 - Weigh in

345.0 - 1.5 lbs lost. Not nearly what I was hoping for, but I suppose any loss is a good thing, right?

Avg. Cals Eaten - 2071
Avg. Fat - 54g
Avg. Carbs - 299g
Avg. Fiber - 31g
Avg. Protein - 116g
Avg. Cals Burned - 3711

According to the numbers I've got, I should have lost about 3 pounds this week. I'm still trying really hard not to get frustrated. I think I'm holding on to some water from TOM, and possibly putting on some muscle from Curves.

Goals for next week: Again, I want to hold pretty steady. I have to keep realizing I've only done this for a month and I haven't seen everything that's going to challenge me yet. I do have a few small goals for the week:

1.) Increase water intake to at least 6 cups per day. Record this in journal.
2.) Get fiber intake back to a consistent 35g per day or more.
3.) Work to increase protein to 25% of the calories I take in. I will gradually work to increase it to 30%


--1 banana
--1 cup water

Heading to Curves as soon as I finish updating.


4 cups water


--1/2 cup Quaker Oat Squares
--1/2 cup yogurt
--1/3 cup mashed strawberries


--1 chicken ceasar salad pita
--1 roma tomato
--10 baby carrots
--1 apple
--2 small slices sugar free angelfood cake
--1 cup mashed strawberries
--2T whipped cream
--1 cup skim milk

Oof! Big lunch, but very, very tasty and plenty of nutrition!


--5 McNuggets
--1/2 small fries
--1 packet honey

Got hungry out on the road. This was a nice treat. We're going to a Final Four party tonight. I'm not so sure about the woman throwing it, so we'll see how it goes. We're bringing a platter of Jimmy Johns subs to share. Hopefully it will be an OK time.

4pm - 10pm

--2 Jimmy Johns sandwiches (3")
--1 5" italian beef sandwich
--2 1/2 pieces of pineapple cake
--tortilla chips
--potato chips
--about 1/3 cup cream cheese dip
--1/2 cup apple cobbler
--4 pieces of cheese pizza
--1 glass orange juice
--1/2oz honey roasted peanuts
--1 chicken wing

Well, that wasn't supposed to happen. I'm not even sure how to count up all of these calories. Time to move on and put this behind me. Back at it tomorrow.
You are doing so good! :banana: Any lost lbs or even maintaining for a bit is much better than gaining, just remember that when you are frustrated. Also, remember that the inches can melt away when you are gaining muscle so if you know the clothes are feeling better, then I wouldn't let the scale get you down.

Keep up the good work!! Congrats on the lost pounds. ::MickeyMo ::MickeyMo
Ok, so last night's Final Four was a slip. Time to get back on the program and forget about it. You have been doing soooooooo well, that I think you will be ok.

On the plus side, OUR STATE IS IN THE TOP TWO!! :cheer2: :cheer2:

Have a nice :sunny: day! ::MickeyMo ::MickeyMo


--Lean Cuisine chicken in peanut sauce
--2/3 cup peas
--1 cup skim milk
--1 minneola

Back in the saddle. Last night was a big oops, but I can put it behind me and keep focused on moving forward. I'm feeling what I can only describe as a "food hangover" this morning where I feel all yucky and blah after eating all that last night. The thing is, it doesnt even feel like it was worth it. I ate about the same amount of calories at Maggiano's a few weeks ago, but that felt much better because I was looking forward to the treat, I stayed in control of what I was eating, and it was a happy occasion. I overate last night because I was bored and uncomfortable. This had to be one of the worst parties I've been to. It was held by one of my neighbors who's kind of cold and aloof, yet seems to hold court over about half of the neighborhood. She's never been overly friendly or unfriendly to me, and I can't really figure her out. The rest of the guests at her party were the neighbors I'm not that crazy about and their bored husbands. It was just very awkward, boring, tense, and unpleasant. I'm not really into basketball, so I didn't really get into the game. I didn't really enjoy standing around in the kitchen talking to women I really didn't like. DH begged not to go, but I made him so I worried about him all night. I finally begged off after the first game by telling the hostess I didn't feel that well, which was partially true, but I was mostly interested in getting us the heck out of there. It was just a very bad night. Today is going to be a much better day.


--Beef & Cheddar
--1/2 medium order curly fries
--2 sugar free mint milanos
--1 1/2 cups grand light ice cream
--1/4 cup orange/peach/mango juice


--1 oz honey roasted peanuts
--1 sugar free mint milano


--1 3/4 servings orange chicken
--1 serving lo mein
--2 crab rangoon
--1 3/4 cups orange/mango/peach juice

Uhh, Houston, we have a problem. Today has not been a good day. I didn't exercise, I've been eating too much, too often, of foods that are not good for me. I'm not happy with this. I need to really think about what's going wrong.


--5 small Carb Monitor brownies
--1 1/2 cups skim milk

Tomorrow is another day, right?
Hang in there. Maybe the vibes from last night are just getting to you. I really hate situations where there is a queen bee around, because I always feel like it is for show and I am never truly comfortable.

In the meantime, start looking at the PROS.
1. You are under the goal you had set for your trip to the World. :banana:
2. You have been learning how to add more healthy foods into yor diet. :cool1:
3. Your clothes are looser. :cheer2:
5. You have been a great friend and supporter of others on the board. :grouphug:
6. You are more aware of your habits now than 1 month ago. :goodvibes
7. You have realized that exercising puts you in a good mood and can actually feel good to accomplish. :bounce:
8. You're going to see the Mouse soon!!! :wizard:

Hope that helps lift your spirits for the evening. Tomorrow will be better. ::MickeyMo ::MickeyMo
Lesli54 said:
Hang in there. Maybe the vibes from last night are just getting to you. I really hate situations where there is a queen bee around, because I always feel like it is for show and I am never truly comfortable.

This is so true--exactly how I feel!

Thanks so much for the support. It means a lot!


--1 cup frosted mini wheats
--1/2 cup cottage cheese
--1 cup orange/mango/peach juice

OK. I'm going to think of the last two days as if they were a visit to my old "neighborhood". I took a look around, remembered what it was like to live there, and then remembered all of the reasons I moved out. I just have to keep reminding myself "Things are different now".

Today is a beautiful day. It feels like a Disney morning, and that's such a huge motivator. I'm going to go out over my lunch today and take a lap around the neighborhood. This is too nice of a day to spend inside. Still going to Curves tonight.


--1 cup manwich
--2 wheat rolls
--6 baby carrots
--1 apple
--1 cup milk

So far, not much desire to eat, which is good. I still haven't gotten out for a walk. Maybe a little later this afternoon. My mood is a little low--I'm having trouble working up much enthusiasm for anything.


30 minute walk around neighborhood


--1 piece light string cheese




--2 1/3 servings turkey sausage
--caesar salad pita
--2 roma tomatoes
--1 minneola


--1/2 oz honey roasted peanuts
your journals are very informative. I know how hard it is to get motivated to go out and exercise. Do you have a walkman or portable cd player? take a favorite cd and go for a walk. Even if you only get through two songs at least you went out and walked!
good luck!!! Your doing great!
Michelle :flower:
I'm sending some :sunny: :sunny: :sunny: :sunny: :sunny: your way! I'm sorry to hear you had that lousy evening and are feeling a bit low now. Try to focus on the positive :) Feelings aren't facts, they come and go. Ride it out and be good to yourself :goodvibes

Time to get up, walk outside, and take a deep breath! With the sun shining so beautifully, doesn't it make you glad to be alive? Spring is finally here!! :banana: :banana: That should help with the doldrums. (if not....move on to phase 2.......as soon as I figure what that is. ;) )

Sounds like you are beginning to have the week I had after Easter when I started letting things go awry. But Plutosmyfav is right and these feelings will pass. Remember, one step at a time.

BTW, I love the analogy you made regarding our slip ups and an old neighborhood. That was really good. It made me laugh, but is so true. Hang in there and you will get through this. :grouphug: ::MickeyMo ::MickeyMo


--2/3 cup frozen berries
--2/3 cup Quaker Oat Squares
--1 cup yogurt

Feeling better today. I've decided that to try to mitigate the effects of last weekend I'm going to add a daily walk to my normal routine and keep calories under 2000/day for the rest of this week. I'll probably keep the walk for a while, at least until we go to WDW, because I'd like to be in good condition when we get there. Just 3 1/2 weeks to go! ::MickeyMo


--Caesar salad pita
--2 1/3 servings turkey sausage
--1 pear
--2 roma tomatoes
--1 mug water

Still feeling pretty good. It's a glorious day here and I can't wait to go out for my walk!


25 minute walk
--1 mug water

I had to stop a few times during my walk because my lower calves were really tight and painful. I think I may be causing that problem--I tend to bounce on my toes on the recovery boards at Curves and I think that's keeping the muscle too tight. I usually take the long way home that adds about another 7 or so minutes on to my walk, but it hurt pretty bad and I was a bit worried. It's funny--we can be really mean and harsh to ourselves. The whole time while I was walking the short way home there was part of my mind saying "Quitter! You're never going to lose weight". Those voices are really strong and mean. I would never say that to anyone else, and yet it comes up automatically. I'm going to need to work on shutting that voice up!


--1 light string cheese


--1 mug water


--3/4 cup egg beaters
--3/4 sauteed spinach
--1/4 cup low fat mozzarella
--1/3 cup salsa
--1 ww english muffin
--2 t. butter
--1 T. blackberry jam
--1 apple
--1 mug water

I tried to recreate the omelet I get at Egg Harbor. While this couldn't exactly be considered an omelet (I tried...) it was very tastly. I was so surprised the spinach cooked down so much. I sauteed one 9oz bag of fresh spinach with cooking spray and garlic (gotta have the garlic!) and I only got about 1 1/2 cups of spinach! Couldn't believe it!


--1/2 oz honey roasted peanuts

I should get to bed before I can eat anything else. DH is working late tonight and it feels so strange to go to sleep without him. I suppose I'll give it a shot.
I am glad to see that you are getting back to your cheery self. :banana: You always have a great attitude that rubs off on others.

You just reminded me that I should be walking daily in order to condition myself for the up coming trips we have planned. Tonight is Amazing Race (which I would love to enough lose weight and go on) so maybe we will all take a walk after supper and before the show starts. :cool1:

Have a great day, enjoy the :sunny: and breathe. One day at a time. ::MickeyMo ::MickeyMo
One Month...

I just realized that today makes a month since I've started. It seems like much longer than that.

Some things that have changed:

1.) I'm 23 pounds lighter. Even though I count my WISH weight from 360, I was 368 pounds when I started. I have trouble remembering my current weight. Every time I enter my weight I automatically go to put down 360 or 365 pounds, then have to stop myself and remember that's changed.

2.) My clothes are definitely looser. Things that were tight on me now fit comfortably and things that were once loose are now REALLY loose.

3.) I exercise almost every day. Between walking and Curves I've put in at least 5 days of exercise each week for about the last 3 weeks. I never used to exercise.

4.) I eat breakfast every day. I used to skip this a lot, but I've now gotten into the habit, even if I have to push myself a little to do it.

5.) I consistenly get enough fiber in my diet. Using fitday.com has been a huge help to me. I like knowing approximately how much I've eaten and being certain I've gotten enough fiber, calcium, etc.

Some things that haven't changed:

1.) I'm still afraid of food and losing control. I'm not at a point where I can look at food, read about food, or sit in front of a candy dish and not immediately have a craving that's almost overwhelming. I'm not sure if I'll ever get there or if I'll just have to learn to work around it.

2.) I still slip up. I can go for days thinking this is the easiest thing in the world, only to have the rug ripped out from under me. At least I'm learning how to turn things back around.

3.) I still have trouble at parties/social occasions. I have trouble when there is a large supply of food. I'm still working on controlling that.

4.) I still need to take it one day at a time. When I think too far into the future I develop unrealistic expectations and I get discouraged. Focusing on the short view has helped me a lot.
Look at all that you have accomplished! :banana: That is AWESOME!

Now......It's time to have a packing party........Not for your trip, yet...........but to move out of that "old neighborhood" for good. ;) Grab a box and pack up the clothes that were loose and are now REALLY loose. Take them to goodwill, give them to a church, give them to a neighbor, just give them away! You will feel like you have really accomplished something.

My packing party is scheduled in two weeks (I hope). The mistake I always made in the past was to hang onto the clothes and not go buy new ones. I always thought why waste the money, I'll make due and will buy new when I get down another size. MISTAKE. The problem comes if you ever start to feel too comfy and have room to grow. So now I am going to waste the money and get rid of everything as soon as it doesn't fit. Let's call it....an investment in me.

Keep up the good work! Go invest in yourself and the rest will come, it just takes time. ::MickeyMo ::MickeyMo
Hi Pearliq,

Your list of accomplishments is fantastic. You have come so far and you are laying the foundation of good habits that will insure your weightloss for life. Way to go!!!!

Your list of "still working on" is exactly like mine! I still struggle with ever single item on your list. I think its a lifelong thing, but I'm sure time will help heal the old patterns. Lets keep working on them!!!!!

Keep up the great work, you are so worth it :goodvibes


I don't wanna eat. I know I have to, but I'm just not feeling it.


--1 cup mixed berries
--2/3 cup Quaker Oat Squares
--1 cup FF yougurt


--1 1/2 cups teriyaki chicken and veggies
--1/2 cup sauteed spinach
--7 reduced fat triscuits
--1 pear

I think I'm going to make flatbread pizzas tonight. I've got the low carb Flatouts--I'm going to top them with barbecue chicken, 2% mozzarella, and asparagus. I'm going to serve sugar free banana pudding and sugar free angel food cake for dessert. Yummy!


30 minute walk through neighborhood.




--reduced fat string cheese

OK. All plans to cook have flown out the window. I just don't feel like it. I want a bean burger from Chili's. Now if DH would just get himself home!!!


--Black bean burger meal @ Chili's
--Corn on the cob

So I was at the grocery store today and I was getting my yogurt and this mom with 2 young kids comes up near me. The little boy, who had to be somewhere in the 3-5 range made the comment "That lady is having a baby. Look, mom, that lady is having a baby." Over and over and over again. This kid must have said it about 15 times--I'm not exaggerating. I thought about saying something, but let it pass. This happens occasionally--I'm not offended by it. Kids are kids and they don't understand social graces and tact. I'm fine with that. Usually however the mom will at least give an apologetic smile or actually try to apologize for the kids, though I always assure her it's OK. This mom--nothing. That did bug me a little. Unless she was deaf, she knew what was happening. The least she could have done was acknowledge it. Oh well...


2 1/3 servings turkey sausage

I needed a snack and strangely enough, this is what I was craving. Yum!


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