A Most Epic Fantasy DISmeet Cruise-The bitter end 3/21, Bonus Feature, Completed Star Wars Galaxy's Edge 6/20

I'm caught up again. Good thing the water leak wasn't inside the house.
I think about all of it when I'm up close and personal like that.
I was

You are probably right. I think when I was standing in front of the Endeavor I thought about the Challenger and Columbia.

"POG, or Passion fruit-Orange-Guava, is a tropical juice drink created in 1971 by a food product consultant named Mary Soon who worked for Haleakala Dairy on Maui, Hawaii. It consists of a blend of juices from passionfruit, orange, and guava (hence POG)." (wiki)

Huh. Thanks for the information.

That's a start. Hope he finds it.

He did. Thankfully.

:laughing: I note the slight tone of panic.

And now it's over.

ooooohhh.... I wanna hear some of those stories.

You'll have to come back and visit. Not on a public forum! :lmao:

Really! Even with two bottles. Impressive.

No, he didn't do that with two bottles, just one.

This is why I prefer WDW. The French onion soup.


I'm pretty sure you could find a good onion soup somewhere at DL, maybe, in winter....

Oh, no. I'm really sorry to hear that. Glad to hear it got figured out, though.

Yeah, a thousand dollars later....

My mom always orders her coffee when she orders her meal... but then tells the server to only bring it with the meal. She gets it early anyways about 10-20% of the time. Then sends it back.

People never listen, I try to make it fool proof, by not asking for something until I'm ready.

I see a new X-Men movie coming soon...

Never saw any of those movies, so not sure of the joke....

I saw it first thing... at least something that looked a bit out of place, but was looking for a square frame so glossed right past it.

I don't have one set image, I have to "cut" her picture out every time that I make a new "where's Jenny?" So it could be any shape!

Love the formal night pics with the characters! So cute! And love the real formal night pics. You both look great! Dinner looked good too! Love a rare lamb chop. :cloud9:

Thanks! I may get some of those printed.

I am sorry about the water leak but so glad he found it!!!

Me too!

Still waiting on Michael to decide about the concert but I’ll for sure be at the DCA one.

Well we know how that turned out. I hope you feel better now.

I see me! :lmao: I had to look twice though through the photos.

I'll have to get creative on the upcoming ones!

Maybe someday I'll get to enjoy that too.

I hope that you do! You would love it!

It's always a winner!

Especially Palo's!

I do that when I make stuffed peppers. Which I think you mentioned you can't eat. ?? But it does cook nicely with the juices.

No, I love stuffed peppers. But I cook my rice first.

How frustrating, Alison!! I'm so sorry this is happening! Hopefully resolved by now?

Yes, he was able to fix it a week ago Saturday. The day after we discovered it.

Well, that's a relief. For you AND your neighbors!

Who knows? Maybe they would be happy for us to be gone! :lmao:

I LOVE this shot!!!!

Thanks! :thumbsup2

Peppers don’t like me very much. No idea why not.

You are probably right. I think when I was standing in front of the Endeavor I thought about the Challenger and Columbia.

Hard not to.

But I do think about all the successes and achievements too.

Huh. Thanks for the information.

I am a font of completely useless information.
Luckily, with age, I'm forgetting most of it, so now I'm just useless.

He did. Thankfully.


You'll have to come back and visit. Not on a public forum! :lmao:


No, he didn't do that with two bottles, just one.


I'm pretty sure you could find a good onion soup somewhere at DL, maybe, in winter....

I have to wait until winter????

I want it now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wait... it's pretty much winter, so...


People never listen, I try to make it fool proof, by not asking for something until I'm ready.

Of course. Except she wants the coffee right when the meal comes. So if she waits for the food, it's already too late (in her mind).
Not sure how long she thinks it'd take if she asked for it when her food came.
Maybe she had a few too many experiences of sitting, waiting for a coffee that never comes while her food gets cold? :confused3

I should ask her.

Never saw any of those movies, so not sure of the joke....

The entire franchise revolves around mutants... so... when you said Mutant swan...

I don't have one set image, I have to "cut" her picture out every time that I make a new "where's Jenny?" So it could be any shape!

Got it. I'll be a more effective Jenny spotter in the future.

Ha! That means next time (hope there'll be a next time) I'm down, and if she visits, I'll point right at her and shout "I found her!"

Should freak her right out.
:scared1: Houston, we have a problem.


Well, that's good news, at least! But there's still that spinning meter...

Thank God he found it and fixed it quickly.

Wow. Good luck surviving the marathon!

:faint: Fran has a cold and I feel like I'm coming down with one too. Thank goodness it's over.



"Gimme another one!"

Just a different one!

Wow, that's really impressive!

I thought it was too, but others in our party were not quite as impressed.....

I don't think you are meant to watch this movie.

Eventually I'll get there.....a couple more updates I think.

::yes:: Almost hid behind the server.


Darn, you'll have to let me know the next time you are playing at Disney - I am going to the Rams football game on Sunday or else I would have come to see you guys!

That may well have been the last time. Normally we are all able to drive ourselves there and go backstage with our instruments. This time they made us behave like a Jr. High band and we had to put all our instruments on a truck which drove backstage. The people with the bigger instruments had to meet the truck later in the day (at a Target parking lot) and pick up their instruments. The rest of us with smaller instruments snuck them out of the park as we exited. Musical Instruments are on the Prohibited items list.

He looks weird without the hat! But I still love him!

Often times on the cruises he is hatless. I didn't even notice!

Glad you figured out the leak although the $1000 bill hurts! Will the city adjust your bill if you show you mitigated the leak?

We tried that the last time we had a $1000 leak and all it did was get the city to come out, read our meter, and tell us, "yes you do have a leak." This was after we had fixed it, so I think that time it was this one starting.

I think I sat on my veranda most for the day except booking the placeholder cruise. Dinner was yummy!

I think you might have been in a spa treatment part of the day, cause I tried to call you and see if you wanted to take Fran's place.

Your martini class looked fun! There were more drinks there that I would have enjoyed than the martini class I did. I only liked two and felt like it wasn't worth the cost so didn't sign up again. If I had gotten yours I would have enjoyed it a lot more.

The only one that wasn't that good was the first one, but I've had dirty martinis before and was able to deal with them. They're just not my favorite.

I hate at dinner if you order two of something they bring them both out at the same time. It'll make the food cold or hard like your souffle. I'm guessing it's to keep everything moving along, but it just makes me feel rushed.

I know. Lesson learned.

How shocking, I couldn’t believe when you told us

Boy that water adds up quick. I wish we still had our SmartMeter that I could monitor online, but that was only a trial period that they let us have it. Then they took it away.

What a great guy!

He is a sweetheart!

We had such a fun time :)

Yes we did!

They did not have any mixology classes on our cruise :(
Not an Oliver fan either but wouldn’t leave it behind.

You'll see what happens with Mixology.....

Great pic!

We be back in a bit

OK! See ya soon!

Your martini class looks fun and yummy

It was! I enjoyed it!

Matchy matchy!

He's always such an intense hugger hey!

Fran's turn for matchy matchy!

Man I love fried cheese

Maria would lovvveee those!

What is it?

(did the pic quoting on my PC here at work- easier than devices)
I’m slowly making my way through so will try to post before I forget things.

I know the feeling. Even when I multiquote, I don't always remember what I meant to say about a particular quote.

The apartment look amazing! The cedar closets sound heavenly. Love the sinks, everything looks beautiful.

Thanks, we really need to get on top of this, but both of us are under the weather and not in any shape to be doing stuff there.

Awesome that the concert went so well. You were certainly very busy with all those practices.

It's all part of the experience.

How scary about the police coming, wow! I’m sure the kitties hid with all that noise and strangers. I totally understand being nervous though. :hug:

I sure hope that they just hid and couldn't see any of them.

The instrument museum looks very cool. As well as the Heard Museum. I’m with Fran, that jewelry is so beautiful.

Sometime we'd like to go back and have some more time at the Museum.

YAY for getting all the ADRs! Looks like mom probably won’t be here after all. She’s going to keep working up north for as long as they need her.

We need to figure out what day you want to get together with us.

:laughing: the water was only $5.49 for that huge container. I guess I was more focused on the number of bottles you said instead of amount in each one. None went to waste though. I think there’s still some over in mom’s fridge.

I generally allot one liter of water for each day of a trip, then I supplement that water with water from restaurants. At WDW I have a Britta pitcher so I can drink the tap water and don't need to spend money on bottled water.

$1 to print one page?????? Glad the cruise was cheaper.

It ended up being free on the cruise, but for what she needed it for? She never did that. :rolleyes1

That gelato looked yummy popcorn::

It was, I would have liked to have gone back there, but there was just so much yummy food, there wasn't time!

You guys got some great pictures at the party. Love the ones with the horseman.

Thanks, I would have liked to get more.

I was very sad to see you both leave, we would never have abandoned you :grouphug:

I was so tired by that point and I really didn't care about seeing the parade, I'd already seen it and I knew that the fireworks were visible from my room, and there was wine there! :thumbsup2
I hope the gardener found and fixed the leak quickly. And your week wasn't too crazy.
Embarkation day party:

Oh my on no veranda. I just assumed there wasn’t one available when you booked, I’m sorry. But sounds like it was for the best with the weather.

Evidently that was the case, but I was so excited to book the cruise, I didn't realize what the screen was saying re: Porthole, NOT a verandah. On the map it looked like I had an awesome verandah. :sad2: but it was for the best.

Awesome about your Mexican Riveria cruise!!!!!

I just hope by the time the PiF date comes around we have money again.

Thank you again for fixing Palo and Remy.

You're welcome!

Great photopass pictures, love your dress.

Thanks! It stained my purse so I'm a little bit mad at it.

I think mom was watching us sail away while I had a massage. Great use of my OBC.

On the Classic ships, I like to do the Alone time while sailing away, it's a great way to watch us leave port and relax.

That was a strange dinner though. The salad dressing was weird. Glad our servers got better.

Yeah, I just remember that first dinner being slow and awkward.

I knew what was coming and I’m still laughing out loud :laughing: the rest of that meal was amazing though. How the chef thought that was a good idea will be lost to me forever.

I know! We all enjoyed the meal, but we were waiting for your stellar desserts and then we got the apple nipples! :lmao: I think we were all like :scratchin

Love love love the pictures of the ship at sunrise. So beautiful :love:

Thanks! I love to get my sunrise photos on the ship, they just weren't meant to be this time other than the first day.

An empty Rainforest Room sounds heavenly.

That's why I always went up there at opening! :thumbsup2

Awesome about your March trip and getting cheaper flights. Longer is definitely better. Very cool about the Space Center. That’s still on my list to do.

It will be nice to have a couple days of acclimation before my folks arrive.

Oh my gracious about the water leak :scared: your gardener is awesome!!!! Is there any way to not have to pay that bill?

Nope. They don't care. The last time we had a leak all they did was come out and check the meter. They want your money regardless, and especially if you owe them a ton.

Great pictures with the characters. Minnie’s dress is so pretty.

I love my character photos, especially the ones in their special attire!

Whew! I did it, all caught up!

Yay for you, I'm not caught up totally, but almost close!

I forgot to say I love that Lucifer has made another appearance :)

We brought him instead of Marie cause we hoped that our steward might get creative and funny, but alas he did not.

Great picture of all of us.

Yes it was!

I think that’s the night I knocked over the drinks...

It may well have been, but you were on the other side of the table, so you didn't knock mine. I didn't have it in my notes.....
I'm caught up again. Good thing the water leak wasn't inside the house.

Glad you are caught up. It has taken me a while to do so!

I have to wait until winter????

I want it now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wait... it's pretty much winter, so...


And I just remembered that S55 has an onion soup all year, but I'm not sure that it is a Soup with cheese and croutons on top.

Of course. Except she wants the coffee right when the meal comes. So if she waits for the food, it's already too late (in her mind).
Not sure how long she thinks it'd take if she asked for it when her food came.
Maybe she had a few too many experiences of sitting, waiting for a coffee that never comes while her food gets cold? :confused3

I should ask her.

I have the same problem with my wine...

Got it. I'll be a more effective Jenny spotter in the future.

Ha! That means next time (hope there'll be a next time) I'm down, and if she visits, I'll point right at her and shout "I found her!"

Should freak her right out.

Probably not, she'll just look at me and say, "He was normal the last time, what's wrong with him now?"

Matchy matchy!

Really???? :lmao:

Fran's turn for matchy matchy!

OK this one I can see.

Maria would lovvveee those!

This is your foodie daughter?

What is it?

(did the pic quoting on my PC here at work- easier than devices)

No Idea

Oh yah look at those quotes!!

And yes, you are rocking the quotes!

I hope the gardener found and fixed the leak quickly. And your week wasn't too crazy.

He did find the leak quickly and the week turned out to be more crazy than we imagined. You'll see when I post the next update.

Next time I do them, I'm going to use the Instant Pot. No need to pre-cook the rice and quicker than stovetop.

Interesting idea. I'm putting away the Instant Pot, and possibly considering purchasing the Ninja Pot.
And I just remembered that S55 has an onion soup all year, but I'm not sure that it is a Soup with cheese and croutons on top.

This is inexcusable. :snooty:

I have the same problem with my wine...


Probably not, she'll just look at me and say, "He was normal the last time, what's wrong with him now?"

She thought I was normal????

Obviously she either didn't spend enough time with me or is a very poor judge of character!

This is inexcusable. :snooty:

Well actually I don't remember, it's been a long time since I dined there.

She thought I was normal????

Obviously she either didn't spend enough time with me or is a very poor judge of character!


Well I can't say for sure that she thought you were normal, then again she can be very forgiving, unless someone is a real jerk, and believe me you don't come close. I've got a particular individual in mind. (We've already texted about this person today :laughing:)

I gotta get outta bed and feed the cats first!
So I know I have one or two more of your TRs to catch up on, but when you find the time to update (ie. Fran is still asleep), I have to take it!

Wow! What a time it's been! As I told you in the last update, our band would be playing at Disney on the last Sunday in October, but little did I know that Fran would be terribly sick and I would be on the verge of catching her cold. Needless to say we came right home after the performance, and spent the next few days hunkered down at home nursing ourselves with Chicken Soup and pity. On the third day we finally broke down and saw our voodoo witch doctor. She gave us some tinctures, and did some magic spells that actually started showing slight improvement immediately. But it took a while until we reached full recovery, which was a little over a week ago.

I had a bit in here stating that we finally got our place listed, but evidently I was violating DIS policy and it was removed the post. So I won't advertise anything, but for those of you who have been reading for a long time, just know that we finally did it!

On the Disney front, we're nearing double digits to our March trip. When we visit my parents for Christmas, we'll discuss our FP+ choices so I'm all ready to make them in mid-January. We've also got a “warm up” Disney weekend booked at the Grand Californian for the beginning of March when I am hoping that the Food and Wine festival begins in California.

Also our Fall Disney trip is taking shape. Many of you are aware of our annual band conferences, and guess where the 2019 one takes place? Orlando! So we fly in on Saturday before the conference and we are staying at the Beach Club until the Thursday when we check into our hotel in Downtown Orlando. Food and Wine at Epcot will be well underway so next year I get to experience both F&G and F&W in Florida.

OK so back to the TR!

Day 5 - Monday

Today’s Navigators



I woke up at 6:30AM again, but decided against going up to watch the sun rise. Instead I got out my little Mahjong game and played it for about an hour while listening to all the tributes to John McCain on MSNBC, he had gone off his meds they day we boarded the cruise, and I was surprised at how quickly he passed.

I decided to go up to the Rainforest Room just before 8AM, and almost had the place to myself, there was another couple in the second hot tub, but there was no one else. After about 15 minutes in the hot tub, I laid on the tile lounger for another few minutes and then I sat in the steam room. Once I was thoroughly warmed through, I enjoyed a few of the special showers they have to offer, and then I took a real shower, before heading back to the room.

I stopped by the Cove Cafe for my second coffee of the cruise, and then went by the buffet to get some little snacks to tide us over until noon when we had Remy Brunch.


And then today I finally finished Cars 3 before we went up to Remy for Brunch. It was just going to be Jill, Fran and I this time. And as with Palo there is an upcharge for dining at Remy, but it is so worth it. I think it was like $55 for lunch and $35 for the champagne pairings, but don’t quote me.
We were taken as a group in the private room, and given champagne and Spanish Ham.



The Chef told us about the menu to get our palates excited.


Then we were all seated and given our menus.



We had an awesome view!


I love the ceiling and the light fixtures in this restaurant.


And the attention to detail on the butter.


They poured our first glass of champagne that was supposed to last for the first two courses. The first was asparagus and egg with caviar and other herbs. Notice they even “frenched” the asparagus!



I cut it into slices and mixed up everything like they suggested. It was so lovely, and with the champagne it was perfect.
Our next course was a substitution for Jill and I, but Fran enjoys salmon so she had the regular course.



Jill and I had mushroom risotto, which was incredible!

Then we were served a pork belly with pea puree, you can't go wrong with Pork Belly.


The next course was a chicken breast stuffed with cornbread stuffing with a corn puree on the side and crumbled bacon, and spinach balls. This was heavenly and decadent. And I rarely say that about chicken!



The champagne we were served with the last two courses was POP, if you've seen past trip reports you'll know that these bottles were invented by Mme. Pomeroy to take to the theater in a ladies purse or pocket.
Lastly we were served some Moet Ice for our dessert course, which was a vanilla Baba, a piece of rum and vanilla soaked brioche and topped with a vanilla cream shaped into a canelle. There was extra rum sauce to pour on top. This was quite good, but it was too much and I left a little brioche, but ate all the vanilla cream.


They served us these Cannelles, which I am always too full to eat.


We said goodbye to Remy for now.




After this we went downstairs to Guest Services to find out where the computer center was located. They didn't have one, but they said Fran could email the files to them and they would print them.

[Continued in Next Post]
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[Continued from Previous Post]

This is when we started trying to get Fran's computer online. We were at the back of the ship and thought that was why it was so hard to get online.
We made quite a few tries before I gave up and went to the 2:15 demo of "Anyone can cook". It was supposed to be Sea Bass, but all in all the chef spent most of the time demonstrating the risotto.






I had to hold my glass to take the picture with the wine because I was so late, all the tables were filled, I was using a chair for my table.


The dish was quite tasty and I might try it at home sometime, Fran loves sea bass. But I would leave out the peas in the risotto.

Next I went up to the spa as Jill and I had booked the Couples Choice package. This package includes a private spa villa for two, starting with a foot and calf scrub, followed by about 20 minutes in the hot tub, and a massage. We both chose the salt scrub massage, so after we completed the salt scrub and showered off, we came back to the tables and we got a massage on our backsides from toes to head.

Then we were given back our robes and led back out to the private verandah to sit on a chaise lounge, sip tea and eat fruit skewers and chocolate covered strawberries.

I went back to the room, and we tried to get online in Jill's room, she was able to get us online and we bought a medium sized Internet package 300mb for $39.99. I brought the computer back to our room and sent a test email from Fran’s computer to her email, we got the email, so I thought it worked. We attached her files to an email and sent it to the address they gave us.

Then we had a bit of a rush as it was nearly 5:30 and we wanted to see the 6:15 Aladdin Show. We made it just in time, and there were even Handicapped seats still available.

The show was great as always, but no photos are allowed. I could show you photos of the show at DCA, but that would sort of be silly.

After the show we stopped by the Guest Service desk to pick up Fran’s files, but they never received her email from earlier.

So we took Fran’s computer to the lobby and tried to get online, but it still didn't work.

While we were at the show the stateroom host made up our room so we got our towel animal early.


Tonight's dinner was at Animator's palate, but I was feeling a little wonky from the massage. Kind of like a rubber band with indigestion, so I wanted to be safe with my dinner choices.



I started with the tomato tart, always good.


Then I went with the baked potato soup. It was a little richer than I remembered.


Now because of Pam’s allergy she would pre-order her dinners for the next night, and last night she had asked for beets and goat cheese. The chef got all fancy on her and made her a big production of a salad which had some beets and goat cheese in it.


She was not pleased because when she asked for “beets and goat cheese” that’s exactly what she meant. No more no less. She said that this second plate was closer to what she wanted.


Fran went with the Sirloin steak that is always on the menu.


Then I ordered a double order of the truffle pursettes for my main.


This was somewhat of a mistake this time as our server had taken these aside from the appetizer serving period and just put a warming lid on the plate. As a result the sauce was sort of dry and not as creamy. I did eat all but one of them, though.

For dessert we both ordered a Mickey Bar. It was very good!



And we headed back to our room and I slept very soundly.

There’s no way you could have missed her this time!
Fun update!

Brunch at Remy looks incredible. That view too. Everything sounds wonderful.

Couple's Spa package, you little cuties!

The chocolate face on the Mickey Bar makes it look sort of possessed. LOL!

DeSoto looks awesome! Hope it gets rented out this weekend.

Thank you for posting the Navigators. They are always fun to look at.
but little did I know that Fran would be terribly sick and I would be on the verge of catching her cold.

Ugh!! Oh no!

getting the apartment up on the market, and we finally did so around ten days ago,

YAY!!! It's on the market!

Hopefully we will make more progress this weekend.

guess where the 2019 one takes place? Orlando!

Score! So glad you get to go to FL again. And not one, but two F&Ws! Woot!

I decided to go up to the Rainforest Room just before 8AM, and almost had the place to myself, there was another couple in the second hot tub, but there was no one else. After about 15 minutes in the hot tub, I laid on the tile lounger for another few minutes and then I sat in the steam room. Once I was thoroughly warmed through, I enjoyed a few of the special showers they have to offer, and then I took a real shower, before heading back to the room.

This sounds so totally relaxing and restorative. I can see myself spending oodles of time in there.

I'm a sucker (as you know) for a fancy or unique light fixture, and those are gorgeous!!

Next I went up to the spa as Jill and I had booked the Couples Choice package. This package includes a private spa villa for two, starting with a foot and calf scrub, followed by about 20 minutes in the hot tub, and a massage. We both chose the salt scrub massage, so after we completed the salt scrub and showered off, we came back to the tables and we got a massage on our backsides from toes to head.

Soooooo decadent. LOVE this! I think if I ever do a cruise, I'm totally getting a spa treatment.
Your Remy meal looks amazing! I love how wonderful they do the meals there.

Too bad about the missteps at Animators! They always seem to be a bit off in comparison to the other two.
Well I can't say for sure that she thought you were normal, then again she can be very forgiving, unless someone is a real jerk, and believe me you don't come close.

My evil plan is working!

er… I mean... of course I don't.


I've got a particular individual in mind. (We've already texted about this person today :laughing:)

uh, oh!

So I know I have one or two more of your TRs to catch up on, but when you find the time to update (ie. Fran is still asleep), I have to take it!


we came right home after the performance, and spent the next few days hunkered down at home nursing ourselves with Chicken Soup and pity.

Awww... sorry to hear that.

But it took a while until we reached full recovery, which was a little over a week ago.

So glad you're both feeling better! :)

Many of you are aware of our annual band conferences, and guess where the 2019 one takes place? Orlando!


so next year I get to experience both F&G and F&W in Florida.

Nice! I've never done F&G. Perhaps some day. I'd like to compare it to F&W. :)

I woke up at 6:30AM again, but decided against going up to watch the sun rise.

The former is like you, the latter less so.

while listening to all the tributes to John McCain on MSNBC, he had gone off his meds they day we boarded the cruise, and I was surprised at how quickly he passed.

Oh, I didn't know that. I knew he passed of course, I meant I didn't know about the meds and it being that quick.

I decided to go up to the Rainforest Room just before 8AM, and almost had the place to myself, there was another couple in the second hot tub, but there was no one else. After about 15 minutes in the hot tub, I laid on the tile lounger for another few minutes and then I sat in the steam room.

ahhhhh…. :cloud9: That sounds.... decadent.

I think it was like $55 for lunch and $35 for the champagne pairings

Thanks for the info! I just emailed that info off to a bunch of people!

but don’t quote me.

I just emailed a bunch of people and...

He looks pretty darned confident, doesn't he? :)

ummm…. Lard... with peas?

That doesn't sound good at all.

You never know, though. I've been surprised before.

I love the ceiling and the light fixtures in this restaurant.

Wow! Those are pretty!

They poured our first glass of champagne that was supposed to last for the first two courses.

"supposed".... did it last through the first course?

Notice they even “frenched” the asparagus!

Huh! Looks nice, too.

Jill and I had mushroom risotto, which was incredible!

mmmm!!! Love mushroom risotto. Was actually going to make it last night, but... when I got home with the groceries, no one was eating!

This was heavenly and decadent. And I rarely say that about chicken!

Nor do I. Must have been amazing.

This was quite good, but it was too much and I left a little brioche, but ate all the vanilla cream.

As you know, not a rum fan so may have done the exact same.

This is when we started trying to get Fran's computer online. We were at the back of the ship and thought that was why it was so hard to get online.
We made quite a few tries before I gave up and went to the 2:15 demo of "Anyone can cook".

I first read that and...

"Wait... she can't get the computer to work so she's going to a cooking class to fix it??? o_O"

It was supposed to be Sea Bass, but all in all the chef spent most of the time demonstrating the risotto.

Of course. Stuff takes forever. Still.... betting you didn't need a course on that!

I had to hold my glass to take the picture with the wine because I was so late, all the tables were filled, I was using a chair for my table.

:( That's unfortunate.

But I would leave out the peas in the risotto.

Correct. ::yes::

Next I went up to the spa as Jill and I had booked the Couples Choice package. This package includes a private spa villa for two, starting with a foot and calf scrub, followed by about 20 minutes in the hot tub, and a massage. We both chose the salt scrub massage, so after we completed the salt scrub and showered off, we came back to the tables and we got a massage on our backsides from toes to head.

Sounds sooo relaxing.

Then we were given back our robes and led back out to the private verandah to sit on a chaise lounge, sip tea and eat fruit skewers and chocolate covered strawberries.

Wow. Just... living the life, Alison!

After the show we stopped by the Guest Service desk to pick up Fran’s files, but they never received her email from earlier.

Had a feeling that would happen. Too bad they couldn't lend (or even sell) you a little flash drive or something.

So we took Fran’s computer to the lobby and tried to get online, but it still didn't work.

huh. Ever figure out what was going on?

:) Dumbo, I presume.

I was feeling a little wonky from the massage. Kind of like a rubber band with indigestion, so I wanted to be safe with my dinner choices.

Sorry to hear that. Hope it passed quickly.

She was not pleased because when she asked for “beets and goat cheese” that’s exactly what she meant. No more no less.

Not a lettuce or bean fan?

For dessert we both ordered a Mickey Bar. It was very good!

:laughing: I like how you guys order these.

There’s no way you could have missed her this time!

I did! I forgot to look for her. Found the fairest one of all on the second look, though.


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