A Daily Lesson Part II: The CampbellScot's take on Animal Kingdom Lodge*update 6/5*

Hey everyone!!

I hope a wonderful Mother's day was had by all the mother's out there!! Sally was SO excited b/c she found a card for Mother's Day that was especially for *step* mothers...wicked or otherwise! It was incredibly sweet. Love that Sally! She is back to 100%, totally healed up and should be all done with doctors and surgeries. Unless you know what to look for you can't even tell that she had any surgery whatsoever! YAY!! :cool1:

I'm writing away and hopefully will have my next chapter finished this evening!

Happy Tuesday!!:goodvibes:goodvibes:goodvibes
Yay, I can't wait for another update! I'm glad Sally is 100%! That's sweet about the card. :hug:
It is wonderful to hear everything is going great, and you had a good Mothers Day. I look forward to your next chapter.:surfweb:
Glad to hear you had a nice Mother's Day and that Sally is back to 100%. Looking forward to the next part of your trip report.
Glad to hear everyone is feeling better, and looking forward to the next chapter!!

I've always loved your trip reports, and lately can relate to them even more...some kids I love are dealing with similar issues, and I'm hoping some Disney magic can be arranged for them.

Your kids are so sweet, and a joy to read about!
Howdy everybody!! Sorry this took so blasted long...I wrote an extra long chapter as penance for making everyone wait!

Happy Monday!!!

Now where were we?

OH YES…we had just sloshed our way to Main Street and had our first magical glimpse of the Castle!!

Once we saw the castle, it didn’t matter a bit that it was raining. We had arrived at our favorite place in the whole world, we had ten full days ahead of us, no need to rush…so Sally and I took an extra heartbeat or two to soak in that first Heart-Castle connection! We were plugged in to the magic and ready to go!!!

Jay and I had decided against a kid transporter for the evening. We weren’t going to be putting in massive hours at MK this evening and we’d done plenty of sitting around in the afternoon, so we figured everyone’s legs were good and ready for some walking!

After our Castle gazing was done for the evening, Jay asked where we wanted to go first! Normally I’m the girl with a plan. I’ve got it all written down, the routes we will take and approximately how many footsteps we will take to get wherever we are going.


That’s normal right?


Tonight however, I was attempting to fly by the hem of my sun dress if you will…

I gotta love my family b/c as soon as Jay asked where we wanted to go, every single head turned to me in unison and waited for instruction…


Nothing like a well trained family to give a girl a heart swell moment! I choose to look at this from a positive point of view…as opposed to a “wow, you are so controlling that your family doesn’t even attempt to make a decision without your say so…” Which is SO not true…

At all.


It’s NOT.

Because I said so…



Teddy was bouncing in his sandals and chanting “Buzz LightyearBuzzLightyearBuzzLightyear”

So that’s where we went.

It was a walk right on situation!

Sally immediately said “GIRLS TEAM!”, grabbed my hand and pulled me onto a spaceship! We were still in our ponchos…and rain was dripping down my legs…

But I didn’t mind.

Sally was rarin to beat the boys!

A change comes over Sally when we ride Buzz Lightyear’s Space Ranger Spin…

She gets bossy…she starts telling me where to shoot and what to aim for and HOW to aim…

I swear y’all, she starts barking orders like “Pay ATTENTION WOMAN!” or “WHAT ARE YOU DOING?! DO YOU CALL THAT AIMING?! FOCUS! FOCUS! FOCUS!”

It’s a little intimidating.

So I do my best to aim and get as many points as possible.

All the while Sally is yanking that “spinning” controller left and right and we’re flopping around like rag dolls…which makes aiming a difficult thing to do!

I say very little on Buzz Lightyear. I’m trying to avoid getting dizzy and keep Sally happy.

Beyond the intense concentration of Sally's Spaceship, I can hear Teddy’s high pitched laughter behind us.

They’re a little more laid back in Teddy’s spaceship!

By the end of the trip through space I was about one more spin from barfing on my flip flops.

Sally was none too happy with our score…

She slapped me around with a look massive disappointment and said,

“MissCammie, our score was pitiful”.


At least she said “Our score” instead of pinning all the pitifulness on me!

She’s nice that way our Sally!

As we left the space ships, Jay came up behind me and said…”Did you see that Teddy and I made Cosmic Commando?”


“yes. How fabulous for you…”

“What did you get again hun? Was it Space Cadet?”

I nailed him with an eyebrow arch and said,

“What exactly are you implying with that question sir?”

He gave me that self satisfied grin that told me exactly what he was implying…

That I AM in fact a Space Cadet…

True as that may be, I found it necessary to step on his toe a little bit.

Thanks to his Keens and the stellar toe protection, I don’t think Jay really felt the pressure of my wrath.


Oh well.

paybacks...always in the works...out of love of course...


On the way out I red-necked our pics…I will be thrilled when Disney finally turns all ride pictures into Photopass optional.

Dare to dream.

Anyhow…here we are!!

a bit blurry...but I was dizzy remember...

Jay looks SO serious!!

I took the obligatory pic of the kids in Space Jail as Teddy calls it.

We love our traditions!

While we were in space, the skies really opened up.

Like zero visibility opened up.

Teddy found this THRILLING!!!

Jay and I decided to take a powder room break.

Jay doesn’t call it that by the way. He wanted me to put that in here.


I took Sally’s hand and Jay took a firm hold of Teddy and we RAN.

Teddy squealed all the way!

We made it in one piece, powdered our noses right quick, and then stood under the over hang thingie waiting for the rain to let up!

we weren't the only ones waiting for the deluge to calm itself!

Once the pounding, scary, zero visibility rain eased up we headed toward Pirates of the Caribbean! Time for a little Captain Jack Sparrow action!!!

This ride was also a walk on. For some reason, even when the parks are packed and the skies are Carolina Blue…POTC always seems to be in a walk on state! We LOVE that!!!

We were not disappointed by our first visit to Captain Jack! I love this ride. I love the familiar smell that is unique to indoor Disney water rides. Mostly I love it b/c it’s full of what I call “Disney Déjà vu” moments…the kids say the same things every single time we go on this ride. Teddy points out the pigs cuddling with the man, Sally comments about how unsanitary that would be…Both kids laugh at the bare foot that dangles above our heads and how the hair on the leg is real human hair…which is also something Sally wrinkles her nose at…Sally always points out that the lady chasing the pirate with the broom is really “MissCammie chasing Daddy…” and the kids will laugh like they’d never heard that before…(Honestly, I’m not sure where she got that…I would NEVER chase my husband with a broom…)

I wouldn’t.

I swear.

Maybe a swiffer…but NEVER a broom.


Our first ride on POTC is always a homecoming kind of ride. We are comforted by the things we love staying the same…revisiting the happy feelings we left there on our last trip and reveling in that good feeling that comes with really *knowing* something.

Our final déjà vu moment is the parting shot of the dog with the keys and the man with the puffed out cheeks whistling…and how that sounds “JUST LIKE IN THE MOVIE!!!” Of course Teddy doesn’t know that the ride came first. He doesn’t care either. He just loves that he can be right INSIDE and up close to his favorite movie.

Yo ho Yo ho a Pirate’s life for me!

With that final bump into the boats ahead of us, we climbed up and out and head towards Sally’s FAVORITE ride at Disney…Big Thunder Mountain Railroad!!

The rain had really let up at this point. We were glad to be able to stroll and see as we made our way over.

Teddy was jumping up and down as we went in anticipation of the ride to come…or so I thought.

We got in the almost non existent line. We waited maybe a minute. Teddy and Jay were in front of Sally and me.

The line moved forward but Jay and Teddy didn’t move.

“Hey guys…shake a tail feather!!!”

They still didn’t move. Jay was talking to Teddy but I couldn’t hear what they were saying. Sally gave an impatient sigh.

Just I was about to give a very firm nudge forward, the boys got moving.

Jay looked back at me and I gave him a “what’s up?” look.

He sent Sally ahead and came back to me.

I was starting to get a little panicked. What on earth could have happened in that .5 seconds that caused the face Jay was wearing.

“What happened?!”

Jay didn’t say anything. He just raised his eyebrows. Sally was very close and she was listening with her super human hearing. It makes her incredibly anxious when grown up people are not following usual behavior patterns. She immediately assumes she’s in trouble and she’s going to listen as best she can to prepare for whatever is to come.

I don’t know WHERE she gets that…


Jay still wasn’t explaining. Which was annoying me to death. I need to know 10 seconds ago what the problem is so we can fix it.

I gave Jay a shake and said “WHAT is it?”

Before he could answer the train pulled up and we had to get on. I certainly could NOT spend the next minute or so NOT knowing what was going on. This was unacceptable to my controlling nature. And I was just going to have to deal with it. Which I hate.


Oh well…the ride was fabulous as usual! Sally was scream laughing the entire time. When we pulled back into the “station” Sally looked at me and said “I can’t even believe I was afraid of my FAVORITE ride. What was I thinking?!”



She can cross "My mean step mother made me go on a ride that I'd never gone on before so I was afraid of it..." off her list of grievances to discuss with a therapist someday.


As soon as we exited the train I planted myself firmly in front of Jay and said

“Spill it mister and I mean NOW NOW NOW!!!!”

I didn’t really say that…my eyes did…and that was enough!

Jay gave me a pointed look and said “Teddy fell in a puddle. His pants are wet.”


“What on EARTH are you talking about? He didn’t fall…he was in front of me the whole time…he”

“Cam…his pants are WET…”

“How can they be wet he didn’t…oh”

Suddenly it was clear what Jay was talking about.

Teddy’s pants were wet.

He must have fallen into a puddle.

That’s our story and we’re sticking to it.

I looked over at Teddy. His little eyes were red and he was sniffling and looking fairly miserable. My heart went out to him. Poor kid. Falling into puddles is NOT fun.


I went over to him and gave him a big hug.

“It’s okay buddy. We’ll fix it.”

Teddy went and broke my heart by throwing himself against me and saying “I’m SORRY, I couldn’t help it…”

Broke. My. Heart.

I went into major “unplanned incident but will not derail us in any way” mode.

I certainly couldn’t let Teddy spend the rest of the evening in wet pants. We needed to get new shorts PRONTO! Going back to AKL was not an option b/c it’s so dang far away. Wilderness Lodge would have been doable without eating up too much time. I missed WL at that moment. (I was internally cussing myself for not planning for this possibility…I hate when something comes up and I don’t have an instant solution at hand. I do not like to scramble or have to rely on someone else to have what I need to fix whatever it is. Yes, I have a problem. But we know this…and we are fine with it…:thumbsup2 )

So the hunt for shorts small enough to fit a very slight Teddy was on. And oh great, it was pouring pouring pouring again too. Yay.

I took the lead, Sally took my hand and Jay and Teddy followed behind. We went into several different stores looking for shorts sized extra small. The smalls were just way too huge for Teddy. Of course nobody has an extra small.

So Jay took Teddy to check another store while Sally and I checked another.

We went into Agrabah Bazaar although I was not hopeful. I didn’t want to go all the way back to Main Street but I figured that was where we were heading. I should have counted on Eagle Eye Sal.

“MissCammie, I found some some shorts!”

Sally was holding up a pair of khaki shorts. They weren’t bedazzled or covered with any characters. Just normal looking khaki shorts. I took a look at them. They were swim trunks actually, but no matter. They’d work! Unfortunately they were size small.

Cuss words.

I decided to ask just to see if there was maybe some stock that wasn’t out. A very kind CM took a look at the shorts and said he’d check to see if he could find an extra small. I crossed my fingers and hoped for the best.

In the mean time, Sally had discovered the pin selection. Her eyes were big as plates. This was SO her thing. Sally is SUCH a magpie. Anything that is shiny captures her heart immediately! The price of the pins was not so much a cause for delight. I could see she was wrestling with herself as to whether or not she should buy a pin. She had two identical pins that had come with her lanyard. I reminded Sally that she could do a pin trade with one of the cast members.

She looked me like I had two heads.

“Do mean talk to that man. That I don’t know…”

“Yes ma’am that is exactly what I mean.”

“But he’s a stranger.”

“Yes technically, but I’m here and Daddy is here and we are giving you permission to talk to this stranger.”

“But I don’t know him…”


“Sally…remember how we talked about pin trading. And how you can collect pins as you trade for things you like better, or don’t have…remember that conversation? Okay well this is the part where you start trading. And this man over here is wearing a green lanyard which means he trades exclusively with kids…so you can talk to him…or maybe just start by asking to look at his pins…”

Sally loves the word “exclusive”. It means something special that not everybody can have. She loves that. It almost hooked her.

“Umm, MissCammie can you talk to him for me? I mean ask him for me?”

I raised an eyebrow at her.

“What do you think Sal?”

Sally exhaled a deep and long suffering sigh.

“If I don’t ask, I don’t get…”

“EXACTLY my love, so get to it kiddo! Let the pin trading fun begin!”

I know. I’m mean. Which is my job. :cool2: But seriously,Disney is the perfect place to practice talking to people you aren't related to and speaking up and asking for what you want without having to rely on someone to do it for you!

Yay Self Sufficiency!!!

Realizing that there was no way she was going to get out of this now, Sally squared her little shoulders, walked up to the CM (who had heard the whole conversation and was ready for her :lovestruc) and asked if she could please see his pins.

I was very proud of her!

He was so great with Sally. He drew her into conversation immediately. She was chitty chatting like she’d known him forever!

Disney Magic rocks!!

After careful consideration Sally’s very first pin trade was a Minnie and Daisy pin. They had arms around each other and I think something like “Girl Power” on the top. She made her trade like a pro! She thanked the CM and came over to show off her new pin.

“I really like this pin Sal! Great choice!!”

“I know. You like ducks a lot and I like Minnie Mouse a lot. They’re like you and me!”

“How so?”

“Well they’re BFF’s just like you and me. We’re BFF’s…”


That was quite a title. Sally didn’t use it often. I’d remind her of this the next time I was making her do something she really did NOT want to do.


The CM who had been looking for the shorts came out not too long afterward and guess what he was carrying…a pair of extra small shorts!!!!!!”

I did a little happy dance as he handed them over!

Then I looked at the price tag.

$26…plus tax.


These shorts had dang well better be able to something more than just be shorts.

I wasn’t trying to be Scrooge McDuck here…but twenty six bucks on shorts for a kid who grows out of stuff in like…two seconds…was a lot. I was more concerned with what Jay would say.

Oh well. There was nothing else we could do.

So I forked over the Discover card.


I called Jay and told him we’d found the golden shorts at the end of the rainbow.

When they arrived I handed over the shorts and cringed.

Jay surprised me by saying “That’s not bad for Disney!”

Well knock me over with a feather.

My family was surprising the holy heck out of me in more ways than one today!

Jay took Teddy to the bathroom to dry off and change.

They were back in no time and darn if the extra small shorts were still a bit baggy! Stringbean this child. Jay said there was a handy little tightening belt which was pulled as tight as it would go. But Teddy reassured me by saying,

“It’s okay MissCammie. They won’t fall off. We did a tug test!”


After all this running around and shorts hunting and pin trading I was feeling a bit parched.

Time for a Dole Whip!!!!


Teddy gave me an oddly hopeful look and said,

“You mean I still deserve it?”

Oh. My. Holy. Broken. Heart.

The concept of “deserving vs. undeserving” had been introduced to Teddy this year in his Kindergarten class. He was still trying to figure it all out. I think I'm still trying to figure it out...it's a pretty subjective concept!

“Teddy of COURSE you deserve a snack! You did not do anything wrong. Accidents happen. It’s not the end of the world, you are not in trouble. We fixed it and we’re moving forward!”

Sally took the opportunity to say,

“Yeah Teddy, remember, let it go and keep moving forward!”

She loved it that this phrase was not directed at her!


We trekked over to Aloha Isle to collect our pinapple-y goodness! Oh my word the Dole Whip is HEAVEN! A Dole Whip is the official taste of vacation...the taste of Disney. Of course when I say Dole Whip I'm referring to the *float* variety! Love it love it love it!!!

Sally not so much. She was just as pleased with her vanilla ice cream with sprinkles as I was with my Dole Whip.

Teddy opted for chocolate ice cream with sprinkles. He tried Jay's Dole Whip and declared it "so good!!!" but he is a devoted chocaholic and very happy with his ice cream.

More Dole Whip for me then!


As we ate and got our sugar high on, Jay and I discussed what would come next. It would soon be time for WISHES!!!! We figured we had time for Carousel of Progress and maybe Space Mountain if the line wasn't long.

After everyone was cleaned up and sticky mess free, we headed over to our old friend "Carousel of Progress".

Gotta love the classics.

Teddy and Sally both sang along with the music. As always, Teddy laughed like a hyena at the man in the bathtub...and commented that the dog was looking at him. Disney Deja vu!

I breathed in the classic musty smell and remembered my first ride on the Carousel of Progress with Jay on our honeymoon...and right on cue, Sally whispered over to me "remember how you fell asleep on this ride the first time you rode it and how daddy had to wake you up when it was over?"

I do indeed remember Sally Rally.

We had a bit of an unexpected treat in that the ride got stuck on the second scene and we got to see it twice! Teddy thought that was SO cool!

I love how the kids love this ride so much. It captures their imaginations in a way that just won't let go! Teddy loves the scene with all the electrical wires and talks about that at random times during the year! For instance, we had family over for a Christmas party and we were cooking like mad and Teddy said, "MissCammie aren't you so happy that we don't have to have all those wires like in the Carousel of Progress? And how our lights don't go out when we plug things in?!"

Yes Teddy Bear, I am quite happy for that!

Who knew that Carousel of Progress was applicable to daily life?

gotta love that!

After it was over we decided to head over towards Fantasy Land and see if Peter Pan had a short line.

It DID!!!

We waved at Ariel and Wendy and all our favorites. I was sorry to leave Neverland. The rain was INSANE!!

As we headed out I reminded myself out loud that we were sure making the best of this rainy night!

Teddy gave me a big squeeze and said "We don't have to make the best of it because we are in the best place in the world! My favorite place! Even if it rains!

out of the mouths of babes!

It was just about time to head to main street and find a spot for Wishes!


Just as we were walking through the castle a loud voice boomed out that Wishes had been canceled due to the weather...but to have a pleasant evening here at the Magic Kingdom...



That was sort of it for us. It was raining SO hard and we had been hanging in there for Wishes. Now that there was no Wishes to be seen...Jay and I said in unison..."let's head out".

Teddy shouted,

"JINX! Daddy owes MissCammie a diet Coke!"

well YEEhaw for that! Because I was DYING for one!

We sloshed our way towards Main Street. Teddy delighted in wading through every puddle he could find. His crocs were already soaked...and they were crocs...so I just let him revel in his puddle joy.

Sally made a point of daintily stepping over as many deep puddles as she could. Which was a pointless endeavor as the rain was pounding down in sheets and her feet were soaked either way!

There wasn't a terrible crush of people like we usually encounter around this time...those people were all tucked snugly into their beds...only we weary but die hard few were out in this mess!

what can I say? We're hardcore.


Jay ran into one of the shops on Main Street and reappeared shortly after with a cold diet Coke!


He had a bag of pretzels for the kids as well.

Jay is good people. He always has diet Coke and snacks!

Our first evening at Disney was coming to a close. It had been wet and windy and a lot of fun! We had happy reunions and tears and drama and a frantic hunt...dang, we were better than a soap opera!

Sally turned and waved good-night to Cinderella's castle.

This was a great start. All I could hope for was sun tomorrow!

up next: Another day at MK with a surprising storm of Pixie Dust!!
What a great night at MK! Even if it was yucky rainy, it's still a good night because you are in Disney. Great update. I sometimes chase people around with my Swiffer too. ;) Poor Teddy and his accident. Like you said, accidents happen. I too, am a HUGE Dole Whip float fan. Yum!
Oh Miss Cammie, your update made my whole day!! Thanks for the extra long update- it sounds like you guys had an awesome ngiht in MK, even in the elements. I can't wait for more as usual. Oh, and will ya take a look at that Disney countdown- WOW, I am so jealous!!
thanks for the wonderful update. I can't wait to read more. I am enjoying your TR so very much...keep it coming!!! by the way, i totally agree about the unique smell on Disney water rides; I LOVE IT!! My husband always throws me the:sad2: 'your are ridiculously insane' look when i say such things like that. But he knows my love for Disney and has just learned to shake his head laugh at me it!! gotta love that Disney magic
YAY! You're back.

What an amazing night at MK. You all really did make the best of a rainy night.

Oh Teddy, bless his heart - ya know, when you gotta go, and its raining... those things happen.

Hope ya'll made it back to AK safe & sound.

How much longer til your next trip - less then a month right?
Thank you for taking the time to post :banana:

As soon as I saw the notification email that you had posted I settled down with a bowl of cereal & my lap top to read.

Can't wait for more:cool1:
Great report!!!!

Glad that you all had time to catch up on Progress! I always get weird looks from DH when I break out into the song. Wait, that's weird?! :rotfl:
How great that you'll didn't let the rain stop you!! Teddy, Bless his little heart! :lovestruc Those darn "puddles" just come out of nowhere!

And :banana: for Sally striking up the conversation with the Pin Trading CM! :thumbsup2
Another fabulous chapter! Just the thing to brighten a cloudy Monday. Your trip reports are a great illustration of everything I love about Disney . . . I'm getting teary and homesick!

:cheer2: for Disney :wizard: !!
Yay! All that great storytelling and we have just finished day 1! I love your TRs Miss Cammie!


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