999 Meals, But There's Room for 1,000 - An April 2016 Dining Report - Complete/New DR Link - 10/16

We tried the Plaza in April and really enjoyed our food, we did burgers. I was surprised how small it was in there, we were literally almost touching the family next to us LOL, don't break-up with your boyfriend in there, everyone would know HA! Love Disney popcorn, I don't eat it anywhere else but Disney!
Your strawberry shortcake dessert looks so delicious! I agree with you that I like a bit of strawberry per bite...I'd just move through some of the cake first sans strawberry in order to make the last half of the dessert more perfect.

That picture of Jason crossing the finish line is hilarious!

Love the quiet bagel eating story...at first I had to reread it. It's just my opinion that the word "commode" doesn't exactly belong in a food review, unless it is the location of said feeding. In which case I suppose I make an exception. :lmao:
Love those things! Did you know you can ask for extra icing, if you wish (and I do). Just FYI! :)
No I had no idea or I would have been asking all this time. Gonna have to remember that for next trip!

You know, I have never played it up for the ride cameras before. Whether it's a good thing or bad thing, this picture motives me to seriously consider striking a pose next time :tongue:
I never have either, cause I never seem to have any clue where they are at. Jason clearly does not have that problem :)

I have been known to get a little goofy at home from time to time, especially if embarrassing your kids is involved. Just for fun, why don't I show you how I *tried* to take DD to the bus last year on May the 4th (a.k.a. Star Wars Day, although I suspect you may know that already) :D

:rotfl2::rotfl2::rotfl2: You and Jason would get along a bit too well!!!!

Great updates! Looks like a fun morning in the MK! Hurrah for conquering Space Mountain!! I love The Plaza too. I am sooooooo sad they've apparently changed the fries. I've seen the thin ones in several reports now. Those steak fries were the best!! :sad1: I also heard they're converting to taking walk-ups only, which is interesting.
Definitely too bad on the fries. I was hoping our was an anomaly but sadly i guess not. RIP steak fries >:(

I heard the same thing on The Plaza. Not sure if that is a good or bad thing though.

Get it, girl! :laughing:
Girl done got every last nook and cranny of that popcorn.

I LOVE those cinnamon rolls from Gastons :love: Your picture made me so hungry I had to find something sweet and gooey in the house.....closest thing were brownies, so I just ate one the size of my head. And I'm not ashamed in the least :snooty:

Kudos to Casey for riding Space! I hope she does ride EE next time, and enjoys it!
Any chance you can send one of those brownies down this way :-) Cause now I want a cinnamon roll and a brownie and our house has exactly no food in it cause we're going to the beach on Friday and I refused to go shopping until then.

I booked EE fast passes yesterday, so we'll see how brave she is when she actually gets there.

I'm glad you have an adventurous one. My 4 year old showed me how non-adventurous he is on our trip. 7DMT was our 2nd ride of the trip and he proclaimed he was never going on it again! So, I changed a lot of his FP's for the rest of the trip...lol.

I had the LaFou's Brew myself and thought it was great! Full disclaimer: I'm a lover of ICEEs and Slushies, so it sort of fits the bill.

Enjoyed the update!
We're definitely lucky that she is adventurous though she does ebb and flow. I've definitely had to switch a few fast passes myself. She refused to ride splash mountain for a while but seems to be back on it for now. Same with big thunder. We're heading to a local amusement park later this week so we'll see how she does with rides she is less familiar with.

Totally agree with you on LaFou's (says the slurpee lover)

I'm joining in. Let's keep the reviews going.
:welcome: Hope you enjoy

Fabulous updates Kari! Loving the WWC Eggs benny.....mmmm! Like you, I have never met an eggs benny that I didn't love. I am a soft poached egg girl though. Have you ever tried crab cake eggs benny? I had them for brunch on Sunday when we took DH out for Father's Day. So good. Looking forward to hearing more about your adventures!
Thanks Susie! You and I definitely share a love of poached eggs then. I really don't even care for them any other way, yet I can't poach an egg to save my life.

Yep have had and love the crab cake benny. Since we're right next to Maryland where crab cakes reign supreme you can find them a lot around here.

Nice pixie dust at Starbucks! That drink looks good! I love me some Starbucks and I love it even more at Disney! I found this shirt it says there is nothing a little Disney and Starbucks can't fix..... I plan on getting it and wearing it to DL in August.

Snacks look yummy! So much yummy food!

Love that she tried space mountain! I love that she likes different food and rides!

We tried the plaza last trip for the first time and loved it, the best meal ever? No but a solid choice with very good food!
I saw someone with the shirt on in the world last trip and had a good laugh at it. I'm a starbucks novice and generally have no idea what is going on, but free I will take any day of the week.

We are definitely lucky that Casey loves the rides and food. Of course she's only 5 so I'm fully aware that could change on a dime :-)

Score on the Starbucks pixie dustpixiedust:
YAY to miss Casey for riding Space Mountain, it's my fave MK ride. Funny story: My dad took me on when I was about Casey's age and he kept telling me it was going to be fun. I asked if it was going to be scary and he said "naaaaaaaaah". We got on with my aunt and older cousin, and I was like Casey, sunken into the rocket really low with a slightly "what was that?" look. When we got outside I proclaimed "That was scary daddy". His reply? "Yeah. . . you wanna ride again?" Me: "YEAH" :lmao:LOL, to be a kid.

I have yet to try The Plaza, doubtful that we will be able to this trip either. That corned beef looked tasty, but I understand not liking an imbalance.
Sounds like your first space ride went much better than Casey's :) I hadn't ridden it in a while and forgot out jerky and scary it can be in the dark, but she handled it like a champ. I don't remember my first space ride, but in the vein of your Dad my parents got me on my first roller coaster by telling me they were just going to ride without me and someone would probably kidnap me :)

Hello! :wave: Joining in. Just started trying to find new places for the family to try on our maybe March or June trip. Really enjoying this report and am looking at reading the older ones too.

Casey is amazing! I am sure you know that though! I love her outfit for her race! Glad she is liking the faster coaster rides. I thought my son would be like her when he was her age. Took him on a coaster at Kings Island here in Ohio...The Racers. Scared him so bad he won't ride them to this day and he is now 21.
Welcome!!! Hope you find some new things you want to try. We're always looking to try new stuff too. Think next trip we're going to hit up a few of the new DTD places and of course Tiffins in AK.

We do know Casey is amazing but it's always nice to hear :-) She certainly makes life tons of fun. Funny you mention Kings Island, we're either going to Kings Dominion (its sister in VA) later this week or Busch Gardens in Williamsburg. Not sure which yet.

May I ask? Mike and Connie, did they do much traveling before hand? I am experiencing this with my mom right now. When she see's the prices of the hotels at Disney and then the cost of adding on park tickets and the dining plan (I like to have everything paid for up front) she about has a heart attack. I have been trying for years to get her to go with us on at least 1 trip since my dad passed away 19 years ago, but she won't give in and if we paid for it, it significantly increases our costs too because it takes us from a party of 5 to a party of 6 and the increase cost of the rooms available for that party size are so much more. We could pay for some of it, but not all of it, but then when she see's the costs, she falters. We never did any traveling when we were growing up. Our only "trips" were to Lake Erie for a day or two which was only an hour and a half away. Did they just finally decide they wanted to go, or was there something that you did to help convince them it was worth the cost?
Mike and Connie do do a fair bit of traveling, though Mike hates to fly so that precludes some of where they go (but they have been to Hawaii and Vancouver). We'd also mentioned they should come to Disney with us sometime since we talk about it so much and I knew it would forever be a special memory for Casey We hadn't talked specifics at all, but I got a text from Connie out of the blue one day that said if we wanted them they were in.

As far as cost, we never really talked about it but I knew it would be a concern. They drove, so that of course helped with pricing, then we paid for some things that we didn't tell them about. Like I put a $500 deposit down on the room so they thought their balance at check in was the bill. We also bought their tickets and told them they were $300 a piece, though I think they were closer to $400. We also came up with the idea that they could pick up lunch bills and we'd do dinner. That way they wouldn't be too concerned about the sticker shock on some places. Seems to have worked.

I completely get the quandary you are in with your Mom. I think if you focus it more on the heartstrings of a once in a lifetime experience with her grandchildren that may help defray her concerns.
We tried the Plaza in April and really enjoyed our food, we did burgers. I was surprised how small it was in there, we were literally almost touching the family next to us LOL, don't break-up with your boyfriend in there, everyone would know HA! Love Disney popcorn, I don't eat it anywhere else but Disney!
Yep the Plaza is most definitely tiny and you are right on top of the peeps next to you. One time they even sat the 3 of us at a table clearly made for 2 so that combined with our very noisy neighbors was not the most pleasant of experiences.

Your strawberry shortcake dessert looks so delicious! I agree with you that I like a bit of strawberry per bite...I'd just move through some of the cake first sans strawberry in order to make the last half of the dessert more perfect.

That picture of Jason crossing the finish line is hilarious!

Love the quiet bagel eating story...at first I had to reread it. It's just my opinion that the word "commode" doesn't exactly belong in a food review, unless it is the location of said feeding. In which case I suppose I make an exception. :lmao:
Yeah commode definitely does not belong in a food review, but I couldn't help but share that gem of a story and toilet seemed more offensive to me somehow :P

Awesome report!!!! Glad I am finally catching up.
Hi Niki. Great to have you here as always!

Loving your report! Thanks so much for sharing!
And thanks to you for reading
Dining in the Dark

We were up bright and early the next morning and got to MGM before they opened, which is a rarity for my crew. But we had one thing on our mind....Rockin' Roller Coaster. With the oh so lovely tiering system we elected to use Toy Story as our tier one so we booked it to the land of aerosmith as soon as the flood gates opened.

We were really excited before getting on.....

Here not so much (or at least not so much for 2 of us)....

From there we rode Casey's beloved shooting lady ride (aka the great movie ride, which is now her career goal to work there if her first choice of being a model by day/driving the mosquito fogging truck at night doesn't work out), played some carnie games with a couple of toys, before we channeled our inner bears in the land of wocka, wocka, wocka.

For lunch I was hoping to finally get 50's Prime Time in, but agreed to SciFi as Jason thought his Dad would like it more. It wasn't long before we were back in 1955 and seated in our very own pink cadillac.

Starting with the most important part of the meal first, we of course could not resist an adult beverage or 2. Mike and Connie got some Corona's and I went with the Orange Blossom Pilsner, which I'd had on a previous visit and enjoyed.

Jason decided to channel our trip last December to Key West and went with Key West Lager.

Casey for some reason wasn't feeling the beer so she just went with their special orange creamsicle milkshake.

She let me taste this bad boy and even sans alcohol it was pretty darn tasty and what do ya know it tasted like a creamsicle.

For starters, the 3 of us shared some Fried Pickles.

These were fine, but nothing special. I'm more of a chip not spear girl and I thought last time we'd ordered them it came with both, so I was a little disappointed. They are also breaded and in my opinion if you are gonna fry a pickle its best battered.

Moving onto entree's Mike and Connie each ordered the same thing, Salmon Salad.

Per the menu this is Farm Fresh Greens, Seasonal Tomatoes, crispy Bacon, Roasted Corn, and Chili-Chive Ranch Dressing topped with House-made Crostini. They commented they couldn't see it so they had no idea what they are eating, but apparently it tasted good.

Jason ordered their latest burger special which was Siracha BBQ.

This was a perfectly cooked medium rare beauty topped with Pulled Pork, Sriracha Barbecue Sauce, Swiss Cheese, and Pickled Apple Slaw. The pork, slaw, and bbq sauce were all delicious and paired wonderfully with the burger. Jason's only disappointed was the lack of heat, as he expected a lot more than he got with the word siracha in there.

Casey and I split the Salmon BLT Burger, which Salmon (duh) Arugula, Tomatoes, and Bacon, with Chili-Chive Aïoli served on a ciabatta.

This was a delicious sandwich and all the ingredients paired together nicely. Or should I say I think they did as some little girl insisted on eating the bacon off of my half too. The salmon was a bit overcooked for my liking, but I'd eat it raw over cooked any day so I'm likely not the best critic. The fries were much better than The Plaza and the steak fries I prefer.

After lunch we flew though the galaxy with a couple of droids, before we ran into this crew on our way out.

After wearing her storm trooper outfit a few days before, Casey was very impressed.

We posed for a couple of non-hat laden pics before we left, though someone (guess who) was not too happy about it.

Overall I'm a little SciFi'd out as we do it every trip, but we do it every trip because its fun, predictable, and good. And this visit was no exception. The actual been in a drive-in crowd was pretty impressed too and seemed to really enjoy it. With our tables in wonderland card we saved $22.50.

Up next, eataly eataly is where we want to be....
Yum,yum,yum.....I am always up for Sci-Fi and of course you know I'd never turn down an orange blossom pilsner! I am going to miss Sci-Fi this summer but a girl can only eat so many meals in 5 days right?
We also love Sci-Fi, it's on our to do list almost every trip. We are skipping it in August for a 50's PT meal. We have only been there once. I have to say your salmon sandwich and the salmon salad both looked really good. We have usually always stuck with a burger here and the onion rings. I agree about the relaxing vibe and the drive in scene is so fun.
What a beautiful family photo! I really love our photo from HS (MGM as you call it) this past trip too. I guess it's working for me without the big hat??? I can't help but notice that your Jason has the very same Star Wars shirt that we got for my DW prior to our trip. We found hers in the boys section of Old Navy. It looks great in pics!
The salmon salad at Sci-Fi looks great. Every trip we manage to miss eating there. This past one it was because our flight was delayed about 48 hours out of Denver due to a storm. Sci-Fi was our first lunch (that's how excited we were to FINALLY make it back there!), and they were booked solid for the entire rest of our trip. :sad:

This was a delicious sandwich and all the ingredients paired together nicely. Or should I say I think they did as some little girl insisted on eating the bacon off of my half too. The salmon was a bit overcooked for my liking, but I'd eat it raw over cooked any day so I'm likely not the best critic. The fries were much better than The Plaza and the steak fries I prefer.

this made my lol, my little guy is always asking for the bacon off of my sandwiches too. We are going all out on the dining on our december trip with the deluxe plan and hopefully a character breakfast a day will keep the bacon monster away from my food!
Those fried pickles looked good- but I'm a chip girl as well. What does the Pilsner taste like? I'm not too much of a beer drinker, and being from the Mitt state, I have easy access to some tasty craft beers. I'm looking forward to the schofferhofer when we visit the Germany pavilion, I wonder if I'd like what you got.
Here not so much (or at least not so much for 2 of us)....

That is one funny ride photo. Especially with the cool as a cucumber woman next to you

I really really love this pic

They commented they couldn't see it so they had no idea what they are eating, but apparently it tasted good.

Hahaha. Tasty is what counts anyway

Scifi looks like fun, but after my 50's experience I don't know if i could give that up should I ever find myself in the area
Brave girl riding Space Mountain! The Plaza looked great, and love Sci Fi...salmon BLT sounds good. My kids are total bacon stealers and also crouton stealers!!!! :rotfl2:
I hate the tiers most in HS :headache: It's always choose either RnRC or TSMM and book to the other :sad2:
We haven't been to Sci-Fi in ages! I don't think I've ever seen fried pickle spears?? The few places I've been to that offer them always serve chips, which is fine by me. Spears seems like the ratio of pickle to batter wouldn't be even, you'd have too much pickle per bite. Idk maybe I'm just overthinking my pickles.....
Sci-Fi looks like a lot of fun. Do you feel cramped in the car if you're seated with a group in front of you that you don't know? I'd like to try and hit either sci-if or 50's prime time during our September trip, maybe we can snag an ADR on the fly since DH has only allowed me to make 1 per day :sad2: move me some fried pickles :rolleyes:
I'm a bit behind again...story of my life. But I like the look of that cinnamon roll! I've seen in on so many TRs but we haven't ever been hungry enough while in that area to try it. Glad Casey braved Space Mountain! Nate tried it this trip and declared it "too dark and scary" so that joins the list of things he will no longer ride (including The Great Movie Ride and Pirates...all deemed too scary as well).

The Plaza was one of our favorites of this past trip. My husband got the same brisket burger and said it was amazing as well! We weren't served steak fries so maybe it's a change?
All caught up! I have been MIA as we moved out of our home and are currently building one. So no time for my beloved dis dining boards. I am with you on the pickle spears, I enjoy the chips more. Looks like you guys had a blast that day!!


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