6 year old: To stroller or not to stroller. . .

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I'm taking my daughter in 13 days and it will be her first trip without a stroller. She's 4. My 5 year old son went last October without a stroller from rope drop till fireworks everynight and was just fine. I don't mind having a stroller for the most part but I hate stroller parking and then getting through the crowds at night... DD will be just fine.
I am so glad this was asked. DD will be 6 October 2nd, the day after we arrive. I am debating on if I should rent a stroller. She used it a lot 2 years ago. I fully believe she would be fine walking, but Dh and I would have to walk at her pace which isn't exactly fast enough for me ;). So, in a sense, you could say that us renting the stroller would be more so for our sanity than because we feel she needs it. I'm still not sure what to do. I better decide quickly as we arrive October 1st.

Honestly, since you only have one child, she should be fine without it, as long as you and DH don't mind giving her piggy back rides at certain points if she starts slowing too much.

My downfall is 3 kids, me and DH were outnumbered! At one point I had DS 3 on my back, DH had the 6 year old on his back and he was pushing DD. (This was leaving the park, we just wanted to get to the buses).
On our next trip my son will be 8 and my daughter will be 6.

Do they NEED a stroller? Absolutely not.

Are we renting a double stroller? Absolutely!

If they don't want to use I'm fine with that, but if they want to use it and it keeps them from getting tired and cranky I'm thrilled!

We go from rope drop until close and I think it helps them make it through the day without a meltdown.
We will be bringing our sit and stand for our 1.5 year old and our 6 year old. Our 6 year old is very active and in competitive gymnastics, but she can't seem to walk more than a half of a mile without needing to rest. There is no way I would do Disney without a stroller for her. It totally depends on the kid. My oldest DS would have been fine. My DD couldn't do it. It would be miserable for everyone if she had to walk.
<---- See avatar of 6yo :cutie: riding in stroller in July...

Already have it packed for Oct trip.. :thumbsup2
Personally, my cut off is 6 years old at WDW, and 4 everywhere else. At 6 years old my daughter was too embarrassed to ride in a stroller.

Both my 4 yr old and 8 yr old have excellent endurance.
Honestly, since you only have one child, she should be fine without it, as long as you and DH don't mind giving her piggy back rides at certain points if she starts slowing too much.

My downfall is 3 kids, me and DH were outnumbered! At one point I had DS 3 on my back, DH had the 6 year old on his back and he was pushing DD. (This was leaving the park, we just wanted to get to the buses).

Giving piggy back rides is a good way to accidentally hurt your child. My brother in law was giving one to my nephew at WDW and hit his head on a sign. You don't realize how many signs are hanging down until you bash someone's head into one.

And maybe I am just lazy, but the last thing I would want to do is haul a child around WDW on my back.:crazy2:
Giving piggy back rides is a good way to accidentally hurt your child. My brother in law was giving one to my nephew at WDW and hit his head on a sign. You don't realize how many signs are hanging down until you bash someone's head into one.

And maybe I am just lazy, but the last thing I would want to do is haul a child around WDW on my back.:crazy2:

You are not lazy :) It stunk. I'm nursing a pinched nerve in my neck and have had a headache with no relief for the last 4 days and I'm thinking I may have thrown something doing that. As far as the signs, that's a good point! I'm only 5'1" so it was never an issue for me.
We're going next week with my 7, 5, and 2 year old. We've decided to rent a double while we're there. I know the 2 year old needs to ride and I'm guessing the other two will switch off during the day. Neither needs to ride at all, but when the park is closing down and I'm leaving with thousands of other people, I'll feel much better with two riding and one being carried!
We're going in January, DD will be 6.5 and DS will be almost 5. We'll be bringing our double stroller again. It will be parked most of the time. It's main use will be to hold our stuff, change of clothes, sweatshirts, snacks, etc. But it will come in handy to get from one part of the park to another and definitely at the end of the night to exit the park.
I have struggled with this too. I made my decision, and have rented a double from magic strollers for the twins on our trip in 2 weeks.

My kids are uber active and healthy.... And i know they could do it if I forced them to walk, but the decision was based on my happiness, not theirs.
-Im going solo with my 5 (almost 6) year old twins and a 12 year old. No daddy to help me... So definitely out numbered.

-We are not leaving for breaks, and quite honestly we tour commando... We have no interest in changing this strategy.

-We are doing MVMCP and the thought of that without a stroller at midnight makes me shudder.

-I dont want to yell at my kids to keep up, or panic when the crowds are thick and people are pushing... I dont want someone falling and skinning a knee because they were trying to keep up... And i certainly dont want to argue with a 12 year old who doesnt want to carry the back pack at he end of the day.

Im type A... I know this, and want to relax... Its my holiday too! If a stroller means I can smile more, see my kids enjoy every moment, and not stress out that we're doing too much... Then hell ya, im doing it.

A trip to Disney World is not cheap... With money invested in tickets, meals, hotels, flights.... Why woudnt i invest $70 more to rent a double stroller for the week? Even if it never gets used.... I look at it as the best Disney Happiness insurance a mom can buy.
I rented the double strollers until my kids could not fit anymore. To me, keeping them fresh, having the sun off of them most of the day and having them a bit confined(as I took them without daddy) was some of the best money I ever spent at WDW!!!
Going to Disney with four kids, the youngest of whom are two and six. Bringing the double stroller because I know the six year old will tire and whine and life will be easier for us ALL if he has the stroller as an option. He barely weighs 40 pounds and gets growing pains in his legs, I know he'll be happy to have the stroller. And if only the three year oldu uses it? Well, we still have extra space for our things.
I rented a double for a dd6 and dd1. Figured we'd be pushing a stroller anyway. Made the walk back to blt at night much easier.
My kids are way past stroller age. They were 4 and 6 when we took our first trip to Disney. We definitely did rent a double stroller that week. It was a life saver. I know it can get congested with strollers, but honestly I'd rather have happy children around than children who are crying because they are tired. To me everyone benefits.
I wouldn't dream of bringing a stroller for a 6 year old.

I tend to agree with this; other than in the summer heat or a medical condition. If the child doesn't have the stamina, it might be best to take a nap to avoid being worn down.
Can you control your dreams that much?

I can't.

What is the point of being rude just because you do not agree? :rolleyes:

OP you should do whatever you feel is best. I personally would not put a 6 year old in a stroller for reasons I will not go into, but that is my personal conviction/feeling. It is your vacation and you should do what you want.
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