5 Adults, 2 Staterooms, 1 Amazing Western Caribbean (C) Cruise on the Disney Fantasy!

Thank you! I really enjoy cruising - I like being able to visit different places and only unpack my suitcase once!

That's a good point! :)

The Oceaneer Club looks really cool for kids! My nephews would probably love that place. :) Too funny about the yoga class. Sounds like that guy really didn't have a clue what he was doing. :lmao:
We had enjoyed the Oceaneer Club open house and realized that Vibe was also having an open house at the time, so Rachel and I went to check it out.

We walked in and there were two female CMs who greeted us. "Hey, girls! First time here? Let's see your key cards and get you checked in!"

"Oh, no - we're not teens. We're just here for the open house. Is it okay if we look around?"

"Absolutely! Yeah, feel free to look around and take pictures."

Vibe is located forward on deck 5 and is a rather large and very awesome place for teens. It's something that makes you say, "Where was this when I was a teen?"

Vibe Teen Club by vshingl, on Flickr

Vibe Teen Club by vshingl, on Flickr

Vibe Teen Club by vshingl, on Flickr

Vibe Teen Club by vshingl, on Flickr

Now for the really cool part.... the teen club even has its own outdoor area with a pool and loungers!

Vibe Teen Club by vshingl, on Flickr

Vibe Teen Club by vshingl, on Flickr

Vibe Teen Club by vshingl, on Flickr

Vibe Teen Club by vshingl, on Flickr

Vibe Teen Club by vshingl, on Flickr

We felt the water of the two hot-tub looking pools, and they weren't warm. I don't know if the heat was turned off or if maybe they aren't hot tubs for safety reasons.

Vibe Teen Club by vshingl, on Flickr

The little orange circles on the wall are actually cubbies to store your towels and belongings!

Vibe Teen Club by vshingl, on Flickr

Vibe Teen Club by vshingl, on Flickr

They had just started a dance game on the big screen, so Rachel and I stood there like awkward parents watching. I won't lie... I was kind of wishing that I was a teen so that I could join in on the fun.

Vibe Teen Club by vshingl, on Flickr

Here is the entrance to Vibe.

Vibe Teen Club by vshingl, on Flickr

Rachel really wanted to do a heel click. She said that she thought the little circle was a mirror, but realized when she was heel clicking that it was actually a window, and that the CM inside was looking at her, probably thinking that she was a weirdo.

Promenade Deck by vshingl, on Flickr

Deck 4 is a really great spot on the ship. It's also a running deck - just 2.5 loops equals a mile. I never ran there, but Rachel said that she really appreciated the longer track. On most ships, the jogging track is on the sports deck, and you have to do 10 or so tight loops to equal a mile. That's a lot of turning.
Rachel and I returned to the room to wake Max and go eat breakfast.

That's when Rachel exclaimed - "Guys! Guess what they're doing at 12:15?"

"Umm.... what?"



She read us the description - "Calling all baby Cruisers! It's time to take the mat to see who's the fastest crawler of the seven seas! Register your baby 15 minutes prior to the big race."

Max - "That sounds awesome. I kind of want to go to that."

In the meantime, we ate breakfast and then met our parents in Satellite Falls. Satellite Falls is the adults-only sundeck (and wading pool). It was 11:30 in the morning, so on any other cruise ship, we'd be hard-pressed to find a chair right now. However, there were plenty of chairs available, especially in Satellite Falls. We were able to get five cushioned lounge chairs right next to one another! I'll go ahead and say that at no time during this cruise was finding a deck chair an issue. Perhaps it was because everyone was either in the pool or inside the ship participating in activities. Whatever the reason, it was really nice to not have to wake up early in the morning and park oneself in a deck chair (because that's what you have to do if you want a deck chair on other cruise ships that I've been on).

At 12:15, Max, Rachel, and I decided to go see Jack Jack's Diaper Dash.

They would race two babies at a time. The parents could use whatever motivational methods they needed to get their baby to crawl to them - food, toys, whatever. The only rule was that the babies had to crawl. If a baby got up and walked, that's awesome, but because it's a crawling race, the baby would be disqualified.

Jack Jack's Diaper Dash by vshingl, on Flickr

It's completely adorable.

They raced the two babies on the right first, and the one on the far right, in the cute little Mickey swim trunks won.

Jack Jack's Diaper Dash by vshingl, on Flickr

But the other baby gave a valiant effort.

Jack Jack's Diaper Dash by vshingl, on Flickr

Then with the second qualifier, the little boy in the green darted straight across the mat like he knew what he was doing. He had watched his older brother crawl back and forth on the mat before the race, so perhaps that was what motivated him. Whatever it was, that was one fast crawling baby!

Jack Jack's Diaper Dash by vshingl, on Flickr

His opponent was very happy for him. She sat down in the middle of the mat and started clapping - how precious!

Jack Jack's Diaper Dash by vshingl, on Flickr

Time for the big qualifier... Rachel and I had our money on the baby in green, but Max was rooting for the underdog.

Jack Jack's Diaper Dash by vshingl, on Flickr

And the baby in green took home the prize! Look at that adorable champion.
I loved the Vibe pictures! We'll be on the Fantasy for the first time at the end of June. I have an 11 year old and a 13 year old. Can't wait to show them the pictures you posted. And it has its own pool! How cool for them!!! You're a very good writer and have excellent pictures! Thank you! Cindy
I loved the Vibe pictures! We'll be on the Fantasy for the first time at the end of June. I have an 11 year old and a 13 year old. Can't wait to show them the pictures you posted. And it has its own pool! How cool for them!!! You're a very good writer and have excellent pictures! Thank you! Cindy

Thank you very much for your kind words! :goodvibes
Rachel wanted to get mom on the Aqua Duck for Mother's Day. The line was 30 minutes, and Max wasn't really feeling the wait, but I wanted to do it and persuaded him to come along. The wait was actually more around 15 minutes. It seemed to be a pattern that the wait time listed was longer than it actually was. Perhaps that is to scare away people from a long wait and keep the wait time down. But when the wait listed was 30 minutes, I found it to be 15-20, and when the wait listed was 15 minutes, it was more like 5. If it said 10 minute wait, that meant there was no wait.

The Aqua Duck is incredibly fun, and I understand its popularity. You actually pick up a good bit of speed on the first leg, but they intentionally slow you down when you turn around the funnel. The second leg is much more leisurely, so we took that as an opportunity to rock the boat.

Disney Fantasy by vshingl, on Flickr

We took a dip in the Quiet Cove pool afterwards. The water is actually very warm. It was almost too warm to be refreshing that day.

Disney Fantasy by vshingl, on Flickr
Max and I then had to go back to the room and clean up a bit before our 4:00 PM Mixology session in the Skyline Lounge. Before the cruise, a lady from our Roll Call (chiburple on DIS) asked if anyone was interested in arranging a private group mixology session with DCL. I thought that Mixology sounded like something that Max would enjoy, so I signed us up. It turned out that a lot of people were interested in Mixology, and DCL broke us up into three different sessions of about 20 people each.

Mixology by vshingl, on Flickr

We arrived 10 minutes early and were the second group to arrive. Max and I were nervous because we're both a bit socially awkward when it comes to meeting new people.

Mixology by vshingl, on Flickr

Mixology by vshingl, on Flickr

It was set up so that we would learn to make five drinks - that's a lot of drinks!

Mixology by vshingl, on Flickr
We got to take turns behind the bar making the drinks which was fun. Three people at a time would make the drink, then switch out for three more people until all drinks were served.

Mixology by vshingl, on Flickr

The first drink was Berryoska, a St. Petersburg drink off the Skyline Lounge menu consisting of Russian Standard Original, lime and blueberry, and white sugar. All of the ingredients were in the glass, they just needed to be muddled.

Mixology by vshingl, on Flickr

After the first three people muddled, I convinced Max to have a go.

Honorary bartenders hard at work -

Mixology by vshingl, on Flickr

The next drink was perhaps the most complicated (well, of the things that we had to do) and stupidly the one that I volunteered to make.

Mixology by vshingl, on Flickr

The most complicated part was remembering the instructions. Thankfully, the women in front of me were helping me out. I had to pour 2 seconds of white rum and creme de banana at the same time, then 3 seconds of dark rum. Then I had to add ice, pineapple juice, and orange juice before shaking. Then more ice and grenadine. IT WAS EXHAUSTING! I now have an entirely new appreciation for bartenders.

Mixology by vshingl, on Flickr

Max told me that I have a very bad shaking technique. Apparently I'm supposed to do it above my head. Now I know why it felt so awkward.

Mixology by vshingl, on Flickr

And there we have it, the Bahama Mama.
I should have held out for the next drink.

Mixology by vshingl, on Flickr

It was a Raspberry Bellini with Bacardi Razz and raspberry puree already in the glass... all you had to do was add champagne! I believe that Arthur said that this drink isn't even on a menu on the Disney Fantasy.

Mixology by vshingl, on Flickr

Max decided to have another go and make the Paris 75, from the Paris section of the menu at the Skyline Lounge, which he was really excited about. It consisted of Grey Goose Citron, peach schnapps, blue curacao, pineapple juice, sugared rum, and a souvenir glow cube. We didn't get glow cubes because ours were served in smaller glasses, but Arthur did make one regular-sized Paris 75 to show us.

Mixology by vshingl, on Flickr

So that's how you shake it.

Mixology by vshingl, on Flickr

Mixology by vshingl, on Flickr

It turned out that of all of the drinks that we learned to make, Paris 75 was Max's least favorite. I think it was just a little sour to drink after the Raspberry Bellini!

Mixology by vshingl, on Flickr

We ended by taking a shot together that everyone poured themselves, a Baby Guinness. The Kahlua was already poured in the shot glasses, and we added the Bailey's Irish Cream. It's a very sweet, chocolatey-tasting shot. Max loved it so much that he purchased Bailey's and Kahlua in Cozumel so that he could make more!

Overall, the group Mixology class was really fun. We learned to make (though I don't know if I'll be able to replicate) five drinks, and Arthur was very friendly and knowledgeable, answering any questions we had. And I talked about our fear of awkwardness.... not a problem. Never worry about awkwardness when there are drinks involved! The class was also a great bargain at only $15 per person!
That evening was the Captain's Reception. There was one at 5:00 PM and another at 7:30 PM. Rachel and my parents decided to double up and go to both.

By the time Max and I caught up with them, it was time for Disney's Aladdin - A Musical Spectacular. This show is quite similar to the stage show at Disney's California Adventure (which I saw nearly 10 years ago). This is perhaps the best stage show of the three. The sets and costuming are elaborate, the show is well-choreographed, and Aladdin and Jasmine are outstanding vocalists. On top of that, the Genie is hilarious. My mother believes that he may write his own material because he delivers it so well. The musical was very impressive and showcases their talented cast.

You are not supposed to take photos during the show. I learned on the tour guides that morning that up until about three years ago, it wasn't a problem.... until people started using iPads as cameras. People raise their iPads above their heads, block the views of the people behind them... not cool. So thank you, iPad camera users, for ruining this for the rest of us.

I was a rule-breaker and snuck two photographs during the show. I just couldn't help myself.... I had to be quick and use no external lighting so that they wouldn't catch me.

Aladdin by vshingl, on Flickr

"A Friend Like Me" - This number was really fun to watch.

Aladdin by vshingl, on Flickr

It was during the flying carpet scene that I picked up my camera to take a photo.... and there was a CM looking right at me shaking her head no. And I thought I was being sneaky! So I put my camera back down and didn't take anymore photos in the theater for the rest of the week. Okay, I lied... I did take a few photos of the hypnotist's show - more on that later.

Aladdin by vshingl, on Flickr

During the Prince Ali parade number, it rained money. Read the money - it's funny.
I should have held out for the next drink.

Mixology by vshingl, on Flickr

It was a Raspberry Bellini with Bacardi Razz and raspberry puree already in the glass... all you had to do was add champagne! I believe that Arthur said that this drink isn't even on a menu on the Disney Fantasy.

Mixology by vshingl, on Flickr

Max decided to have another go and make the Paris 75, from the Paris section of the menu at the Skyline Lounge, which he was really excited about. It consisted of Grey Goose Citron, peach schnapps, blue curacao, pineapple juice, sugared rum, and a souvenir glow cube. We didn't get glow cubes because ours were served in smaller glasses, but Arthur did make one regular-sized Paris 75 to show us.

Mixology by vshingl, on Flickr

So that's how you shake it.

Mixology by vshingl, on Flickr

Mixology by vshingl, on Flickr

It turned out that of all of the drinks that we learned to make, Paris 75 was Max's least favorite. I think it was just a little sour to drink after the Raspberry Bellini!

Mixology by vshingl, on Flickr

We ended by taking a shot together that everyone poured themselves, a Baby Guinness. The Kahlua was already poured in the shot glasses, and we added the Bailey's Irish Cream. It's a very sweet, chocolatey-tasting shot. Max loved it so much that he purchased Bailey's and Kahlua in Cozumel so that he could make more!

Overall, the group Mixology class was really fun. We learned to make (though I don't know if I'll be able to replicate) five drinks, and Arthur was very friendly and knowledgeable, answering any questions we had. And I talked about our fear of awkwardness.... not a problem. Never worry about awkwardness when there are drinks involved! The class was also a great bargain at only $15 per person!

I was in your mixology class with you...after seeing the pictures, I totally realize now that I sat right down next to you guys when we first walked in. And yes, I made the champagne drink....way easier! :)
I was in your mixology class with you...after seeing the pictures, I totally realize now that I sat right down next to you guys when we first walked in. And yes, I made the champagne drink....way easier! :)

WAIT were you the lovely blonde lady wearing the blue maxi dress? I remember you making the champagne drink and saying that you waited for an easy one! So we did meet!
Enjoying your TR. We booked our 4th DisCruise for Sept 2015 in the Western Caribbean on the Fantasy so you dont have to rush to finish up your TR :rotfl2:
WAIT were you the lovely blonde lady wearing the blue maxi dress? I remember you making the champagne drink and saying that you waited for an easy one! So we did meet!

Yep!! We totally met....its a shame we didn't talk more!
Enjoying your TR. We booked our 4th DisCruise for Sept 2015 in the Western Caribbean on the Fantasy so you dont have to rush to finish up your TR :rotfl2:

Glad to have you reading along, and I hope I'm getting you excited for the Fantasy!


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