2017 WBPC: Zen, Self-Deprecation, and Reflections of a Life Well Cruised

Loving your report. We will be taking the PC cruise next year in the opposite direction. Like you, we will be taking it without our one and only off spring who will be enjoying her first semester in college. ;)
Loving your writing style, we are doing the WBPC in April 2018 and your report is my favourite report so far just because of your writing style!.
Day 2, Monday April 24, Sea Day
Music Recommendation: “Does Anybody Really Know What Time It Is” - Chicago

Our coffee was delivered promptly at the appointed time, 7:00 am. I was already up and stirring about the stateroom when the Room Service Attendant arrived. So here's a tip that I only learned halfway through the cruise. I've always been super concerned, to the point of obsession, that I have plenty of one dollar bills handy so that I can tip Room Service. Of course, if we order several items, a fiver will take care of it as well. Around day nine, I figured out an important "life hack" for ordering Room Service on Disney Ships: The Room Service Attendant always has a charge slip with him that, if you want, you can use to write in a tip amount and it will be added to your shipboard account. They make it so simple to tip! Who knew? (probably everyone but me)

We took our coffee on the balcony. This was the view from the balcony that morning:

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Somehow, that’s just a little more awe inspiring than having our morning coffee on the living room couch watching the TODAY show.

We threw on our gym cloths and headed off for our first official workout of this cruise. The Navigator indicated that there was going to be a Spin class at 9:30, and DW wanted to participate in that class. Sadly, by the time we got to the gym at 8:30, all slots for the Spin class had been filled. DW asked the gym attendants about it, and they said that it fills up really fast, so you almost need to be present right when they put the sign up list out. Although she was bummed that she missed the Spin class, DW noticed that there was a Pilates class at 4:00, and there were still some slots open for that. She signed up for Pilates and we did our morning workout routines. After our workout, we still had time to clean up and get to Cabana’s for our morning oatmeal. We tried to take it easy on the breakfast foods, since we had Palo Brunch scheduled at noon.

My notes are pretty much silent regarding the period of time between breakfast, and our Brunch at Palo, and I’m pleased about that! Here’s the thing - It’s only the second day of the cruise, and I’ve already started to experience that familiar conflict that always bedevils me when I'm vacationing. I abhor being tied to a schedule when I'm on vacation; I get enough of that at work. And yet, I am loath to miss anything; I want to do it all! The obvious problem is that these two vacation philosophies are mutually exclusive. One can't have it both ways. Time management experts, like Stephen Covey (author of "The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People") recommend that people diligently schedule “down time”; but I see a certain ambiguity in that recommendation. I mean, "diligently scheduled down time?" That's an oxymoron, right? Isn't that a little like vegetarians for beef? I thought the whole point of down time is that it’s not supposed to be scheduled!

“Does anybody really know what time it is? Does anybody really care?” - Chicago

I’ve always thought it would be nice to live without any kind of schedule, and be like the singer in the song by Chicago. Certainly THEN we’d be fulfilled and enlightened, and humanity would live in peace and harmony. I don’t believe it for a second, but isn’t it pretty to think so?

Unfortunately, one of the hard realities of 21st century life is that we are pretty much tethered to our schedules. We carry around a personal device that reminds us of the meeting we need to attend in 15 minutes. If we don’t show up, someone calls us on the same device and asks us why we are not where we said we were going to be. There were definitely times on this cruise when DW and I shuffled ourselves from activity to activity with a steady eye on the clock to make sure we made it to the next event. But there were also times, thankfully, when we tried not to schedule anything. I guess everyone struggles with striking the right balance.

Rant over. Off to Palo. Now, you have to understand context; I’m a CPA. And yes, all the stereotypes apply. So by definition, it’s hard for me to justify a $30 up-charge for Palo Brunch, when there is so much good food available that I don’t have to pony-up more money for. But I tried to go with an open mind. And somewhere between the crab legs, scallops, chicken parmesan, strawberry soup and cannoli, I had a culinary epiphany. Palo Brunch is worth every penny!

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So there's a couple of empty desert cups over there on the left, and clearly we haven't eaten our main courses yet. Don't judge me!
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How does one begin to describe Palo brunch? It was such a visceral, carnal experience. It made me wax poetic:

Ode to Palo By JohnGalt

Palo, you are my hunger,
Your rich bounty, my thirst.
A table is spread before me,
An oasis in the desert of the ocean.

Seventeen virgins could not serve
With the skill and subtlety of Sasha.
Each napkin thoughtfully arranged,
Every fork delicately placed.

I partake of my desire’s ambrosia.
Nectar is poured into my cup.
I eat a crab leg
And I am refreshed.

I find refuge in your parmesan chicken,
Solace in your eggs benedict.
I taste your margarita pizza,
And my heart rejoices.

Dessert. How can one aspire
To choose between the moon and the stars.
I know that I’ll miss you my sweet tiramisu,
But with regrets for poor Paulie, I’ll take the cannoli.

When will I be weaned
From the want of my obsession
That gave me the will to cross continents
And the strength to divide oceans.

Ok, so I had the tiramisu too. I’m so ashamed. Not.
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Your trip report is such a pleasure to read! Enjoying it very much.

If possible would love to hear a bit more about the fitness center (any info or tips would be appreciated). My husband works out once (sometimes twice) a day, no matter our location.
Shawarma! I do love thee. The last couple of cruises I've been on have had it. I can't wait to get it again! How is it so magical? My mouth is watering right now.

Magical is a great descriptor. One would think we would get tired of it. We never did. 2 weeks later we were still stopping by the shawarma counter, at least once a day.

Your trip report is such a pleasure to read! Enjoying it very much.

If possible would love to hear a bit more about the fitness center (any info or tips would be appreciated). My husband works out once (sometimes twice) a day, no matter our location.

You bet! I definitely have a few more things to say about the gym, and kind of a funny story about it on canal crossing day. I'll talk a little more about it in this day 2 installment, when DW went back for her Pilates class.

Loving your writing style, we are doing the WBPC in April 2018 and your report is my favourite report so far just because of your writing style!.

That is too nice! Thanks so much. I know you will have a BLAST next year. If there were a way to pull it off, with all of our other work and family commitments, I'd join you and do this cruise again in a heartbeat!!

Enjoying your report. My wife and I were on the same cruise. She is a native of Oklahoma and proud of it. I agree about Palo. It is a poetic experience.
Really enjoying your report and all of the photographs. It's fun to follow along, even when you are feeling a tad morose. ;)
Day 2, Monday April 24, Sea Day, Part II
Music Recommendation: “Long Cool Woman in a Black Dress” The Hollies

After brunch, we put on our swimsuits and headed for the RainForest room. I’ve heard various accounts, of whether or not the fragrant body scrubs that they provide for use in the RainForest Room are an up-charge or not. I can’t say what they’ve done in the past, but on this cruise, we were offered a body scrub each time we visited without any additional charge. The RainForest room is great. We enjoyed it each time we went. However, as many reviews have already pointed out, if you’ve been to the RainForest rooms on the Dream or the Fantasy, the experience on the Wonder will probably be a little bit of a let-down for you. The biggest difference is that on the Dream and on the Fantasy, the heated ceramic tile lounge chairs are in a room with floor to ceiling glass windows that afford an incredible view of the passing seascape. The RainForest room on the Magic and Wonder are completely enclosed; there are no windows. (“And consider this dismaying observation: This chamber has no windows and no doors, which offers you this chilling challenge: To find a way out! Bruhahahahahah”). Again, DW and I thoroughly enjoyed it, but when we were on the Fantasy for 7 days, I went ahead and sprung for a length of cruise pass for each of us. We really like kicking back on heated ceramic lounge chairs, taking in that incredible view. This time, we only purchased 5 days, even though it was a 14 day cruise. The price is the same for both ships, so the perceived value is not same on the Wonder.

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Another observation regarding our RainForest experience this time: There were not many people using the facility the first week of the cruise. I think we went twice that first week, and we never had to wait for a heated lounge chair or for one of the funky tropical showers. That made the experience that much more enjoyable. However during the second week, people probably began to realize that the passes they had purchased online were going to expire with no trade-in value. The RainForest room was exponentially more crowded each day closer to the end of the cruise. We did find that if we went early, right after it opened (8:00 am?) we could get in a good hour of solitude before others started wandering in.

After a solid hour on the heated lounge chairs (no one was waiting), we headed back to the room for some balcony time. Somehow, the path to our room involved a stop at the beverage station, and then a quick trip to the soft serve. Here’s DW enjoying her new coffee float addiction:

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To be fair, she tried (tried!) to limit herself to only one of these coffee concoctions each afternoon.

We spent an hour or so hanging out on our balcony. DW was glued to her Kindle, reading the latest teenage vampire romance novel (of which there are hundreds, I’m quite sure), and I caught up on my review notes.

Soon, we headed back to the gym for our afternoon workout. DW was determined to get a class in, even if it wasn’t the Spin class she had originally hoped for. As she assembled with the other Pilates participants in the front/center area of the gym, I got on an elliptical machine near the back of the room. There are several ellipticals in the front row, right up against the windows, all of which offer a fantastic view forward, but this time I preferred to be in back, so I could watch how the Pilates class progressed.

DW said that the Pilates class was good, not great. DW is pretty hard-core when it comes to these exercise classes, and I think that this was more of a “cruise ship” Pilates class. She felt like it wasn’t as strenuous as the Pilates classes she takes at shore-side gyms. Also, the area where they were holding the class is not that big. I think the class was limited to 8 people. All 8 people were given exercise mats to put on the floor. But they were squeezed so tightly in to this little area that a couple of the exercise mats were over-lapping other people’s mats! Interestingly, on the next sea day (two days later), DW was able to get in to the Spin class, and her objective review is that it soundly rocked! She was drenched with sweat after the Spin class, and that became the class that she tried to attend each day, if it fit with our schedule.

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Here are some tips, and things to know about the gym:

· The gym is kind of small, but we never had a problem getting on a machine. There were always plenty available.
· The earlier you go, the fewer people there are using the gym. There appeared to be somewhat of a bubble right around 9:30am – 10:30am.
· You will sometimes see crew members using the gym too. The Assistant Cruise Director was in there one day while we were working out.
· The gym attendants are super friendly and helpful.
· They keep icy wash cloths handy, for wiping off after a hard workout.
· While some cruise lines charge extra for classes, neither the Pilates class nor the Spin class had an additional charge on Disney.
· If the classes are important to you, go to the gym as soon as you board and inquire as to when they put the sign-up sheets out. As soon as DW learned this trick, she got in all the classes she wanted to.
· For 7 night or longer cruises, you will definitely see lots of no-shows as the cruise progresses. Consequently, even if you don’t get a slot on the sign-up sheet, show up about 10 minutes before the class and let the instructor know that you’d like to join the class if there are any no-shows. We saw this strategy successfully executed several times.
· The locker rooms are very nice, and very convenient. The lockers all have programmable locks, similar to the room safes. You enter a 4 digit code to lock, and the same code to unlock.
· The showers in the locker rooms are extra big, and there are great spa quality soap and shampoo dispensers in each shower stall. I used these facilities to clean up several times during our cruise while DW was using the shower back in our room.
· The men’s locker room has a shaving station with disposable shavers and shaving gel. I also used that a couple of times.

I don’t have any pictures of the gym to share with you. I had my phone with me, but it just seemed a little too stalker creepy to start snapping photos while people were working out. I do however, have pictures from the men’s locker room! Because that’s not creepy at all! (Heh. No one was in there when I took these pictures):

Here are the lockers and a comfortable bench:
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Here is the shaving station:
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Here is the blow-drying station:

And here is the hypodermic needle station. Wait, what?

DW explained to me that with the proliferation of type 2 diabetes, there is a very real need for disposal repositories, like this one, so that folks aren’t just throwing their insulin needles into the trash can, where they can inadvertently poke through the plastic liner and stick the poor guy emptying the trash. Ok then! I’m onboard. Props to Disney for being proactive!

So what about the long cool woman in the black dress? Well, after we got our second workout of the day in, we hustled up to the room and got ready for the evening's activities. And as it happens, tonight was a formal night. I put on a suit. No big deal, I wear a suit all the time. But DW, she puts on this black dress and WOW! A long cool woman in a black dress, just a 5'9" beautiful tall!

Here she is with Goofy and one of the Disney characters:

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And here we are, waiting for the show to start. I know - It's mind boggling. This long tall woman loves every chin on my face!

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Enjoying your report. My wife and I were on the same cruise. She is a native of Oklahoma and proud of it. I agree about Palo. It is a poetic experience.

Cool! Another Okie on the same cruise! Oklahoma Represents! Let's do Palo together next time!

Oh my goodness, you two are so dapper! :love: So lovely :flower1:

Thanks for the post on the gym; my husband is determined on our upcoming cruise next month that he 'will not overeat' and he 'will work out'. I however do not hold such grand illusions for myself. He is free to use the gym (and will be happy to hear there are no upcharges for such classes) while I will stick to my...ahem....wander.....as it were on deck 4 :p
Am sharing the (awesome!) gym info with my husband...thanks so much! He also loved the idea of a coffee float...genius!

Cannot wait to hear more. Thanks again!
Oh my goodness, you two are so dapper! :love: So lovely :flower1:

Thanks for the post on the gym; my husband is determined on our upcoming cruise next month that he 'will not overeat' and he 'will work out'. I however do not hold such grand illusions for myself. He is free to use the gym (and will be happy to hear there are no upcharges for such classes) while I will stick to my...ahem....wander.....as it were on deck 4 :p

You are most welcome! Have a great trip next month and be sure and let us all know how it went!

Am sharing the (awesome!) gym info with my husband...thanks so much! He also loved the idea of a coffee float...genius!

Cannot wait to hear more. Thanks again!

Thanks, my pleasure. Have a fantastic trip and let us know if likes the floats as much as my DW did!!

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Day 2, Monday April 24, Sea Day, Part II
Music Recommendation: “Long Cool Woman in a Black Dress”

After brunch, we put on our swimsuits and headed for the RainForest room. I’ve heard various accounts, of whether or not the fragrant body scrubs that they provide for use in the RainForest Room are an up-charge or not. I can’t say what they’ve done in the past, but on this cruise, we were offered a body scrub each time we visited without any additional charge. The RainForest room is great. We enjoyed it each time we went. However, as many reviews have already pointed out, if you’ve been to the RainForest rooms on the Dream or the Fantasy, the experience on the Wonder will probably be a little bit of a let-down for you. The biggest difference is that on the Dream and on the Fantasy, the heated ceramic tile lounge chairs are in a room with floor to ceiling glass windows that afford an incredible view of the passing seascape. The RainForest room on the Magic and Wonder are completely enclosed; there are no windows. (“And consider this dismaying observation: This chamber has no windows and no doors, which offers you this chilling challenge: To find a way out! Bruhahahahahah”). Again, DW and I thoroughly enjoyed it, but when we were on the Fantasy for 7 days, I went ahead and sprung for a length of cruise pass for each of us. We really like kicking back on heated ceramic lounge chairs, taking in that incredible view. This time, we only purchased 5 days, even though it was a 14 day cruise. The price is the same for both ships, so the perceived value is not same on the Wonder.

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Another observation regarding our RainForest experience this time: There were not many people using the facility the first week of the cruise. I think we went twice that first week, and we never had to wait for a heated lounge chair or for one of the funky tropical showers. That made the experience that much more enjoyable. However during the second week, people probably began to realize that the passes they had purchased online were going to expire with no trade-in value. The RainForest room was exponentially more crowded each day closer to the end of the cruise. We did find that if we went early, right after it opened (8:00 am?) we could get in a good hour of solitude before others started wandering in.

After a solid hour on the heated lounge chairs (no one was waiting), we headed back to the room for some balcony time. Somehow, the path to our room involved a stop at the beverage station, and then a quick trip to the soft serve. Here’s DW enjoying her new coffee float addiction:

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To be fair, she tried (tried!) to limit herself to only one of these coffee concoctions each afternoon.

We spent an hour or so hanging out on our balcony. DW was glued to her Kindle, reading the latest teenage vampire romance novel (of which there are hundreds, I’m quite sure), and I caught up on my review notes.

Soon, we headed back to the gym for our afternoon workout. DW was determined to get a class in, even if it wasn’t the Spin class she had originally hoped for. As she assembled with the other Pilates participants in the front/center area of the gym, I got on an elliptical machine near the back of the room. There are several ellipticals in the front row, right up against the windows, all of which offer a fantastic view forward, but this time I preferred to be in back, so I could watch how the Pilates class progressed.

DW said that the Pilates class was good, not great. DW is pretty hard-core when it comes to these exercise classes, and I think that this was more of a “cruise ship” Pilates class. She felt like it wasn’t as strenuous as the Pilates classes she takes at shore-side gyms. Also, the area where they were holding the class is not that big. I think the class was limited to 8 people. All 8 people were given exercise mats to put on the floor. But they were squeezed so tightly in to this little area that a couple of the exercise mats were over-lapping other people’s mats! Interestingly, on the next sea day (two days later), DW was able to get in to the Spin class, and her objective review is that it soundly rocked! She was drenched with sweat after the Spin class, and that became the class that she tried to attend each day, if it fit with our schedule.

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Here are some tips, and things to know about the gym:

· The gym is kind of small, but we never had a problem getting on a machine. There were always plenty available.
· The earlier you go, the fewer people there are using the gym. There appeared to be somewhat of a bubble right around 9:30am – 10:30am.
· You will sometimes see crew members using the gym too. The Assistant Cruise Director was in there one day while we were working out.
· The gym attendants are super friendly and helpful.
· They keep icy wash cloths handy, for wiping off after a hard workout.
· While some cruise lines charge extra for classes, neither the Pilates class nor the Spin class had an additional charge on Disney.
· If the classes are important to you, go to the gym as soon as you board and inquire as to when they put the sign-up sheets out. As soon as DW learned this trick, she got in all the classes she wanted to.
· For 7 night or longer cruises, you will definitely see lots of no-shows as the cruise progresses. Consequently, even if you don’t get a slot on the sign-up sheet, show up about 10 minutes before the class and let the instructor know that you’d like to join the class if there are any no-shows. We saw this strategy successfully executed several times.
· The locker rooms are very nice, and very convenient. The lockers all have programmable locks, similar to the room safes. You enter a 4 digit code to lock, and the same code to unlock.
· The showers in the locker rooms are extra big, and there are great spa quality soap and shampoo dispensers in each shower stall. I used these facilities to clean up several times during our cruise while DW was using the shower back in our room.
· The men’s locker room has a shaving station with disposable shavers and shaving gel. I also used that a couple of times.

I don’t have any pictures of the gym to share with you. I had my phone with me, but it just seemed a little too stalker creepy to start snapping photos while people were working out. I do however, have pictures from the men’s locker room! Because that’s not creepy at all! (Heh. No one was in there when I took these pictures):

Here are the lockers and a comfortable bench:
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Here is the shaving station:
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Here is the blow-drying station:
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And here is the hypodermic needle station. Wait, what?
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DW explained to me that with the proliferation of type 2 diabetes, there is a very real need for disposal repositories, like this one, so that folks aren’t just throwing their insulin needles into the trash can, where they can inadvertently poke through the plastic liner and stick the poor guy emptying the trash. Ok then! I’m onboard. Props to Disney for being proactive!

So what about the long cool woman in the black dress? Well, after we got our second workout of the day in, we hustled up to the room and got ready for the evening's activities. And as it happens, tonight was a formal night. I put on a suit. No big deal, I wear a suit all the time. But DW, she puts on this black dress and WOW! A long cool woman in a black dress, just a 5'9" beautiful tall!

Here she is with Goofy and one of the Disney characters:

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And here we are, waiting for the show to start. I know - It's mind boggling. This long tall woman loves every chin on my face!

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