2017 Fantasy Western September....lets just go trip. Updated 8/24/2017


DIS Veteran
Jul 9, 2000
So this is my 17th (I think :rolleyes1) Disney cruise but my first pre-trip report. I love pre-trip reports :banana:and I have noticed a lag in people posting these :confused: so I thought I would try. All of my planning is done because we sail in like 64 days but I will try to capture the details here for those who want to read it.

Cruise: 7 Night Western September 2, 2017. The first Halloween cruise of the season for the Fantasy. Seems to early to me but hey whatever:confused3.

Cruise Itinerary:
Day 1: Port Canaveral
Day 2: At Sea
Day 3: Cozumel
Day 4: Grand Cayman
Day 5: Jamaica
Day 6: At Sea
Day 7: Castaway Cay

Dbf - 41 years old. This is his second cruise. His first cruise was a 2 Night weekend getaway out of San Diego on the Wonder this past May. I told him that cruise was to see if I would keep him around :eek:because I have been there and done that with the reluctant companions :headache:. Clearly he passed the test or this pretrip report would not be happening. He loved it!! This was literally him getting on the ship :dancer:and where ever went he would sign Do you want to build a snowman or he would hold out his arms like Maui and say You're welcome!. He has never been a Disney guy because of exposure I think. No parks and limited movies. He loves Goofy, Minnie Mouse and Fish Extenders.

Me - 43 years old - yes I will claim it for now. :cheer2: Ok maybe not with pom poms :rotfl2:, I love Winnie the Pooh and Captain Mickey. I am the planner of these cruises for my family. I know it is sad but I actually might like the planning more than the trip and I love the trip. Excel spreadsheets are my friends. :jumping1:

How did the trip come about? Well I booked a place holder cruise on the May one and we started talking about how it was too short and how many things he didn't get to see. I am easily swayed into looking at pricing and options for upcoming cruises :rotfl:. So while driving back from San Diego (we live in Arizona.) I went on my phone and looked at pricing and availability. September seemed like a good time to go.

Back to my story:

First off I am not much of a picture person so I will try to add some but well not sure other then pictures of us what I would post. :confused3

So you know we booked the trip but this is how we got there. :blush: As I mentioned we are on our way back :car: from our May Cruise. As many of you can relate I am sure, the my trip is over blues :( is setting in and it feels like I didn't even get much of a trip:sad2:. I research pricing and availability and how much time off we would both have to take and it looked like the Labor Day Fantasy cruise (the one that is booked) would work :bounce:. However, I do not book anything at this time.

I call my family and tell them we are thinking of going. My sister is like have fun, the kids are in school so we can't go. Hmmmm:confused:.... I do not recall inviting you anyway. :rotfl2: I am joking, she is always welcome on my Disney Cruises. I tell my mom and she says I think you all will have a blast and if you and Dbf break up I will take his place. :bitelip: Ummm ok mom. I know she too was kidding. I tell my dad and actually invite him because he is only two hours from the port and he and my stepmom are retired so maybe they would like to go. He says they are interested. :cool1:

I started looking at cabin options. We had an oceanview on deck 2 on the Wonder in May. This was my first time in an Oceanview room and I am not a fan. I kept wanting to open the window like a balcony. On my very first ever Disney Cruise, we had booked an Oceanview Room again on the Wonder as a Guarantee Cabin with a Florida Resident Discount (ahhh those were the days). I will say Disney Cruise Pixie Dusted us and we ended up in a Navigator's Verandah. In reality I think this was a conspiracy. Give the new people a balcony so they will be hooked and by George I am. In 16 cruises I have only not stayed in a verandah of some kind twice - once with an inside stateroom for a three night on the Wonder and this past two night in an Oceanview on the Wonder. I admit I actually preferred the inside to the oceanview. This past January my sister and I splurged for sister weekend on the Dream and stayed in a concierge room 11000. It was awesome so back to cabin selection for this cruise.

No we haven't decided we are taking this September Cruise yet but you know I am the planner so let's just see what is out there and what I want. :surfweb: So back to cabin selection - I see there are a handful of concierge rooms available yet and the cost for the two of us is less than the cruise I have for 2 in a category 5 next July. Yes I know this is because summer and school being in session but it is hard not to notice the prices when you are already paying for next year. Sorry got derailed for a moment. One can dream right. Ok I really just dream about being on the ship not necessarily where I am on the ship. Moving on....

DBf and I talk about what kind of room we want and I tell him I really do not want an oceanview room. We can try an inside stateroom if he wants but for a few hundred dollars more we could have a verandah. For me this is a no brainer, I think he will be thrilled. I mean like jumping up and down thrilled when he gets to walk outside of our room and see and smell the ocean. The only bad part is he keeps mentioned "other" activities the balcony could be used for. I told Mickey has cameras all over the place and if he gets me banned or kicked off the Disney Cruises that he and I are done.

Dbf agrees to let me choose the Verandah cabin but is concerned about being sea sick. He wore sea bands on the Wonder cruise and was fine except when we were in Palo and he felt the vibration of the engines. The captain also said we were doing some calibration on the engine and would be spinning in circles. Yeah great!! Dbf did fine though no issue. I wanted to stay on a lower deck no higher than 7 but also wanted a circle shower and to be midship. Nothing was available.:scratchin
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Here is where I have to go on a work trip!!!!! :crazy2: So I figured it would be a distraction from planning:crazy2: Distraction who wants a stinking distraction.

Well, my flight east was 5 Yes FIVE HOURS long and of course all I did was think of this trip :thanks:and of course I am sold.

I only have to convince Dbf, check with work, check with dog sitter and other miscellaneous issues. I have convinced myself they are all manageable and doable. :rolleyes1

Ok my biggest concern is Dbf. Is he really that into this? Does he really want to go? What if he was just talking? I don't want to bring it up because I am excited now. :scared: I am use to people getting excited with me and then as I continue to plan .......they bail. Yes sad but it is the way it goes sometime.:crutches: Can you hear my little violin playing? :charac2: Ok its not sad they just suck. :rotfl2: That makes me laugh out loud. :jumping1:

Back to Dbf, what do I do? Well I had to do nothing. Not long afterwards and we have not talked about the trip in over a week maybe, I receive a text with a picture. Its the out of office board at his work and it shows September 2-9 as him out of office. His note said just in case we decide to go!! Woo Hoo!!!! :jumping1::jumping2: Talk about a dream man. :rotfl2:

I had also heard back from my dog trainer, she could watch my boys. :banana:
So now its time to get real in cabin selection :surfweb:. My sister is my partner in crime :laundy: (I wanted to use the laundry one) when it comes to trip planning and all things Disney. She loves it as much as I do - ok almost as much. Ok next closest in the family. She's awesome:love: and will listen to me talk about it as much as I want and I know it can get old. :rolleyes1 Since I cannot get what I want it a cabin, I call her and ask her what she thinks I should do.

She went with me on the Dream in concierge and she is like “Concierge!!”:worship: . I told her the cost and she said “Yep, Concierge”:worship:. I said hahaha. She said no really, you all aren’t taking kids.. “Book Concierge”:banana:. I told her no:thumbsup2. It just didn’t make sense.:confused3 I am sure you see where this is headed though. :jumping1:

The practical side in me said why would I book concierge with a man who has never really experienced a long cruise and is worried about being sea sick. Yeah that would be smart put him on the upper decks in the front. :rotfl:So back to the other rooms. I know this is a silly nit point but I am going to bring it up cause well it is my pretrip report. DBf is tall :dancer:and on the Wonder he had to squat :crowded: ( No squat so went with squish hehehehe) a bit to wash his hair in the shower and I felt badly. My new goal:thumbsup2 was to research whether the circle shower or normal shower would be better for him and then also decided that I would aim for the front of the ship if possible so he could shower in the Spa area if it was easier for him. I saw mixed opinions on this issue and finally just went with the a forward room on deck 7. It was haunting me

I checked everyday for something that would work. Yes there were cabins but not what I wanted. I did not want to settle. Yeah settle to be on a Disney cruise. Tough life. Finally......Cabin 7534! Its not a circle shower but it will work. I held it! 3 Day courtesy hold. Sweet!!! :jumping1:
So last I left, I had placed a three day hold on cabin 7534.

Two bad things occurred now. Ok really how bad can they be – we both wanted to go on this cruise.

Well the first is minor and really not THAT bad but the platinum booking window had already opened two weeks before. Turned out this was fine, but in my mind at the time I freaked out a little cause I needed to plan!!!

Second, The week before I think DCL announced the Fall 2018 itineraries so……. What does this mean to me? Nothing right I have my desired room held and I can just put the deposit down on the website. Nope I had forgotten that I had a placeholder cruise booked so I would need to call Disney. I called Disney on the day Silver people could book these cruises and sat on hold for a little over an hour. The reservationist laughed at me when I said I did not want a 2018 Fall Itinerary reservation. He was efficient and got my placeholder moved to the new room and canceled the one on hold. I then went a head and paid for the trip in full. Woo Hoo!!!!

Cruise Booked Now what. Let the planning begin. DBf has never been to the Caribbean and has never been snorkeling. I know right. I guess growing up in Florida led me to believe everyone has. Now I get the Alaskan individual or Canadian but he spent every summer at the beach in south Carolina. Ok who knew. Well since he had never done this I wanted to put it on the itinerary. Our biggest problem with deciding on excursions is that he wanted to do everything. He did not understand that its not possible to go to a beach resort and go to say the Secret River. Maybe cruising isn’t for him after all. Only time will tell. We booked: 3 snorkel tour in Cozumel, shipwreck snorkel tour in Grand Cayman and Adrenaline Zipline in Jamaica. Oh yeah waverrunner in Castaway Cay.

I also booked the following
  1. a surprise couples choice spa villa for us on the first sea day (ok. No longer a surprise). Also some manly shaving treatment as well
  2. Palo Brunch on the last sea day
  3. Palo dinner on Cozumel Day
  4. Remy Dinner on last sea day as well
I think that is it. Now I need to book – Air, Hotel, Transportation
Up next hotel, air and transportation.

Hotel is mostly easy and I quickly booked the Residence Inn at the Port. I was worried because of the holiday weekend but it was still available. So that is booked. We almost always stay here. The room rate is great through my work and the breakfast is good compared to other hotels. The bad part is that it is a PEPSI establishment. Not sure why this stuff is still made :confused3 . :laughing: Also even though it is only one night, I really like the refrigerator for some precruise celebration materials and the extra space to get organized. Since we are flying I have to go through the repack the carry on routine.

I also am not sure about when we are going to leave so I look at the Hyatt at MCO and again the rate is the cheapest I have ever seen so I grab it as well. I know I know – two hotel reservations for the same night :crazy2:but I need to make sure I have something available. I will cancel one of them as soon as I book airfare. I have never stayed at the Hyatt and would really like to do this and possibly take the Disney Transfer to the port in the morning.

I also quickly book a car rental for MCO to port just in case we stay over there. One way rental for 24 hours is 46.59 with taxes and what nots. I booked with National. This is usually my method of getting to the port so I know the routine well. :thumbsup2
:crazy2: Insert daunting scary music.

I am ready to check airfare. Its always scary when I go to do this because going east can be ridiculously expensive and due to Dbf’s work schedule we don’t want to leave until late Friday with the cruise on Saturday. Not my preferred mode of getting to my cruise.

Well the latest flight out on that Friday from our local airport is at 1:30 PM. Not late enough so I check the PHX airport. There are a few options including red eyes. Again daunting music. A redeye Friday Night before a holiday weekend and the cruise leaving the day we land. Yeah, this is not something I do.

Historical note: One time, in a previous situation (so not band camp), I was booked with the family on a Disney cruise that left on a Sunday out of Port Canaveral. We had decided to go in Thursday morning and spend Friday and Saturday at the Disney Parks and then drive over Sunday morning. Our flight was to leave at 6AM my time (3 hour time difference to east coast). We left the house at 3:45 Yes AM for a 30 minute drive to the airport. Security did not open until 430AM so we think plenty of time. There was a major accident and we got to the airline counter at 6:05. Needless to say we were not the only ones that missed the flight. Unfortunately, It was memorial day weekend. The next flight they could get us on was Saturday afternoon. We landed in MCO at 10:30 Saturday night. We still went to the park Sunday morning before the cruise and got to the port about 1PM. All ended up ok. So now I prefer to go in two days early just in case.

Back to our regularly scheduled program – if you recall we cannot leave until Friday afternoon due to Dbf’s work schedule, cruise leaves Saturday and we are going to have to drive 2 hours to the PHX airport. So………… I am stressed. :crazy2: There is a flight out around 4 ish I seem to recall that will get us in after midnight or there are some red eye options. 4ish is tough!!! Two hour drive plus he is working and will need to get cleaned up before we can head to the airport. The later flight is much more expensive but still doable. AAAGGGGHHHHHH!!!!

Alright I tell myself the latest flight that gets us in the earliest – it’s a direct flight so I say it will be ok plus we will save the hotel fee. I tell Dbf. He says “hmmmmmm……didn’t you tell me you like to get in at least a day early”. :scared1: Wow bonus point for this guy - he actually listens when I talk….. outloud I say “yes, but….” And the proceed to explain the problem. He says “hmmmmm….. I do not really want to be tired to get on the ship. Let me see if I can get that Friday off”. What?!?!?!?! He is going to do what. I actually ask him to repeat himself because I thought for sure I made that up. He laughed at me and said he would check. :jumping2:The next day I got a picture with his name on that Friday to be off. :jumping1:Woo Hoo!!! We are now looking at the red eye on Thursday night. Ok I am going to apologize right now because I just noticed I am flipping back and forth between tenses. As I mentioned this is already booked, but as I type it the memories and feeling are flooding back as if I am in the situation right now.
When I get home from my business trip, his first question to me is cruise related - "Did you sign us up for the Fish Extender Thing?". :rotfl2: I literally laughed at him ok not at him but because of his comment. Well No I had not actually but found the group and promptly did so. He makes me laugh with his interest in this activity. Airfare is put on hold and we spend the evening or next several evening talking about FE gifts.

All right back to airline discussions, since we are now talking about going in Thursday night on a red eye I am contemplating booking a hotel for when we land. Not really sure what time this will be yet, but I have learned that there is a launch scheduled at Cape Canaveral and that always makes the hotels busy so just to be safe I book another night at Residence Inn. Three hotels booked. My dad has still not decided or rather not told me if he had decided to go yet, but I wasn't going to pester because as I think I have said I tend to do when I really excited. :jumping1:

My sister is still my planning partner because she has been on multiple ones like me and it is helpful to have someone to bounce FE ideas of in addition to other stuff like Airfare.

I had narrowed it down to two flights out of PHX and returning to my local airport again to two flights.

First going to MCO – I have enough points on delta for two first class one way tickets on the red eye. Why first class – 1) free baggage, 2) more sleeping space remember Dbf is a big guy and 3) its only 7500 more points (not sure why but ok). Other option: Direct flight on American in coach. The Delta flight connects in Atlanta and gets into MCO at 8:23AM on Friday. The American flight gets into MCO about 530AM on Friday. Sleeping time would be comparable. I struggle with this choice and go back and forth all. I even posted about it.

The return flight is much easier. I do not want to wait around the MCO airport all day so we will take American. Two choices again. First choice leaves at 11:23 am and lands at home around 3 I think. Second choice leaves at 1215 I think and lands at home at the same time. The difference of course is the layover time. If we take the 1215 we will only have 40 minutes to connect in Dallas, but if we take the 1123 we cannot use the onboard check-in. I have in fact taken this 1123 flight multiple times so I know I can make it if I book a town car. I would probably make it with Disney Transportation as well but I want to make sure. Dbf is worried about the connection time so he makes the decision that we will take the 1123 flight and I book it and the town car. Ok well now we can get home but we still have not gotten there. I really do not know what to do so I let my sister decide lol. She says use the points and save the money for excursions. Ok done. I book the Delta flight in first class. We can use the Atlanta stop to wake up.

Airfare booked!! :cool1: Once I book airfare I consider myself committed to the trip. Yes I know I already paid in full but I could still cancel at this stage. A pain in the butt but still doable.
Now this next part is a bit fuzzy on why and when – other than it wasn’t long ago.

I keep watching the cabin availability, there are still a couple of concierge rooms available and they are haunting me. I am texting my sister and we are laughing and I tell her she should just come with Dbf and I. I even text DBf and ask if it is all right if she stays with us. He says yes of course. She says she doesn’t want to go if it’s not concierge. I said I would book one and then we start laughing about the room we had in January and the handicap door button that I kept thinking was the light switch. Ok typing all this I now realize why no one understands why it is funny. Anyway, I decide to forego my coveted 7534 room for a concierge room on deck 12. :jumping2: I still cannot believe I did this.

When she hears this she says she wants to go so I tell her I will watch and if one comes available I will hold one for her while she convinces her husband. Well I do not think either of us thought this would happen. Total jump ahead in more story but well there you are - Well over the next couple of days, one comes available and I hold it under her name and tell her. She’s like what?!?!?!? I told her to sell it to her husband as a wedding anniversary trip. I also told her I had spoken to my mother and she agreed to watch the kids. She was again like What?!?!?! I hope she gets to go. She and I have lots of fun together and she like Dbf so it could be a neat couples trip.

I realize after I upgrade to concierge that I still have all the concerns from before. Will DBf be ok on deck 12 and so far forward? I decide if my sister cannot go I will move to her room on deck 11. Its a whole deck so I figure maybe :confused3 it won't bother him as much. Yeah whatever it takes to get my mind around it lol.

So now I really have no clue who is going on this trip other than DBf and I. So to recap, I am now in a concierge room and for sure its Dbf and I on the trip. I have booked airfare, multiple hotels, a car to get to the port and a town car to get back to the airport.
Again not sure of the date, but my dad calls me and asks me how “our trip” plans are coming. I told him mine were mostly done but that he wasn’t sure if he was going lol. I also told him I upgraded to concierge and that I was working on my sister to go. The next day my sister confirmed she was in – I am still not sure what she promised her husband hehehehe and my dad said they were in. My sister paid this day but my dad wanted to talk to my stepmother about the room location. There were no more concierge rooms available.

So my couples trip is still a couples trip. Its just three couples. My sister is on deck 11, I am on deck 12 and my dad is on deck 7. So you recall one of my reluctance’s is that Dbf might get sea sick. Well we bought some bonine this weekend to try. He wore sea bands on the last trip but he is so big they kind of cut off the blood to his hands.

So now where was I. Cruise is booked, Airfare booked, Multiple hotels booked, Transportation booked. Sis and Dad going.

At this point I am watching for airfare for my sister, I am the family travel agent and for her its kind of pricey right now But she might need a hotel so of course I go book the Residence Inn and the Hyatt. Ok rates for them. I also made my dad one at the residence inn. He is in Florida and driving over/up whatever but I want them to have the option of coming the night before if they want. After all I will be there.
I received an email from American Airlines today about my return flight. They have changed their schedule. I dread opening any email that says schedule change in the title. However, this time it was a good thing or so I think. They changed my 1123 flight to an 1140 flight so now I can use Disney onboard checkin.

Dbf and I have decided we are not going to do Remy. Sis has decided her and her husband want to do Remy and her and my dad want to join us for our Palo reservations. Nothing is available online so I email shoreside concierge. They had to change my brunch time by 30 minutes but they were able to get it all fixed the only problem is they have my sister eating at Remy at 6 and then joining us at Palo at 7:30. Hmmmmmmm…… Yeah not going to work lol . So I email them back and they fix it. Since my dad and sister have joined us I have also been asking about a family beach cabana but of course nothing is available. We haven’t decided if we want to keep the Serenity Bay one. I understand its eh.
I called Disney today and paid for my gratuities and also book Disney transfers. Woo Hoo!! I really like not dealing with my luggage until I get home. I can shower with whatever that morning.

Dbf and I have decided we are now going to do Remy. Yes its not been long. However, Dbf is reluctant to give up any of the meals at the MDR. I showed him the menus and he wants to try it all. I have tentatively booked Remy dinner for the first sea day.

So Dbf asked about shows. We saw Frozen on the Wonder and he loved it; however we had to leave 15 minutes early to make our Palo dinner. I told him Aladdin is on this ship and that its good. He wants to see it of course and wants to make sure we don’t have to leave early. Oops this is the night of Remy and there is no later time then the one I have so Remy is back off. I tell him and he’s ok.
Now he wants to do Remy lol and we are looking at the menus to decided which other one he wants to skip. He has decided normal rotation at enchanted garden is passable and maybe princess and prince dinner or Pirates but he wants to dress up as a Pirate. Ok fine. Palo is a rotation night I will put in an unguaranteeable request for a rotation and Remy is princess and Prince night. Let’s see how long this lasts.
This morning he mentions he does not want to snorkel twice. Ummmmm…. Okkkkk……. I told him walking around Grand Cayman shopping is ok . He said ok let’s do that. So I am not canceling this excursion until it gets closer. I know he is super excited.
This weekend we are going to start making Fish Extender Gifts. We are currently signed up for two Family Fes and one adult – about 34 cabins I think. I know some people think this is too many but I like about 30.

I started my packing list and my things to do list. I even tried to hold my mail already.

I booked my sister’s airfare and her airport transfers. She is flying on southwest on Saturday morning Yikes but its not far. I am sure she will be fine. I canceled all her hotel reservations.

I still have my Residence Inn reservation for Thursday Night even though I do not get in until Friday morning at 823. Technically check in time is at 3PM, so if I cancel that reservation I could be stuck for awhile but I doubt it would be 3 when I actually got my room. So I am thinking this – Cancel the Thursday room; I will still have my Friday night hotel at the residence inn; I land at 830ish. By the time I get my luggage, get the rental car and get on the road it could be 930 or 10. I have thought about going to downtown Disney (yes I know its Disney Springs but well its still MGM as well) just so he can see it and have lunch there and shop – who doesn’t need a trip to world of Disney - and then head over. We have some last minute things we need to pick up at the store and he wants to go to Ron Jon’s so then I tell myself just head to the port no need to add more driving time. My only concern is if the room isn’t available until late. We will be done with errands by 12 or 1 and then what. I know late lunch at a bar and just chill. I wonder if Residence Inn would let me sit by the pool until my room is ready. I cannot see why they wouldn’t. I am rambling sorry. I also considered going to one park for the day and staying at WDW for the night but I think I am just trying to do too much. I have also thought about heading to the outlet mall for the character warehouse as well. I just do not know right now.
This past weekend we completed the gifts for the girls of our FE. It went much faster than I expected and HE ACTUALLY helped. Well this is what we wanted to give the girls but I always seem to be the one doing it. I was wrong with him. He actually said he was having fun putting them together and hopes to see people with it on the ship.

Other activities for the cruise: I keep checking for the family beach cabana but alas nothing yet. I also keep checking for different rooms. There is nothing wrong with mine but if it came available I would like to be on the starboard side or on the same deck as my sister. I also check to see if another Cat V stateroom comes available in case my dad wants to upgrade. I figured it out we have 6 more weekends we can theoretically work on the FE gifts due to some travel and other activities; however, I am probably going to ship them to the ship so that takes off another weekend. I ordered some more supplies for the other FE cause one of the items is something I have never done. We are doing a cabin gift and then some little things for the kids. I might post a picture later but unlikely well cause I do not want to ruin surprises – just in case.

Oh wait I made a few magnets for my sister and ordered some Tshirts for them. I will try to post them here later.
Ok that is all caught up and a little weird if you check dates. Sorry about that.
Yesterday I tried to add some tastings via my reservation but the timings didn't work. I was disappointed and emailed concierge for help but they haven't gotten back to me yet.

I am looking at both the Chocolate and Liquor tasting which I loved and the champagne which my sister loved.

This weekend is about finishing the fish extender gifts well mostly. One item I cannot get until I get to Florida but that will be easy
I am with you--the Chocolate and Liquor tasting was all booked when I looked at it, and I toyed with the Champagne tasting but I think it is too early. I ended up snagging Cognac and Bourbon super late at night, hoping our kids will be ok in the kids club that late! I've been trying to shift their bedtimes later :)

YAY FE gifts :)
Concierge could get me both but I had to make some changes to my reservations one I took the other I did not. So no chocolate for me.


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