20041218-cruise-friends-memories Part 4

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Originally posted by DW4US
I used to be addicted to trip reports --- now it's this thread --- is there a support group?

If you find one, let me know. I will fully admit to having a serious DIS addiction---mostly it's to this thread. But then again, it's almost like I'm keeping in contact with friends and family, right?? Aren't relationships important to foster? (rationalizing) :rolleyes:
Happy Belated Birthday Paul...

A Happy Anniversary Mary & Mark:lovestruc

A a VERY Happy Birthday to my DARLING DAUGHTER, Julia:bday: :daisy: :bday:

Thanks for sending the birthday wishes to Julia..I let her read them, she doesn't quite get who all these people are:confused: but they made her smile:D

I've been able to keep up reading but infortunately no time to post.

Got a new child Monday who is the same age(17 months) as one of my kids already here and I have decided I am not a babysitter... I am a referee:crazy: We are talking total melt downs just about every waking moment. If it wasn't so hysterical just observing it all I think I would lose my mind but I am quite burnt out by the end of the day.

I have REALLY enjoyed reading all the love stories. I am hoping after we have Julia's little celabration I can sit down and share DH's and my story.
Oh, almost forgot....another vote for Tacos!!!
Originally posted by magiroux
Oh, almost forgot....another vote for Tacos!!!

That's 3 votes Tacos. ;)

Originally posted by magiroux
If it wasn't so hysterical just observing it all I think I would lose my mind but I am quite burnt out by the end of the day.

Wow, too burnt out to have the energy to lose your mind??? I thought I had it bad with the dog! I really feel like I *do* have the energy to lose my mind. The only reason I'm not doing it is because WHO on Earth would get the laundry done while I'm gone???

Pumpkin seeds roasting in the oven..... mmmmmm They don't serve THAT on DCL! ;)

just a fast hello hope things are great hi dw really miss u :teeth: :hyper: :hyper: :hyper: :tongue:

great time at class jaw feelingg better or is the liquid meds woorking good

:wave2: Hi Guys!
Quick check-in before I run Jared to soccer practice...

TACOS!! I almost made enchiladas for tonight, but put a lasagne in instead.
And did you have to mention Jeff Probst? Now I'll be dreaming about him all night tonight AND tomorrow night. He's so cute.

I got the "coffin" joke.....had to turn the brain cells on today, was working. Of course, I go in and first thing I say is "Well, did everyone decide who they're going to vote for?" and started the political debate of the century. I'm sure my husband thanks me for starting a war among the employees. :o

We needed Gus there, since Canada & their health plan was mentioned numerous times.

Off to read my mail. Back tonight after dinner.....

Originally posted by dee47
And, the writer in me wants to know if Mary even peeked at my stories...Is it OK to ask???

Dee - I've been so crazy I've only read a little bit of one. I've loved what I've read so far. I've got Friday off so hopefully I'll have more liesure time to read then. Thanks for sharing them with me and I promise when I finish I'll give a full review!
Thank You!!!!!!!

Thank you all for the wonderful anniversary wishes! It has been a wonderful 14 years and I'm looking forward to many many more! How nice to be able to share it with all of you!
Originally posted by justmestace
And did you have to mention Jeff Probst? Now I'll be dreaming about him all night tonight AND tomorrow night. He's so cute.

Soooooo, that's what makes you the "Horny Toe" eh?:crazy:
Thanks for all the well wishes!


That makes top #11!

Originally posted by ohiominnie
:I think part of the difference is he talks to people all day. Other docs, nurses, preppers, patients, families, social workers, etc etc. Whereas I talk to the kids, the dog and myself. So I'm always up for chatting away and making new friends. He has his few close friends and struggles to make time for those few. He doesn't want to spread himself too thin. But, I'll assure you, he did say you guys seemed like nice ppl and that your kids were very well behaved and mature. :)

I understand. I spend all day on the telephone talking to people and that is the last thing I want to do at night.

Thanks for the compliment. The kids take after their mother.
Originally posted by ohiominnie
tacos, cheeseburgers or bratwurst.....

which should I make for dinner?
(ok, so we don't eat as well as the scubas!)

TACOS!! I vote for tacos.
Originally posted by ohiominnie
tacos, cheeseburgers or bratwurst.....

which should I make for dinner?
(ok, so we don't eat as well as the scubas!)

Well, those sound pretty good to me. Tonight we had chicken breast with fresh mushrooms in a hunter sauce and stir fried veggies.

Cheeseburger in Paradise .... can't beat that!
I keep running outside to watch the eclipse (not sure about spelling). My dogs wonder why all this in and out stuff, the deer are waiting patiently to get to my bird feeders and a possum or raccoon hasn't hit my trash can yet.
The eclipse is pretty cool!
It was so cloudy here this evening I figured we wouldn't see it, but now it's an incredibly clear night.

Kids are up late. After all, how often is there a total lunar eclipse? For that matter, how often are the Sox in the series (and about ready to sweep it?)
Originally posted by tinksdad
Soooooo, that's what makes you the "Horny Toe" eh?:crazy:

Darn!! My secret is out! :smooth:

Where is everyone? I found us halfway down the page.

I have three choices for hiring new cleaning people, going to look at their websites to see if that gives me a hint as to which I should interview first.
WHAT??? You didn't honestly think I was going to clean it myself, did you???????

I had to repair the toilet at the shop and then mop the bathroom floor today. Normally, I don't touch that bathroom. I don't mind fixing the toilet, I've always had a knack for it, but I usually draw the line at cleaning....even Jay was impressed. I guess I had to make up for starting the political war.

So....who's story haven't we heard yet? Paul....I don't remember hearing yours!
Waiting for the eclipse here, too.....not going to tell you that the two blondes in the house were looking toward the west, wondering why we couldn't see it...and deciding it must be too cloudy!:crazy:
Originally posted by justmestace
I have three choices for hiring new cleaning people, going to look at their websites to see if that gives me a hint as to which I should interview first.

Do you guys have Angie's List in your area? We love having it as a reference to check companies out first. In fact, we were looking at fencing companies and I liked the name of one....Yoder Fencing in Plain City. Yoder--good Amish/Mennonite name. Plain City--huge Mennonite area. Well, the reviews on Angie's List were AWFUL!! No need to even call them for an estimate.
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