145 Middle Schoolers: Wicked Awesome or Epic Fail???DeParting-Such Sweet Sorrow p. 76

All caught up!

Only people who weren't familiar with the pain-in-the-rear it is to get to DTD would chose it over a night at MK!

FastPass Faux Pas! I liked it :thumbsup2

The Bad Cow story is hilarious - my brother when he was younger had a Mickey plus he called Yoy-Yoy. To this day none of us can figure out why.

Can't wait for more!

When one of the dads said to me "You'll get over to MK, go on one ride and then come back", all I could think of was how much time they would be spending on the bus!

Another trip report inspired me to coin the FP FP phrase, but then I came up with the perfect place to use it myself!

I love everyone sharing their special family memories!
We exited the park and walked to the bus stop right around the time Wishes was starting. We were able to see some of the higher fireworks from the show.

No buses came while the fireworks were going off. In fact, we didn’t see any buses moving at all.

The mean woman from the parade was not there at the bus stop, so I was able to take all of the pictures I wanted!














I'll admit, the view of fireworks over the bus stop is not anywhere as impressive as seeing them surrounding the castle!

Once the show ended, the swarms of people started to show up, but we were close to the front of the line, so we were able to get on the first bus to All Star Movies that arrived.

As is often the case with the buses at night, the lights were out and the ride was dark. The six of us in our group were discussing the plans for the next morning. We had a free day (no classes), and we hadn’t been to Animal Kingdom yet, so that’s what we were going to do. We needed to figure out what time everyone would be ready.

One boy was talking about himself and his roommates-

“X and Y shower at night. I take my shower in the morning. And Q does not shower”

Apparently everyone around us was listening to the conversation, because laughter broke out in the darkness.

Q said “That’s me!”

One of the other riders said “Well, we know who to avoid if we see you around the resort!”

When we arrived at the resort and the lights came on, Q introduced himself
to our fellow passengers.

It was a pretty funny encounter.

By the time everyone in our group was checked into their rooms, it was probably around 11:30. I returned to my room and settled in for the night.

Next up: Bad, Bad Chaperone!
:rotfl: Too funny about the boy who doesn't shower! :rotfl: Did he say exactly WHAT he does? Bathe in the pool? Sponge bath at the sink? :rotfl: At least everyone had a good laugh with that.

Be back later to see your pics, now that you were finally allowed to take them. :lmao:
The conversation on the bus sounds just like a bunch of teenage boys. :rotfl: It's funny that Q spoke up and even introduced himself when the lights came on.
That's a riot! I could totally see Eric somehow being proud of that fact and announcing it. He won't shower unless we remind him to. It just never occurs to him.

Fireworks from the bus stop are arguably better than none at all, maybe?

Hmmn. A free day with no set wake up time. Could be interesting with that age group!
:rotfl: Too funny about the boy who doesn't shower! :rotfl: Did he say exactly WHAT he does? Bathe in the pool? Sponge bath at the sink? :rotfl: At least everyone had a good laugh with that.

Be back later to see your pics, now that you were finally allowed to take them. :lmao:

No, we didn't get any information about his alternate bathing routine. I'm hoping the back-up plan was not Kali River Rapids.

No need to rush back for the photos. There's a lot of them. But they aren't that great! :lmao:

The conversation on the bus sounds just like a bunch of teenage boys. :rotfl: It's funny that Q spoke up and even introduced himself when the lights came on.

The boy was not embarassed in the least! I think he was welcoming the attention.

That's a riot! I could totally see Eric somehow being proud of that fact and announcing it. He won't shower unless we remind him to. It just never occurs to him.

Fireworks from the bus stop are arguably better than none at all, maybe?

Hmmn. A free day with no set wake up time. Could be interesting with that age group!

I have two boys with extremely different showering habits!

I was really glad to at least see the fireworks, without having all of the exit hassles.

The next morning WAS interesting. I can't remember if there was a schoolwide set wakeup time. I know the teachers and administrators were pretty enthusiastic about knocking on the kids' doors in the mornings.
No, we didn't get any information about his alternate bathing routine. I'm hoping the back-up plan was not Kali River Rapids.

:lmao::rotfl2::rotfl: You might have a hard time explaining that to his parental units.

Nice pics!
I have been more of a lurker than a poster, but really enjoying your report! Cracking up at the boys on the bus and shower discussion! Can't wait to read about the Bad Bad Chaperone!
:lmao::rotfl2::rotfl: You might have a hard time explaining that to his parental units.

Nice pics!

Well, if you wanted to be sure your (14 year old) son bathed regularly during the trip, you should have come along!

Thanks for the comments about the pictures. I never have much luck with fireworks photos, but these are not too bad. I think my point and shoot has a fireworks setting, but I was just using the regular, automatic mode.

I have been more of a lurker than a poster, but really enjoying your report! Cracking up at the boys on the bus and shower discussion! Can't wait to read about the Bad Bad Chaperone!

Glad you came out in the open to comment! I'm happy to hear you are enjoying the report and the bus conversation. It really made the bus ride memorable!

I'll be posting "Bad Bad Chaperone" :blush: by the end of the week.

ETA: I just looked at your ticker. Have a fantastic trip!!!
Oh Dee sometimes you cheer me right up:thumbsup2 Love the discussion on personal hygiene (seriously hope that teen didn't arrive at the pool with a bar of soap):rotfl:
Love the fireworks pics and I'm glad the grumpy goat of a woman has disappeared:lmao:
Cant wait for more!
Fireworks! So pretty. Had to laugh at the shower comment. A friend of mine has a son that went to a sleep away camp for the first time this year for 5 days. His bar of soap was unopened in his footlocker when Mom unpacked it. Ewww. So hoping there was community soap out there somewhere!
Oh Dee sometimes you cheer me right up:thumbsup2 Love the discussion on personal hygiene (seriously hope that teen didn't arrive at the pool with a bar of soap):rotfl:
Love the fireworks pics and I'm glad the grumpy goat of a woman has disappeared:lmao:
Cant wait for more!

I'm so glad I could add a smile to your day! I imagine the post-Disney blues are setting in!

The bus discussion cracked me up! Especially Q's reaction. He totally didn't mind.

I was glad that we were able to see the fireworks and there was one boy in particular who really wanted to see some, so I was happy for him.

Fireworks! So pretty. Had to laugh at the shower comment. A friend of mine has a son that went to a sleep away camp for the first time this year for 5 days. His bar of soap was unopened in his footlocker when Mom unpacked it. Ewww. So hoping there was community soap out there somewhere!


Too funny about your friend's son. But only because I know I don't have to worry about my teenager. I knew he would be showering regularly on the trip.

I enjoyed the "bonus" fireworks.
Too funny! I'm cracking up at the non bathing stories. I'm trying to remember---your trip was in May/June....right? Uhm....Pretty warm outside...Yuck!

Glad Ms. Grouchy-Pants wasn't at the bus stop, so you could take all the pictures you wanted! ;)
Yay for seeing Wishes!!! Well at a little of it. That story about that boy not showering was making me think about DS15's trip. He told me showered everyday (god I hope so!!) I do think the shampoo and soap were used up. Phew! Because I do need to remind him to shower especially in the summer!! ( I guess it's because it's so unstructured.

Just a little update on the job situation- got 2 rejections in the past week. Still waiting to hear from interviews I had last wk and yesterday. I just applied to 2 more yesterday and today. So I guess not all hope is lost. I hope I get a call for an interview very soon!! Since school starts on the 6th!!!:crazy2:
Too funny! I'm cracking up at the non bathing stories. I'm trying to remember---your trip was in May/June....right? Uhm....Pretty warm outside...Yuck!

Glad Ms. Grouchy-Pants wasn't at the bus stop, so you could take all the pictures you wanted! ;)

Yes, the trip was at the beginning of June. Not a good time to ignore bathing routines after being out in the heat all day long.

I enjoyed the unexpected view of the fireworks and I was glad I could take pictures without being criticized.

Yay for seeing Wishes!!! Well at a little of it. That story about that boy not showering was making me think about DS15's trip. He told me showered everyday (god I hope so!!) I do think the shampoo and soap were used up. Phew! Because I do need to remind him to shower especially in the summer!! ( I guess it's because it's so unstructured.

Just a little update on the job situation- got 2 rejections in the past week. Still waiting to hear from interviews I had last wk and yesterday. I just applied to 2 more yesterday and today. So I guess not all hope is lost. I hope I get a call for an interview very soon!! Since school starts on the 6th!!!:crazy2:

OOPS- didn't mean to put the scare into parents who don't accompany their boys to overnight trips.

Sorry to hear about the news on the job front. I'm really hoping all your hard work applying and interviewing will pay off soon.

Wow, I thought we started late on Sept 4. Do you get a Feb and April break in your district?
Most of the districts around here go back between the 4th and 6th. Sometimes like with my kids, teachers go back for 2 days then kids.
We do get Feb. and April vaca.-thank God for that!!!

I'm trying to stay optimistic about the job!! At least I've had some interviews. There's nothing worse than not even getting a chance to be interviewed.

BTW I look forward to reading your updates while having my breakfast each morning!:thumbsup2
Showering - when I was a youngster (over 55 years ago) I had a pair of slacks and a striped polo shirt that I thought was the bees knees. I would come home from school every day and change out of my prissy dress (all girls wore dresses or skirts) and change into my "real" clothes. I never knew that my mom would wash them every other day because she would return them to where she found them. :rotfl2: She used to have to fight with me to take baths as "I wasn't dirty". Now I assure you, climbing trees and defending forts does get one dirty.:thumbsup2 She reminds me of that now when I tell her we can't go somewhere until I get my shower. :goodvibes

Job front news - we just had two teachers resign because they got a better paying job and summers off (I'm the administrator in a residential private school). We don't start until the 4th. We were able to fill both positions with people we had interviewed for other positions. So even though it's almost Sept, I am keeping my fingers crossed you might hear good news shortly. :) Penny:hippie:
Showering - when I was a youngster (over 55 years ago) I had a pair of slacks and a striped polo shirt that I thought was the bees knees. I would come home from school every day and change out of my prissy dress (all girls wore dresses or skirts) and change into my "real" clothes. I never knew that my mom would wash them every other day because she would return them to where she found them. :rotfl2: She used to have to fight with me to take baths as "I wasn't dirty". Now I assure you, climbing trees and defending forts does get one dirty.:thumbsup2 She reminds me of that now when I tell her we can't go somewhere until I get my shower. :goodvibes

Job front news - we just had two teachers resign because they got a better paying job and summers off (I'm the administrator in a residential private school). We don't start until the 4th. We were able to fill both positions with people we had interviewed for other positions. So even though it's almost Sept, I am keeping my fingers crossed you might hear good news shortly. :) Penny:hippie:

Thanks I'm hoping that's the case for me too!!
Sorry for the radio silence yesterday folks! Having some connectivity issues, I think my wireless router is dying! :worried: My DH was able to give it CPR or some such thing (it is best that I don't watch when this happens), but it continues to go out unexpectedly.

Most of the districts around here go back between the 4th and 6th. Sometimes like with my kids, teachers go back for 2 days then kids.
We do get Feb. and April vaca.-thank God for that!!!

I'm trying to stay optimistic about the job!! At least I've had some interviews. There's nothing worse than not even getting a chance to be interviewed.

BTW I look forward to reading your updates while having my breakfast each morning!:thumbsup2

Thanks for the nice words. Hopefully I'll get the next update before your breakfast and before I lose my connection again!!!

Continuing to send positive thoughts you way! :wizard:

Showering - when I was a youngster (over 55 years ago) I had a pair of slacks and a striped polo shirt that I thought was the bees knees. I would come home from school every day and change out of my prissy dress (all girls wore dresses or skirts) and change into my "real" clothes. I never knew that my mom would wash them every other day because she would return them to where she found them. :rotfl2: She used to have to fight with me to take baths as "I wasn't dirty". Now I assure you, climbing trees and defending forts does get one dirty.:thumbsup2 She reminds me of that now when I tell her we can't go somewhere until I get my shower. :goodvibes

Job front news - we just had two teachers resign because they got a better paying job and summers off (I'm the administrator in a residential private school). We don't start until the 4th. We were able to fill both positions with people we had interviewed for other positions. So even though it's almost Sept, I am keeping my fingers crossed you might hear good news shortly. :) Penny:hippie:

Too funny! :rotfl2:

I was a tomboy myself. My mom made me wear dresses to school, too (ICK) except for days when we had gym. We had gym every other Tuesday. I told her it was EVERY Tuesday. HA!!!

Still thinking of sending along Flat Ben for the PIN meet, if it is not too late!!! I could either send it to you, or have him at the Beach Club front desk. I'll email you over the weekend to see if this will still work!!!

Thanks I'm hoping that's the case for me too!!

Me, too!
Up to this point many of you have been surprised and disappointed about some of the decisions (mistakes) I have made on this trip. I’m looking at YOU, Janet!

But here is the opportunity for the rest of you to lose all respect for me…

I now present: Bad, Bad Chaperone

When I got into bed, I texted my husband about our day- the time stamp was exactly midnight. I knew he wouldn’t see that text for hours, but I hadn’t really touched base with him since the afternoon. I was so tired that I actually fell asleep holding my phone.



The room phone rang. My roommate picked up the receiver and held it out.

“It’s for you. ”


“This is Q*. I threw up”

“Call housekeeping”

“I did”

“Call the nurse”



I hung up on him!

And fell immediately asleep again. It didn’t occur to me until I woke up the next morning that I had no idea if the students actually knew the room number for the nurse. Once the kids had the magnets put up on their door, they were not supposed to leave the room, but this was a valid reason for him to go out. Did he know that?

The next morning, I found him and apologized profusely! He says he had eaten some of the fudge purchased that night at the MK and he thinks that is why he got sick. He was fine. I was an embarrassed wreck!

Bad, Bad Chaperone!

* yes, the same Q who flipped off the Buzz camera and doesn’t take showers

Next up: Wild Kingdom, and then we got to the park



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