Would you do it again?
While we are incredibly grateful and fortunate to have been able to take a trip of this nature, we probably wouldn’t do it again, at least not with how our itinerary eventually ended up. It was already a very fast paced trip, but the itinerary adjustments due to the
Air France debacle really hurt us toward the end. It took a trip that was already a 10 in terms of pacing and amped it up to 20 and didn’t give us much time to adjust to the jet lab. The original itinerary had 57 percent more time in Asia which would have given us more time to get over the jet lag. Sadly, that’s not how it ended up due to Air France, so we’ll never know how the trip would have gone if it went off as originally
planned. If I was to do it again, I would without a doubt stick with an absolute minimum of 11 nights in Asia.
Are you getting any compensation from Air France?
Unfortunately, as of the time of this writing that is a resounding NO. They state that “you were not able to mention or provided a copy of the ticket that you have an onward flight to Hong Kong on 28 December 2024 since your flights with Air France are only up to Shanghai.”
This is absolutely absurd as we spent 2.5 hour discussing this and I argued vehemently that all we needed was proof of onward flight out of Shanghai. I have multiple witnesses stating that I was arguing all that all we needed was to show proof of an onward flight which is what I had IN HAND. This is clearly a case of the airlines covering their !@# to be honest, and we are fighting it, but are unlikely to win based on the opinion of some consumer advocates I have contacted as Air France is notorious for refusing to approve claims.
If anyone has any experience regarding cases like this I am open to any and all suggestions as it cost us over 300k more miles and several thousand USD to fix the problem they created. This doesn’t even account for the loss of vacation time and the drastic changes in our itinerary which incurred significant cancellation penalties or just loss of cash due to nonrefundability.
Weren’t you exhausted from spending that much time in the air and in airports?
To be totally honest, the airport and plane flights, especially the long hauls were where we actually got the best rest. Flying business class makes the airport an enjoyable place as the lounges are very nice and have tons of free food and drinks. We actually look forward to the airports if they have a decent lounge.
Also the service in business class combined with having a private little pod on the long haul flights makes the time in transit incredibly relaxing and enjoyable. To be honest, you don’t want to get off the plane. Lucy gets upset if the flight is just a short couple hours she enjoys it so much.
There really isn’t much else you can do on a plane other than eat, sleep and watch some TV, and it was actually our chance to regenerate in preparation for the long park days when we were actually not in transit. I definitely think Lucy slept better on the plane than land.
What was the most surprising part of the trip?
Probably how it seems the Walt Disney World equivalent of most rides tend to be worse than their counterparts elsewhere in the world. This is regardless of whether Disney World was the first to get it, or if it was cloned into Disney World. I’m not sure why that is, but for some reason if a ride exists elsewhere, the worst version seems to exist in Disney World. Like anything though, there are some exceptions. Dumbo is best in Magic Kingdom given there are two rides and you have a playground to wait in. Also Tiana’s Bayou Adventure and Journey of the Little Mermaid are marginally better in Magic Kingdom than
Fantasmic is better in Disney World, and better by a lot right now given the dragon is currently down in Disneyland.
I was also surprised just how thematically disjointed Disney World has become in comparison to the other Disney Parks. Aside from Walt Disney Studios Paris which is basically themeless, the other parks maintain a great deal of thematic integrity. Animal Kingdom is really the only Disney World park left at this point that hasn’t become a total mishmash of IP and ideas.
Walt Disney World is fun don’t get me wrong, but they are definitely hurting on maintaining an overall theme these days. Hollywood Studios and Epcot being the worst of the park offenders. Tron is absolutely gorgeous, but just doesn’t totally flow with the rest of Tomorrowland. Hopefully, at some point when they do a total overhaul of Tomorrowland and Tron will look less out of place. On the resort front, the new Island Tower in the Polynesian Resort is just so out of place between the Grand Floridian and the Polynesian, it is obvious Disney has thrown thematic integrity out the window at Disney World.
The new Island tower looks JUST like the rest of the Polynesian.
What was your favorite part of the trip?
The Japanese Culture. It has been over 20 years since I’d been to Japan, so I had forgotten just how unique it is. Everyone is just so polite and respectful ALL THE TIME. Everything is just incredibly orderly and calm at the parks.
Even after the nighttime spectaculars, there aren’t people who are shoving and pushing just to get out 30 seconds sooner. Everyone just walks in an orderly fashion. It was so refreshing to experience and made the experience just so much more enjoyable than the environment in the US parks.
To be honest, it kinda ruins the US parks for me because it shows me that as a society you can have fun AND respect other peoples space and rights in a public setting. In the three full park days we did in Tokyo we never saw one confrontation anywhere. We only had two park days in the US this trip, and we either witnessed or were part of multiple confrontations in our time in the parks. We obviously also have many other data points from our innumerable visits to the US parks over the years, which definitely leans in an obvious increase in entitled behavior and confrontations over the last 30 years.
The Japanese parks are also just immaculately clean. It is incredibly rare to see any trash or even food on the ground. This is in spite of the complete lack of garbage cans almost anywhere. There is also a total lack of chewing gum on the ground as well.
How did Kendall do?
Kendall absolutely killed it. We didn’t use a wheelchair in the airport at all. She also did not use a wheelchair in Shanghai, Hong Kong or Anaheim. Her foot held up incredibly well, and she walked way more than we ever anticipated, including walking a true FULL day at Disneyland and Disney’s California Adventure on our last park day that totaled over 26,000 steps! Just eight months prior she went with some friends to Disney World and was only able to walk 4 hours before requiring wheelchair assistance. This was a huge accomplishment for someone who just
2.5 years was run over by a car and couldn’t even stand or do ANYTHING without assistance.
What was the most magical moment?
In the past it was almost always character or cast member encounters with my kids. This time though I’d probably have to go with our first ride on Journey to the Center of the Earth. At the time we were all kinda tired, jet lagged, and really weren’t expecting too much out of this ride. I don’t want to elaborate too much, as it would spoil things if you ever rode it, but it definitely caught us off guard and was a blast. It was definitely the most talked about moment of the vacation.
You seem like at least a semi normal guy. How can you be a Notre Dame fan?
Notre Dame is my alma mater. I bleed blue and gold. GO IRISH!
That about wraps it up. If you have any other questions don’t hesitate to drop a comment and I’ll do my best to answer it.
Thanks for following along on this journey!