11/30 has now been given the option of cancelling - note added to DVCers

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Hi Barb,

I can understand your hesitation since I have a "thing" about stomach viruses. I hate to throw up, and I hate it when my kids have to feel that way.

That said, I wonder if some of this is just normal for this time of the year, but the news is reporting it and making it sound extraordinary. Something like the shark attack thing last year or the year before... they made it sound like suddenly there were attacks everywhere, when it turned out they were actually right on the money for a normal year. When the news gets ahold of something, watch out!

I was thinking about it, and I know when someone comes down with a stomach virus in my DS8's class, at least 5 of the 25 kids will be absent. That's 20%, far less than the number on the ship at it's worst. And usually my son doesn't get sick, because he's getting old enough to understand when I say wash your hands.

I think since you are going in with a careful attitude it should be fine. There is certainly no guarantee you wouldn't get something at WDW -- look at all the kids touching stuff there! Buzz Lightyear... germ pool extraordinaire! (I go on it anyway - I figure my endorphins are up so I'm not likely to get sick. lol.)

My guess is that your DS is old enough to take precautions and you certainly can. If they don't clear this up by January I will still go... if the worst happened and we got sick, most of the time we're over that sort of virus within 24 hours anyway.

Good luck making your decision!

Melissa :)

You have put so much effort into planning this trip, I feel really bad about the situation you are in. Please try not to worry. Remember that there are over 3,000 people on board so 60 or even 200 is not that many. IF you do happen to get sick, and there is a good chance that you won't, know that it usually only lasts 24 - 48 hours. I know that sounds bad but at least you will have 5 good days!! Look at it this way, if you're like me, this could be the first cruise you don't gain 10 pounds! Sorry, I'm trying to make you feel better but I'm doing poorly. Take a deep breath, go on the cruise, HAVE A WONDERFUL time. I'm green with envy of you. Remember your DIS friends will be thinking about you all week. We want a detailed trip report when you return!

Here's little Pixie dust!:D ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*
I am also going on Nov 30th...

I am not going to cancel. I have waaited for this to long and we desperately need a vacation. We just figure if it hit us it will be just two day we will still have fun the other 5....

Liz, Camilo and Jay:jester:
We were also called by DCL. They stated that 60 were experiencing flu-like symptoms. Also indicated that when the ship arrives on Saturday, they will do another extensive cleaning. At this point they did not know if it would delay boarding or departure. They did ask for a phone number where we could be reached on Thursday or Friday. We are heading down to WDW tomorrow AM. Right now, I am more worried about the snow storm here in CT and whether we we will get out of Bradley tomorrow.

Heading to the airport in about 2 hours and staying over nearby due to the snow....

I realize how much of a stress this has put on all 11/30 cruisers, it is suppose to be a magical time and you have to be worried about an illness.

If Disney does not cancel, I would say go. The majority of the cruisers getting the bug are probably the elderly and younger kids. Take precautions and wash your hands, constantly!!!!!!
Being a nurse in long term care, we deal with this all the time. You just have to take precautions to prevent sickness. Also, if you decide to go take Hand sanitizer and Antibacterial wipes. Make sure you and your family use the hand sanitizer often. Take and wipe all surfaces with the wipes. These are just some tips.

I hope you go and have a Magical trip!!
is DCL open on Thurs? why are they asking for phone numbers for Thurs?
(I know DVC is closed both Thurs & Sat)
We are still going... COME ON LAURIE.... GO!
I always play the odds, and the odds are good that we will be okay. Our kids are little (5.5 and almost 4)... but, if this is any indication, they never seem to get the stomach problems that other kids get (they have never really been sick, other than head colds). My DH sometimes has stomach problems (seems to get food poisoning easily, when I don't). Anyway, can't cancel now... looking too forward to going!
Well, I don't know what to tell all you 11/30 cruisers, except I feel for you. Personally, if I was in your shoes, I'd cancel my cruise. I cruised with my 4 and 1 year old a few weeks ago, and I wouldn't want to risk them or myself getting sick. Again, personal opinion and I believe you should do what you want to. Barb - I'm guessing the reason DCL is asking for numbers for Thurs and Fri is the possibility of cancelling your cruise. They would like to be able to reach people before departing for MCO. I know some of you would like to cruise even with this virus outbreak. But from a PR perspective, DCL can't keep sending the Magic out with a more than usual number of passengers getting sick. It would be a nightmare for them!!! Unforunately, that is business and it's not fun. It just really stinks that it could be your vacation ruined so the company can save face. Also, I believe DCL is a good company and does care about it's passengers and wouldn't want to risk anyone's health, if it truly believed that others would get sick. Good luck to all of you, and I hope things work out for the best!!
im suppose to be bouncing like tigger - we leave early Thurs and Ive been spending my last few days before my MAGICal cruise not happy
On another thread.. there is a report from cnn.com posted. It stated that no decision has been made regarding taking the Magic out of service on Saturday. Here is a link to the CNN article:

CNN article
I was on the fire cruise last march...2 days in my fil got a stomach
virus.....3 days in my dd got an ear infection.....when we took her
to the infirmary they had had many cases of a stomach bug....
their answer was with 2700 people in close confines there wasnt
much one could do....all in all we still had a good time....
I feel so badly for all you DISer's that are planning on going on the 11/30 cruise. It must be a heart wrenching experience deciding what to do!
I also would like to send much *pixie dust* your way. Good thoughts, prayers, crossed fingers that you will have smooth sailin', good health and the 'magic'al cruise you've dreamed of.
I know exactally how you are feeling, as we will be traveling in 2 weeks and needless to say this has surely dampened the spirit a tad bit. Let's keep the faith that it will all work out. ^i^
Thanks 4nana. This has really changed things for us. We don't know who to believe, everyone has a different opinion of whether we should go or not and the most difficult thing is that I told my 5yo daughter that the cruise might be canceled, however we would go somewhere hot, and she started crying. I have been building this up for her for a year, in hopes that she would be so excited and would go into the kids club... this may have back-fired on me now!
I wish you all good health and a truly magical cruise. If the ship does go out and I hope it does, I would go.Just be extra cautious.I am sure all the food handlers are being extremely cautious so you really only have to worry about your own exposure. Rmember a positive attitude goes a long way. Believe you will stay healthy.
Have a magical cruise and stay well.
I have been on 7 cruises and have been sick one way or the other on most of them.

One curise I got bronchitis - the others stomach flus or sea sickness or something.

It was nice to lay in my bed and look out at all the ports - it sure beats being sick at home.

I can not wait to go again

OK all.....here I go....DCL called us today and gave us a number to call to update us on the situation on the Magic....it started at 25 people and last count was about 80....so how do you determine what it is...is is seasick people...is it a gastro flu....or is it people seeing the opportunity to put on record they were sick to get some form of compensation? There are a lot of possibilities...but speaking to DCL tonight they said there is no plans on canceling the 11/30 sailing...but boarding will be pushed back to 2:00 to sanitize the ship again.....let's face it guys....we want to have a great time...we have planned this for at least a year....let's just go...take our chances and have a great time....and I have another question for you guys...what happens if we should fly into MCO on Saturday and all of a sudden they cancel the cruise...which they won't....what do you do? Do they ship you off to Disney World? Do they comp you the rooms? Do they give you a full refund or allow you to re-book the cruise? We are planning on spending 5 nights in Disney after the cruise...which if we were canceled we would be in Disney for 12 nights.....not gonna happen....I cannot run around Disney for 12 days....just can't.....so.....let's just get ready to party.....and Barb....I will see you on Saturday....period....Lori....please come...you deserve a good time.....don't forget the lime green ribbons......
3 days and counting to the "MAGIC"!!!
:bounce: :Pinkbounc :bounce: :Pinkbounc
That is a big concern of our too (although I don't think they will wait that long to cancel... they will cancel by Thursday, or not at all). We don't have any desire to do Disney. Our kids are only 5.5 and almost 4 and it would be terrible dragging them around Disney. Plus, I have a husband with no imagination (sorry... he is an engineer) and when we went to Disney on our own approx. 8 years ago, we didn't enjoy it at all. If for some reason we ended up in Florida, we would probably rent a car and drive as far south as we could, so that we can pretend we are in the Caribbean! haha
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