10 Trips in 27 Months! WOO! HOO! COMPLETED 10/2018

Thanks! Yes I need to get more finished on that report sometime soon. So much going on right now. You will LOVE Food and Wine!

I have a list going of all the food and alcohol I want to try. The Guinness/Bailey's shake is at the top!!!:shamrock:

Just bought this super cute Lilly Pulitzer dress for Florida!!!!

Hi everyone! Can you believe we leave 4 weeks from today? I feel like this trip is taking FOREVER to get here...So, let's recap our plans...

THURSDAY, OCTOBER 4: Our flight takes off at the ungodly hour of 5:50 am. This means, that we have to leave our house by 3 am the latest to get to the airport, park the car, and take the bus over to check in. Then, we have to check our bags, go through security and make the walk to our gate (which is ALWAYS the very last one). We land in Tampa at 9:20 am. Once we collect our luggage and grab the rental car, we can finally make it to our first destination...Joe's parent's house.8-)

We are spending 2 nights with Gino and Nella but will see a lot of other relatives too, including my sister, Julie, Todd, and Gia (if you've read through my report you already know who everyone is, so there's no need to bore you all with any more family introductions). We will spend tons of time eating, beaching and pooling...I know I made up those words (I think), but they sound good to me...Beaching and pooling on vacation in St Pete is always a must for Joe and me, and cocktails are ALWAYS involved, so there will be lots of cocktailing too...:P

We have plans with Julie and Todd to have drinks and dinner on Friday, October 5th. I think we are having dinner at an Italian restaurant. My sister is supposed to make reservations at Level 11 before dinner, which is a cool bar at the top of the Plaza Resort. It has awesome views of the beach from every direction...Joe and I have never been there, so it's one of the places we are looking most forward to visiting.

We are babysitting for Gia Saturday, October 6th, so Julie and Todd can go away (This is destination #2)...We aren't sure what we will do with her during the day, but I'm sure we will find something fun...This will definitely involve ice cream at some point. We will obviously spend the night with Gia at her house.

Sunday, October 7th we leave for DISNEY!!!! It's just over an hour drive to Orlando from St Pete...This is also Gia's 3rd birthday gift...:D I know, BEST Auntie and Uncle EVER!!!!

We plan on leaving early for WDW on Sunday, October 7th (3rd destination), because we have brunch reservations at California Grill...We will valet the car, have a fabulous meal, and take the rest of the day at a leisurely pace...We may spend some time in DS, take a nap or go for a swim. Eventually, we will need to check into our resort (especially if we want to nap, DUH!!!). POR is the Resort of choice this time. We have a Royal Room booked and I know Gia will love this, as princesses are her passion these days. Belle and Ariel are her favs!!!! We have dinner booked at Narcoossees. But, instead of staying to watch HEA, we are going back to our resort for a late night horse and carriage ride. I feel this will be a wonderful way to end the day, and it will make Gia feel like Cinderella. Then, it's off to bed...

Monday, October 8th we will wake up and head over to the GF. We have breakfast reserved at The Grand Floridian Cafe at 9:30 am. From there, we may take Gia on a monorail ride around the resort loop. Then, we will go back to the resort for a swim and quick nap, because we will be having a late night...We have tickets for MNSSHP. YAY!!!!! So excited to watch Gia Trick or Treat her way around the MK (It will be her first time). We have a few FP's booked before the party (JC and PPF) and dinner planned at Skipper Canteens. We will be watching the 2nd parade and are attending the dessert party to watch Hallowishes. I know Gia will also want to ride on Dumbo, VOTLM and IASW...

Stay tuned to hear about our plans on Tuesday...


Just ordered these beauties today. Lilly Pulitzer is having a HUGE sale and I just couldn't help myself...I'm thinking breakfast at the Grand Floridian Cafe...
Tuesday, October 9th:

This is our Epcot day. We have FP's for FEE, SE and I think LWTL...But, first things first...We will start our morning with breakfast at Akershus Royal Banquet Hall. I booked this because Gia loves her princesses and I figured this was a great way to see a few without waiting in looooong lines...Dinner will be at Via Napoli. We are hoping to do a lot of snacking at Food and Wine (I have a list going of everywhere I want to stop), and end our night with Illuminations. Joe and I haven't seen it in a while, so this will be a great way to wrap things up in Epcot, as long as Gia isn't too tired...

What will Wednesday bring?
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Hi Jenny! I'm REALLY late so I started reading from the end and then skipped to the beginning…I'll get to the middle at some point :laughing:

You have a beautiful family! Congratulations to your son for completing the DCP. That tweet from his friend :sad::sad::sad: Just beautiful!

Gia is adorable. I can't wait to bring my great-niece in a couple of years. She's a little too sassy to bring just yet :P

It's too bad we will be missing your October trip by just a week! Would have loved to meet!
Wednesday, October 10th:

Well, we say goodbye to POR today, but first, we will have to pack up the car...

And the fun isn't over yet kids...We are spending the day at AK before driving back to St Pete...I have booked FP's for Navi River, The Safari and a character meet with Mickey and Minnie (for Gia of course)...We also have lunch reservations at Yak and Yetis. This restaurant is always a must for us at AK. This is the park I am most looking forward to because I get to FINALLY see Pandora. I know, holy crap!!!!

When we've done all there is to do at AK or until Gia needs a nap, it will be time to head back to St Pete for our final night in Florida. We will drop Gia back home with her parents, say our goodbyes and spend the evening with Joe's family. Our flight leaves in the early afternoon on Thursday, October 11th, so we don't have to get up at the break of dawn, thank GOD!!!!

Our Magic Bands came the other day, and I ordered rain ponchos from Wal Mart (just in case) as well as a clear, plastic purse to cut down on the amount of time I have to spend in the security lines. Smart, huh? This way, good, old Disney security can see everything I'm bringing and not have to open a diaper bag and search through all the compartments!!!!

We leave in 19 days for St Pete and we will be in Disney 3 weeks from tomorrow. Until then my friends...:rainbow:
We leave 2 weeks from today. YAY! But, before the gloriousness (is that a word) of Florida, we ( Joe, Ali and I) are taking a quick trip to Springfield, Il this weekend. Ali LOVES history and everything Abe Lincoln, so that's what we will be doing...The Lincoln Museum, the Lincoln Library, the old and new State Capital Buildings, Abe's Tomb and a mock village of where he grew up...Ali is also majoring in Political Science:confused3, so this is right up her alley...It's a 3 1/2 hour drive from our house, so we will leave after work tomorrow, spend the night, tour on Saturday and then drive home. I'll be sure to post photos...
We leave 2 weeks from today. YAY! But, before the gloriousness (is that a word) of Florida, we ( Joe, Ali and I) are taking a quick trip to Springfield, Il this weekend. Ali LOVES history and everything Abe Lincoln, so that's what we will be doing...The Lincoln Museum, the Lincoln Library, the old and new State Capital Buildings, Abe's Tomb and a mock village of where he grew up...Ali is also majoring in Political Science:confused3, so this is right up her alley...It's a 3 1/2 hour drive from our house, so we will leave after work tomorrow, spend the night, tour on Saturday and then drive home. I'll be sure to post photos...

Have fun! At least it'll pass the time while you wait for your trip!
Just read through your PTR! Phew, so many trips!!! haha I love how you can watch Gia grow from each of your trips, she was so little on your first ones!

We leave two weeks from today, too! And I cannot wait!!!! We visited MK last year with the Halloween decorations...but in August lol! So I'm excited to go this year closer to Halloween!
Gia will DEFINITELY grow up to love Disney!!! The kid has already stayed at: POFQ, SSR, CSR, the CR twice and the DoubleTree in DS and she’s not yet 3. Her uncle and I spoil her rotten because she’s our only niece and she has won our hearts...Hopefully we can say hi at brunch❤️ If not, have a great trip!!!!

We had a great time in Springfield and got a lot done. We were able to tour the Lincoln Museum, visit both the old Capitol Building and the new one, tour Lincoln's home and visit his tomb.


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