“It’s for your safety.”

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Lol if I were naked I'd automatically think about my clothes. No one wants to see that!

So if one wanted to slip out of the security radar one would only need to bring a dog? Yeah that's real smart.
Yeah..other people thought the same thing lol. On the surface scheduling makes sense for housekeeping due to the added aspect on a dog. But scheduling period takes away from the overall safety impact since now it's planned vs unplanned and those who would do something know when to avoid detection and then for the dog aspect to not be able to schedule it (as the poster advised they tried a few times) combined with Disney not entering with the Pluto sign on..yeah it's all sorts of messed up when you start thinking about it.
The stupidest part of this whole thing is that from what I have read on the LV case (which started this whole thing), housekeeping HAD been into the room and hadn’t seen a thing. Until the guy was about to start shooting, he had everything neatly stored in cases under the bed and in the closet.

So unless security is going to start actually searching bags while they’re there (which I’m fairly sure would not be legal) they are just play-acting this whole “we’re taking action” script while effecting no actual change in safety.
The stupidest part of this whole thing is that from what I have read on the LV case (which started this whole thing), housekeeping HAD been into the room and hadn’t seen a thing. Until the guy was about to start shooting, he had everything neatly stored in cases under the bed and in the closet.

So unless security is going to start actually searching bags while they’re there (which I’m fairly sure would not be legal) they are just play-acting this whole “we’re taking action” script while effecting no actual change in safety.

And no way would I agree ever to let them search my bags left in my room. Nope.
They can X-ray them as I enter the secure hotel area but they cannot search them while they are sitting in the closet or in the corner, half unpacked, half packed with the things I want kept of sight. Nope.
I have no problem with them wanting to see room and hopefully they will learn how to handle better. A couple of random thoughts:
1-There could be an elevated concern they were made aware of by law enforcement
2-The pounding on the door is not acceptable. They need to have a better strategy when guest doesnt respond, either coming back later or a notice under the door letting you know they will come back or that they need you to call etc...
3-Rather safe than sorry.

They will work out the process.
I’m waiting for the story where someone tells housekeeping they’re about to get in the bath, security comes and starts pounding on the door, the person gets out, slips on the floor and sues the crap outta Disney for causing the whole situation...

Not sure if you are kidding, but that is not how a claim would work. I have been a hotel GM 20+ years. hotel won’t lose a claim like that.

So many people love to throw around their threats of suing Disney. Yet so few really understand their accountability. Anyway, Disney does need to make the policy clear, I agree. But after that, if you do not like it, then you can stay somewhere else. That will also be checking your room daily. Granted, maybe with a more transparent policy, but your room will be inspected.

In all my years in the business, my favorite is the guest that claims they have all these “rights” just because they rented a room. You have some, of course. But no way near what you think. Folks, you all need to take a deep breath and relax
Not sure if you are kidding, but that is not how a claim would work. I have been a hotel GM 20+ years. hotel won’t lose a claim like that.

So many people love to throw around their threats of suing Disney. Yet so few really understand their accountability. Anyway, Disney does need to make the policy clear, I agree. But after that, if you do not like it, then you can stay somewhere else. That will also be checking your room daily. Granted, maybe with a more transparent policy, but your room will be inspected.

In all my years in the business, my favorite is the guest that claims they have all these “rights” just because they rented a room. You have some, of course. But no way near what you think. Folks, you all need to take a deep breath and relax
The “security” person had better have an ID, otherwise any shady creep could use this “security check” to enter a room in order to commit a robbery, rape, assault, etc. I have NOTHING to hide. Use a metal detector on me. Have a dog sniff my luggage for contraband. Xray my luggage. Housekeeping can clean my room when I’m not in it. But don’t let some pervert enter my room and violate me or my privacy. Leave me alone when I’m naked or bathing or napping. I’m paying too much money to not be able to RELAX and enjoy my vacation.
So I wonder what happens if you’re in the shower and don’t hear the knocking on the door. Is some man going to barge into your room with you naked in the shower?

Let me get this straight: you can’t come back to your room to nap, or because your sick without some man barging in on you disturbing your peace? If your room hadn’t been made up yet?
This is so wrong. If I manage to fall asleep and I’m woken up I have zero chance of getting back to sleep. And I’ll be tired the rest of the night.
Also there are plenty of parents bring back their young children for naps.

My daughter often comes down with a stomach bug in WDW and is old enough to go back to the room, she’s an adult. I wouldn’t like a man demanding to come into the room while she’s sick in bed, alone.

Disney better get their act together and stop acting like thugs and start respecting their guests.
Not sure if you are kidding, but that is not how a claim would work. I have been a hotel GM 20+ years. hotel won’t lose a claim like that.

So many people love to throw around their threats of suing Disney. Yet so few really understand their accountability. Anyway, Disney does need to make the policy clear, I agree. But after that, if you do not like it, then you can stay somewhere else. That will also be checking your room daily. Granted, maybe with a more transparent policy, but your room will be inspected.

In all my years in the business, my favorite is the guest that claims they have all these “rights” just because they rented a room. You have some, of course. But no way near what you think. Folks, you all need to take a deep breath and relax
Take a deep breath and relax? Nah. I’m a flight attendant and I’ve stayed in an absurd number of hotels in the US and around the world, often resting at odd hours on a red-eye schedule. WDW is only the second place I’ve had a DND ignored in five years of constant travel. My boyfriend and I happened to be taking a nap during marathon weekend this January when this new policy came into effect, and we will absolutely stay off-site next year to avoid a similar occurrence. Resting before or after a race is what I’m there for.
And no way would I agree ever to let them search my bags left in my room...They can X-ray them as I enter the secure hotel area...
No way would I ever even agree to the latter. If checking into a Disney resort turns into a TSA experience, that's more trouble than it's worth. I like their theming and their pools, but not enough to be treated like a suspected criminal right after handing them thousands of dollars.
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I know some people think that we should all take a breath and that the hotel has all the rights as far as room inspection is concerned. What some people are missing is how threatening it is to guests when someone who is not well identified barges into your room and demands inspection. The way this is being conducted is an intrusion, plain and simple. This type of behavior is especially threatening to women. Telling people to calm down and accept this treatment is not going to fly at all.

This is not the way to treat guests at ANY hotel. I get that these inspections need to be conducted in a better manner. What Disney is doing by having an employee barge into the room at will is wrong. This is not what people sign up for when they rent a room.

So some can say that that hotel has all the rights but, in practice, the people renting the room have the right to expect a certain amount of privacy.

There are definitely better ways to assess the risk of an incident occurring like the one that happened in Las Vegas. You would think that a company like Disney, that has tons of resources available at it's disposal, would be handling this better. Who ever came up with this idea is a flat out idiot, period.

Implementing a plan that has an extremely low chance of being effective and treats guest's privacy needs with an enormous amount of disrespect is only going to drive guests away and give Disney a bad reputation. People are already fed up with the wild behavior that happens at all hours of the night by large groups at certain resorts. Disney turns a blind eye to that but it's OK to barge into people's rooms and treat them like criminals?

I think not.

The fact of the matter is that this "security theater" has zero benefits and a huge negative repercussion. Hotel occupancy is the tail that wags the dog at Disney. The parks are supporting the resorts. Filling the resort rooms is the biggest moneymaker. In this day and age of social media how long do you think it's going to take before people start posting their experiences with this kind of behavior?

Yeah, a person can say "take it or go some place else" but why should we even be put in this position in the first place? Again, what idiot in charge thinks they can get away with this?

This new security theater behavior by Disney is:
Completely ineffective
monumentally disrespectful to the guest

Thinking that people should calm down and that they should normalize this behavior by Disney is unfortunate in my opinion.

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I know some people think that we should all take a breath and that the hotel has all the rights as far as room inspection is concerned. What some people are missing is how threatening it is to guests when someone who is not well identified barges into your room and demands inspection. The way this is being conducted is an intrusion, plain and simple. This type of behavior is especially threatening to women. Telling people to calm down and accept this treatment is not going to fly, plain and simple.

This is not the way to treat guests at ANY hotel. I get that these inspections need to be conducted in a better manner. What Disney is doing by having an employee barge into the room at will is wrong. This is not what people sign up for when they rent a room.

So some can say that that hotel has all the rights but, in practice, the people renting the room have the right to expect a certain amount of privacy.

There are definitely better ways to assess the risk of an incident occurring like the one that happened in Las Vegas. You would think that a company like Disney, that has tons of resources available at it's disposal, would be handling this better. Who ever came up with this idea is a flat out idiot, period.

Implementing a plan that has an extremely low chance of being effective and treats guest's privacy needs with an enormous amount of disrespect is only going to drive guests away and give Disney a bad reputation. People are already fed up with the wild behavior that happens at all hours of the night by large groups at certain resorts. Disney turns a blind eye to that but it's OK to barge into people's rooms and treat them like criminals?

I think not.

The fact of the matter is that this "security theater" has zero benefits and a huge negative repercussion. Hotel occupancy is the tail that wags the dog at Disney. The parks are supporting the resorts. Filling the resort rooms is the biggest moneymaker. In this day and age of social media how long do you think it's going to take before people start posting their experiences with this kind of behavior?

Yeah, a person can say "take it or go some place else" but why should we even be put in this position in the first place? Again, what idiot in charge thinks they can get away with this?

This new security theater behavior by Disney is:
Completely ineffective
monumentally disrespectful to the guest

Thinking that people should calm down and that they should normalize this behavior by Disney is unfortunate in my opinion.

Well said.
Since there's no way to contact the front desk from your room, all calls route to a Central Call Center offsite, they would have no idea.
Once she explained to the call center, they could have connected her to the front desk.

If the call center CM doesn't want to, ask to speak to their manager, because they can get you to the front desk.

A nasty situation with some guy pounding on the door...
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I know some people think that we should all take a breath and that the hotel has all the rights as far as room inspection is concerned. What some people are missing is how threatening it is to guests when someone who is not well identified barges into your room and demands inspection. The way this is being conducted is an intrusion, plain and simple. This type of behavior is especially threatening to women. Telling people to calm down and accept this treatment is not going to fly at all.

This is not the way to treat guests at ANY hotel. I get that these inspections need to be conducted in a better manner. What Disney is doing by having an employee barge into the room at will is wrong. This is not what people sign up for when they rent a room.

So some can say that that hotel has all the rights but, in practice, the people renting the room have the right to expect a certain amount of privacy.

There are definitely better ways to assess the risk of an incident occurring like the one that happened in Las Vegas. You would think that a company like Disney, that has tons of resources available at it's disposal, would be handling this better. Who ever came up with this idea is a flat out idiot, period.

Implementing a plan that has an extremely low chance of being effective and treats guest's privacy needs with an enormous amount of disrespect is only going to drive guests away and give Disney a bad reputation. People are already fed up with the wild behavior that happens at all hours of the night by large groups at certain resorts. Disney turns a blind eye to that but it's OK to barge into people's rooms and treat them like criminals?

I think not.

The fact of the matter is that this "security theater" has zero benefits and a huge negative repercussion. Hotel occupancy is the tail that wags the dog at Disney. The parks are supporting the resorts. Filling the resort rooms is the biggest moneymaker. In this day and age of social media how long do you think it's going to take before people start posting their experiences with this kind of behavior?

Yeah, a person can say "take it or go some place else" but why should we even be put in this position in the first place? Again, what idiot in charge thinks they can get away with this?

This new security theater behavior by Disney is:
Completely ineffective
monumentally disrespectful to the guest

Thinking that people should calm down and that they should normalize this behavior by Disney is unfortunate in my opinion.

I haven't read all of the posts about the security checks, but the ones I have, it's always a lone male security officer asking to enter and check the room. I really feel that a lot of unease about this situation would be relieved if a two person security team, one male and one female, checked the rooms.
I know some people think that we should all take a breath and that the hotel has all the rights as far as room inspection is concerned. What some people are missing is how threatening it is to guests when someone who is not well identified barges into your room and demands inspection. The way this is being conducted is an intrusion, plain and simple. This type of behavior is especially threatening to women. Telling people to calm down and accept this treatment is not going to fly at all.

This is not the way to treat guests at ANY hotel. I get that these inspections need to be conducted in a better manner. What Disney is doing by having an employee barge into the room at will is wrong. This is not what people sign up for when they rent a room.

So some can say that that hotel has all the rights but, in practice, the people renting the room have the right to expect a certain amount of privacy.

There are definitely better ways to assess the risk of an incident occurring like the one that happened in Las Vegas. You would think that a company like Disney, that has tons of resources available at it's disposal, would be handling this better. Who ever came up with this idea is a flat out idiot, period.

Implementing a plan that has an extremely low chance of being effective and treats guest's privacy needs with an enormous amount of disrespect is only going to drive guests away and give Disney a bad reputation. People are already fed up with the wild behavior that happens at all hours of the night by large groups at certain resorts. Disney turns a blind eye to that but it's OK to barge into people's rooms and treat them like criminals?

I think not.

The fact of the matter is that this "security theater" has zero benefits and a huge negative repercussion. Hotel occupancy is the tail that wags the dog at Disney. The parks are supporting the resorts. Filling the resort rooms is the biggest moneymaker. In this day and age of social media how long do you think it's going to take before people start posting their experiences with this kind of behavior?

Yeah, a person can say "take it or go some place else" but why should we even be put in this position in the first place? Again, what idiot in charge thinks they can get away with this?

This new security theater behavior by Disney is:
Completely ineffective
monumentally disrespectful to the guest

Thinking that people should calm down and that they should normalize this behavior by Disney is unfortunate in my opinion.


All of this, a hundred times. The fact that anyone is going around spouting off about hotel rights and how “they will get in” like some Little Napoleon and telling women that they need to calm down, is borderline offensive. This is the age of #metoo, and we’ll see how many rights the hotel has when women start speaking up - AS THEY SHOULD! - and objecting to this kind of behavior.

NORMALIZING these actions is exactly what leads to the erosion of not only civilized interactions but actual constitutional rights. Giving up my sense of personal security in order to allow a facade of hotel security? Yeah, that makes a looooot of sense...
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